Facts On Adopting Building Information Modelling (BIM)

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Ronald Valledor Gomeseria, Ph.D.
PE, PEng, PME, CEng, CBuildE, CEnv, ASEANEng, ACPE, IntPE, CEMgr, CHCMgr, MPM, CIPM, Plumbing Engineer
MEPF & Environmental Consultancy
Journal of Engineering Design & Construction Studies
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/79ZYN | February 25, 2019 (Republished – 2nd Edition, 13th March 2020)
Corresponding Author: ronaldgomeseria6283@gmail.com / rvgomeseria@up.edu.ph

Figure 01, BIM Works Sample (credit image; MJimenez)

This article paper has been provided and composed in the observation of technological innovation
required in the building science as tools in the Architectural and Engineering Consulting Firm as well
as in the construction industry to simplify all construction and design issues that we have experienced
conventionally, however, in this article paper will discuss the benefits that can be achieved using BIM.
The paper is part of the PUP’s MSCM and AIU’s Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering
subject study and thesis that had been submitted in compliance with the required curriculum. Also,
this had been published in the CEAI VIEWPOINT Journal September 2018 Edition and Durreesamin
Journal December 2018 Edition as well as most read in the ResearchGate and Academia platforms.
Keywords: Sustainable Environment, Modelling, Engineering Management, Project, Rivet Model,
AutoCAD, Building Services, Drawings, Design, Construction Management, BIM

To cite this paper: Gomeseria, R. V. (2020, March 13). Facts on Adopting Building
Information Modelling (BIM) 2nd Edition. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/79ZYN
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor
All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission
of the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has
been secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/79ZYN 5 Pages of page | 1
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/79ZYN

Section 01, Technical View of BIM in the Design Process

Adopting BIM (Building Information Modelling) is a matter of investment for the company or an
organization dealing in the architectural and engineering design and construction whereas most of the
neighboring countries have had provided in such a way to provide justified and realistic details, and
thus, securing the work without compromising the basic needs of design and construction process.
BIM is now in demand, widespread around the globe, and accurate to work with; and in particular, it
is the Building Information modeling that had been invented many years ago, and since the 1980s,
this has been popular commercially through the endorsement of the Autodesk in late 2000.
The BIM is an intelligent 3D model-based design process that creates and helps the Architecture,
Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Professionals on their works using the tools provided to make
more efficient in preparing drawing plans, designs, and shop drawing for construction in particular for
the tasks and managing the buildings and infrastructure to facilitate the requirements promptly.

Section 02, 9-Significant Facts about BIM Efficiency

It is indeed, and as a Consultant working in the Consulting Firm, the author is endorsing the
importance of using BIM and its Component in the AEC Firms. This is to facilitate the design works in
every particular project that usually the Engineers and the Architects are taking care of it, and to
promote in designing services precisely what does it means towards work accomplishment.
It is not only for the author’s endeavor, however, but for the clients to understand and visualize what
is happening in the project as well as monitoring of the work progress on a day to day basis.
Moreover, the author identifies the essential benefits that can be achieved using BIM (Building
Information Modelling) in the projects with the following significant observation and facts as follows;
1. BIM has quality results and reliability for the Electro-Mechanical Construction;
2. The CAD MEP software will help in establishing the required engineering design from the given
input and construction shop drawings in achieving the goals promptly as well as securing the
project a realistic vision and perfection before the construction;
3. BIM will give more accurate design result, well presented and time-efficient as well as delivering
an innovative strategy on building and infrastructure services engineering dimensional effect that
nobody can give an excuse from it, but to follow once approved;
4. Through the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling) can provide innovative results that will
facilitate the required demand without compromising the project quality and safety while
minimizing project cost and time schedules against the policy provided in the construction
documents for both parties, and most especially for the sake of the client in terms of project
monitoring and vision to facilitate the work accordingly;
5. Whereas the development and creation of the Autodesk REVIT software, the project
development have had allowed communicating skills on detailed design with the entire team in
the design and construction process efficiently and accurately on all aspects;
6. BIM in general, the project visualizations will help the concerned parties to convey the technical
aspects of every engineering designs for the clients to understand everything or that may need
further visualization a justification and evidence for the projects on how it will be simulated
according to the section being asked or as required during construction to visualize accurately
without compromising the activities on-site;
7. Using BIM (Building Information Modelling), in particular, will help them in securing a better
understanding of those designs provided as far as AEC (Architecture, Engineering Consultant) is
concerned either having with minimal mistakes or considerably perfect;
8. Through BIM (Building Information Modelling) will create a visual collaboration that enables both
parties (Engineers, Designers, Stakeholders, and the Clients) to translate of individual needs into
optimal sustainable solutions to simplify the coordination in the design stages and up to the
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor
All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission
of the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has
been secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/79ZYN 5 Pages of page | 2
Facts on Adopting Building Information Modelling (BIM) 2nd Edition

stage of the construction process; and

9. On overall function and usage, BIM will create a sustainable solution by providing a multi-
discipline understanding of the project that can help further otherwise in sustaining the required
design alternatives as well as prompt decision-making towards approval for a perfect solution
without compromising the needs of the project.

Section 03, Arguments on the Use of BIM

Adoption in the country, the author may say based on the experiences that have been practicing for
more than decades now, whereas most of the top list companies in the world have had provided and
implemented in their GEC (Global Employment Company) branches. And through employing
outsourcing like for example in the Philippines, India, and other low-income wages whereas most of
the projects in practices we have had in the Middle East have brought to them for the final output.
Once done and finished, and had secured with the client approvals concerning the conceptual design,
schematic design, and detailed design; however, the project has been brought to the GEC (Global
Employment Company) branches and from with them, the GEC has to deliver on time based on the
contract and will have to bring back to the leading company of the entire design using BIM for review.
However, in the author understanding like for example, the PALAFOX, the DCCD and other known
Consulting Firms in the Philippines or even in the developing countries most likely from the ASEAN
Region, and as they are dealing with the project requirements using the benefits of BIM in the
projects that have been adopted for the same on what we have known primarily from the
Singaporean Consulting Firms and other Contracting and Consulting Firms from around the world.
Thereby, most of the companies are now motivated using BIM (Building Information Modelling) in the
project coordination and documentation process. Those efficiencies as describes in the above section
are one of the significant benefits of BIM actually, whereas benefitting the company status as an
innovator to simplify the design and construction projects within the timeframe allotment.
However, as an experienced design and construction engineer gained from different AEC Firms
whereas most of the author’s career had been developed throughout the years including BIM
exposure. And indeed, the 9-Significant Facts (Section 02) takes different views whereas they are
putting into project visualization at the top of the list as they are graphically-oriented, to be honest.

Section 04, Building Services Function on BIM Technology

In the author’s article, “Building Services in the Environmental Landscape,” published in the CEAI
ViewPoint Journal (March 2020 Edition) discussed the importance about the adoption of BIM (Building
Information Modelling) and as a practitioner within the Program Management and with the BIM
technology, it is an essential tool that simplifies the design and construction issues.
However, the building services design plan must be developed an economically viable strategic
approach in transforming through environmentally and financially sustainable enterprise as discussed
in the author’s article, “Building Services Engineering Management,” (April 2019, ResearchGate)
whereas the Architects and Engineers can discuss and plan all the strategic phases and what needs to
be done from the design approach until construction handover through building operation too.
Nowadays, as technology innovates and with the use of BIM Technology, Computer-Aided
Engineering and the internet become a plus factor in adopting it in simplifying the design works,
especially in following sustainability and the green building context, and it will make engineering
design works much easier than using the conventional method that had been practicing before.
The most significant opportunity lies in being able to provide a fully integrated, multidisciplinary
Architectural-Engineering practices where CAE and BIM integration would be done as a continuum of
the design process. This has been discussed and explains in the author’s article, “Building Built
Construction (Environmental Process and Management),” published in ResearchGate (April 2019)
about the design process of a building construction following the client requirement and purpose of
the development with all necessary phases, elements, usage, and functions of every project detail.
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor
All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission
of the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has
been secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/79ZYN 5 Pages of page | 3
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/79ZYN

BIM provides an accurate virtual model of the building per se and all the services in the building, all
digitally accessible through BIM with the benefits it offers reduces the possible risks, and whatever
the future challenges may hold for the implementation and simplify for the project requirements.

Section 05, Conclusion and Recommendation

As a conclusion, BIM (Building Information Modelling, e.g., Figure 01 provided) adoption has been
practicing in the developing countries not only in the developed countries as these are already
mandated not only for the clients need but for the stakeholders also, whereas the model enables for
those who interact with the building to optimize their actions, hence, resulting with a greater whole
life value for their asset. However, some of the companies like for example in the Philippines that are
still using the conventional way with AutoCAD software, and that is the reality happening for the few.
And because of upgrading to BIM technology, you need to have a high value of capital to make it
worth in the competitive landscape. However, some affiliated International Consulting Firms like for
example in the Philippines and India are now using BIM (Building Information Modelling).
This is a mandatory requirement as technology evolves; we need to equip ourselves with the latest
trends to simplify all design issues that we have experienced conventionally and practice before.

Section 06, Statement of Authorship

The author has developed and conducted all necessary research and observation based on design
and construction experiences in completing this article composition with the prepared conceptual
framework, identifying thematic points on all cases, formulated recommendations, and undertook the
write-up within the author’s premises and research studies in the universities (UP, PUP & AIU).

Section 07, Write-Up References can be Read from this Links;

Gomeseria, RV; (December 2018); “Environmental Advocacy & Conservation Personal Journal &
Reflections;” Durreesamin Journal (ISSN: 2204-9827) December Vol 4 Issue 3; the Year 2018
Gomeseria RV; (2018), “Building Services Design and Construction Management,” a Thesis for DBCE
111 subject course, Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering; School of Science and
Engineering, Atlantic International University, AIU USA
Gomeseria RV; (April 06, 2019), “Building Built Construction (Environmental Process and
Management),” ResearchGate, Retrieved from;
Gomeseria RV; (April 05, 2019), “Building Services Engineering Management,” ResearchGate,
Retrieved from;
Gomeseria RV; (March 06, 2020), “Building Services in the Environmental Landscape,” CEAI ViewPoint
Journal; March 2020 Edition; ResearchGate, Retrieved from;

Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor

All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission
of the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has
been secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/79ZYN 5 Pages of page | 4
Facts on Adopting Building Information Modelling (BIM) 2 nd Edition

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About the Author

With 27,770+ LinkedIn Followers Connections

Er. Ronald Valledor Gomeseria, Ph.D. ME/PME, PE, PEng, CEng, CBuildE, CEnv, APEC (IntPE), ACPE, ASEANEng
Professional Engineer (Philippines, Qatar, India, UK); Chartered Engineer (India, UK); Chartered Environmentalist (India);
Chartered Engineering Manager (USA); Chartered Health Care Manager (USA); Specialized Engineering Manager (UK);
Specialized Project Manager (UK); Master Project Manager (USA); Chartered Building Engineer (UK); ASEAN Engineer;
ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer; APEC Engineer (IntPE); Mechanical Engineer (Phils); Plumbing Engineer / Master
Plumber (Phils); Master Electrician (Phils); Certified International Project Manager (USA)

Book & Article Author/Writer – CEAI ViewPoint Journal | Durresamin Journal | Top 1% Author of Academia and

eCommerce Graduate Course (99.34 GWA-High Distinction Award); New Enterprise Planning Grad Course (94.6 GWA Distinction Award)
RCRANRM / CCA&DRM / PED Graduate Courses – UPOU CEP Courses Topnotch | SAfE Course (2020 – Ongoing)
Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Natural Resources Management maj in Upland Resources Management (DENRM-URM, 1.78 GWA)
Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Natural Resources Management major in Coastal Resources Management (DENRM-CRM) - Ongoing
University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

Master of Science in Construction Management (36 Credit Units / 2016-2018, 1.14 GWA / 4.0 US GPA, Topnotch)
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines

Master of Mechanical Engineering (48 Credit Units / 2010-2013, 3.78 US GPA, Magna Cum Laude)
Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering (65 Credit Units / 2016-2019, 4.0 US GPA, Summa Cum Laude)
Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering (Ongoing)
Atlantic International University, USA

Master of Arts in Teaching major in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology | EARIST Manila, Philippines (1.12 GPA, 2002-2004)

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering | Bicol University, Legazpi City, Philippines

Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor

All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission
of the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright owner has
been secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/79ZYN 5 Pages of page | 5

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