Implication of HEIs Environmental Possibilism

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Ronald Valledor Gomeseria, Ph.D.
PE, PEng, PME, CEng, CBuildE, CEnv, ASEANEng, ACPE, IntPE, CEMgr, CHCMgr, MPM, CIPM, Plumbing Engineer

MEPF & Environmental Consultancy

Journal of Engineering Design & Construction Studies
DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/9GDKZ | June 15, 2019 (ResearchGate / Academia)
Corresponding Author: /


Photo 01, New Doha in Today’s Urbanized City (Image crafted; rvgomeseria / Flicker)
The subject article paper pertains to the Post Graduate Diploma / Master of Environment, and Natural
Resources Management (D/MENRM) at the University of the Philippines aligns with "Environmental
Natural Resources and Management." And this is one of the approved Doctoral Subject
Curriculum Courses towards Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering (Ongoing), a study research thesis
submitted to the Atlantic International University (AIU SSE USA) in 2011 and as a reflection of human
and environmental interaction within the ecosystem we live towards a sustainable environment.
However, this article paper is one of the "Most Read" published in the LinkedIn Publishing,
ResearchGate, and Academia platforms that had been provided as a course background based on the
implication towards HEIS (Human Environmental Interactions) Environmental Possibilism. The
Testimonies have been provided through observation and hands-on experiences within the country,
and furthermore, causing global climate change within the ecology through mitigation perhaps.

Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor

All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written
permission of the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright
owner has been secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/9GDKZ 4 Pages of page | 1
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/9GDKZ

HEIS Environmental Possibilism Implication

The implication of environmental possibilism to me is amazing which gave me opportunities with
great factors, values, and challenges that influence my professional venue as an HEI’s Actor-Based
Model in developing the country, Qatar, engineering-wise. As an expatriate in Qatar whereas my
whole career has been renewed with all the possibilities and future endeavors for the sake of my
family's needs. These remarkable experiences vary and can be categorized in the followings;

 As an Expat Engineer working in Qatar, as an Environmentalist and as an Artist, that was

because of curiosity on how the country’s environment formed, the author had roamed around
Qatar and observed how the nation had been developed from Stone Houses and Villages in the
desert land into an Urbanized City as you can see in the photo above (Photo 01).
 The author was involved and part of the evolution in the design development as well as
implementation in the construction of buildings that includes installation of building services for
high-rise buildings, villas, urban communities, and infrastructure services for West Bay Financial
District and other parts of the country during employment tenure with the known Architectural
and Engineering Consultancies employment in Qatar.
 The building built-environment development has continued and embarked due to ASIAN Games
whereas Qatar was the host country last 2006 during the author’s employment tenure with
Sports City PMC (Project Management Consultant), and up to now for 2022 FIFA preparation.
 The construction experiences of sports facilities; residential buildings such as hotels, offices,
malls, healthcare facilities; roads, and infrastructure services everywhere around Doha, Dukhan,
Messaied, Al Khor, and Al Shamal are amazing results. And with the technological advances that
have been dealt with in the implementation that can’t be measured within the building-built
environment in achieving a vision towards a sustainable environment.

 With the scarcity of rainfall and the limited underground water, most of which has such a high
mineral content that it is unsuitable for drinking or irrigation, however, restricted the population
and the extent of agricultural and industrial development the country could support until
Desalination Projects have been completed and distributed throughout the country for potable
water use in the villages, commercial buildings, industrial-agricultural concerned and TSE
(Treated Sewage Effluent) for irrigation purposes in the landscapes, parks, garden, and trees.
Even the Oil and Gas are now successfully in operation as Qatar’s primary resources of their country's
GDP and Economic Booming, their cultures and traditions are still preserved in modern times in
today’s generation that was practicing for decades in their ancient years to sustain the people needs.
Moreover, they are intact to their belief and passion towards their socio-cultural aspect in their
environment. And this is what the author appreciates and highlights the innovative principles present
in their cultural aspect as well as religious faith in the prevention of their national heritage despite
global climate change happening around the globe.
As part of environmental possibilism experiences since 2004 and up to the present, when the
author was employed in the Consulting Firms, all design development projects whereas the author
involved with, the design implications don't care about the energy and water conservation pertaining
to Sustainable Development and Green Building Principles. However, we do care only on the design
more than the required demand and spoils somehow and not knowing that it contributes to the
greenhouse gas effect and carbon footprint on the environmental movement.
The cost impacts are too high without any value engineering for all the projects that sustain and
probably help the clients, if ever. However, that was done and had been constructed already
especially at West Bay Financial center, those were due to our client commitment with limited time
and confirmation as well. But in principles, the design should be taken care-of profitably in sustaining
green principles and energy savings for the projects as well as to the Mother Earth protection.
But because of climate change happening now in today’s generation especially in Qatar, global
warming and the CO2 emission inherently grows rapidly. And Qatar is one of the contributors in an
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor
All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written
permission of the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright
owner has been secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/9GDKZ 4 Pages of page | 2
Implication of HEIs Environmental Possibilism Afflicting Expatriate Professional Career

environment with CO2 emission and these are primarily caused by the Oil & Gas production and
exploration, as well as from the commercial and industrial sectors as evolved through industrialization
in the country. However, whereas becomes mandatory in Qatar last 2009 only, which is purposely in
sustaining a green environment in reducing these kinds of emission that contributes to mother
Earth. Nevertheless, through technological evolution effects and the availability of information
worldwide, Qatar’s building-built environment and infrastructure design development within the
environmental sectors have been redeveloped and redesign in compliance with Qatar GSAS
Authority through Sustainable Development and Green Building Principles application
which have been prioritized throughout the country, and international cooperation in mitigating
the process.

Gomeseria, RV; (2017); “How does Qatar’s Environmental Determinism and the Environmental
Possibilism Afflicting Professional Career Venue through the Influences of their Cultural-Human
Ecosystem Relevance to Human-Environmental Interactions within the Socio-Cultural Ecology
Aspect and Environmental Management?” D/MENRM, University of the Philippines
Malayang, BS; (1999); “Socio-Cultural Principles of Human-Environmental Interactions;” University of
the Philippines Open University; Office of Academic Support and Instructional Services; Diliman,
Quezon City, Philippines

Write-Up References can be Read from this Links

Gomeseria, RV; (11 February 2019); “The Concept of Culture;” ResearchGate; Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (2018); “A Talk in the Challenge of Environmental Problems,” Durreesamin Journal
(ISSN: 2204-9827) December Vol 4Issue 3, the Year 2018; Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (March 2018); “Environmental Possibilism;” ViewPoint Journal; Consulting Engineers
India March 2018 Quarterly Edition; ResearchGate; Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (April 2019); "Environmental Determinism Insights;" ResearchGate; Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (January 2019); "Hypocrisy of Environmental Advocacy Thought and Actions in
Need;" Durreesamin Journal (ISSN: 2204-9827) December Vol 4 Issue 3, the Year 2018;
ResearchGate; Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (29 March 2019); "Religion, the Primary Cause of Environmental Problems;"
ResearchGate; Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (May 2019); “Environmental Factors Defines Desert Environment;” Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (May 2019); “The Ethnography of Qatar Culture and the Community;” Retd from;
Gomeseria, RV; (June 2019); “Socio-Cultural Perspectives on the Environment;” ResearchGate;
Retrieved from;

Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor

All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written
permission of the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright
owner has been secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/9GDKZ 4 Pages of page | 3
Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor | DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/9GDKZ

Gomeseria, RV; (June 2019); “Environmental Management Towards Air Pollution Afflicting the
Country;” ResearchGate; Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (April 08, 2019); “Environment Possibilism" Durreesamin Journal (ISSN: 2204-9827)
March Vol 4 Issue 1, the Year 2018;” ResearchGate; Retrieved from;
Gomeseria, RV; (December 2018); “Engineering Consultancy in the World's Environmental
Movement;” CEAI ViewPoint Journal; Quarterly Magazine December 2018 Edition; Consulting
Engineers Association of India; ResearchGate; Retrieved from;

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About the Author

With 27,770+ LinkedIn Followers Connections

Er. Ronald Valledor Gomeseria, Ph.D. ME/PME, PE, PEng, CEng, CBuildE, CEnv, APEC (IntPE), ACPE, ASEANEng
Professional Engineer (Philippines, Qatar, India, UK); Chartered Engineer (India, UK); Chartered Environmentalist (India);
Chartered Engineering Manager (USA); Chartered Health Care Manager (USA); Specialized Engineering Manager (UK);
Specialized Project Manager (UK); Master Project Manager (USA); Chartered Building Engineer (UK); ASEAN Engineer;
ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer; APEC Engineer (IntPE); Mechanical Engineer (Phils); Plumbing Engineer / Master
Plumber (Phils); Master Electrician (Phils); Certified International Project Manager (USA)

Book & Article Author/Writer – CEAI ViewPoint Journal | Durresamin Journal | Top 1% Author of Academia and

eCommerce Graduate Course (99.34 GWA-High Distinction Award); New Enterprise Planning Grad Course (94.6 GWA Distinction Award)
RCRANRM / CCA&DRM / PED Graduate Courses – UPOU CEP Courses Topnotch | SAfE Course (2020 – Ongoing)
Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Natural Resources Management Maj in Upland Resources Management (DENRM-URM, 1.78 GWA)
Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Natural Resources Management major in Coastal Resources Management (DENRM-CRM) - Ongoing
University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

Master of Science in Construction Management (36 Credit Units / 2016-2018, 1.14 GWA / 4.0 US GPA, Topnotch)
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines

Master of Mechanical Engineering (48 Credit Units / 2010-2013, 3.78 US GPA, Magna Cum Laude)
Ph.D. in Building and Construction Engineering (65 Credit Units / 2016-2019, 4.0 US GPA, Summa Cum Laude)
Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering (Ongoing)
Atlantic International University, USA

Master of Arts in Teaching major in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology | EARIST Manila, Philippines (1.12 GPA, 2002-2004)

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering | Bicol University, Legazpi City, Philippines

Keywords: Sustainable Environment, Advocacy, Management, Culture, Possibilism, Sustainability

Responsibilities, Community, Advocacy, Desert, Ecology, Consulting Firm

To cite this paper: Gomeseria, R. V. (2019, June 15). Implication of HEIs Environmental

Philippine Copyright @2020 by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor

All rights reserved. This ARTICLE or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written
permission of the AUTHOR except for the use of brief quotations in a literature review. (Under Sec. 172 of R.A. 8293 of which consent of the copyright
owner has been secured) ePrinted from/by Gomeseria, Ronald y Valledor, Quezon City, Philippines / ePrinting, 2020, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/9GDKZ 4 Pages of page | 4

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