Family Articles

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Family Articles

By Jagadish

Knowledge of food should flow from wife to husband but not vice versa if you want survive pandemic

Children ask food from mother

Fathers don’t cook food in the house

Mothers actually stay in the house

Father actually work 24 hours

Social debtors look at daughter in law for help

Nutritionists are preferred females

Concern for healthy diet and weight is knowledge of girls

Insight into magazines and food cookbooks is den of women

Hatred love stories and commitment towards family is den of brides

Showing anger frustration hatred jealousy and violence is den of utensils purchased by wife

Gadgets and to run them is checked out by ladies based upon temperament and love for food

Shortcuts and knowledge of tips and sharing information about cuisines is den of women chefs

State cuisine and knowledge of preparation is inquisitiveness of women as they are role models

Kitchen is women responsibility coming to them through decades and centuries of observation

Purchases in vegetable market you see spinsters and women but men only carry weights not decisions

Thought of the day

Knowledge of food tasting cuisine of states is preparation of food in the house is wife responsibility

Depending upon institutions swiggy Zomato is order of the day when energy reserves is decreasing

You can order only 3 dishes in the restaurant

You have to waste 3 hours in drive

You have to wear 3 uniforms in a day

You have to while away 30 minutes to get a seat

You have to spend 30 to 45 minutes to eat

You have to book a table 3 hours well in advance

You have to intimate 3 days prior before coming if you are a big stalwart

You have to pay bill 30 minutes later either in cash or debit

You are in tension for the whole 30 minutes for fear of removing you from the table

You have conversation not more than 3 hours if restaurant is open

You have to allocate time and do jugalbandi for 3 minutes to decide time place and venue

You have to have friends not less than 3 to give business to the hotel industry

You have to do staycation not more than 30 hours if you want to impress your family

You can order a dish 30 minutes fresh delivered to the house

You can order a dish whiling away for 3 hours without tension

You can lose pension money and still pay 30 rupees and more to start the journey

You can lose up to 300 rupees for dish and still consume food throughout the day and night

Thought of the day

If you don’t want tension and not lose pension and go away for vacation house is sweet

Doing PhD is family responsibility and not copy paste of knowledge if you want to live in INDIA

Students learning copy paste would never succeed in research

Research to succeed you have to create which nobody can think about

To be rich and wealthy you have to think in those lines where nobody likes to step in

By doing copy paste you are just affirming that you know

That knowing if you inculcate in learning terminologies of the subject

You would be able to get further information into encyclopedia

Through this encyclopedia you can do innumerable job work

Through job work you can associate with secondary data

Secondary data would let you know what has been copy pasted and written literature

By knowing secondary data information on subject of your choice

You can know through encyclopedia what other terminologies are missing

Through this knowledge explore the terminology through questionnaire

Research done through questionnaire you can explore new areas

Construct new theories and knowledge expansion

Become rich by knowing things which others don’t know

Through which you can do consultation and project knowledge which public is not aware off

Through this exploration you can earn money and have opportunities to be rich and wealthy

Thought of the day

Doing PhD in unknown territories making public aware of which they can't think is money earning

Entrepreneurship is knowledge of family if you want to be employee leave the country

To be rich in India one has to do entrepreneurship

To be rich in India one has to leave paycheck to paycheck

To be rich in India one always who works for others can never earn more

To be rich in India one has to work more hours than normal

To be rich in India one has to endure insults outside job also

To be rich in India one has to have soft skills to do job outside employee

To be rich in India one has to have knowledge and qualification to implement

To be rich in India one has to have strategic skills to do jobs to earn more than normal

To be rich in India one has to have awareness what women actually like to know about men

To be rich in India one has to have internet universities to teach money skills

To be rich in India one has to have knowledge of partnership firms

To be rich in India one has to have knowledge of west

West doesn’t have man power

West doesn’t have people to do jobs

West doesn’t have skills in labor

West doesn’t have muscle power

Thought of the day

To be rich one need not leave the country, but to do one job in India, a person has to settle in west

If you want get education of internet institutions your goal should be entrepreneurship not employee

Internet education is to be taken up to be independent

Internet education is to be taken up to be away from paycheck to paycheck

Internet education is to be taken up to be big stalwart

Internet education is to be taken up for knowledge to be rich

Internet education is to be taken up for high class society to be formed

Internet education is to be taken up for confidence building measure

Internet education is to be taken up for foresight 14 years insight

Internet education is to be taken up for knowledge to be continued in PhD

Internet education is to be taken up for further increase in salary

Internet education is to be taken up for money to flow in in form of passive income

Internet education is to be taken up for wisdom to gain knowledge of world

Internet education is to be taken up for through universities to know current affairs

Internet education is to be taken up for wise living through books reading

Internet education is to be taken up for subscriptions to be taken up to know world affairs

Internet education is to be taken up for knowledge of world tourism

Internet education is to be taken up for knowledge to expand through west collaboration

Thought of the day

Education through internet is world requirement to be safe for which finance money is needed 24 /7

Food is goal for which families are set up to accomplish how to live on earth earning passive income

Economic man earn to eat food in the day afternoon night time

Economic man does entrepreneurship to know delicacies to relieve his tension

Economic man is insightful about food because he wants to be healthy

Economic man is knowledgeable because he wants to eat which is nutritious

Economic man is wisdom born because he is doing job for which food plays every time role

Economic man likes to marry a chef cook who is wife because he doesn’t want to be unhealthy

Economic man like family members to learn from internet because he wants to earn salary

Economic man like children who are studious so that they can give him food when he has no job

Economic man wants to be rich because he can continue being tension free from poverty

Passive income gives economic man security to take rest when in tension

Passive income gives economic man something to think about his job opportunities

Passive income gives economic man knowledge about universities which can make him independent

Passive income gives economic man luxury to look at risks which he has to undertake in future

Passive income gives economic man insight into books so that he can increase his income in trouble

Passive income gives economic man an opportunity to look at education from new angle of pragmatism

Thought of the day

Passive income and future income can make economic man safe from pandemic and disasters coming

Those who depend upon relatives for their bread and butter should know that family is death also

Males should be independent because death is statement when made doesn’t keep anyone alive

Males should be independent because death leaves no trace but makes people dependent

Males should be independent because death leaves a scar on the humanity

Males should be independent because death doesn’t see or has awareness of whom you are depending

Males should be independent because death is aliens which can even be micro-organisms

Males should be independent because death Is you being all alone

Males should be independent because death is living with knowledge

Males should be independent because death is world wars

Males should be independent because death is pandemics

Males should be independent because death is penniless

Males should be independent because death is leaders being dead

Males should be independent because death is inevitable

Males should be independent because death is commonsense

Males should be independent because death is feared and respected by many who are peers

Males should be independent because death is wisdom of knowing you are alone

Males should be independent because death is famine which leaves everyone mercilessly pauper

Thought of the day

Death teaches you thousand ways how to be alive but it teaches you also in earth you always alone

Those who want to get wealth from relatives in the form of annuities must know science of spending

Males lead the nation

Males make decisions

Males build bridges

Males run the administration

Males honor values

Males lead females

Males are respected

Males are honored by women

Males are married to

Males come to rescue

Males are knowledgeable

Males are guided

Males are showered with flowers

Males are given ways and paths

Males fight evil

Males aren't timid

Males protect families

Males are welcome to abode of olden generation

Thought of the day

Males are ferocious and males don’t ever like being a target of submissiveness when valor is called for

Those who get pension plans from rich class relatives must know science of hyperinflation in country

Pension plans would not solve your issue if politicians are way ward

Pension plans would not solve your issue if ceos lose their heads

Pension plans would not solve your issue if wars are waged in country

Pension plans would not solve your issue if knowledge is expensive

Pension plans would not solve your issue if social debtors increase

Pension plans would not solve your issue if relatives come and go

Pension plans would not solve your issue if hyper inflations set in

Pension plans would not solve your issue if pandemic sets in frequently

Pension plans would not solve your issue if disasters is frequent

Pension plans would not solve your issue if wisdom of books to purchase

Best way to solve your problems beyond pension is to earn income

Best way to solve your problems beyond pension is to create additional wealth through investments

Best way to solve your problems beyond pension is to solve annuities issue

Best way to solve your problems beyond pension is to go for university courses to increase opportunities

Best way to solve your problems beyond pension is to go for entrepreneurship

Best way to solve your problems beyond pension is to go for consultation

Best way to solve your problems beyond pension is to create passive income-based jobs

Thought of the day

Pension plans only solve your petty cash of the month as they are fixed but inflation always shoots up

Being independent in life earning your own income is respectful because parents can depend on you

Parents should have minimum 95 crores to be independent by themselves

Children have to take care of parents who are not rich for fear of not having real estate

Parents live in own house which belongs to child later on

Parents take care of grandparents because they compensate money disadvantage through pension

Financial schemes of grandparents and parents' cupboard of knowledge is handy for children

Sometimes parents become rich through relatives and can pass on estate to grand children

Wealth usually seen by children is money but they forget brains consultation gives information huge

Knowledge passed on by parents to children is not knowledge usually in movies it is financial & science

Laws of country keep updating knowledge of parents and it is children who should be wise to grab it

Parents who depend on children are wise because they have purpose to live longer lifespan as research

Research done by parent's else social debtors come handy to children who have innumerable tasks day

Social debtors can even contribute by giving knowledge to public and earn petty cash for economic man

Duplex houses are still allowed by the government and economic man can grab pie with extra work

One floor belongs to parents, one to grandparents and one to economic man as it is duplex house

Duplex houses can be created into three floors man management and still be free from children

Knowledge sharing of olden generation comes handy to children when children become wayward

Thought of the day

Research is not decision of husband-and-wife responsibility, it is social debtors' contribution also

Depending upon brother sister is not commonsense because he has to marry and leave you poverty

Marriage wife is answerable to husband for her actions in day-to-day affairs to get protection

Marriage wife is answerable to father-in-law for her actions in day-to-day affairs to demand respect

Marriage wife is answerable to mother-in-law for her action in day-to-day affairs to share kitchen

Marriage wife is answerable to relatives for her action in day-to-day affairs to relish togetherness

Marriage wife is answerable to father for her actions in day-to-day affairs to be face in crowd

Marriage wife is answerable to mother for her actions in day-to-day affairs to move in society

Marriage husband is answerable to wife for his actions in day-to-day affairs to get respect in family

Marriage husband is answerable to father-in-law for his actions in day-to-day affairs for getting respect

Marriage husband is answerable to mother-in-law for his actions in day-to-day affairs for getting food

Marriage husband is answerable to father for his actions in day-to-day affairs for getting knowledge

Marriage husband is answerable to mother for his actions in day-to-day affairs for asking wife

Brother cant interfere into affairs of sister relationship because money belongs to husband side security

Sister can't interfere into affairs of brother relationship because money belong to wife security

Thought of the day

Brother and sister relationship is only temperory the moment you interfere society questions start

In family decisions of money are made by family members and they are made after marriage known

Wife has to save money from starting because father-in-law asks for it for his son security

Husband has to save money from the starting because father-in-law asks for it for his daughter security

Wife earns money for her marriage to be safe as husband asks for it at the time of dowry

Husband earns money for his marriage to be safe as wife asks for it at the time of thread ceremony

Wife has to save money for her marriage to be safe so that husband relatives allow her without friction

Husband has to save money for his marriage to be safe so that wife relatives allow him to pick up wife

Outsiders don’t attend marriages of poor people and like to be treated kings & queens during reception

Relatives don’t attend marriages of their own as paupers and like to be treated with respect at reception

Similar wealth people like to flock together at marriage time as discussions are ferocious

Both the group at time of meeting like to be on par and never like to be below par for fear of disrespect

Knowledge of both sides should be on par and any knowledge never to be creation of trouble

Similarity in knowledge is always a happy state but dissatisfaction in food taste buds is disaster in future

Thought of the day

Knowledge of families is tested at the time of passage of time during meetings having no resentment

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