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1. genderfuck: n. (also v.): 1. Deliberately sending mixed messages about

one’s sex, usually through one’s dress (e.g., wearing a skirt and a beard).
It is based upon the belief/idea that either gender does not
exist (but only in the context of culture) or that there
are multipule genders (beyond male and
female), including but not limited to
t r a n s g e n d e r .

* Genderfuck Ball
* Equal Love Rally
* Autonomous Space?
* Proud Schools in WA
* Reclaiming Queer Venues
* Community Articles

April Edition
Issue 2 2011 1
Contents Editor’s Note
2. Editor’s Note
3. March 19 Rally
4. Department Reports
7. State NUS Report
8. Reclaiming Queer Venues
11. QC Updates
12. Freedom Centre
13. Pride WA
14. WA Gender Project
16. Proud Schools WA
18. Autonomous Spaces
20. Rally Photos
22. Gloves Off
23. Cross Campus Queer Games
24. Social Media and Blogs
25. Music and Movies
27. Contribute to QT

28. Backpage.

Queers, Freaks and Geeks - Welcome back to Issue 2 of QT, the

Genderfuck Edition. In this issue we explore some ideas relating
to genderfuck and take on the usual issues, including Activities of
Publishing the CCQN in February and March, what to expect in April and lots
Details of news and hilights from the community as we get closer to QC in
QT is a volunteer produced Zine
from the Cross Campus Queer
Network. Making QT is a lot of effort, but the end product is rewarding.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this month’s issue, hoping
This edition was printed on you find something that grabs you.
March 30 2011 at the Snowflake
Remember, we are always open to contributions, rain, hail, shine,
Thanks to everyone who eathquake, flood, fire, alien attack, reign of supervillain, day or
contributed. See you in June for night. The next issue due out in June, will be a QC special, so if
the Queer Collaborations special you’ve got any stories, or ideas then send them in to
of QT.
Equal Marriage Rally

“I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification.”
The greater Queer and a few microphone It turns out Australian same
community and its allies turned problems, to share a few of my sex couples are getting mar-
out in droves to support the experiences with marriage and ried in spite of the laws - just
Equal Love Equal Marriage equality. As someone who isn’t leaving the country to do so. It
Rally in Forest Place on March the most optimistic seems such a shame that people
19 2011. As usual there was supporter of queer marriage, are leaving Australia to live in
plenty of colour and plenty of it was interesting to discover more open minded and
Pride on what was a big day for what my opinions really were. supportive countries, where
CCQNWA. To be honest I hadn’t thought equal marriage IS a civil right.
about it too deeply, before be-
The rally organised by Equal ing given the chance to speak at The other major drawcards
Love WA was hosted by NUS the rally. I highlighted that we included star performances
National Queer Officer Jade all have dreams and ideas from CCQNWA’s own Royal
Eckhaus, who can really get a about marriage whether we Drag team of Johnny Razorline
crowd excited. Her want to get married or not, and and Rachel Discrimination. It
enthusiasm and passion kept that due to laws prohibiting was an unforgettable rendition
everyone focussed and a very equal marriage, sometimes our of “Don’t Stop Believing” as
impressive speaking list, which views can be negative. featured on Glee and released
included MLC Lynn McLaren This is a symptom of living in a as an original by American
and Senator Rachel Siewart society that has uneven Band ‘Journey’. Add to that
kept the intensity up at all attitudes and unequal laws the magnficent and breath
times. among its citizens. Everyone taking finale by Court Hotel
should be allowed to dream of regular Drag performer Swish
I was lucky enough to be first a magical wedding day with the Eveready and everyone went
up on the speaking list at the person they love. home happy with a
rally and overcame my nerves renewed sense of enthusiasm
and political optimism.

The rally highlighted the need

for full equality in the law, not
just marriage and a callout to
support full and equal human
rights for all Australians and
mentioned the important role of
the community in achieving it.

Adele Knowles

n. (also v.): 1. Deliberately sending mixed messages about ones sex, usually through ones dress (e.g., wearing a skirt and a beard).

From The Queer Departments

does not permit me to comment.

They are so leet that they run events

throughout the school year. You too
can be this leet! If you ache for the
sweet self confidence that comes
from helping out the queers just
show up! We like all the helps and
you will be cordially repaid with UWA Queer Department
kind words my person regard. A
Queer Officer’s regard is highly sort The UWA Queer Department has
Curtin: Shout Out to after and can be traded for gold bul- gone from strength to strength this
lion and Timezone game tokens. year, and as our collective grows, so
the Peeps. does our diversity of events. We’re
All you need to do to be kept up to running our themed Art Nights every
For new students and the habitually date on Curtin Queer events is to 2nd Thursday (Next one is on the
uninformed, I have something tell come in and sign up for the mailing 14th of April) and movie nights and
you. list. Easy! soccer to come soon.

Curtin has a queer Department! The Department is open from 9am The last art night was pretty sweet.
That’s right. We do. And its awe- to 4pm. Open later when we have The theme was “Making meaning
some, with a large TV, a range of events. through Maps”, and we got some
queer books and vids and several awesome and inspiring creative
nap-able couches. Now that all the pertinent informa- attempts, including a visual map
tion have been disseminated I find I of people in the room and a map
“What does this mean to me!”, I hear have plenty of space left for a brief, of ideas. Our room was absolutely
you cry. Well, in short, it means that impassioned plea from the Queer packed with around 20 people and
if you have a divergent sexuality or Department. If anyone has seen or it was nice to have a chilled out, all
gender then you have a place to eat have any information concerning the ages event.
lunch, study, hang out, whatever, missing Department Robot Unicorns
where you wont subject to homopho- please send it to Our last movie night featured the
bia, biphobia or transphobia. Anyone hilarious and extremely un-PC
Queer friendly is welcome. cartoon TV show, Archer, which
technically speaking isn’t a movie.
Also we have the lovely and thor- or come in to the department (which But who are we to toss around these
oughly capable Queer Officers. is inside the equity space in the guild frivolous labels! It’s a collective
These paragons of queerdom are stu- building). favourite and was enjoyed by all.
dents that have been elected by the Don’t forget to get tickets to the
Queer Collective to represent queer Cheers! CCQN Quiz Night held at the UWA
interests with the guild and the uni- tav on the 7th of April! There’ll be
versity. They were voted in based on Nick Jones, drag kings for half time
their general attractiveness and robot Queer Officer 2011 performances, great prizes and
unicorn riding abilities. Some have LOLcat caption contests. Just sayin’.
said they are like gods but modesty

From The Queer Departments

“I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification.”
updating you about all the latest would really like to see more
developments, upcoming events, communication from ECU Queers,
relevant happenings and some minor so if you’re an ECU student and
news announcements. would like to get involved with
Cross Campus activism, this might
From there, you’re involvement in just be your ticket. The Cross
the collective is entirely up to you. Campus Queer Network meets
Come to however many or few regularly to discuss events which are
events you like, pick and choose for people from all the State
between social and/or political Campuses.
activities and ultimately make your
own decisions on your level of in- With a bit of motivation and
volvement. There’s no participation organisation, we might see ECU
Murdoch Queer Collective requirement for joining so there’s no holding its own events, like movie
pressure to partake in something that nights, art nights and barbecues, like
doesn’t interest you or aren’t able to on other campuses. The key to mak-
The Murdoch Guild Queer Col- make. But hey, with so much go- ing this happen is by showing sup-
lective is a group of students who ing on this year there’s bound to be port to the people that want to help
identify under, or support those who something that appeals to you! you make it happen.
identify under, the ‘Queer’
umbrella term or as a part of the To join, please send an email to Remember to get involved in the
LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Kingsley at CCQN Quiz Night on the 7th of
Transexual and Intersex) banner. with April at the UWA Tavern, and the
Our members are from all walks of a contact email address and your Amazing Race on the 4th of April.
life and from countries all around name. There is also the Genderfuck Ball,
the world, studying everything from International Day Against
Law, English or Journalism, to Homophobia (IDAHO), The Cross
Psychology, Chemistry or even Campus Queer Games, Queer
Forensics, right here at Murdoch Collaborations and Queer Camp to
University. We’re not only a look forward to. ECU Queers sign
social group that meets regularly for up for some wonderful events and
BBQ’s, movie nights and loads more activities and help make them even
off campus adventures, but we’re more successful.
also a political group interested in
greater political, economic and social ECU Equity Space Thanks to Renai Buchannon who has
freedoms for Queer persons, both been bearing a heavy workload so
here in Australia and around the The ECU Queer Collective has been
far in 2011, please support her and
globe. undergoing some changes in 2011. It
contact her
is no longer called the EXULT Queer
If you haven’t joined the Murdoch Collective. Instead housekeeping
if you want to get more
Queer Collective already, it’s simple. duties have fallen to the Equity and
information on the ECU Queer
The only thing we require is your Diversity department which runs out
Collective or CCQN Events.
email address and you’re on your of the student guilds at both Mt
way. This will basically allow you to Lawley and Joondalup Campuses.
Adele Knowles
receive regular emails from myself, The Cross Campus Queer Network
State NUS Officer.

What’s been happeninG!

“I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification.”
Our involvement for 2011, which include Queer-specific
with the national counselling, Queer spaces on all Campuses and
Union of Students an increase in Ally member campuses across
means that we exist Australia.
within a ntional
network of elected To promote her campaigns Liv is asking for
representatives submissions explaining how Queer Spaces,
chosen from all Queer-specific counselling, or the Ally program
Universities across has had a positive impact on your life. I think
Australia. Two our Queer Spaces here in Perth are quite good
students were elected as National Queer Officers at the moment, but there is still work to be done
for 2011 - Liv Hopkins and Jade Eckhaus. and Queer-specific counselling seems like a
great idea. If you have something you want to
We met Jade at the Equal Love Equal Marriage send to Liv, then please send it to
rally held in Forest Place on the 26th of March.
She MC’d and lead the rally around the city with
the megaphone. We talked briefly about If you have any thoughts, opinions or concerns
fundraising ideas for Queer Collaborations for about either Queer-specific counselling, the
our Easern State counterparts. There was a brief current Queer Spaces at WA Universities or
chat about politics, and her ideas to promote questions about the Ally program or Ally
acceptance on a grass roots level back in the training, then please send them to us at
Eastern States.

Historically WA has had to look out for its own For more information about the National Union
interestes due to the geographical isolation from of Students Queer Department please visit the
other states. The two elected WA State NUS NUS website at
Queer Officers only really make contact with the
rest of the council at Queer Collaborations. We
are uniquely advantaged because of that
experience and have a thriving Cross Campus
Community where other states do not. Our
example has lead to the establishment of a
CCQN in NSW only this year, 6 years after
CCQNWA was founded.
Olivia Hopkins :
The other National Queer Officer, the one we Jade Eckhaus :
haven’t met is Liv Hopkins. She’s based in
Sydney and has been creating some objectives

n. (also v.): 1. Deliberately sending mixed messages about ones sex, usually through ones dress (e.g., wearing a skirt and a beard).

reclaiming Queer Venues!

Some of the issues which have been raised, include
discrimination based on Gender Identity,
preference for non-queer clientele, the use of
excessive force by bouncers and unfair and rather
capricious bannings of members of the Queer

The furore started on a Facebook group page called

‘Perth Needs a New Gay Pub’ which at last count
had 676 members. Suffice to say, there are a lot of
people in the community that are unhappy with the
current state of Queer Venues in Perth. There are a
number of reports of violence and mishandling of
patrons, who have had enough of being exploited.
The Open Community Forum sought to identify
Eliza thinks we need to get our queer venues back. those problems, discuss potential solutions and
Alexander State Library then create points of order as to how to proceed as
a Community.
Theatre March 26
The forum was a fantastic success. Thanks to
On the 26th of March this year, CCQN held an
Rhiahnon Kennedy, Chris Latham, Caroline
Open Community Forum entitled Reclaiming
Calderbank for taking a lead on this initiative, to
Queer Venues. This event was proposed and
CCQN spokespeople John Vidovich and Shamini
organised by members of the CCQN community
Joseph who did a fantastic job. Shamini MC’d the
who had experienced unfair treatment at Perth’s
forum, while Pride WA veteran Daniel Smith did a
premier Queer Venues, but more specifically the
wonderful job at mediating between a broad cross
Court Hotel.
section of our community.
It was overwhelmingly supported by members of
In attendence was Greens MP Giz Watson, a very
the community and the action took place shortly
proud supporter of our community, outgoing Pride
after at the Alexander State Library Theatre. A
President Charles Denham, Connections Nightclub
brief but thorough promotions campaign, which
owner Tim Brown, Out in Perth editor Graeme
included ‘Eliza’ the river dwelling
Watson, GALE Co-convenor Kitty Hawkins, and a
Aquanaut who lives not far from UWA, a media
assortment of former Court and Connections
release to a number of sympathetic newspapers
employees who provided some critical insight into
and promoting the event on Facebook saw about
the situation we are facing and how best we can
70 members of the community, including a good
work as a community to rebuild the ‘Queer Spaces’
contingent from CCQN attend the Forum to decide
in Perth.
on the future of Queer Venues in Perth.

open community forum

“I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification.”
We talked about a number of ideas, and created
points of order which would look at

* Addressing the situation at the Court Hotel

* The possibility of a new Queer Pub in Perth
* Queer friendly non-licenced alternatives, such
as cafes and community centres.
* Establishing a ‘Queer Critique’ of Perth
Venues to evaluate their Queer friendliness.

There was also a bit of talk about maintaining

this movement that has now begun and pushed
to meet again in a months time. In the follow up
to the meeting, CCQN spokes people Shamini
Joseph and John Vidovich have appeared on the
RTR Monday night radio program All Things
Queer and John was interviewed by Inside
Cover from the West Australian and appeared in
the Tuesday 29th March edition.

Due to the success and the direction that this

CCQN initiative has taken, ‘Reclaiming Queer
Venues’ is no longer chiefly organised by our
network. Instead, due to its importance to the
broader community and not primarily the Cross
Campus Queer Network we have passed on
responsibility to those willing to show
leadership in the community. In this respect, we
have started something, that other people can
now bring to life and address the points of order
we have created. We brought this issue to the
Queer public, and they have shown
overwhelming support and will carry it through
until the changes that we demand are made.

Thankyou to all members of the Cross Campus

Queer Network who attended, your continued
support made this event and its subsequent and
motions an overwhelming success.

QC 2011 Updates

“I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification.”
now open, and forms are If you get the chance, please
available through your take part in these fantastic
University Queer Department events, the money raised is
Officer or throught the QC going to a very good cause and
website at it will be hugely appreciated by event organisers.
Congratulations to everyone
who has worked on getting us If you want to learn more about
to this point! QC or want to get the latest
With only 3 months to go until news, then please visit or
Queer Collaborations arrives The event is being hosted at subscribe to the website at
the organising team are Curtin, but the conference which will be
working frantically to ensure alldelegates will get a taste of seeing a lot more activity as we
the preparations are made and other University Campuses, get closer to the event.
the conference will be a at the various events which
productive and enjoyable time will be hosted by Murdoch If you have any enquiries or
for all. and UWA. Curtin will also be want to get involved, you can
hosting twilight events and the talk to your Queer Department
We’ve made progress on almost finale looks set to be held at Bar Officer or you can email the
every aspect of the conference 138 in the heart of the city. organising committee directly
and it’s really starting to take at
shape. Every detail is being These events will range from a There is still plenty of time to
planned as we speak, Welcome Dinner, Art make a contribution to this epic
including meals, accomodation Exhibition Openings, conference.
for our eastern states Performance Night, Movie
compatriots, the reader and Night, Bingay, a themed night Adele Knowles
plenaries and of course events out on the town and a NUS State Queer Officer
that everyone can attend an Sundowner on the final
enjoy at the end of each day of evening. More details will
the conference. follow as we get closer to the
actual date. Stay tuned espe-
We’ve packed as much into the cially for the June edition of QT
seven day conference as we which will focus primarily on
can, to achieve as much as we Queer Collaborations.
can, have as much fun as we
can and cater to as many people Fundraising efforts for QC
as we can. continue in April with Miss
Amanda’s Amazing Race and
As you know registration is the Annual CCQN Quiz Night.

n. (also v.): 1. Deliberately sending mixed messages about ones sex, usually through ones dress (e.g., wearing a skirt and a beard).

The Freedom Centre

ExSIGHT Exhibition and Launch
– April 14-16

ExSIGHT is a collection of original works created by

young people at the Freedom Centre during a series of
community art workshops with local artists.

The ExSIGHT Launch will be held on Thursday 14th

April 5-8pm (6:30pm proceedings) at Freedom Centre,
with light refreshments provided. ExSIGHT will also
be open for viewing on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th
April, 12pm – 5pm.

The Freedom Centre has hosted the workshops which

the young people have called the ExSIGHT Art
Project. The project started in January and will
continue through to the end of National Youth Week

Local artists, Martin Wills ( and

Peter Farmer ( have been working
with young people attending the ExSIGHT Art
workshops by mentoring and teaching them new

The ExSIGHT Exhibition will showcase the art cre-

ated by these talented young people during the course
of the project. The exhibition is a great opportunity for
you to support their inspirational achievements. Go to for more details.

Best of all, you can get a double-bonus of Perth exhi-

bitions, as the Perth Centre for Photography also has
their exhibition opening and viewing on these dates.
Go to for more details.

The Freedom Centre’s ExSIGHT Art Project and

Exhibition Launch are proudly sponsored by Propel
Youth Arts WA and Healthway to promote the Drug
Aware message and will be entirely drug, smoke and
alcohol-free environments

Dani Wright
Freedom Centre Coordinator

Pride WA

“I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification.”
community leader. Pride Members are at the heart of
this community, and being a member isn’t just for
fun, it’s a really useful and practical in ensuring you are
privy to some great deals that the organisation has been
able to secure. Memberships will pay for themselves in
no time. These include:

* Half price entry to Connections Nightclub

Remember your Pride? except for Pride Events and other special events.
* Access to discounted and same-sex (inc. couples)
entitled health insurance with MBF
As young members of the Queer Community, many
* 10% of drinks and menu items at Bar138
members of the Cross Campus Queer Network
* Discounted costume hire at Costumes in the Valley.
experience a lot of events and new perspectives which
help define their experience as Queer. One organisation
The Cross Campus Queer Network wants to support the
in particular has show leadership in Perth and WA over
community and Pride WA, that’s why we are running a
the last 21 years, the one and only Pride WA.
membership drive. Students get a great concession on
membership price - only $15!
Pride is an organisation which serves the needs of the
local queer community and are responsible for the years
That means it pays for itself in just 2 trips to
biggest night out - The Pride Parade. Every year for
Connections Nightclub! I think this is an ideal way
the past 21 years, the streets of Perth have been closed
CCQN members can mutually benefit from the
down to make way for the diverse of Queer peoples
community, and show some solidarity to an organisation
which comprise our community. Many organisations
which has been doing wonderful things for the Queer
including CCQNWA show their support by building a
community in Perth for over 20 years. By signing up
float and making their way down William and James St
you are supporting the ongoing events such as the Pride
in Northbridge in spectacular fashion. Every year this is
Parade, the Glammy Ball, the Womens Sundowner, and
a great night our for all and one you won’t soon forget!
efforts that keep the Perth Queer Community alive and
But Pride WA is much more than that. It is a grass roots
community organisation that connects and protects the
Adele Knowles
Queer interests in the community. they are responsible
State NUS Queer Officer and Pride Member.
for some great events including the Annual Pride Ball,
at which the Glammys are presented, regular
For more details visit
sundowners for women and of course an annual Quiz -
Night, which CCQNWA cleaned up at this year.
Learn more about the
They’ve also shown us a lot of solidarity and
organisation and then to
encouragement in relation to the recent open community
sign up or get more
forum we held on Reclaiming Queer Venues. They’ve
information, have a look
supported our initiative and have proposed to take
at the memberships tab.
action against the Court Hotel.
Alternatively, talk your
In recent years, there has been a need to take stock and
Queer Department
endeavour to consolidate Pride’s financial position as a

n. (also v.): 1. Deliberately sending mixed messages about ones sex, usually through ones dress (e.g., wearing a skirt and a beard).

WA Gender Project
Transphobia: Still a Problem in women do. Secondly, it ignores the privilege that cis
Queer and Women’s Communities people have with respect to trans people. (For some
examples of cis privilege, see here:
Late last year, the Australian Human Rights
iledge.txt). Finally, it homogenises women by
Commission conducted an inquiry into the need for
assuming there is a shared experience of what it means
Commonwealth legislation to protect people from
to be female, and ignores the very real differences in
discrimination on the basis of sexuality, and sex and/or
power and privilege between all women. Ultimately, it
gender identity. Predictably, this prompted the usual
is a racist and classist argument, because it assumes the
reactionary outbursts from conservative religious
experiences of women of colour, or those who are poor,
organisations. Disappointingly, protection for trans
are the same as white, middle-class women (who are
people was also opposed by groups that ought to know
usually the ones making these transphobic arguments).
better, such as ROAR Feminist Collective and Erinyes
A variant of the previous argument is that trans women
Autonomous Activist Lesbians. (See: http://www.
should be excluded from women’s domestic violence
shelters, either because they pose a threat to cis women
Collectively, their submissions opposed the right to:
(read: trans women are really men, therefore they will
change important identifying documents such as the
prey on women), or because they aren’t a threat, but
birth certificate; obtain hormonal and surgical
nevertheless make other women feel uncomfortable or
treatment through the public health system; take
unsafe. This one is easy to debunk. Firstly, trans
puberty-delaying drugs to stop the development of
women are no more violent than cis women. Secondly,
unwanted sexual characteristics in young people; and
the dichotomy of women as “victim” and men as
to access sex-appropriate facilities, such as domestic
“abuser” is damaging. It is, of course, important to note
violence and homeless shelters. Clearly, transphobia (or
that the majority of the victims of domestic abuse are
perhaps more accurately, cissexism) remains a problem
women, and the majority of the perpetrators are men.
in our communities.
However, women can, and do assault other women, and
the invisibility of this issue is a major barrier to
Generally, a few common cissexist arguments are used
overcoming the problem of domestic violence in
to attempt to justify these kinds of attacks on trans
same-sex couples. Thus, the notion that violence cannot
people. All are false, and easily refuted. I’ll list the
occur in shelters if only cis women are present is a
main ones here, in the hope that they can be used as a
fallacy. Finally, it remains possible that some women
resource next time you see something cissexist.
may genuinely feel uncomfortable sharing a shelter with
(Remember folks: just like sexism, racism, homophobia,
a trans woman (though this assumes you can always
and other forms of prejudice, challenging cissexism is
spot someone who is trans, which is untrue). However,
everyone’s responsibility).
there are no doubt many heterosexual women who
would feel uncomfortable sharing accommodation with
It is sometimes argued that trans women were raised as
a lesbian (and this has occurred in Perth shelters). Yet,
boys, and therefore have benefited (and may continue
surely no one would suggest that lesbians should also be
to benefit) from male socialisation. This may be true
banned in such situations? Organisations such as
to some extent, though is becoming less so with the
SSDAG have worked hard to address these issues and
increasing number of children who are transitioning.
have demonstrated that such concerns can be
Transphobic feminists thus argue that trans women are
successfully managed.
privileged with respect to cis (non-trans) women, and
should be excluded from female spaces. This is
Sometimes people argue that if we abolished gender,
problematic for several reasons. Firstly, once they
there would be no need for trans people to transition.
transition, trans women experience sexism, just as cis

This argument ignores diversity within trans “how do you know you’re gay?” or, “how do you know
communities, and fails to acknowledge that people alter you don’t like men if you’ve never had sex with one?”
their sexual characteristics and/or gender expression for My personal favourite is when they get all evangelical
different reasons. Transsexual people generally alter on me, and suggest I’ll see the error of my ways if I just
their sexual characteristics because they feel the sex they read some more Sheila Jeffreys. Yeah, as if reading a
were assigned at birth was wrong, not because they want few books is somehow going to outweigh 30+ years of

“I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification.”
to be more masculine or feminine. Apart from confusing lived experience. It’s also insulting to suggest that trans
sex and gender, it assumes trans people want to assume people are ignorant of feminism and critical theory. We
a normative gender role after transition. However, there are deeply aware of the political implications of who we
are trans women who consider themselves female, but are and what we do.
then assume a butch gender expression, for example.
There are also individuals who are comfortable with Trans people sometimes choose to alter their sexual
their sex, but instead refuse the gender role normally characteristics with hormones or surgery. For example,
associated with that sex, or instead blend or reject trans men might choose surgery to remove breast tissue
traditional definitions of masculinity and femininity. and reconstruct their chest. Transphobic feminists often
Often, transsexual people are denied the right to dismissively refer to such procedures as “mutilation”, an
self-identify as male or female. Usually, this argument appalling rejection of the central feminist tenet of
invokes the supposed power of the sex chromosomes autonomy. Would they oppose a cis woman’s decision
to determine who is a “real” man or woman. It is a to get a breast reduction? Autonomy and self-determina-
strangely un-feminist argument, reminiscent of the tion are basic human rights. To borrow a useful phrase:
biological determinism that early feminists fought hard “my body, my choice”.
to debunk. Biology is not destiny. Additionally, sex is
far more complex than originally thought. For example, Finally, I’d like to make a few comments about why
it is possible to have a 46,XX karyotype (which is it’s so important for everyone to challenge cissexism
usually female), but also have genes that trigger male and transphobia. Transphobia spreads. Seldom does
sexual differentiation. This situation is called discrimination remain confined to a single instance.
translocation, and individuals affected generally look The exclusion of trans women from women’s events,
and feel male. Similarly, there are 46,XY individuals for example, becomes a precedent for excluding them
who lack functional receptors for testosterone. This is from domestic violence services, homeless shelters, and
called Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, and in its most health care. Organisations such as Mission Australia
complete form, individuals look and (almost always) have applied for, and been granted permission to exclude
feel female. In reality, sex is a complex interplay of trans people from their homeless shelters. Homeless
genetic, hormonal and anatomical factors that determine trans people have frozen to death on the streets because
the sexual differentiation of the brain and body. Arguing they have been unable to access appropriate
that chromosomes determine sex is not only ignorant, accommodation. There are trans women still being
but also harmful to people with intersex conditions, who detained in men’s, rather than women’s prisons.
are often forced to confirm to essentialist notions of Unsurprisingly, sexual assault is commonplace, and
what they “really” are. deaths in custody have occurred. The world is already
a hostile place for trans people. We must not also face
Along similar lines, I have heard transphobic feminists hostility in our own communities.
attempt to compare the transsexual experience to being
in the “wrong-raced body”. This is not only absurd, but Zoë, Secretary of WAGP
deeply racist, because it assumes that all trans people are
white. In reality, trans people are found in all cultures,
and all strata of society. By posing this argument,
transphobic feminists also discount the lived
experience of trans people. Questions like: “how do
you know you’re a man?”, or “how do you know what
it feels like to be a woman?” are insulting and strangely
reminiscent of homophobia. Try these substitutions:
n. (also v.): 1. Deliberately sending mixed messages about ones sex, usually through ones dress (e.g., wearing a skirt and a beard).

Proud Schools WA
Such a program addresses a in a number of walks of life,
dire need in local High Schools including CCQNWA.
to protect students from the
negative attitudes and abuses Members from the State School
faced by queer teens. At a Teacher’s Union group B-Le-
tertiary level CCQNWA gits, who take on the interests
combines with the Student of Queer Staff and by proxy
Guilds including the National Students will play an important
Union of Students to provide role, as will active community
access to a community of peers campaigners Gay and Lesbian
and valuable resources for Equality.
In February an article was Queer teens and all Queer Uni-
published in OutInPerth about versity students. But the majority of informa-
the possibility of a Proud tion is likely to come from the
Schools Program here in Perth. When students come to us there source. Youth Queer Commu-
The article took its lead from is a lot of uncertainty and nity groups like the Freedom
the recent policy in NSW that exploration to do. Many of the Centre who focus on young
will see the introduction of a members of the Cross Campus people from 16-25 and CCQN
$250 000 pilot program to fight University Queer Departments who’s majority of members are
abuse and negative attitudes might not turn out to be gay, aged 17-25 will be the key in
faced by gay teens, and will but the issue of diverse formulating a safe school
be implemented at 12 schools sexuality and gender is very stratgey and hopefully
across NSW. real one for many young sooner, rather than later, a
people. Many of these Proud Schools program here in
The question was raised by OIP questions are not answered until WA.
journalist Benn Dorrington if University due to the repression
such a program had a place here and lack of support for diverse If you’d like to support this ini-
in Western Australia. Quoting sexual and gender identity in tiative as a member of CCQN,
a number of sources including high schools. then sign up to the website
former State NUS Queer and join the online workgroup,
Officer and curent GALE Since high school students do which will be collaborating
convenor Kitty Hawkins, and not have a national student with GALE and B-Legits in
current NUS State Queer union or even proper regional 2011, to make progress on a
Officer Michael Pilkington, the student representation, the Safe Schools policy for Queer
tone of the article was that it ominous task of pursuing a Teens here in WA.
was absolute viable and should Proud Schools program in WA
be implemented ASAP. falls to community groups with Adele Knowles
Queer sympathies and members

The Cross Campus Queer Network Presents

Date: May 7th

Time: 7:00 pm
Venue: Bar 138
Tickets $10

Ball 2011
n. (also v.): 1. Deliberately sending mixed messages about ones sex, usually through ones dress (e.g., wearing a skirt and a beard).

Autonomous WorkSpaces
You might be asking yourself, ‘What is an accept that there is a need to provide specialised
autonomous space?’ It’s a space where you are resources to those groups represented within.
free to express your own identity within a peer My attention immediately shifts to gender
focus group, to raise and address unique issues diversity, or trans identifying people, who will
faced by a particular sub group with the still have a long way to go after equal marriage
GLBTIQQ gender and sexual Alliance. In other is achieved in changing the law regarding gender
words, we might all be queer, but among us there identity on passports and birth certificates, as
are lesbians gay, bisexuals, transgender, inter- well as the general confusion regarding
sex, allies and disabled people who have unique definitions of gender and gender identity.
needs that can often be overlooked by the mo-
mentum of the Queer Bloc. As a minority within the Queer Bloc they are not
alone. People with varied disabilities also have a
That means, that depsite the best intentions and different experience as Queer people, often
overtones of equal love, compassion, overlooked, or not considered in discussions
understanding without judgement, the truth is about sex and gender identity. They face a
that some people are ‘more equal than others’. different type of struggle for recognition and
There is a need to provide safe spaces and acceptance in a community which is often elit-
resources for individuals that face a unique set of ist and pre-occupied with agendas that pertain to
obstacles in coming to terms with the gender and mainstream Queer identities.
sexual identity. This need is all encompassing,
for gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans intersex, queer, In fact the momentum of the Queer Movement,
questioning, allied and disabled peoples within means we take a lot of things for granted. For
the Queer Identity. example a lot of the time, we have a duty of care
to Queer teenagers, fresh from high school and
We all share a common plight as people of often with a history of bullying and negativity, as
diverse sexual and gender identities, fighting for a result of their sexuality. Many of these teenag-
full equality on campus, and in the law. This has ers have not had a satisfactory education in safe
lead to a wonderful connection shared by those sex practices, nor have they realised the social
who identify as Queer, and a unique culture has implications of being Queer, such as not having
emerged that is at the fore of social and the right to get married. Quite often these issues
political activism that has lead to acceptance in are not discussed in relation to people coming to
the mainstream, as we stand together at the terms with their sexuality for the first time, and
advent of fundamental changes to the law that there is a need to provide an environment were
will see people of diverse sexualities and gen- teenagers can develop and resolve some of the
ders move closer to full equality. growing pains from High School and seek
advocacy in the Queer Community.
But amidst the furore and the fierce
campaigning for recognition, we also have to

For Trans, Teens, disabled...

“I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification.”
In fact there are many people who won’t come to
terms with their sexuality in high school because
they have not had a safe environment to do so.
Community groups like the Freedom Centre
attempt to do this, but there are large
discrepancies between the amount of Queer teen-
agers and the number of people able to access
the Freedom Centre.

In a similar special needs scenario, it is also

apparent that men and women in general have
different needs - to connect and communicate
perspectives which are often difficult to
express - such as how gay men feel about femi-
nism, and how women feel about it.
Talking about same sex attraction - discussion
about what it’s like living as a lesbian or a gay
man, are two very different experiences. I think
if we take the time to recognize the unique needs
of people who identify as Queer, it will only
increase the usefulness of organisations such
as CCQN and galvanize unity within the Queer
Community itself, because more people are able
to come to terms with and address issues as they
feel they need to - rather than let it bubble and
turn into descent and apathy within the
community itself.

Do you have an opinion about Autonomous

Workspaces for uniquely identifying groups
within the Queer Spectrum? If so, we’d like to
hear from you. Please send an email to or talk to your Queer
Officer. The viability of autonomous
workspaces are currently being discussed by
active members of the CCQN.

Adele Knowles

n. (also v.): 1. Deliberately sending mixed messages about ones sex, usually through ones dress (e.g., wearing a skirt and a beard).

do you have what it takes?

“I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification.”
On the 12th of May the 5th Annual Cross Campus Queer Games takes place. This
event is hosted by last year’s winners Murdoch, at the event held by previous winners
UWA Queer Department. It’s time to break Murdoch’s domination of this event over
the last few years, having won 3 out of the 4 Cross Campus Queer Games so far.

Who will it be? Compete in some of your favourite events, like the traditional dance
off, and prepare for some surprises as Murdoch tries to retain the trophy and the
glory! We’ll see you there with your Queer Department colours flying hight!

n. (also v.): 1. Deliberately sending mixed messages about ones sex, usually through ones dress (e.g., wearing a skirt and a beard).


Follow @feministhulk on Twitter

To put in the words of the Feminist Hulk as per
ze’s Twitter page “HULK SAYS FUCK
The My Agender Project
What happens when some
one presents their gender
GENDER BINARY.”. Yes the Hulk is back and
or sex outside the realms of
better than ever and this time the anger is being
socially acceptable
channeled into smashing oppression and destroy-
female or male behaviors?
ing gender restrictions - Even though
Have you ever heard ‘that’s
@Feministhulk’s shoulders are too big for the
not very lady like’, or ‘be
bicycle lane, if you see zer say “Hi.” - a man’? It’s well researched
that these and other forms
of coercive behaviors are
detrimental to peoples’ self-esteem, self worth,
and capacity to participate as members of
society. Gender, sex and sexually diverse people
lead the way in statistics for suicide, self harm,
depression, mental health problems, substance
use, homelessness, low education, the list
continues. Who is responsible? As a whole
Follow Genderfork on Facebook society we need to embrace and celebrate all
This sexy post binary take on gender types of difference. I believe that coercive
expression takes submissions from an array of behaviors, intended and unintended stem from a
different people with gender personalities, who lack of understanding and exposure to
just happen to take amazing photographs that difference. As a society we need to start this
express the need for much more acknowledge- conversation, to remove the label of difference
ment of third, fourth and post gender experienc- and de-construct the reified definition of what
es. “a supportive community for the expression society call ‘normal’.
of identities across the gender spectrum.”

Movies MUSIC

“I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification.”
Angus and Julia Stone
For all music lovers, I’m glad to inform you of the
D.E.B.S Angus and Julia Stone concert that took place at
Red Hill Auditorium in Swan Valley on 2nd of April
As far as your ordinary girl-turns-from-life-of-
crime-by-falling-in-love-with-female-secret- 2011. A beautiful Julia and amazing Angus pleased a
full to the brim audience with a truly magical
agent flick goes, DEBS does pretty damn alright.
performance starting at 9.45pm I was anxious to see
The story is centered around Amy Bradford,
them after hearing the entre bands, the main course
star agent of the highly-ranked all-girls secret
was full of favourite familiar songs as well as a new
service team D.E.B.S. (Which stands for Disci-
song by Julia. They were relaxed and fun loving
pline Energy Beauty Strength, in case you were with Julia interacting with the audience, letting us
wondering) who is disenchanted with her perfect in with the meaning of “for you” and contemplat-
score life, adoring fans, doting (albeit bone- ing changing the lyrics a tad to put a impacting
headed) boyfriend and humdrum existence as a sentimental meaning of a past love. So many fans
leading secret agent. All that changes when she so little time having cars queued on Toodyay Road
comes face to face with the world most elusive people began to park on the side of the road and
criminal mastermind, Lucy Diamond. As the two walking the rest of the way myself included. The
get closer, they have to choose between their venue was absolutely gorgeous and was fitting for
conflicting lifestyles and their runaway romance. chilled back music. Angus himself enjoyed the
This classic queer flick is fierce, stinging-one- location with a statement of “the city lights look like
liner, trashy underground pop fun, and is highly the amber of a fire”. Attracting all ages and groups
recommended as a light-hearted lesbian romcom the brother and sister from Sydney were appreciated
with a twist! 4/5 stars by all that went. With roars of encores Angus
unfortunately was reluctant to play the favourite
“mango tree” Julia blew fans away with “wasted”
instead. Both have such incredible voices and
phenomenal talent that reaches into you and touches
the soul .Emotionally moving is only the beginning
of what they give in there music

CCQN WEsbite Contribute to QT
QT is distributed once every two months in a

“I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification.”
There hasn’t been a lot of development on the print run, and a digital copy is made available via
website, because the most of its components are the website. The theme for this issue was Gen-
online. Now we undergo the long process of derfuck, which ties in with one of our most popu-
ensuring that everything is up to date and where lar events the Genderfuck Ball which is happen-
it should be. The website is still quite new, so ing on the 7th of May.
we haven’t got it completely right yet. If there is
something new you’d like to see on the website, Contributions are not restricted to the Issue’s
or changes to the current content that you’d like totheme only, you can contribute whatever you like,
see, please send your enquiries to but it does help the continuity of the issue if we We welcome feedback. have contributions that have the same background
Working with the website has been a lot of fun,
and I think as time goes on, more people will The theme for the next issue is Queer Collabo-
make use of the groups feature and even get the rations, which will be happening in July - that
confidence to post their own articles. means we will be featuring some interesting and
relevant content that will get people excited about
If you’d like to contribute to the current ‘mini’ the conference. So what kind of contributions
project that CCQN.NET is currently could you make? Stories from previous
undertaking, all you have to do is send us a link to adventures to QC, what you liked best - going out
your blog - It can be anything, livejournal, tumblr,to clubs in other states, experiences during work-
or a wordpress blog that you would like to share shops, or any other related materials would be
with the community - All you have to do is send awesome!
us the address via email, and give us a few details
about it. The Blogroll hopes to connect people to The 3rd issue of QT is to be distributed approxi-
others in the community that are online and hope mately 1st of June, so get your submissions in
to find supportive readers and online friends in the plenty of time before then if you want it to be
community! considered for publication.

Remember the website is the place to find

information on Queer Collaborations, including
Registration as well as the latest details on events
and campaigns being undertaken by CCQNWA.
So if you want to learn something or connect with
the Cross Campus Community, the website is a
great place to start.

QT is a volunteer produced Cross Campus Zine produced by the Cross Campus Queer Network WA

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