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Planet Jockey

Arianne Morin


1. Reflect on the scenarios presented in the game. Was there anything you found
particularly difficult? Anything that surprised you?

The scenarios presented in the game made me think for my team and put me in an

environment where fast paced decisions had to consistently be made. Level two

challenged me in ways I had not previously thought about, such as picking out the terms

that were not in line with the “real ambition” statement (EI Games, 2019). After the

simulation, I was finally able to get a better understanding of what a “real ambition”

statement is. After completing a few questions of level 2, I noticed I was gaining

confidence in my decisions as a whole. I realized I need to make these decisions for my

team and my team does not want to follow someone who is not confident in their


2. Explain how something you learned in the game connects to something you learned from
the text.

Something I learned in the textbook is that to be a effective leader, you must learn how to

deal with multiple conflicting demands within your life. This includes your work life, personal,

and your bosses reaching out (Johnson & Hackman, 2018). This concept relates to the simulation

by having to make the “right” decision in a fast paced environment. Your mind cannot be full of

stress or work / personal drama. As a leader you are expected to be on your toes and lead your
Planet Jockey

team each and everyday (EI Games, 2019). Something that I learned in the simulation is that

“enlistment” is very important for your team (EI Games, 2019). It would be more beneficial to

try to get your team to participate in person, making those deeper relationships, rather than doing

a webinar via the internet. Overall I have learned how to be more efficient in my decision

making skills as a leader of my company.

3. How could you use the concepts discussed in this simulation in your job today? Give an
example of a situation you've been in where you could use a concept from the simulation.

One of the concepts that was discussed in the simulation was you don’t change your real

ambition statement, no matter what. It doesn’t matter if another company has the same ambition

statement. What matters is what your company does to prove and reach your goal of your

ambition statement (EI Games, 2019). This connects to my work environment by bringing a “real

ambition” statement to the owners and welcome comments and concerns to be able to work as

effectively as possible. An example of a situation I’ve been in where I used a concept from this

simulation is when I was at work, having to train multiple people. To be an effective leader, a

clear goal needs to be in place. With this established, I would have to think about how to portray

the message as effectively as possible, to all two or three people I’m training at the same time. I

would also need to portray a confident decision making role and not let employees change my

mind about the “real ambition” statement. The goal should always stay the same, but the way to

get there can always be altered (EI Games, 2019).

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