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1. To open a document click the large N in the upper left corner and select
your model. Must be in .nwd format to work in Navisworks Freedom.

2. To navigate around the project you can use two options. The view cube or
navigation tool bar. The view cube has a ring on the bottom to orbit and
faces/corners to orient to an exact view.
3. The other navigation option is the tool bar on the right. The three tools you
will most are the Pan, Orbit and Walk.

4. The Pan tool works like your neck when you look left/right and up/down.
5. The orbit tool allows you to see the project from any angle, orbiting around
the center point. (Sometimes you need to reposition the center point)

6. The Walk tool is the most popular and useful. To ‘walk’ hold the left button
down and push the mouse forward and back. To look up or down scroll the
middle button up or down. To change elevations hold down the middle
button and move up and down.
7. If you need an (x,y,z) coordinate of a model or model piece, click on HUD on
the VIEW ribbon and select both options. The results show in the lower left
hand corner.

8. Two valuable windows to ‘pin’ to your screen are Section Tree and Saved
Viewpoints. To get to these go to the VIEW ribbon and click on Windows.
Selection Tree shows all the pieces in the model and Saved Viewpoints
shows saved screen shots from the model creator and clash reports.
9. When you select anything in the Selection Tree it highlights green in the
model and vice versa. If you want to hide a model or elements in a model-
right-click on the item and select Hide from the submenu that displays.

10. To view a 4D schedule, click on Windows and Select Timeliner Playback.
11. The Simulate tab has all the buttons to navigate through the timeliner.

12. The information on the left details the activity at a point in time and the
percentage complete. The highlighted green represents an activity that has
started. Once it is complete it will turn the shaded.

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