ET 7. Predictors of Compartment Syndrome After Tibial Fracture. JOT. 2015

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Predictors of Compartment Syndrome After Tibial Fracture

Margaret M. McQueen, MD, FRCSEd (Orth),*
Andrew D. Duckworth, MBChB, BSc (Hons), MSc, MRCSEd,* Stuart A. Aitken, MD, FRCSEd (Tr&Orth),*
Rowena A. Sharma, MBChB, BSc (Hons), MRCSEd, MRCOG,†
and Charles M. Court-Brown, MD, FRCSEd (Orth)*

Key Words: predictors, acute compartment syndrome, tibial diaph-

Objectives: The aim of our study was to identify the risk factors yseal fracture, trauma
associated with the development of acute compartment syndrome
(ACS) after a fracture of the tibia. Level of Evidence: Prognostic Level II. See Instructions for
Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Design: Retrospective cohort study.
(J Orthop Trauma 2015;29:451–455)
Setting: Orthopaedic trauma unit, university teaching hospital.
Patients: From our trauma database, we identified all patients who INTRODUCTION
sustained an acute tibial diaphyseal fracture over a 13-year period. A Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) is a potentially
retrospective analysis of 1407 patients was performed to record and devastating complication of a tibial diaphyseal fracture. It
analyze the OTA fracture classification, open fracture grade accord- usually occurs as a result of injury when swelling occurs in
ing to Gustilo, soft tissue injury classification according to Tscherne, muscle groups contained within fascial compartments. As
treatment, development of ACS, and other patient demographics swelling progresses, the pressure within the compartment
including smoking, occupation, and socioeconomic deprivation. rises. If not treated promptly, the pressure reaches critical
Main Outcome Measure: A diagnosis of ACS was made using levels resulting in ischemia of the contained tissues, princi-
clinical signs, compartment pressure monitoring, or a combination of pally muscle, nerve, or bone.1–6 Potential sequelae include
the 2. infection, muscle necrosis, neurologic deficits, contractures,
fracture nonunion, chronic pain, and in the most severe cases
Results: One thousand three hundred eighty-eight patients were amputation or death.7–12
included with a mean age of 39 (12–98) years, and 957 (69%) were It has been acknowledged for more than 40 years that
male. One hundred sixty patients (11.5%) were diagnosed with ACS. the single cause of a poor outcome in ACS is delay in
On initial analysis, age, male gender, blue-collar occupation, sporting diagnosis.6,13–15 A possible cause of such a delay is a lack of
injury, fracture classification, and treatment with intramedullary nails knowledge regarding those patients at increased risk of devel-
were predictive of ACS (all P , 0.05). Age was the strongest pre- oping ACS after a fracture of the tibia. A method of predict-
dictor of developing ACS (P , 0.001), with the highest prevalence ing the likelihood of ACS occurring would raise awareness of
between 12–19 years and 20–29 years. Occupation (P = 0.01) and the diagnosis and possibly lead to earlier diagnosis. This
implant type (P = 0.004) were the only factors that remained signif- study aimed to identify the factors associated with the devel-
icant after adjusting for age. On further subanalysis, implant type was opment of ACS.
not predictive when stratified by Tscherne class (P = 0.11).
Conclusions: We have documented the risk factors for the PATIENTS AND METHODS
development of ACS after an acute tibial diaphyseal fracture, with All tibial diaphyseal fractures presenting to our trauma
youth the strongest predictor. unit between January 1, 1995, and December 31, 2007, were
included. There were 1407 patients with a tibial diaphyseal
fracture in the 13-year period. Nineteen patients were
Accepted for publication March 31, 2015. excluded because they had a primary amputation for reasons
From the *Department of Orthopaedic Trauma, Edinburgh Orthopaedic other than ACS (n = 13) or in whom there were missing data
Trauma Unit, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; on the diagnosis of ACS (n = 6). This left 1388 patients for
and †Obstetrics and Gynaecology, North West London Hospitals, London, study, of whom 160 (11.5%) had ACS.
United Kingdom.
Presented in part at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Trauma Demographic details including age, gender, date, and
Association (OTA), October 2012, Minneapolis, MN. mode of injury were recorded prospectively. Low-energy
The authors report no conflict of interest. injury was defined as a fall from standing height or a sporting
Reprints: Andrew D. Duckworth, MBChB, BSc (Hons), MSc, MRCSEd, injury. High-energy injury was defined as a fall from a height
Edinburgh Orthopaedic Trauma Unit, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, 51
Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4SU, United Kingdom (e-mail:
or a road traffic accident. The method of management of the tibial fracture was recorded as was the presence or absence of
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. an ACS. ACS was diagnosed using clinical symptoms and

J Orthop Trauma  Volume 29, Number 10, October 2015 | 451

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McQueen et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 29, Number 10, October 2015

signs, compartment pressure monitoring, or a combination of sporting injury, and treatment with intramedullary nails also
the 2. The pressure threshold for decompression on the showed an association with the occurrence of ACS, but these
grounds of compartment monitoring was a ΔP of less than 30 were strongly confounded with age. There was no evidence of
mm Hg, showing no improvement for at least 2 hours.16 From an association with time, social deprivation, smoking, or the
a retrospective review of our trauma database, the diagnosis energy of the injury.
was confirmed by escape of muscle groups, documented evi- Multiple logistic regressions were performed to see if
dence of color change in the muscles, or muscle necrosis at any of these factors still predicted ACS after adjusting for age
fasciotomy.11,17 Patients who underwent fasciotomy but did (Table 2). When each factor was entered on its own with age,
not have these signs were classified as not having ACS, as it was found that gender was not significant (P = 0.09) nor
were those patients where it was possible to close the fasciot- was Gustilo class (P = 0.26) or injury mode (P = 0.52) but
omy wounds primarily at 48 hours. For those patients who did that occupation (P = 0.011) and implant type (P = 0.004)
not undergo fasciotomy, absence of ACS was confirmed by remained significant after adjusting for age. This is further
a record of absence of neurologic abnormality or contracture illustrated in Table 3, which shows that males had broadly
at final review, that is, the sequelae of missed ACS, with cases similar rates of ACS to females within age groups and there-
excluded if the review period did not extend beyond the time fore that the higher overall rate in males is largely explained
of fracture healing, which is routinely a minimum of 3 by their being younger on average than the females. Con-
months. versely, Table 3 also shows a tendency toward higher ACS
A retrospective case note and radiograph review was rates even within age groups for blue-collar workers, closed
performed to record whether the fracture was closed or open fractures, and those treated with intramedullary nails. Similar
and its Gustilo18,19 or Tscherne20 class. The OTA classifica- analyses on the fracture classifications with incomplete data
tion21 was recorded from available radiographs (n = 716, showed that the OTA subgroup 0.3 (fractures with the fibular
52%), with the classification agreed by consensus between fracture at the same level or the more severely comminuted
the 2 senior authors. Retrospective case note review also fractures) (P = 0.052) and the Tscherne score (P = 0.10) were
recorded the smoking status (n = 713, 51%) and occupation approaching significance adjusted for age group. Overall, age
(n = 973, 70%) of the patient where available. White-collar remained a highly significant predictor after adjusting for any
workers were defined as salaried professional or educated other factor.
workers and blue-collar workers as those performing manual The strongest age-independent effect was for implant
labor. A service worker was defined as working in a service type, and indeed, a further series of multiple logistic
industry. regressions showed that the effects of occupation and OTA
Social deprivation was calculated from postcodes using subgroup were no longer significant after adjusting for both
the Carstairs score.22 The Carstairs score is a z-score created age and implant type. However, this was confounded by the
from each postcode based on overcrowding, male unemploy- fact that of the 160 patients, 77 patients developed ACS
ment, low social class, and car ownership, which has been before treatment was instituted. We therefore performed
used extensively for the analysis of deprivation in many a secondary analysis excluding those patients, as the treat-
branches of medicine.23–26 Missing data numbers are shown ment method could not have influenced the development of
in Table 1. ACS. To investigate further the possibility that the apparent
implant effect was confounded with fracture type, we
Statistical Methods analyzed those patients with closed tibial fractures with
Factors were tested for univariate association with ACS Tscherne class recorded and confirmed first that there was
using chi-squared or t-tests, and multiple logistic regression or indeed a large difference, with nailed patients tending to have
Mantel–Haenszel testing was used to test factors for prognos- higher Tscherne scores than those given casts. This is shown
tic significance after adjusting for one another. Two-tailed P in Table 4, based on patients younger than 30 years, which
values were reported throughout and significance was taken also shows that within Tscherne classes, there was still some
to be P , 0.05. difference in the prevalence of ACS between those with nails
and casts. Because there were no cases of ACS in the cast
group, logistic regression cannot be used for testing the sig-
RESULTS nificance of this difference, but a Mantel–Haenszel test, strat-
There were 1388 patients in the study cohort, of whom ified by Tscherne class, was not significant at P = 0.11. The
160 (11.5%) had ACS. There were 957 males and 431 difference in the distribution of Tscherne class between pa-
females with a mean age of 39 (range, 12–98) years. The tients aged younger than 30 years with closed tibial fractures
number of patients who underwent fasciotomy but did not treated by casts or intramedullary nails therefore appears to at
fit the diagnostic criteria for ACS was 6 (0.4%). The number least partially explain the difference in the prevalence of ACS
of patients who did not undergo fasciotomy but were later between the 2 treatment methods. Although the power to
confirmed as a missed ACS was 8 (0.6%). Table 1 shows the detect a significant implant effect adjusted for Tscherne class
prevalence of ACS in relation to levels of selected preopera- was quite low because of the missing Tscherne data, there
tive and perioperative factors. was a strong association of treatment with Tscherne class and
There was a very strong association between ACS and the selection of subgroups. There were insufficient numbers
age, with the highest prevalence in patients in their teens and of patients treated with external fixation to comment on any
twenties (Table 1). Male gender, blue-collar occupation, differences.

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 29, Number 10, October 2015 Predictors of ACS

TABLE 1. Prevalence of Compartment Syndrome According TABLE 1. (Continued ) Prevalence of Compartment Syndrome
to Preoperative and Perioperative Factors According to Preoperative and Perioperative Factors
Number (%) Number (%)
Number With Number With
of Compartment Univariate of Compartment Univariate
Factor Level Patients Syndrome P Factor Level Patients Syndrome P
Age, y 12–19 222 45 (20) ,0.001 OTA 1 149 15 (10) ,0.001
20–29 335 70 (21) subgroup
30–39 264 31 (12) 2 239 23 (10)
40–49 188 8 (4) 3 224 51 (23)
50–59 153 5 (3) Tscherne 0 67 3 (4) 0.005
$60 226 1 (0.4) class
Sex Male 957 134 (14) ,0.001 1 404 52 (13)
Female 431 26 (6) 2 108 23 (21)
3 20 81 (13)
Year of 1995–1997 355 45 (13) 0.80
injury Missing 689
1998–2000 397 41 (10) RTA, road traffic accident.
2001–2003 264 29 (11)
2004–2007 372 45 (12)
Deprivation 1–3 541 59 (11) 0.67
4–5 625 75 (12) DISCUSSION
6–7 186 23 (12) This study shows clearly that youth is the strongest
Occupation White 329 50 (15) ,0.001 predictor of the likelihood of ACS developing after a tibial
Blue 318 57 (18) diaphyseal fracture with the highest risk occurring in
Service 71 11 (15) adolescents and young adults. We cannot make a comment
Retired 121 0 (0) on the risk in children as we do not treat tibial diaphyseal
Unemployed 133 10 (7) fractures in patients younger than 12 years, but scrutiny of the
Missing 415 32 (7) data demonstrates that the prevalence of ACS in adolescents
Smoking Yes 301 37 (12) 0.51 and young adults is 50 times that of the prevalence in the
No 412 52 (13) older than 60 years group. We have previously postulated that
Missing 675 71 (10) the increased risk in youth is related to the relative size of the
Implant Ex fix 64 3 (5) ,0.001 compartment and the muscle contained within it.27 Presum-
Nail 1172 155 (13) ably, when growth is complete, then the compartment size
Cast 137 1 (1) does not change. However, muscle size changes throughout
Other 11 1 (9) life, with muscles usually being largest in younger individuals
Missing 4 allowing less room for swelling to occur before intracompart-
Mode of Fall 389 19 (5) ,0.001 mental pressure reaches critical levels. We believe that this is
the most likely explanation for the increased risk of ACS in
Fall height 146 13 (9)
younger patients. However, further data are required to clarify
Sport 378 75 (20)
these findings, and we would still recommend vigilance for
RTA 331 41 (12)
ACS in older patients.
Other 144 12 (8)
Previously, we reported the risk factors for a series of
Injury Low 839 101 (12) 0.51
ACSs because of mixed causes and concluded that those at
High 549 59 (11)
highest risk were young males.27 However, there were not
Gustilo 0 1123 139 (12) 0.07
sufficient data to perform multiple logistic regression on these
class cases. This study has demonstrated that gender does not influ-
1 or 2 135 12 (9) ence the risk of compartment syndrome in tibial diaphyseal
3a or 3b 128 8 (6) fractures and that the previous finding was the result of the
Missing 2 bimodal distribution of tibial diaphyseal fractures with males
OTA type A 414 57 (14) 0.80 being younger than females.
B 138 22 (16) Initial analysis indicated the possibility that treatment
C 64 10 (16) with intramedullary nailing increased the risk of ACS
Missing 672 regardless of age. However, this was confounded by the
OTA group 1 273 32 (12) 0.18 treatment protocol in our unit where tibial fractures are almost
2 144 26 (18) all treated with intramedullary nailing. The only indication in
3 196 31 (16) our protocol for cast treatment is in completely undisplaced
fractures that are mostly classified as Tscherne C0, and given

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McQueen et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 29, Number 10, October 2015

We previously reported compartment pressure measurements

TABLE 2. 95% Confidence Limits for Estimated Odds Ratios
in a series of tibial diaphyseal fractures29 and found no differ-
From Multiple Logistic Regression of ACS on Age Group,
Implant Type, and Occupation ences in the mean pressure between open and closed fractures
or between low- and high-energy injuries. Others27,30 have
95% Confidence
Factor Group Odds Ratio Interval
also previously reported no differences in the rate of ACS
between these groups.
Age, years 10–19 12.09 6.41–22.79
Social deprivation does not increase the risk of ACS in
20–29 9.84 5.42–17.87
tibial diaphyseal fractures. Tibial fractures have been shown
30–39 4.64 2.41–8.93
to occur more commonly in the most deprived groups of the
$40 1.00
population, but there is no evidence that social deprivation
Type of implant Nail 5.44 2.34–12.65
increases any complications including infection, nonunion,
Other 1.00
and ACS.31
Occupation Blue collar 1.95 1.33–2.86
We recognize the primary limitation of our study is the
Other 1.00
lack of a universally agreed reference standard for the
diagnosis of ACS and that the fasciotomy could be a self-
fulfilling prophecy for the diagnosis of ACS. However, we
the small number of cases in our series, no definitive have applied stringent diagnostic criteria to confirm the
conclusions regarding the risk of ACS in relation to cast presence or absence of ACS, with any equivocal cases
treatment can be made. However, the risk of ACS in these resolved by consensus between the 2 senior authors. We feel
cases is statistically significantly less than in those with that in the absence of a recognized gold standard for
displacement and more severe soft tissue injury. When this is diagnosing ACS, these criteria are the most suitable to use,
taken into account, there were no significant differences in the particularly given their use within the orthopaedic litera-
prevalence of ACS, indicating that treatment type may not ture.11,17 Furthermore, our reported rate of fasciotomy is in
after all influence the risk of ACS. However, the low power of keeping with other studies in the literature, although the rate
this secondary analysis leaves this question open and further is very wide ranging.32–35
data in particular on patients with Tscherne classes 1–3 trea- Another obvious limitation is the retrospective nature of
ted by cast would be required to clarify the situation. How- this study, with missing data and radiographs noted. This can
ever, this would likely be difficult, given the current routine lead to a possibility of bias and inaccuracy of the data
management of the majority of these injuries is with intra- collected. The diagnosis of missed ACS was performed
medullary nailing. through retrospective case note review, with no protocol-
We found no differences in the rate of ACS in low- or driven process for this. However, the case notes did routinely
high-energy injury or in open versus closed fractures. document a clinical examination of the patient, and we feel it
Previous authors28 have suggested that the more severe the is unlikely that any clinically significant contracture was not
soft tissue injury the more likely is the occurrence of ACS. noted. The limited number of available radiographs was due

TABLE 3. Prevalence of Compartment Syndrome According to Age Groups and Levels of Selected Other Preoperative and
Perioperative Factors
Factor Level Age 10–19 years Age 20–29 years Age 30–39 years Age ‡40 years
Sex Male 22 (13) 25 (11) 11 (6) 6 (2)
Female 5 (14) 3 (5) 5 (8) 2 (1)
Occupation White 20 (14) 4 (6) 5 (13) 1 (2)
Blue 5 (23) 10 (13) 6 (8) 6 (6)
Service 1 (20) 5 (21) 1 (6) 0 (0)
Retired NA NA 0 (0) 0 (0)
Unemployed 1 (25) 2 (8) 1 (4) 1 (1)
NA 0 (0) 7 (7) 3 (3) 0 (0)
Implant Ex fix 1 (12) 0 (0) 1 (8) 0 (0)
Nail 26 (17) 28 (11) 15 (7) 7 (1)
Cast 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Other 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (12)
Mode of injury Fall 2 (17) 5 (16) 1 (2) 1 (0)
Fall height 1 (8) 2 (10) 2 (5) 3 (4)
Sport 12 (12) 14 (10) 5 (7) 1 (3)
RTA 10 (14) 5 (6) 3 (5) 2 (2)
Other 2 (22) 2 (7) 5 (14) 1 (1)
Figures shown are number (%).
RTA, road traffic accident; NA, not available.

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 29, Number 10, October 2015 Predictors of ACS

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