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Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................2

2.0 Data mining techniques used by amazon...................................................................................2

2.1 Cluster analysis......................................................................................................................3

2.2 Regression analysis................................................................................................................3

2.3 Anomaly detection.................................................................................................................3

3.0 Advantages of data mining techniques......................................................................................3

4.0 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................4

5.0 References..................................................................................................................................5

1.0 Introduction

In the current century, most organizations are continuously developing their

technological site. Based on this scenario data mining is a completely new technique coming

with the digital age (Hewage et al., 2018). As per shot definition, data mining is a process or

technique that helps to handle huge data for making a business intelligence, this might be help to

the companies to mitigate risk and also helps to solve problems with new opportunity. The

author suggested Amazon, which is the leading largest online marketing company. These

techniques are also available to summarize the information in the database. This might help to

identify the relationship between the external and internal factors of the organization. This

approach might be useful for marketing.

2.0 Data mining techniques used by amazon

Amazon has millions of customers in the entire world, it is one of the greatest online

shopping stores. This company has a huge number of customer databases and the data were to

build the relationship with their customer. With the help of analyzing the customer information,

their design and strategies enhance the product promotion (Rathor, Agarwal & Dimri, 2018).

Additionally, amazon uses lots of data mining techniques that has a huge advantage for

marketing the products. On the other hand it has incorporated with the data mining techniques

and supply chain management. Today most of the company invest into the social media and

always purchased from the online ticket checker. Due to this current scenarios lots of business

companies invests their money in social media platform. Different types of data mining

techniques are used by Amazon to market their product.


2.1 Cluster analysis

It is one of the most important techniques used by amazon. Based on the cluster analysis

it helps to the user for identifying common features into the database, like location, age and

educational features (Gao et al., 2018). This is also a determining techniques which is used by

amazon for marketing departments. For example with the help of these data mining techniques

amazon targets a group of customers to promote their products or service.

2.2 Regression analysis

This is an important data mining technique because it helps to tell the future of any

marketing professionals. Without this technology it is quite impossible to change habits,

customer satisfaction, it was linked to the criteria like advertising campaign budget and similar

cost (Das et al., 2020). After changing the idea it will have a clear idea of marketing the product.

2.3 Anomaly detection

Today most business organizations use data mining techniques. Amazon used this

technique to handle the consequences of any mistakes which are made by employees and

suppliers. A simple mistake in database inconsistencies and anomalies at a shore, this special

data mining technique is called anomaly selection. At Amazon, customer representative has the

access to the detailed requirement while dealing with the customers.

3.0 Advantages of data mining techniques

In the current century, amazon is a leading online storage organization. It thrived by

developing in one model. Data mining techniques help to create marketing models, it was based

on the history of forecasts. Now with new marketing campaigns like direct mail, online

marketing is the advantage of data mining techniques in amazon (Elmurngi & Gherbi, 2018). It

helps to increase marketers and sell profitable products to target the customer. With the help of

data mining techniques helps to determine bad or good credit information which is being shared

while customers are buying products from amazon. This also helps to detect fraudulent

transactions by debit or credit card. On the other hand, data mining techniques help to motivate

researchers to increase the data analysis method. It will help to determine marketing campaigns

for customers. It also increases brand loyalty.

Without data mining techniques, it is quite possible to sell products online. With the help

of data mining techniques amazon targets their customer by their age group, interest, and

marketing of their product, without any data mining techniques it is quite impossible to know

about the customer choice and their satisfaction (Srujan et al., 2018). Without this technique, it is

not possible to split the data set into different data sets.

4.0 Conclusion

By analyzing the above study, it has been concluded that today data mining techniques

provides lots of opportunities for online shopping like amazon. This might be develop a

company strategy by the help of this company. This is mainly forced to create personalized

stores for every customer where they enter and choose their product to buy. It has been suggested

that data mining techniques is not only changed the way of gathering data but it is helps to

change data in online marketing.


5.0 References

Das, P., Ivkin, N., Bansal, T., Rouesnel, L., Gautier, P., Karnin, Z., ... & Venkateswar, K. (2020,

June). Amazon SageMaker Autopilot: a white box AutoML solution at scale.

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Elmurngi, E. I., & Gherbi, A. (2018). Unfair reviews detection on amazon reviews using

sentiment analysis with supervised learning techniques. J. Comput. Sci., 14(5), 714-

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Gao, Y., Pan, Z., Wang, H., & Chen, G. (2018, October). Alexa, my love: Analyzing reviews of

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Hewage, T. N., Halgamuge, M. N., Syed, A., & Ekici, G. (2018). Big Data Techniques of

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Rathor, A. S., Agarwal, A., & Dimri, P. (2018). Comparative study of machine learning

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Srujan, K. S., Nikhil, S. S., Rao, H. R., Karthik, K., Harish, B. S., & Kumar, H. K. (2018).

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