ET 8. Anterior Pelvic Ring Introduction To Evaluation.1. JOT. 2018.

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Anterior Pelvic Ring: Introduction to Evaluation and

Geoffrey S. Marecek, MD* and John A. Scolaro, MD, MA†

Injuries to the posterior pelvic ring through the sacrum

Summary: The evaluation and management of pelvic ring injuries or sacroiliac joints have historically been given priority with
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continues to evolve. Historic treatment was primarily nonsurgical, regard to stabilization. Many believed that in the setting of a
which yielded to open surgical treatment as the benefits of restoring pelvic ring injury, stabilization of the posterior elements alone
pelvic anatomy and stability became clear. The development of would be sufficient. A single surgeon experience of pelvic ring
percutaneous techniques for pelvic ring fixation enabled surgeons to injuries published in 1996 noted, “Many anterior fixations are
reduce and stabilize certain injuries without the need for large open not necessary . and add to the potential risks of pelvic sur-
surgical dissections. Although percutaneous iliosacral screw fixation of gery. Properly performed posterior fixation is sufficient in most
sacral fractures and sacroiliac disruptions is the standard for most cases.”7 Although stable and accurate posterior ring fixation
posterior pelvic ring injuries, the evaluation and treatment of anterior remains important, a recognition that each injured pelvic ring
pelvic ring disruptions remains a controversial topic among surgeons element is a potential site of instability and deformity has
who treat these injuries. Universally accepted indications for anterior driven improved evaluation and fixation of the anterior pelvis.
pelvic ring stabilization do not exist, and there is little comparative data Recent literature on the pelvic ring has focused primarily
to support one surgical technique over another. In fact, some believe on the development of anterior pelvic intramedullary techniques
that for many injuries, the anterior ring rarely requires fixation after and on evaluating and predicting pelvic stability after injury.
stable fixation of the posterior pelvic ring. The purpose of this work is Alternative techniques, such as anterior subcutaneous fixation
to present a brief history on management of the anterior pelvic ring as (ASF), bridge plating,8 and unique bridge fixators,9 have also
a component of pelvic ring disruptions and briefly review the anatomy been described as a means of stabilizing the anterior pelvic ring.
of the anterior pelvic ring. Finally, we will introduce the current Future biomechanical and clinical investigations will continue
techniques available for anterior pelvic reduction/stabilization and to improve the body of literature on the topic and improve care.
present information on evaluation of anterior ring stability as a means
of guiding treatment.
Key Words: anterior pelvic ring, pelvis, instability, ramus, fracture,
The pelvic ring consists of 2 innominate bones, the
sacrum, and multiple ligamentous attachments between them.
(J Orthop Trauma 2018;32:S1–S3) Fractures and/or ligamentous injuries within the ring may result
in instability. The anterior pelvic ring includes the 2 superior
and inferior rami and their anterior midline junction at the pubic
HISTORY symphysis, a non-synovial amphiarthrodial joint.10 The relevant
Similar to other areas of orthopaedic trauma, management surgical anatomy along the superior ramus will be discussed.
of pelvic ring injuries has moved from nonsurgical or limited The medial surface of each pubic bone is covered with
external stabilization/traction to internal fixation. Before routine a thin layer of hyaline cartilage and stabilized by anterior and
implementation of internal fixation techniques, anterior external posterior ligamentous structures. The main stabilizing liga-
fixation was used as definitive treatment for many lateral ments are the superior and inferior arcuate ligament. Moving
compression (LC) and anterior posterior compression (APC) laterally, the pubic tubercle is a prominence that serves as
type injuries.1,2 Internal fixation techniques were used with the attachment of the inguinal ligament. Multiple muscle
increasing frequency between the 1980s and 1990s, commonly attachments exist near the symphysis, including the rectus
with plates and screws.3 In the mid-90s, percutaneous techniques abdominus, pyramidalis, adductor longus, and the upper border
for the anterior and posterior pelvic ring were described, which of the gracilis and adductor brevis. Lateral to the symphysis,
fundamentally changed management of pelvic ring injuries.4–6 the pectineal line is a ridge along the superior ramus. Fibers of
the pectineal ligament and origin of the pectineus muscle are
Accepted for publication May 29, 2018. found here. If present, vascular communications between the
From the *Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Southern California,
Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA; and †Department of Orthopaedic external iliac and obturator or inferior epigastric system exist
Surgery, University of California, Irvine, Orange, CA. here.11 Continuing laterally along the pelvic brim, the iliopec-
The authors report no conflict of interest. tineal fascia is a vertical thickening of fascia that inserts onto
Reprints: John A. Scolaro, MD, MA, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, the iliopectineal eminence. This fascia separates the true pelvis
University of California, Irvine, 101, The City Drive South, Building
29A, Pavilion III, Orange, CA 92868 (e-mail:
from the false pelvis and the eminence represents the location
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. where the ilium and pubis fuse. Medial to the fascia, the fem-
DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001249 oral artery and vein course over the superior ramus. Lateral to

J Orthop Trauma  Volume 32, Number 9 Supplement, September 2018 | S1

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Marecek and Scolaro J Orthop Trauma  Volume 32, Number 9 Supplement, September 2018

the eminence is a broad shallow depression where the iliacus biological footprint and can be used when osseous morphology
and psoas major muscles, as well as the femoral nerve, pass. or surgical field contamination prohibit internal fixation. Both
The obturator neurovascular bundle course below the superior techniques do have associated morbidity and limitations.14,18
ramus within the obturator canal but is in close opposition to Anterior pelvic ring fixation can be accomplished in
the caudal cortical limit of the superior ramus along the supe- multiple ways. Before considering the various techniques,
rior lateral aspect of the obturator foramen. proper evaluation of anterior pelvic ring stability is performed
Comprehension of the relevant surgical anatomy of the to determine both the need and the type of fixation applied.
anterior pelvic ring is essential as trauma, surgical exposures,
and implant placement can all result in injury. Although
traumatic injury is unable to be prevented, iatrogenic injury ASSESSMENT OF STABILITY
must be avoided. Mechanical instability is obvious in certain cases (Fig. 1,
widely displaced ring). However, for many cases, identifying
and quantifying instability is challenging (Figs. 2A–C). Phys-
ANTERIOR PELVIC RING ical examination of the patient is a critical first step, as patients
STABILIZATION TECHNIQUES with pelvic ring instability are often reluctant to move in bed,
Techniques for stabilization of the anterior pelvic ring intolerant of pelvic compression, and difficult to mobilize.
can be grouped into 3 main categories: plate fixation, Radiographs and computed tomography scans are com-
intramedullary fixation, and spanning fixation. Each will be monly used studies to begin evaluation of the pelvic ring but
described in greater detail within the body of this supplement both are static images that may not demonstrate maximum or
but will be introduced here. potential displacement of the ring.19 Some surgeons have at-
Plate and screw fixation of the symphysis pubis is tempted to identify markers of mechanical instability that can
routinely performed in the setting of traumatic symphyseal predict later displacement. Bruce et al20 reviewed 117 LC type
widening. Plate fixation can also be used for ramus fixation or injuries managed nonoperatively. Patients with complete sacral
to span both an injured ramus and symphysis pubis.12 In most fractures displaced more than 1 cm in any plane during treat-
instances, plate and screw fixation requires a formal open sur- ment in 50% of cases. Anterior ring injuries were important as
gical approach to the injured element(s) of the anterior ring. patients without ramus fractures did not displace, whereas those
Although this technique allows direct visualization of the with unilateral or bilateral ramus fractures displaced in 8.8%
injury, and can be used regardless of osseous morphology, it and 39% of cases, respectively. However, the functional impact
does leave a surface implant in place, which may be undesirable of this displacement is unknown. Moreover, these data provide
in some clinical scenarios. Flexible 3.5-mm reconstruction-style an estimate of the risk of displacement but cannot determine the
plates and standard cortical screws are most frequently used. presence of mechanical instability in any given patient.
Intramedullary fixation uses the osseous fixation path- Consequently, surgeons have turned to dynamic assess-
way (OFP) of the superior ramus that exists between the pubic ments of mechanical stability in equivocal cases. Sagi et al21
symphysis and supra-acetabular region.13 It can be used for described a 15-step examination under anesthesia (EUA) to
simple and complex rami fractures but is not used for fixation identify mechanical instability in LC and APC type injuries
across a symphyseal disruption. Screws are placed in an ante- that was used to direct treatment preoperatively and intraoper-
grade or retrograde direction; terminology that refers to atively. In many cases, a simple internal rotation or external
whether screw insertion begins in the supra-acetabular region rotation force is sufficient to identify the presence of instabil-
or near the pubic symphysis, respectively. Unless a reduction ity, although the surgeon may desire more information from
requires an open approach, intramedullary fixation has the the remainder of the examination. In a later study, Whiting
advantage of leaving a small biological footprint; it also does
not leave a surface implant on the bone. Anatomical variation
exists and some patients do not possess a safe corridor for
intramedullary fixation due to the size and/or shape of the
OFP. The technique also requires an understanding of not only
the relevant anatomy of the bony pelvis and surrounding soft
tissue structures but also their fluoroscopic representations.
Finally, spanning fixation describes both pelvic external
fixation and ASF. Both external fixation and ASF provide an
indirect reduction to the anterior pelvic ring.1,14,15 External fix-
ation can be used for provisional or definitive stabilization and
can be used in both APC or LC type injuries. External fixation
pins are commonly placed in 1 of 2 positions: (1) between the
inner and outer tables of the ilium within the gluteus medius
pillar16 or (2) anteriorly, starting about the anterior inferior iliac
spine and heading posteriorly within the OFP in the supra-
acetabular region toward the sciatic notch or posterior superior
iliac spine.17 ASF uses the anterior supra-acetabular pin trajec- FIGURE 1. Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of pelvic ring with
tory exclusively. External fixation and ASF also leave a limited obvious mechanical instability.

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 32, Number 9 Supplement, September 2018 Anterior Pelvic Ring

FIGURE 2. A 60 year old woman who sustained a fall at home. She was discharged from an outside hospital and was walking several
days after injury when she presented with this AP radiograph (A) and axial CT scan (B). One week later, mechanical instability was
evident on repeat AP pelvis (C).

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