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EDAJ Vol (Number) (Year)

Economics Development Analysis Journal


Maryatti1 , 2Galih Raspati, 3


Article Abstrak

________________ _____

Ditulis antara 150 -200 kata, dicetak miring dalam dua bahasa, yaitu Bahasa Indonesia dan
History of Article Bahasa Inggris. Abstrak Bahasa Indonesia ditulis sebelum abstrak Bahasa Inggris untuk
artikel berbahasa Indonesia, dan abstrak Bahasa Indonesia ditulis terlebih dahulu
kemudian baru abstrak Bahasa Inggris untuk artikel berbahasa Inggris. Abstrak tidak
Received ………….. berupa ringkasan yang terdiri dari beberapa paragraf. Isi abstrak meliputi tujuan
penelitian, data/objek penelitian, metode, hasil atau simpulan.
Accepted …………..

Pusblished …….






Abstract. It is written from 150 up to 200 words. It is not a summary consists of paragraphs. It covers objectives of
study, data/object of study, methodology, results or conclusion

Author’s Name / Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol (Number) (Year)

© Published Year, Universitas Negeri


Corresponding author :
Address: …………………………………….
E-mail: ………………………………………….

INTRODUCTION It describes the research design used

comprises of methods, technique in
It covers background of study, motivation in writing
the paper, problems, brief  literature review that collecting data, technique of data analysis,
relates directly to research or previous findings that and variables measurement which are
need to be developed, and ended with   a written in paragraphs, not numbering. The
paragraph of research purposes. It should be
technical information of the study
written in paragraphs.
presented clearly. Therefore, readers  can
conduct research based on the techniques
RESEARCH METHODS presented. Materials and equipment
specifications are necessary.  Approaches or



Abstract. It is written from 150 up to 200 words. It is not a summary consists of paragraphs. It covers objectives of
study, data/object of study, methodology, results or conclusion

Author’s Name / Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol (Number) (Year)

procedures of study  together with data It should illustrate brief and clear results of
analysis methods must be presented. study, contributions to new theories, and new
ideas for future researches. Here, the theoretical
and practical implications should be written in
This part should describe informative
results of empirical research which are
written systematically and critically. Tables Data, information, and citation should be over
the last 10 years. 80% citation written in
and figures can be presented in this part to
the paper should be from primary sources
support the discussion, for examples table
derived from national and international
of statistics-test results, figures of model
test results and etc. In general, journal The more primary references that the paper has,
papers will contain three-seven figures and the more qualified the paper will be.
tables. Same data can not be presented in However, self-citation can reduce the
the form of tables and figures. paper score. Citations from previous EDAJ
Discussion of results should be related articles are necessary.
argumentative and should point out on Manuscripts are written  by using standard

how the findings, theories, previous study citation application (Mendeley/ Endnote/
Zotero). Harvard style reference should
and empirical facts are relevant and
be used. Ensure that the references are
contributes something new to knowledge
referred on the paper and arrange them
of economics development. alphabetically


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