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smell a rat : suspect sth is wrong

go to the dogs : to become worse in quality

fishy: suspicious
horse of a different color: quite a different matter
for the birds : uninteresting
shoot off one´s mouth: express one´s opinion loudly
jump down sb´s throat: become angry with sb
admit to sth / ing : recognize sth
tongue in cheek: in a way that is not serious
stick one´s neck out : take a risk
shake a leg: hurry up
all thumbs : very silly
not have a leg to stand on : have no support
get off my back : leave me at peace
drive sb up a wall: annoy sb greatly
lead sb on / string sb along : deceive sb
sell sb down the river : betray sb
leave sb high and dry : leave sb alone and with no help in a
difficult situation
sell sb short : understatimate sb
spill the beans : become sth unknown
feed sb a line : deceive sb
shoot the breeze: talk with sb about unimportant things for a
long time
bite the dust. stop working
bend over backwards to do sth: try to hard do sth helpful for
cough up: pay for sth often reluctantly
jump the gun : act soon before the right time
scratch sb´s back : do sb a fvor in hopes of that favour will be
hit the ceiling : become very angry
fork over : hand over or pay up what you owe
kick the bucket: to die
raise a stink : complain angrily about sth
wet blanket: a person who spoils the happiness of others
keep it under your hat : keep it secret
have sth up ones´s sleeve: have a backup plan
give sb the slip : escape from sth bad or sb
knock sb´s socks off: surprise sb
talk through one´s hat: talk about sth without understanding
what it´s being said
lose one´s shirt : lose a great deal of money
have sb in stitches; get sb laughing much at sth
dressed to the teeth: wear fashionably ,elegant clothing
to be a lemon: sth that does not work
go out on a limb : in a dangerous position to do sth
get the ax : get fired
bite the bullet: accept sth difficult
face the music : accept the result of a bad action
blow it : lose an oportunity to do sth
at the end of one´s rope: be in a hard time
on one´s last legs: very tied ,near to death
hot under the collar; very angry
on the line: in danger of being lost
going for a song : very cheaply
make a splash in sth; very successful in sth
have the world by the tail: be very successful and happy
sitting pretty: living in a good life
feel like a million dollars: feel good
kick up one´s heels : celebrate sth
bury the hatchet: make peace
paint the town red; go out after sth stressful and drink alot of
get away clean: escape from sth without being taken o caught
come alive; become active
toot one´s own horn : talk boastfully about sth
stick to one´s guns : refuse to change beliefs or religious
give it my best shot : do sth as best as you can
make ends meet: have just enough money to pay for the
things that you need
pull strings : use your influences over important people in
order to get sth
spread oneself too thin: do so many things at one time none
of them well
go to bat for sb: support sb when they need help
duck soup: very easy to do
money talks : take sth for money
let sleeping dogs lie: not try to change anything or you might
cause problems
shape up or ship out : try to behave well or get away from
if the shoe fits ,wear it : admit the truth
different strokes for different folks ; everyone has different
interest and tastes
one´s bark is worse than one´s bite: sb makes a lot of harsh-
souding threats but never carries them out

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