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Footsteps; and lo, descending by a

Italy : 39. The Fountain Trodden for ages, many a nymph
Appeared and vanished, bearing on her
Her earthen pitcher.  It called up the
By Samuel Rogers day
Ulysses landed there; and long I gazed,
It was a well Like one awaking in a distant time.
Of whitest marble, white as from the       At length there came the loveliest of
quarry; them all,
And richly wrought with many a high Her little brother dancing down before
relief, her;
Greek sculpture -- in some earlier day And ever as he spoke, which he did
perhaps ever,
A tomb, and honoured with a hero's Turning and looking up in warmth of
ashes. heart
The water from the rock filled and And brotherly affection.  Stopping there,
o'erflowed; She joined her rosy hands, and, filling
Then dashed away, playing the them
prodigal, With the pure element, gave him to
And soon was lost -- stealing unseen, drink;
unheard, And, while he quenched his thirst,
Thro' the long grass, and round the standing on tip-toe,
twisted roots Looked down upon him with a sister's
Of aged trees; discovering where it ran smile,
By the fresh verdure.  Overcome with Nor stirred till he had done, fixed as a
heat, statue.
I threw me down; admiring, as I lay,       Then hadst thou seen them as they
That shady nook, a singing-place for stood, Canova,
birds, Thou hadst endowed them with
That grove so intricate, so full of immortal youth;
flowers, And they had ever more lived
More than enough to please a child a- undivided,
Maying. Winning all hearts -- of all thy works the
      The sun had set, a distant convent- fairest.
Ringing the Angelus; and now
approached Glossary
The hour for stir and village-gossip
Wrought: forjado
The hour Rebekah came, when from o'erflowed: overflowed
the well
She drew with such alacrity to serve Thro': preposition through mediante
The stranger and his camels.  Soon I
Stir: revolver
Alacrity: prontitud
Lo: object pronoun something abstract
Trodden: pisoteada/
Nymph: ninfa
Quenched: apagado/ a
Stirred: movido/a
Hadst: hubiese
Thou: tought

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