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The Bible ToolBox Pre-Lab Worksheet Biblical Passage:

Name: Date: Time Invested:

Quick Observations/Questions Raised (What questions did the passage raise when you first read it? What are your
initial thoughts?)

Translation Comparison (Are there any major differences in the translations? Check at least 3.)

Historical Tools (What is the level 1 and level 2 context and how does that affect my reading of the text?)

Literary Tools (What is the genre of the text? What is the book/section/passage’s purpose and structure? How does this
text fit that purpose?

Theological Tools (Are there any key theological terms or concepts in the text? How do I understand the text in light of
Christ and the full testimony of the Bible?

Original Meaning (What is the main meaning of the text in its original context to the original audience?)

Application (What does this text tell me about God? About myself? About the world? About how I relate to God?

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