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James Renouf and Jeremy Kennedy present Xposr.


Here is the deal. Traffic is to be had everywhere on the Internet.

However, not all traffic is created equal. Getting a million views on a

viral cat video is more than likely not going to get you views and

customers to your course or site on Knitting. That probably sounds like

the obvious but for so many of us we tend to equate “traffic” just to pure

numbers. It is not about that.

What matters is QUALITY traffic. Of course the more quality traffic we

can get the better. Now you can certainly pay for ads on a site like

Facebook but even with that many have trouble getting hooked up with
their target customer. For example, what if you had a great product on

how to stop binge eating, stopping depression, spousal abuse and so on.

Do you think Facebook can target all of that? Most people aren’t raising

their hand saying I can’t stop binge eating or my husband is abusing me.

I’m not saying you need to go after niches like this but I want to make

the point. Targeting is not just based on demographics.

What if it was plain as day who your target market is and where they

are. Especially when you could go after them for free!

When done right it is an absolute game changer.

Welcome to Xposr where you not only see where you can get exposure

but where we expose this absolute gem of a traffic platform.

That platform is Quora!

For those that don’t know the next question is what is Quora?

This is a website and app where millions of people all over the world ask

questions and people around the world answer them.
You name the question it is there. You name the niche and it is there.

This site has MASSIVE traffic. We are talking over 300 million monthly

UNIQUE users.

For having hundreds of millions of users it actually feels like a small

community. The reason is when people post their questions that they

care about, along with viewing questions that other people create, along

with interacting it is like you are surrounding yourself with “your”


Quora posts can show in Google search so there is definitely an SEO

benefit but the crazy value is in the traffic generated in the site itself.

With so much traffic it is all right there all contained in the platform

itself. One important point is that this is evergreen.

The fact that someone has a question now does not mean that it is here

and gone tomorrow. People can be looking and interacting with that

question for years! When this question is asked it is not just about

answering a question for one person. There are potentially thousands of

people with the same question that are seeing YOUR answer along with

learning who you are and what you are all about in your niche.

The first thing you need to do is go to

Once there you can login with a Google account, Facebook or continue

with an email.
Once in you will see in the upper right hand corner an option to add a

question or link.

This is what your target audience is doing.

They are clicking on that link and asking literally any question they

want. We are not suggesting that you are the one asking questions. Of

course you can because it is great if you want answers but the real value

in terms of this product is giving the value. That value in terms of

answering the questions. One amazing point to recognize is that you do

not have to necessarily be an expert in this niche. You can do what we

call answer arbitrage. The majority of the time people are asking

questions that the answers can be found from a quick Google search or

YouTube video. You get them the answer and you get the views.

Obviously if there is a specific niche that you are focusing on and know

about all the better. The point is there is literally every type of niche on

this site. Finding a niche is not an issue.

First of all what are some examples of questions.

Well more than likely you are a marketer so let’s do some browsing on

the platform. At the top of the page there is a search Quora option.

Search for literally any topic or niche and be amazed.

Let’s go with

“who are the top Internet marketers”

Here is an example result.

You click on the question.

There are a lot of people answering that question. You may or may not

agree with who is listed but that is the point. People are giving their

answers and they are upvoted. The more upvotes given the more that
particular answer rises to the top. The community is curating what it

feels are the best answers. Therefore those with the most value typically


Not only is this great for branding but this person has links to some of

the people’s sites.

Do you think some of the 300 million people on this site that are in to

Internet marketing may want to check out some of these sites?

This is one example but the initial point is there. The questions are asked

and people give responses. Traffic can be taken from those responses to

go somewhere else.

Big point here is that this is NOT a spam site. If you for one second start

answering questions with weight loss for example and immediately link

to a clickbank offer it is going to get taken down.

The key is that you give VALUE. Now for the spammers out there who

are like what? I have to take more than 2 seconds here to drop a link?

Yes. For those type of people that is why you are currently broke. You

take the easy way out. With just a tiny bit of effort you have such

tremendous upside.

I know there are some of you out there that want to take shortcuts and

that is a reason you are not crushing it online. With some common sense

and VALUE you have the opportunity for traffic in a lot of ways from

this site.

Let’s look at how this is done right.

There are so many people that are crushing this when you know how to

do this the right way.

So another question…

What are the best weight loss drugs, medicines, and

Answers come up. Look at this person responding to the question. Tom

Coffey in this example.

Look at this amazing Internet trick that he does… Wait for it…

He gives a really good, honest answer. Can you believe it? Not spammy

and genuine.
There is more to his post but that is the start of it. So he is not coming at

this at all from a quick and dirty you want to lose weight then pay $50

for blah blah blah.


He comes with honest answers. So what does that give him? You hover

over his name.

You get these kind of stats

Look at those answer views. 1.4 million and 43.5 k this month! That is

insane. So because he is answering questions and giving good honest

responses he gets a reputation, and he gets a following. I can’t speak for

him but I can tell you a lot of these people aren’t necessarily doing this

because they like to answer questions. They do it because it gives them

traffic and results. That is the bottom line. You do what works. You

don’t get a million views because you are lucky. You get that because

you are consistent in helping people through this platform. Do you have
to have a masters degree in nutrition to tell people to not eat so much

and get some sleep? Heck no. You can be anyone and make this work.

There is also a Notify Me button so that people / an audience in your

niche can see his other answers.

People will start to trust Tom or other people like Tom (you) that come

to them with good honest answers for their questions. Building rapport

and trust.

So what do a good portion of these 1.4 million people do that are already

reaching out for answers? They click on his profile.

You get to see his nice picture but you also get to see what in essence is

a sales page.
With a clickable link to whatever it is he is selling.

This is one example. I have not dissected this person’s funnel but it is

clear what is going on. Does that make sense? This is so simple and pure
it is insane. Provide value to the target market that is right in front of

you, get traffic and then get sales.

Quora has no problem with you putting a link in your profile.

This is very different than the spam view of let me just drop a link. Very

different approach and it separates the winners and losers.

Your target audience is there. You need to interact with them.

Give some good honest answers and the traffic comes. Remember there

could be thousands of people that view this ONE answer.

There is some major low hanging fruit here.

Question after question. Again, I am not saying you have to go to the

make money online or the weight loss. Any niche you can think of is


Now let us get into other niches.

Some that are not as exciting like carpet cleaning. Imagine if you are a

guru to carpet cleaners.

If you ever followed one of my favorite marketers Joe Polish that is what

he did. Right here you are seeing people that are asking questions about

a carpet business. It doesn’t get more niched down than this. You scroll

down and see question after question after question. And since this is

such an obscure niche no one is really answering it! Clearly with

something like a carpet business you are not going to get the 100k views

but of course you wouldn’t. BUT that niche is not as large, therefore

you basically have zero competition. It is the Yin and Yang. The bigger

the niche the more competition and the smaller the niche the less. The

bottom line is every niche of all shapes and sizes are on here. This is

RIPE for the picking. You come in with an honest response and who do

you think they may buy their carpet cleaning course off of? Obviously

not every single person is going to buy from you (Which goes for any

traffic method) but when you can directly help someone and then have

others that are into an obscure niche see your answer my lord what more

power can you have?

When looking at answers you can answer the question obviously.

When giving your answer some tips are to put a picture in there. Those

tend to get more notice for obvious reasons. The more people like your

answer the more upvotes you get. Upvotes are essentially likes and push

the more popular answers to the top. The farther you are to the top the

more it is seen. The same thing as being number one on the first page of


A major thing that you want to do here is immerse yourself in the given

niche. By answering questions you become known. People even have an

option to “request” that you answer other questions. In a way making

you a bona fide guru in the given niche / topic.

There are share options to Facebook and Twitter to get the word out on

certain questions for potential virality.

On the left hand side of the main screen is a topics section. Search for

weight loss for example and you will see the potentially crazy amount of

Niche down.

Maybe you are all about the Keto diet.

Find all of the posts in these categories and answer away. Become the

guru for your given niche. This platform is telling you where the

seriously targeted people are. You don’t get this anywhere else where

your market is in front of you waiting to be served.

We go into this in Xposr Gold how you can jump the line with ads. For

example if you were selling a product on fixing cars. You can target the
given niche like car maintenance or the question itself. You don’t have

to be as sly with the links or with the value. You literally can just put an

ad with a link to your site. It doesn’t even need to really be relevant

although the smart thing would be to be as relevant as possible for

conversion sake. The point is at this point in time it is a very open ad


Ad in this example is clearly off target. The niche is fixing cars and the

ad is about balancing your books. With just a tiny bit of effort you can

run an ad that is specific and crush people that have no understanding of

having a relevant ad to a prospect. The point is there is no restriction

here in the sense that the ad was not targeted, it just has a link to the

sales page and done.

The below again just blows my mind. Why other marketers are not

going after this is just nuts. Question is Which is the best digital

marketing course. Would it be in a marketer’s interest to get on this list

for a 100 different reasons?

This person answered “only” a few hundred questions and has 200k

followers. That is followers. Views would be a lot larger than that. That
is not bad considering you could easily do 4 or 5 a day. In a few months

you have effectively an insane list / audience.

Even celebrities are getting on the action.

There have been people with over 1 million views. One person below.

When in your profile you see your stats section.

When clicking on notifications there are tons of options showing your

followers, upvotes, requests. It is really amazing all of the tools that are

Remember all of these views, interactions, traffic to your site and

products are all from people that have never heard of you before and for


That is how to win. Don’t make the sale in the answer. Give valuable

content and the views come.

Stick to the same niche and answer topics in that niche. You can have

links in your posts themselves but as a rule make sure that it is to the

same domain as in your profile. Have that link showing content that is
similar to the answer. Give some value and then push a link at the end of

your blog post on your site.

When answering a question hold down Ctrl and K.

It will ask you to enter a URL and you click add.

Again add value, put a link to your site. If you don’t add value and just

drop affiliate links with zero effort your post will get taken down. That

doesn’t mean you can’t be an affiliate with this. You definitely can and

can crush it as an affiliate. The point is you are not dumping an affiliate

link on Quora. You are getting traffic off of the website to YOUR

website and then on your website post/s you can have affiliate links off
of those. It is a small extra step but an EXTREMELY important one.

The spammers just get kicked off. Those that provide the value win.

If wondering what questions to answer if in a popular niche it is a great

idea to find posts with a ton of views.

If you are a product creator or someone that wants to know what your

niche really wants then this site is gold. They are telling you what they

need. What they are struggling with. You find solutions to those answers

you get paid. I am having trouble losing weight because of X. How do I

fix that? On your next product you make darn sure that the copy

addresses that you fix that. It is not about you. It is not about what YOU

think the market wants. That is why we as marketers lose. We ASSUME

we know what the market wants. This site lets the market tell YOU

what they want. You serve them and the views, the authority, and the

money comes to you. Think about that for a second. Where do you get

feedback on this in terms of what you niche wants anywhere else? It is

crazy. The site basically builds a sales page, funnel and product for you

simply by reading the questions and answers and comments. You can
then basically be in the prospect’s mind when you sell. You know the

market better than they know themselves.

Another section of Quora is known as “spaces” and is effectively like

Facebook groups. You can join them and also interact.

It can certainly open your eyes to niches you never even thought existed.

Just using this as a research tool is nuts.

This is after a quick search. Each of these have thousands of members.

With over 300 million views with extremely targeted users there is not

another site out there like this with this combination of targeted people

in any niche seeking solutions.

With having a link in your profile, relevant links in answers to your

niche with just a tiny bit of effort you will see targeted traffic that you

couldn’t get anywhere else. People know, like, and trust this site. You

have the potential to use that to your advantage. There are marketers out

there crushing it right now doing the exact methods laid out in this

course. You put in the small amount of effort, bring the value and push

to your content and what you are selling off of the site you will see

conversions. We are converting and know that this works.

If you have not picked up the upsell Xposr Gold to look at paid ads and

go deeper you can get it HERE. In the upsell we break down the ads,

show you how to retarget which is nuts plus we get a sale while literally

making the video.

Thank you for being a customer and thank you for taking action.

See you next time.

James Renouf and Jeremy Kennedy

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