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Rafiudin Darmawan (200491100021)

English 2A
I. Answers all the questions below in ENGLISH.

1. What is culture? (5 points)

2. Mention the characteristics of Indonesian people? (5 Points)
3. What are the components of the culture? (5 Points)
4. What are the functions of Culture? (5 Points)
1. Culture comes from the Sanskrit language, namely buddhayah, which is the plural form of
buddhi (mind or reason) defined as matters relating to the mind, and human reason. Culture
is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behaviour and norms found in human
societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of
the individuals in these groups. Humans acquire culture through the learning processes of
enculturation and socialization, which is shown by the diversity of cultures across societies.
2. Indonesians are very creative, Indonesians are highly tolerant, and Indonesians are
friendly people.
3. 1. Survival
a. food - edible source of energy
b. clothing - protective covering for the body
c. defense - tools and strategies used to protect people from threats
d. shelter - structure used to protect people and their belongings
2. Education - the way people in a culture learn what they need to know in order to be
successful in their culture
3. Transportation - the way a culture gets people and goods from one place to another
4. Communication - the way a culture shares ideas and messages
5. Economy - the way people in a culture get what they need and want
6. Technology - manmade tools that make life easier
7. Social Structure - who is considered important in a culture and who isn't
8. Beliefs and Traditions - the ideas a culture believes in and the way they celebrate those
9. Rules and Regulations - the rules that maintain order in a culture and the structure that
maintains those rules
10. Arts & Recreation - the way a culture spends its spare time and expresses itself
4. First, it has a boundary-defining role; it creates distinctions between one organization and
another.Second, it conveys a sense of identity for organization members.Third, culture
facilitates the generation of commitment to something larger than one’s individual self-
interest.Fourth, it enhances the stability of the social system. Culture is the social glue that
helps hold the organization together by providing appropriate standards for what
employees should say and do.Finally, culture serves as a sense-making and control
mechanism that guides and

II.Choose and circle the correct answer of questions below.

1. Toni (try, tried, tries, trying) so hard to pass the final exam two days ago. (4 points)
2. Ali Wafa (work, works, worked, working) hard the last weekend. (4 points)
3. Joni (left, leaves, leave, leaving) from Banyuwangi at 08.30 last month. (4 points)
4. Anton (drinks, drinking, drank, drunk) some avocado juice four days ago. (4 points)
5. Parsih (filled, fill, fills, filling) up his bottle with water two months ago. (4 points)
6. Amin Sukarto (buys, bought, buy, buying) some books last year. (4 points)
7. Yuzak (tells, telling, told, tell) that yesterday his friends visited him. (4 points)
8. Yunus (watched, watches, watching, watch) football match this morning. (4 points)
9. Waidi (visits, visiting,visit,visited) his best friend in America last year. (4 points)
10. Ali (cooked, cooks, cooking, cook) delicious dishes for his wife yesterday. (4 points)

III. Please make 10 sentences in form of Not Only…. But Also (20 points)
IV. Please make 10 sentences in form of Both….And…… (20 points)
Answer part III
1. In Indonesia not only the case is so high but also the people are retarded
2. Rafi is not only can cook bread but also he is can cook rendang
3. Rafi is not only playing football but also he is swimming
4. rafi is not only play game but also he is playing volley ball
5. rafi is not only washing but also he is sweeping
6. rafi is not only make robot but also he is can coding
7. rafi is not only like cat but also he is like dog
8. rafi is not only watch you tube but also he is watch tv
9. tretan is not only have a good show but also he is provoke riot
10. rafi is not only like history but also he is like english

1. During the in Indonesia independent movement, both soekarno and hatta fought for the
freedom off the people
2. Both rafi and yazid are like a enlish
3. Both rafi and yazid are like a watching Netflix
4. Both rafi and yazid are like a playing video game
5. Both rafi and yazid are like helping each other
6. Both rafi and yazid are like swimming
7. Both rafi and yazid are like nasi kuning
8. Both rafi and yazid are love mango juice
9. Both rafi and yazid are playing bicycle
10. Both rafi and yazid are like to make a robot

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