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Softer Tissue Issues in Orthopaedic Trauma

Aaron Nauth, MD, MSc,* Kenneth A. Egol, MD,† Timothy Walden, BS, MS,‡ Martin Boyer, MD,§
Jeffrey Anglen, MD,║ and Henry M. Broekhuyse, MD¶

tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), transforming growth fac-

Summary: There are number of significant issues outside of the tor-b1 (TGF-b1), fibronectin ED-A, and matrix metallopro-
bone and/or fracture that are important to consider in the treatment of teinases (MMP-1,2,9,13,15). The key cell involved is the
orthopaedic trauma. Joint contractures, heterotopic bone formation, myofibroblast. Myofibroblasts are specialized fibroblasts that
managing a traumatized soft-tissue envelope or substantial soft- are characterized by their well-developed contractile appara-
tissue defects represent a few of these important issues. This article tus that links intracellular stress fibers to the extracellular
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reviews these issues, including the best available evidence on how to matrix (ECM). Their activation and proliferation depends
manage them. on mechanical stresses and growth factor signaling. The abil-
Key Words: joint contracture, heterotopic ossification, pilon frac- ity of these cells to sustain contractile forces in tissue over
ture, tibial plateau fracture, open fracture time and synthesize new ECM can lead to a positive feedback
loop of generated tension and deposition of ECM that alters
(J Orthop Trauma 2019;33:S30–S33) the tension and mechanical properties of native tissues.2 My-
ofibroblasts have been shown to be elevated in pathologic
fibrotic conditions and have been demonstrated to be elevated
JOINT CONTRACTURES AFTER INTRA- in the joint capsule tissue in contractures in both humans and
ARTICULAR FRACTURE SURGERY: WHERE ARE animals.1 In addition, their numbers have been inversely
WE NOW? related to range of motion of the affected joint.3
Post-traumatic joint contracture is a significant problem
that impacts the outcome of intra-articular fracture surgery. It
can affect any joint, but is most commonly found in the Treatment and Outcomes of Specific Joints
elbow, knee, and hip. Contractures can be classified as either The treatment of elbow contractures is generally
intrinsic (eg, intra-articular adhesion, articular malalignment, directed at obtaining a 100-degree motion arc of the joint.
and loss of articular cartilage) or extrinsic (eg, capsular and Nonoperative treatment is typically attempted for less than
ligamentous contracture, heterotopic ossification (HO), extra- 6 months and involves splinting in either a static progressive
articular malunion, and skin contracture). There is a multitude or dynamic fashion. Operative intervention is considered
of etiologies and associations with post-traumatic joint when nonoperative means have been exhausted. Arthroscopic
contractures, including open fractures, burns, spinal cord contracture release is technically challenging but can be
injury, prolonged immobilization, and patient compliance. useful for simple, intrinsic contractures. It is generally
Structural changes in the joint capsule after trauma can contraindicated in the face of previous nerve transposition,
contribute significantly to contracture. These changes include severe contracture, or extrinsic causes. However, a pro-
thickening of the capsule (with increases in collagen types I, spective study on arthroscopic lysis for extrinsic joint
III, and V), increased collagen cross-linking, and disorga- contracture on 54 patients demonstrated significant improve-
nized fiber orientation.1 Increased migration of lymphocytic ments with a final arc of motion of 124 6 22.7 degrees at 2-
cells leads to a profibrotic environment with increases in year follow-up.4 Open treatment allows for mobilization and
identification of nerves, removal of hardware and excision of
Accepted for publication February 15, 2019. heterotopic bone, as well as the treatment of more complex
From the *Orthopaedic Division, Department of Surgery, St. Michael’s Hos- contractures. Prospective studies on open elbow contracture
pital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; †Department of Ortho- release have demonstrated significant gains in range of
pedic Surgery, NYU School of Medicine, NYU Langone Health, NYU
Langone Orthopedic Hospital, New York, NY; ‡Donald and Barbara Zuck-
motion arc (42–52 degrees), with 1 study demonstrating that
er School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, Hempstead, NY; §Department 88/103 of patients ultimately achieved a flexion/extension arc
of Orthopedic Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. greater than 100 degrees.5
Louis, MO; ║Hughston Clinic Orthopaedic Trauma, Nashville, TN; and Extension contractures of the knee are typically caused
¶Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of British Columbia, Van- by posterior impingement, anterior adhesions, soft-tissue
couver, BC, Canada.
M. Boyer receives royalties from Wolters Kluwer, CRC Press, and is the retractions, or patella baja, whereas flexion contractures are
President Elect for ASSH. The remaining authors report no conflict of typically caused by anterior impingement, contracture of the
interest. posterior joint capsule, gastrocnemius, and/or anterior
Reprints: Aaron Nauth, MD, Department of Surgery, St. Michael’s Hospital, cruciate ligament/posterior cruciate ligament. Operative treat-
University of Toronto, 55 Queen St, Suite 800, Toronto, ON, Canada
M5C 1R6 (e-mail:
ments for knee contracture include arthroscopic release for
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. flexion with/without extension contracture, open quadriceps
DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001471 release for extra-articular extension contracture, tibial tubercle

S30 | J Orthop Trauma  Volume 33, Number 6 Supplement, June 2019

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 33, Number 6 Supplement, June 2019 Softer Tissue Issues

osteotomy for extension contracture with patella baja, and In contrast to this, several recent retrospective cohort
posterior capsule release for flexion contracture. Although studies have shown that early definitive fixation of high-
studies of both arthroscopic and open contracture release by energy tibial plateau and plafond fractures can be performed
quadricepsplasty have demonstrated good results with signif- safely with outcomes and complication rates comparable to
icant improvement in range of motion, comparisons of the 2 those achieved with staged management protocols.9–11 These
have shown arthroscopic arthrolysis to have better results and studies point to several factors which seem to be integral to
better postoperative final joint range of motion (105 6 18 obtaining improved results with early definitive fixation
degrees vs. 91 6 20 degrees).6 including: careful selection of patients appropriate for early
In summary, joint contracture is a problem that care based on assessment of the soft-tissue envelope, injury to
continues to affect patients following trauma and intra- surgery time typically less than 48 hours, avoidance of tradi-
articular surgery. Several risk factors are well defined, and tional single-incision approaches, and the use of minimally
the myofibroblast has been identified as the pathognomonic invasive plate osteosynthesis techniques. Early definitive fix-
cellular component of interest. At present, the mainstay of ation also has several advantages over the use of a staged
treatment is operative contracture release when conservative management protocol including: greater ease in obtaining a
methods are unsuccessful. Future treatment strategies may be surgical reduction and perhaps less complexity when per-
aimed at prevention or the targeting of cellular mechanisms. forming the definitive fixation procedure, avoidance of com-
plications related to pin site infection, and significant cost
savings (due to reduced length of hospitalization and avoid-
ance of the implant costs associated with the use of external
OF HIGH-ENERGY TIBIAL PLATEAU AND PLA- In summary, patients with high-energy tibial plateau
FOND FRACTURES: WHAT IS BEST FOR THE and plafond fractures who present with a clearly compro-
SOFT TISSUES AND THE PATIENT? mised soft-tissue envelope (typically demonstrated by severe
Bicondylar tibial plateau fractures and pilon fractures soft-tissue swelling, bruising, and blistering) are at high risk
commonly result from a high-energy injury mechanism and are of surgical wound complications and infection when managed
frequently associated with significant insult to the surrounding with early definitive fracture fixation. A large body of
soft-tissue envelope. Although excellent outcomes and low evidence has demonstrated that these injuries are best
complication rates were reported in early case series where low- managed with a staged treatment protocol. However, early
energy pilon fractures were managed with open reduction and definitive fracture management can be performed with an
internal fixation, application of this management to high-energy acceptably low risk of complications in appropriately selected
pilon and plateau fractures resulted in significantly worse cases, by experienced surgeons, using contemporary surgical
outcomes and high complication rates.7,8 Many case series re- techniques, and provides the advantages of lower total cost of
ported in the 1990s described complication rates up to 50% or care, decreased length of hospital stay, technically easier
higher, primarily the result of wound-healing problems and surgery, and less postoperative joint stiffness.
deep infection. The high rate of occurrence of these complica-
tions was attributed to performing surgery through the compro-
mised soft-tissue envelope that exists immediately following the SOFT-TISSUE COVERAGE AFTER OPEN TIBIA
high-energy injury mechanisms associated with these injuries. FRACTURES: TIMING AND FLAP SELECTION
Implementation of a staged management protocol for Orthopaedic trauma surgeons are accustomed to pro-
treatment of complex pilon fractures was described in 1999 viding soft-tissue coverage for traumatic wounds in their
by Sirkin.7 In that case series of 56 patients with OTA/AO trauma patients requiring bony fixation. It is our assertion that
C type fractures, the average time from application of anatomical knowledge, appropriate careful surgical tech-
external fixation to definitive ORIF was 13 days, and there nique, and preoperative assessment of the vascularity and
was a significant improvement on wound complication rate compliance of the soft tissues can lead any capable ortho-
when compared with previous reports of early definitive paedic trauma surgeon to do their own muscle or fasciocuta-
ORIF. The staged management of high-energy proximal neous soft-tissue coverage in the absence of any
tibia fractures was described by Egol in 2005,8 in a case microsurgical training. It is necessary for the surgeon to be
series of 67 patients with OTA/AO A, B, and C type frac- able to assess the wound and its capacity to heal in the
tures. In that series, the average time from application of absence of surgical intervention, to be able to identify all
external fixation to definitive ORIF was 15 days, and the options for the coverage of a complex wound, and to be able
overall incidence of infection or wound problems was 5%. to choose the most appropriate option given the “personality”
Subsequent to the reporting of these early studies more of the defect.
than a decade ago, many other case series have continued Five questions are posed. First, where is the defect?
to show improved outcomes and reduced complication This will allow the surgeon to determine what adjacent local
rates after implementation of staged management protocols tissue is available that has a reliable enough blood supply that
for high-energy tibial plateau and pilon fractures. For this can be used as a local flap for adjacent coverage. For
reason, staged management for these injuries has become example, a pedicled latissimus dorsi muscle may be used to
widely adopted and is the “standard of care” in most cases cover wound about the shoulder girdle. Second, what is at the
for these injuries. base of the defect? If there is periosteum or peritenon

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Nauth et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 33, Number 6 Supplement, June 2019

covering the bone or tendon respectively, a skin graft may be led us to attempt early coverage of severely traumatized
appropriate. However, absence of well vascularized tissue at extremities;14,15 however, with the advent of negative pres-
the depths of a traumatic wound will preclude use of sure wound dressings, there has been a recent tendency
nonvascularized coverage options. In addition, it may be ill- toward extending the period between the initial trauma
advised to use skin only in the coverage of bone, tendon, or debridement and the provision of free tissue coverage. At
neurovascular structures. Third, does the wound need to be present, the debate remains unsettled. However, soft-tissue
covered? This question speaks to the potential for secondary coverage within the first 10 days might prove to be reason-
intention wound healing and the possibility that functionally able. In addition, there is ongoing debate about the usefulness
this may lead to appropriate and desirable outcome absent any of negative pressure wound therapy as a reliable ongoing
further surgical intervention. This is the case when well- method to treat open tibia fractures.16,17 It may be that as
perfused muscle or dense regular connective tissue is present orthopaedic trauma surgeons become more facile with the
at the base of the wound and secondary intention healing in a above described soft-tissue coverage procedures, the need
healthy patient might be expected. Fourth, what local tissue is for lengthy negative pressure wound therapy either as an
available? Again, this speaks to the ability to examine local inpatient or outpatient will be mitigated somewhat. At pres-
tissues for their compliance, mobility, and perfusion that they ent, the indications are evolving.
may be moved to cover adjacent open wounds. Fifth and
finally, if no local tissue is available, what distant tissue is
suitable? If distant tissue is required, it is unlikely that an HETEROTOPIC OSSIFICATION—STATE OF
orthopaedic trauma surgeon (absent further training in soft- THE ART
tissue coverage procedures) would attempt to provide this HO is the pathologic process of benign bone formation
service to the patient. in soft tissues of the body where bone is not generally formed.
A local flap of fascia and skin, or muscle, is considered The bone formation occurs through enchondral ossification
when the defect cannot or should not be closed primarily, in a manner similar to the process of fracture healing. HO
should not be allowed to heal secondarily, and cannot occurs in rare genetic disorders, including fibrodysplasia
support a split-thickness or full-thickness skin graft. These ossificans progressiva, the study of which has given us some
are the perforator-based flaps that are either axial or island in understanding of the process. It also occurs after some central
design, or keystone flaps, which are a type of advancement nervous system injuries, such as closed-head trauma or spinal
flap containing perforators within the flap perimeter so that cord injury; after burns or electrical shocks; after muscular
they are not truly “random.” Medial or lateral gastrocnemius contusion; after amputation due to military blast injury; and
muscle flaps that are perfused by the medial or lateral sural after some fractures and dislocations, particularly injuries of
arteries, respectively, or peroneus brevis flaps that are per- the hip, elbow, and shoulder. The development of HO
fused by the distal branch of the peroneal artery are examples requires an inducing agent or stimulus, the presence of a
of this type of local flap. The vascular supply to the soleus potentially osteogenic stem cell, and a “permissive environ-
muscle is slightly more variable and prone to disruption and ment,” which is generally provided by local inflammation.
as such should not be used on an intermittent or infrequent In post-traumatic HO, such as that after surgical
basis. treatment, stem cell differentiation begins within 16 hours of
The concept of a “perforator” is useful to understand. A the surgery, it appears radiographically by 3–6 weeks, and
perforator is a triad of 1 central artery and 2 veins that orig- reaches maximal extent by 12 weeks. HO can be a complica-
inates from a named longitudinally running arteriovenous tion of surgical treatment and occurs commonly after posterior
bundle to pierce the fascia and supply the skin and subcuta- or extensile approaches to the hip. High-grade HO of the hip,
neous tissue.13 Knowledge of the location of these perforator although less than 20% of total HO cases, can cause pain,
vessels and the ability to predict the likelihood of encounter- restricted motion or anklyosis, and muscle or nerve entrapment.
ing these vessels enables the surgeon to plan incisions accord- HO in the amputated extremity can cause ulceration and diffi-
ingly and to move adjacent tissue reliably given that perfusion culty with prosthetic use. The actual incidence of postsurgical
from a well-defined perforator vessel triad can be counted on HO varies between series, but a systematic literature review
for reliable vascular supply to the flap. Propeller flaps, based covering .15,000 hips published in 2002 found a 51% inci-
on 1 perforator, or keystone flaps, based on more than one dence after acetabular fracture surgery, with 19% high-grade
perforator, can be moved as a fasciocutaneous flap to cover cases.18 Many risk factors in addition to surgical approach have
adjacent tissue. These are especially useful in the middle and been suggested, but recent literature has focused on length of
distal aspect of the lower extremity where the posterior tibial stay in the intensive care unit and the need for prolonged
artery, peroneal artery, medial and lateral sural arteries, and mechanical ventilation. Once it forms, the only treatment for
anterior tibial arteries have well-delineated and well- persistently symptomatic HO is surgical excision, a process
described perforator anatomy. which can be complicated and bloody. Previous recommenda-
In the absence of local tissue, free tissue transfer can be tions to delay excision until bone scans were cold or alkaline
attempted. Although there is a wide variety of available tissue phosphatase is normal have been largely discredited.
types and a large amount of composite tissue can be made Suggested prophylaxis for HO after hip surgery has
available for transfer, these operations are lengthy, expensive, included vague references to “gentle surgical technique” or
cause functional disability at the donor site, and are excision of the gluteus minimus (poorly supported in the
technically demanding. The experience of Godina et al has literature), the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 33, Number 6 Supplement, June 2019 Softer Tissue Issues

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