Session 03

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Session 03


• Difference between Need, Want and Demand?

• What can be marketed?

• A group of people you select to market your product?

• When you further divide the market into pieces to send the proper communication
Different types of Segmentation
• Geographic Segmentation - Regional, city size, climate etc; Idly is sold in south

• Demographic Segmentation – Age, Gender, income, family etc; Scooty Pep, Jewellery shops

• Economic Segmentation – Based on the economical conditions of the society; Small cars for India, Sachet

• Psychographic Segmentation - study of life style; Big Pizzas for US customers, Joint Family movies for NRIs,
Nokia in India

• Behavioural Segmentation – Based on the purchase decisions or Brand usage ;Brand Conscious customers

• Volume Segmentation – Segmented on the basis of quantity purchased , Targeting Bulk buyers; 1 to 1 free offers,

• Benefit Segmentation – Segmenting based on the benefits they expect from the product.; Tooth Paste, News paper
Loop Discussion - 2

Choose a company of your choice and identify the

different types of segments they target? It can be
one or more segmentation they may target. Give a
justification for your guess.
Challenges of Segmentation
• What are the challenges in Segmentation?

 Wrong Segmentation : TATA Nano

Overlooking of segment : Scooty, Fair and Lovely for men, Hindu Vs TOI

 Maintaining Brand Ego : Titan Watches

 Multiple segmentation : One product targets different segments

• Positioning.. When should you Position

• Positioning is the process, marketers use to determine how to communicate their products'
attributes to their target customers based on customer needs, competitive pressures, available
channels and carefully crafted key messages.

• Positioning rules :

• Targeting the right audience

• Identifying the needs of the customer

• What is my competitor offering?

• How am going to reach the customer

• Right Message through right channel

Which is right way of Positioning

• Washing powder :
• Running Ad campaigns during IPL Matches
• Running Ad campaigns during Tele –Serials

• Chocolate Drink:
• Running Ad campaigns between 7 PM to 9 PM
• Running Ad campaigns during 4 PM to 5 PM

• School Bag:
• Running Ad campaigns during April & May
• Running Ad campaigns during October & November
Wrong Positioning ?

• What will you do if you have targeted the wrong customers?

• Repositioning could happen attaining market
leadership : Hyundai Santro
Eileen fisher!! – Case Analysis
Eileen Fisher

• Should Eileen Fisher be repositioning the Brand yet again ? If yes how?, Which is
right segment they should target for positioning?

• “We don’t look at what others doing but we are worried about what we are doing”
– Said Eileen to COO – Support or oppose the statement with segmentation

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