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Targ Oncol (2009) 4:121–133

DOI 10.1007/s11523-009-0109-x


Renal toxicity of targeted therapies

Ronan J. Kelly & Bertrand Billemont & Olivier Rixe

Received: 10 February 2009 / Accepted: 31 March 2009 / Published online: 6 May 2009
# US Government 2009

Abstract The use of molecular targeted therapies for the types of solid tumors have emerged. An improved
treatment of cancer has increased over the last decade. The understanding of the molecular biology involved in the
benefits of these compounds in terms of efficacy are often development of cancer has stimulated a dramatic increase in
relatively modest and counter balanced by the occurrence both research and development for novel antitumor thera-
of significant toxicities. Many of these newer agents used in pies. Several molecular targeted compounds have now been
clinical practice lack specificity and selectivity and have a approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and the
propensity to inhibit multiple targets. The biological European Medicines Agency for use as single modality or
consequences of multi-kinase activity are poorly defined in combination with conventional cytotoxic chemothera-
and numerous class-specific toxicities have been described. pies. Inhibition of the vascular endothelial growth factor
The kidney is an organ where most of these targeted (VEGF) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
pathways are expressed. Preclinical data and human renal pathways have been the most successful directions to date
biopsies have generated an understanding of the mecha- in translating scientific knowledge to clinical benefit for the
nisms involved in how targeted agents can cause renal treatment of solid tumors [1].
toxicity. This review article discusses the observed nephro- Analysis of large phase II and III clinical trial data has
toxicity with this burgeoning class of therapeutics and exposed several limitations for the use of targeted agents.
reviews both the biological reasons for its occurrence and The demonstration of intrinsic and acquired resistance as
possible ways to prevent significant renal damage. well as the demonstration of specific toxicities involving
the skin, the cardiovascular system and the kidney have
Keywords Targeted therapies . Renal toxicity . Sunitinib . been reported [2]. These observations, in conjunction with
Bevacizumab . Sorafenib preclinical data, reveal the absence of specificity of these
newer agents. It has been suggested that co-expression of
membrane targets or shared intracellular pathways between
Introduction normal tissue and cancer cells may explain the occurrence
of the described adverse events (Fig. 1). Additional
Over the last 10 years, new treatment paradigms incorpo- mechanisms of toxicities are also suspected. Monoclonal
rating the use of targeted therapy in the treatment of many antibodies against VEGF or small molecule VEGF-
receptor (VEGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors can lead to
R. J. Kelly : O. Rixe (*) significant renal toxicities, including hypertension and
National Cancer Institute, Medical Oncology Branch,
proteinuria. This class-effect will be extensively reviewed
Center for Cancer Research,
Bethesda, MD 20892, USA in this article in terms of mechanism, frequency and
e-mail: clinical implication for the future use of these com-
pounds. In parallel, we will discuss the renal adverse
B. Billemont
events observed with preliminary data obtained with
CERIA (Centre d’Etudes et de Recours sur les Inhibiteurs de
l’Angiogenese), Cochin Hospital, other antiangiogenics blocking a VEGF-independent
Paris, France pathway.
122 Targ Oncol (2009) 4:121–133

Fig. 1 Schematic representation podocyte

of the nephron and the expres- mesangial cell
sion of the targets VGEF

HIF2 α

basement membrane HIF1 α

epithelial cell




mesangial cell





Antiangiogenic compounds and renal toxicity VEGF expression in the adult

In the VEGF era, many selective drugs have been brought VEGF is strongly expressed embryologically, playing a
into the clinic. Different strategies have been developed in critical role in new blood vessel formation. In adults, VEGF
two opposite directions: the use of “dirty” drugs with a is a key regulator of many physiologic processes such as
large spectrum of activity contrasting with the develop- wound healing, bone repair and the response of skeletal
ment of very specific compounds, targeting one key muscle to exercise [5]. It also plays a central role in
protein involved in the angiogenic process [3]. This maintaining a normal menstrual and reproductive cycle
duality is not restricted to VEGF-VEGFR inhibition, but with monthly changes occurring in the uterus, ovary and
can be applied to other targeted agents including anti-EGFR breast [6]. VEGF is upregulated in several patho-
molecules [4]. In clinical trials, highly specific or selective physiologic processes (see Table 1). Maharaj et al. have
inhibition of only one of the kinases involved in the proposed a classification involving three levels of expres-
signaling pathways has been associated with sporadic or sion of VEGF in normal tissues. In the “sparse cellular”
limited responses. The selective versus multiple inhibitions expression group, including brain, retina and testes, VEGF
have significant potential implications in terms of activity is expressed primarily by pericytes and vascular stromal
and toxicity. cells [7]. The “intermediate group” of VEGF expression
Targ Oncol (2009) 4:121–133 123

Table 1 Occurrence of proteinuria in clinical trials with bevacizumab

Treatment Cancer No of patients Proteinuria No. of patients (%) Reference

All grades Grade 3–4

B+C BC 229 51 (22.3%) 1 (0.4%) Miller et al. 2005 [85]
B+P BC 365 - 13 (3.5 %) Miller et al. 2007 [86]
B+E BC 38 8 (21%) 0 Dickler et al. 2008 [87]
B + Cy + C BC 46 15 (32%) 1 (0.2%) Dellapasqua et al. 2008 [88]
B all level RCC 76 40 (52.3%) 5 (6.5%) Yang et al. 2003 [89]
3 mg/kg 39 25 (32.5%) 3 (3.9%)
10 mg/kg 37 15 (19.7%) 2 (2.6%)
B + INF RCC 327 59 (18%) 22 (7%) Escudier et al. 2007 [90]
B + INF RCC 366 - 56 (15%) Rini et al. 2008 [91]
B+E RCC 51 (B) - 3 (5.7%) Bukowski et al. 2007 [92]
51 (B + E) - 16 (31%)
B+P+C NSCLC 66 21 (32%) 1 (1.5%) Johnson et al. 2004 [93]
B+P+C NSCLC 434 NA 13 (3.1%) Sandler et al. 2006 [94]
B+E NSCLC 32 9% 0 Herbst et al. 2005 [95]
B + E vs B NSCLC 78 0 0 Herbst et al. 2007 [96]
B + XELOX Vs B + FOLFOX CCR 141 vs 72 - 20 vs 15 Hochster et al. 2008 [97]
B + XELOX vs B + FOLFOX CCR 350 vs 349 4 (<1%) 0 Saltz et al. 2008 [98]
B + XELOX +/- Cetux CCR 192 vs 197 82 (21%) 21 (5%) Tol et al. 2008 [99]
IFL +/- B CCR 393 26.5 % 0.8 % Hurwitz et al. 2004 [100]

B (bevacizumab), C (Capecitabine), P (Carboplatin), E (Erlotinib), Cy (cyclophosphamide), INF (Interferon), Xelox (Capecitabine + oxaliplatin),
FOLFOX (Oxaliplatin + 5FU), Cetux (Cetuximab)

involves cardiac and skeletal muscles. In the “highest VEGFR1 and VEGFR2, and is essential in many physio-
density” group, VEGF is expressed on the epithelia in logic processes. VEGF induces and maintains fenestration.
contact with the fenestrated vasculature of tissues such as Fenestrae on endothelial cells are discontinuities that
the glomerulus, choroid plexus, liver and pancreas. Inter- facilitate movement of particules in and out the circulation
estingly, endothelial cells do not generally express [12].
VEGF [8]. As an exception, aortic endothelial cells
express VEGF, but not the vena cava [9]. The role of Anti-VEGF agents and their associated renal toxicity
expression of VEGF in this large blood vessel is unknown.
VEGF is potentially expressed in every tissue in the adult, Despite its central role in many normal physiologic
and its receptor (VEGFR2) is also expressed in close functions VEGF is also a key regulator of tumor angiogen-
proximity to the VEGF source [10]. esis. This finding has led to the development of several
VEGF-targeted agents that include neutralizing monoclonal
Function of VEGF in the adult antibodies [13] (Fig. 2).

The function of VEGF appears to be pleiotropic. (1) The Bevacizumab

low expression of VEGF seen in the vasculature of tissues
having barrier functions (e.g., retina, brain, testes) may Bevacizumab is an anti-VEGF165 humanized monoclonal
contribute to the impermeability of these vessels [11]. (2) antibody approved by the US Food and Drug Administra-
Inhibition of VEGF leads to an alteration of the microvas- tion for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma but
culature and in blood vessel regression in a number of also colon, breast and non-small cell lung carcinoma in
normal tissues. (3) VEGF plays an integral role in the combination with chemotherapy. Bevacizumab is specific
normal functioning of fenestrated endothelial cells. These for VEGF (also referred to as VEGF-A) but does not
cells are found in many endocrine tissues as well as in the neutralize other members of the VEGF family (VEGF-B to
kidney, the choroid plexus and the gastrointestinal tract. E) [14]. Monoclonal antibodies, including bevacizumab,
The permeability of endothelial cells is mediated via both have emerged as a class of specific and selective anti-cancer
124 Targ Oncol (2009) 4:121–133

Fig. 2 Site of action of VEGF VEGF-R2 VEGF-R3 PDGF-R HIF1

and VEGFR inhibitors on endo- VEGF-R1 NOTCH
thelial and cancer cells

pericyte C-KIT
endothelial cell

tumor cell




molecules [15]. The mechanism of action of bevacizumab The occurrence of renal toxicities demonstrates the
has been extensively studied [16]. The current view of its absence of total selectivity for tumor cell targeting and
angiogenesis inhibition involves a complex series of events has been extensively documented by Eremina et al. [22].
including the classic sprouting angiogenesis inhibition Putative causes of nephrotoxicity have been suggested
(including inhibition of new blood vessel growth and including an indirect effect of the therapy (called “off-
vascular regression), modification of vessel permeability target” toxicity related to immunologic disorders related to
and vascular constriction, direct effect on tumor cell the monoclonal antibody) or “on-target” effects due to the
function, offsetting of effects of chemotherapy induction co-expression of VEGF on the normal kidney. The role of
of VEGF levels, but also bone marrow-derived endothelial other co-morbidities and drug interactions need to be
progenitor cells inhibition. Induction of endothelial cell further identified to determine the individual patient
apoptosis is one the major effect of bevacizumab. VEGF susceptibility to bevacizumab toxicity.
plays a significant role in numerous pro-survival pathways In a very elegant publication, Eremina et al. [23]
in endothelial cell homeostasis [17] including activation of reported six cases of patients with proteinuria associated
BCl-2, Akt and survivin. with thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) after bevacizu-
The safety profile of bevacizumab has been studied in mab administration. From this clinical evidence, the authors
randomized control clinical trials. Clinically relevant side developed an animal model to document the mechanism of
effects relating to bevacizumab include hypertension, renal toxicity. Using a knock-out mice model, local genetic
proteinuria, arterial thromboembolic events, wound healing ablation of VEGF production in the kidney mimics the
complications and gastro-intestinal perforation [18]. TMA observed in humans. In this study, a lack of VEGF
One of the most common is proteinuria, which is production by podocytes was obtained and mice developed
reported in 21% to 64% of patients. Nephrotic-range proteinuria after a period of 4 weeks followed by the
proteinuria denotes structural damage to the glomerular occurrence of hypertension. The kidneys of all the KO mice
filtration barrier and occurs in 1% to 2% of bevacizumab- were pale and shrunken, while electron microscopy of the
treated patients [19]. Acute renal deficiency or creatinine glomeruli displayed typical features of TMA. When disease
elevation was rarely reported [20]. More recently, several progressed the following alterations were observed: (1)
cases of thrombotic micro-angiopathy have been docu- altered podocytes morphology, (2) swollen endothelial cells
mented. This condition is associated with arterial hyperten- and (3) alteration of fenestrated endothelium. Interestingly,
sion, acute renal deficiency, proteinuria and hematuria [21]. schistocytes were found in blood smears from more than
Targ Oncol (2009) 4:121–133 125

50% of the animals. These findings are similar with those [29]. Similarly to bevacizumab, 2 cases of thrombotic
reported in humans. They suggest a critical role for micro-angiopathy were also reported [30].
VEGF within the glomerulus. No involvement of the
peripheral microvasculature was reported and extra-renal Sorafenib
circulating VEGF levels were not affected in this KO
mice model. The authors conclude that renal damage Sorafenib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor of VEGF-R, PDGF-
induced by bevacizumab is a direct reduction of R, C-kit and BRAF. In a phase II study conducted for the
glomerular VEGF production, or as previously described treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma, proteinuria was
an “on-target” effect of the drug. It appears that reported in 19 patients (41%) [31]. These results were not
Bevacizumab administration is associated with damage replicated in the phase III study, as hypophosphastemia was
to the glomerular endothelium suggesting that local the only renal toxicity reported [32].
VEGF-A production is required for the maintenance of Grade 1 creatinine elevation was reported in a phase II
the integrity of this specialized vascular bed and ulti- study in prostatic patients treated with sorafenib [33]. In
mately there is interference with the critical cross-talk addition, a similar study performed in 22 androgen-
between podocytes and endothelium in the glomerulus. A independent prostate cancer patients revealed 3 cases of
similar observation has been reported with preeclampsia, a hypocalcemia, 2 cases of hyponatremia and 2 cases of
pregnancy-specific disorder that complicates approximate- hypophosphastasemia [34]. No significant renal toxicities
ly 5% of all pregnancies, making it perhaps the most were reported in the large phase III TARGET study
common glomerular disease in the world. It is character- conducted in metastatic renal cell carcinoma [35]. Izzedine
ized by new-onset hypertension and proteinuria, second- et al. recently reported interstital nephritis associated with
ary to the previously described bevacizumab induced skin toxicity [36]. The combination of sorafenib and
alterations that occur in the glomerulus. Recent evidence bevacizumab was associated with proteinuria and hyper-
suggests that these alterations in the glomerulus are tension and was reported as the dose limiting toxicity in a
mediated by an extra-renal overproduction of a soluble recently published phase 1 study [37].
VEGF receptor that denies normal functioning glomerular
endothelial cells of VEGF. This subsequently leads to VEGF-independent inhibition
cellular injury and disruption of the filtration apparatus
with subsequent proteinuria [24]. HIF-1alpha inhibition
Drug induced hypertension is most likely secondary to
the renal toxicity of bevacizumab and it is a clinical Hypoxic-inductible factors (HIFs) are heterodimeric basic
symptom associated with thrombotic micro-angiopathy helix-loop-helix/PAS proteins that induce the transcription
[25]. In addition, VEGF starvation reduces endothelial of a diverse array of genes to affect the hypoxic response.
nitric oxide production, which increases blood pressure by HIFs are composed of an α subunit (HIF-1α, HIF-2 α and
causing vasoconstriction. Hypertension can also be second- HIF-3 α) and a β subunit (HIF-1β or ARNT) [38]. There
ary to kidney injury or vascular rarefaction, resulting in an are multiple splice variants of HIF-1 α and HIF-3 α, with
increase of systemic resistance [26]. These observations dominant negative proteins being produced in some tissues.
strongly support the absence of absolute tumor selectivity HIFs are key elements required to mediate cellular
of anti-VEGF agents, emphasizing the critical role that adaptation to low O2 by activating the transcription of
VEGF plays in normal tissues homeostasis. target genes involved in angiogenesis, metabolism, and
extra-cellular matrix remodeling [39]. Overexpression of
Sunitinib HIFs promotes tumorigenesis, but paradoxically, there is
genetic evidence for a tumor suppressor role for HIF-1α.
Sunitinib is an oral multikinase inhibitor which targets The critical role of HIFs in the development of renal cell
VEGF-R, PDGF-R, and c-kit [27]. In the initial phase I carcinoma is demonstrated by an increase in HIF-2α
study, Faivre et al. reported a case of grade 3 hypertension, expression via c-Myc activation in sporadic VHL-deficient
associated with a paradoxical 30-fold increase circulating clear cell RCC and is the basis for the current development
VEGF level [28]. In a phase II study conducted in renal cell of anti-HIF-1α targeted therapies in this setting.
carcinoma, creatinine elevation was present in 14% of the In human tissues, HIF-1α messenger RNA expression is
63 patients. In addition, grade 2 (2 patients, 3.2%) and generally ubiquitous with high expression in the kidneys
grade 3 (1 patient, 1.6%) hypertension were respectively (predominantly in the cortical and medullary ducts, and
reported in this analysis. In the large phase III study (renal glomerular cells) [40]. The expression of HIF-2α is
cell carcinoma), elevation of creatinine level was reported detectable in podocytes, as well as in cortical and medullary
in 66 patients (17.6 %) and grade 3 (0.3%) in one patient endothelial and interstitial cells. HIF-2α may play a role in
126 Targ Oncol (2009) 4:121–133

the development of the tubular system, but the real role of Similarly, the notch signaling pathway is overexpressed in
HIFs in nephrogenesis needs to be further delineated. the proximal tubules and is involved during acute injury
Chronic hypoxia has been described as the final common such as tubular necrosis. It is clear that stimulation of the
pathway to end-stage renal failure, and HIFs are seen as the notch pathway in the normal healthy adult kidneys can lead
master switch of the hypoxic adaptation response. HIFs to complications. Further studies are required to determine
often have contrasting effects on the kidneys, from the if notch activation is either a response mechanism or a
beneficial cytoprotective effect seen in acute ischemia- primary cause of the renal disease.
reperfusion injury to a detrimental role in inflammation At present inhibition of the notch pathway for the
with a profibrotic effect in chronic renal hypoxia. treatment of cancer is still conceptual. Further studies are
Recently, the first in human phase I study with an anti- required to determine the exact role notch plays in terms of
HIF1α RNA antagonist has been reported. EZN-2968 is a nephroprotection or nephrotoxicity. Future notch receptor
third generation oligonucleotide (locked nucleic acid). In inhibitions will also require a high level of specificity as
vivo, this compound has a broad distribution into major different notch receptors are responsible for different
organs including the kidneys [41]. No renal toxicities have functions with notch2, but not notch1, being required for
been reported in mice. In the phase I study conducted in 18 fate acquisition in the mammalian nephron [49].
patients, one patient experienced grade 3 hypertension.
Interestingly, no proteinuria or renal dysfunction has been
reported to this point [42]. Epidermal growth factor inhibition and renal toxicity

Notch inhibition The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is part of a

family of four tyrosine kinases whose aberrant activity
The notch signaling pathway plays a pivotal role in plays a key role in growth and metastasis of solid tumors:
angiogenesis but appears to be both independent of and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR; erbB-1), erbB-2
run parallel to the well described VEGF/VEGFR system (Her2 or neu), erbB-3, and erbB-4 [50]. There are six direct
[43]. Notch receptors comprise a family of transmembrane binding ligands known for EGFR, including EGF, trans-
receptors, their ligands and the subsequent transcription forming growth factor, amphiregulin, betacellulin, epiregu-
factors. They are expressed by various cell types and are lin, and heparin-binding EGF. Ligand binding to the
involved in cell differentiation, cell fate, and cell prolifer- extracellular domain of EGFR leads to receptor dimeriza-
ation. The four membrane receptors (notch 1, 2, 3 and 4) tion, causing the activation of downstream signaling path-
interact with transmembrane ligands (e.g., jagged 1, Dll4). ways by activation of the cytosolic kinase domain of the
Dll4 is expressed exclusively by endothelial cells and receptor tyrosine kinase and cross-autophosphorylation of
represents a major stimulator (via its notch receptor) of the receptors [51].
angiogenesis [44]. Knockout of only Dll4 in mice is lethal to It has also been shown that erbB-2 is the preferential
the embryo and is seen as an essential signal for normal heterodimerization partner of EGFR compared with the rest
vascular development. The notch-Dll4 complex is upregu- of the erbB family members [52]. At least three main
lated in tumor vasculature and drugs targeting this pathway pathways of EGFR signaling supporting cancer develop-
are in early phases of preclinical development. Studies ment and progression can be identified. They include (1)
involving neutralizing antibodies against Dll4, and inhibitors phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) leading to Akt activa-
of the notch receptor are ongoing. Preclinical data suggest tion and suppression of apoptosis, (2) Grb2 and Sos leading
that drugs that target the Dll4-ligand can paradoxically lead to the activation of p21ras driving the cell cycle, and (3)
to an increase in immature tumor vasculature, however, these phospholipase C-γ1 phosphorylation leading to PIP2-
new vessels are unable to support tumor growth [45]. related actin reorganization.
Podocytes are a type of epithelial glomerular cell Numerous anti-EGFR agents have been developed and
involved in the ultrafiltration process that occurs in the are used routinely in clinical practice for the treatment of
kidney [46]. Alteration of several podocyte proteins has several solid tumors including colon cancer, lung cancer
previously been described in the development of glomer- and head and neck tumors. Routinely used drugs include
ulosclerosis. The notch pathway plays a crucial role in renal small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors (e.g., erlotinib,
development during embryogenesis [47]. There is however gefitinib) or monoclonal antibodies (e.g., cetuximab,
little active notch1 detected in mature adult kidneys under panitinumab). HER2 (erbB-2) overexpression is associated
normal conditions. Activation of the notch pathway in with an aggressive phenotype in breast cancer. Trastuzumab
mature podocytes has been associated with glomerular and lapatinib have successfully been developed for the
disease, and pharmacological inhibition of notch cleavage treatment of metastatic and locally advanced breast cancer
can prevent podocyte apoptosis and albuminuria [48]. overexpressing HER2.
Targ Oncol (2009) 4:121–133 127

In the kidney, EGFR is expressed mainly in distal, published case reports of gefitinib-induced renal toxicities
collecting, and proximal tubules. It has also been detected have highlighted a incidences of nephrotic syndrome and
in glomerular capillary walls and other vascular compo- tubulointerstitial nephritis after the administration of gefi-
nents (e.g., mesengial and parietal epithelial cells, peritub- tinib. In the first case, mild infiltration of lymphocytes have
ular capillaries and arterioles). Functionally, EGFR has a led to sclerotic changes in renal glomeruli and suggest an
dual role in renal epithelia [53]: (1) reactive species- immune reaction to gefitinib [57]. In the second case, after
dependent activation of EGFR leads to cell death in renal a two-year period of gefitinib administration, immunofluo-
proximal tubule cells exposed to cisplatin, and (2) func- rescence revealed a predominance of mesangial IgA and C3
tional inactivation of EGFR in renal proximal tubular cells deposits, suggesting an IgA nephropathy [58]. It has been
reduces tubular-interstitial lesions after renal injury [54]. suggested that long-term administration of gefitinib could
Once activated the EGFR/Ras/MEK/ERK pathway serves a inhibit the normal turnover of tubular epithelial cells,
pro-survival role in renal epithelia under moderate oxida- leading to interstitial damage [59].
tive stress. Severe oxidative stress induced by ischemic Cetuximab, a monoclonal antibody against the extracel-
conditions can result in necrotic death via a mechanism that lular domain of the EGFR, has been approved for the
disconnects EGFR from ERK activation in both renal treatment of metastatic colon carcinoma in combination
proximal and distal cells. These observations explain the with irinotecan, and more recently for the treatment of
occurrence of renal toxicities after the use of EGFR locally advanced head and neck carcinoma in combination
modulators in humans. However, EGFR expression level with radiation therapy [60]. No renal toxicity, including
is lower in normal epithelial tissues in comparison with proteinuria, hypertension or renal dysfunction, has been
cancer cells. HER2 is commonly expressed in fetal reported with this agent. In a recent survey conducted by
epithelial cells of the human kidney and to a lesser the EORTC in patients with head and neck carcinoma
degree in normal human adult kidneys. HER2 is treated with cetuximab, the authors do not report renal
implicated in the collecting tubular cyst formation and dysfunction [61].
enlargement in polycystic kidney disease in concert with
EGFR. HER2 inhibitors

EGFR inhibitors Trastuzumab is a recombinant monoclonal antibody

directed against the extracellular domain of the HER2
Erlotinib is a commonly used epidermal growth factor protein [62]. Data from phase I to III clinical trials and from
receptor (HER1/EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor [55]. It post marketing surveillance has not highlighted significant
inhibits ATP binding to HER1/EGFR tyrosine kinase in renal toxicities [63]. Trastuzumab is however teratogenic
normal and tumor cells. The tyrosine kinase of HER1/ when administered during pregnancy with normal fetal
EGFR is a target for therapeutic intervention in many development of the kidneys being impaired [64].
malignancies including ovarian, head, neck, lung, breast, Lapatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor approved for use
bladder and other squamous cell cancers. The most in combination with capecitabine to treat advanced or
common side effects in patients receiving erlotinib are skin metastatic breast cancers overexpressing HER2. Lapatinib
rash, fatigue and diarrhea. Other reported side-effects is a dual inhibitor of EGFR and HER2, and no renal
included interstitial lung disease. No renal toxicity has adverse events have been reported in the 44 published
been described with this agent. In the phase I and phase II clinical studies [65].
studies conducted in combination with bevacizumab, Other HER2 inhibitors (pertuzumab, ertumaxomab and
hypertension, proteinuria and renal dysfunction have been trastuzumab-MCC-DM1) are in early phases of develop-
reported, but do not significantly differ between the ment but no nephrotoxicity has as yet been reported.
combination arm and bevacizumab arm. Miller et al. [56]
recently reported that patients with renal dysfunction can
tolerate a full dose of erlotinib (150 mg daily) and seem to Other targeted therapies and renal toxicity
have an erlotinib clearance similar to patients without organ
dysfunction. Imatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that targets the
Gefitinib is similar to erlotinib and is also an orally Abelson (Abl) tyrosine kinase with high selectivity.
active small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor of EGFR. Imatinib but also inhibits CD117 (c-Kit) and platelet-
Preclinical data from the phase I study of gefitinib did not derived growth factor (PDGF)-α and PDGF-β at concen-
indicate any clinically significant changes in renal param- trations of approximately 0.5 µmol/l in vitro. PDGF-β and
eters. The toxicity profile is similar to erlotinib, including c-kit are both expressed in the kidney. PDGF-β expression
diarrhea, rash, acne, dry skin, nausea, and vomiting. Two has been reported in proximal tubes, mesangial and
128 Targ Oncol (2009) 4:121–133

interstitial cells [66]. c-Kit is also expressed in both Interestingly, no renal toxicities have been reported so far
proximal and distal tubules. In the initial large study with the anti-MET antibodies. However, as Met regulates
conducted by Druker et al in chronic myeloid leukemia, and mediates maintenance of the normal adult collecting
renal failure was reported in less than 1% of the patients duct, putative renal toxicities of MET inhibitors are
[67]. When a higher dose (800 mg daily) was tested in expected.
patients with renal cell carcinoma, the occurrence of grade Newer agents involving molecular targeted therapies
II renal toxicity was higher (14%) [68]. In addition, several affecting many key novel pathways—HDAC (histone
cases of acute tubular necrosis were reported and docu- deacetlyase inhibitors), HSP90 (heat shock protein 90
mented with renal biopsies. Francois recently reported a inhibitors), PARP (Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-enzyme
case of modest renal impairment associated with a Fanconi inhibitors), Hegdehog, IGFR, PI3k, AKT, and Ras inhib-
syndrome [69]. Electronic microscopy showed vacuoles in itors—are currently under pre-clinical or clinical develop-
some tubular cells, suggesting proximal tubular injury. ment. No specific renal toxicities have been reported as yet
Imatinib induced tubular necrosis has also been reported by but detailed safety analysis will be required as many of
Foringer and Pou [70], necessitating hemodialysis. In these cellular pathways represent important signals for renal
addition, one case of thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) cell homeostasis.
with renal and extra-renal expression has been reported,
requiring definitive hemodyalisis [71]. Patients with preex-
isting renal dysfunction should be monitored closely for the Recommendations for the management of renal
development of renal failure and tubular toxicity when toxicities
taking imatinib.
Nilotinib is a second-generation imatinib analog with a Renal impairment can be assessed by measuring both
similar spectrum of activity. It is at an earlier phase of its glomerular and tubular functions in the kidney. The
development than imatinib but as yet no renal toxicity has measurement of creatinine clearance reflects the glomerular
been reported [72]. filtration rate. In daily clinical practice, renal function is
Dasatinib is the first of the second-line ABL inhibitors estimated by the Cockroft formula (Cockcroft, Gault 1976)
approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This is a and more accurately by the MDRD (Modification of Diet in
multi-kinase inhibitor that targets SRC (a family of proto- Renal Disease) formula [77]. Urinary albumin excretion
oncogenic tyrosine kinases) and many other kinases besides (determined by urine dipstick testing, spot urine sampling,
BCR-ABL [73]. No renal toxicity has been currently urinary protein/creatinine ratio (UPC) or 24-hour protein
published. determination) explores the integrity of the glomeruli.
MET tyrosine kinase is a cell surface receptor for Tubular function is assessed by the excretion of glucose,
hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). HGF conveys a combina- pH, osmolarity, urinary uric acid, calcium, phosphorus and
tion of pro-migratory, mitogenic and anti-apoptotic signals magnesium. Based on these parameters, a grading system
[74]. MET is a candidate for targeted therapeutic interven- of renal toxicities has been established and is available in
tion. Several genetic alterations including translocation, the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Crite-
amplification or activating mutations have been reported in ria document. This classification focuses on an alteration of
several types of malignancies. Germline MET gene the glomerular filtration rate and metabolic disorders (Table 2).
mutations and somatic MET gene mutations are the key Patients with cancer have an increased risk of developing
molecular events described respectively in hereditary renal failure [78]. A detailed history evaluating specific co-
papillary renal cell carcinoma and in its sporadic form. morbidities (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, nephrectomy)
HGF (and the ensuing activation of MET) plays a critical needs to be performed at baseline. In some cases, cancer
role in the control of tissue homeostasis (including the may cause obstruction in the urinary tract or lead to a direct
normal kidney) but also in several degenerative diseases infringement of the renal parenchyma. Tumors may also be
including progressive nephropathies [75]. Several strategies associated with metabolic abnormalities (e.g., hypercalce-
have been pursued to inhibit MET. HGF or MET mia, hepato-renal syndrome) [79]. Finally, the prior use of a
neutralizing antibodies and small-molecule MET inhibitors conventional first line anti-cancer agent (e,g,, platinum
are currently under investigation in phase I and II studies. salts) can lead to nephrotoxicity and impaired kidney
XL880 clinical trials began in 2005 and phase II trials are function even before initiating a second or third line
currently in process. In the papillary RCC phase II study, a targeted therapy.
15% (including 8% grade 3) rate of hypertension (mainly Nephrotoxic risk must be evaluated before starting any
associated with proteinuria) has been reported [76]. This anti-angiogenic treatment. This includes a thorough history,
can be related to the MET inhibition, and also to the clinical examination and laboratory investigations evaluat-
additional tyrosine kinases inhibition including VEGFR2. ing for renal dysfunction. Following the initiation of
Targ Oncol (2009) 4:121–133 129

Table 2 Grading for renal toxicities

Grade Creatinine Proteinuria Glomerular filtration rate

1 Normal −1.5×ULN 1+or 0.15–1.0 g / 24 h <75–50% LLN

2 1.5–3.0×ULN 2+to 3+or >1.0–3.5 g/24 h <50–25% LLN
3 3.0–6.0×ULN 4+or >3.5 g/24 h <25% LLN, chronic dialysis non indicated.
4 6.0×ULN Nephrotic syndrome Chronic dialysis (or renal transplant) indicated.

ULN: Upper Limit Normal LLN: Lower Inferior Normal

treatment patients should be monitored every two weeks blood pressure control is less than optimal, the patient
both clinically and with bioassays and urine testing. In the should be referred to a nephrologist. Standard oral
presence of abnormal blood and urine values or signs antihypertensive agents used to manage antiangiogenic-
suggestive of thrombotic micro-angiopathy, an expert related hypertension include angiotensin-converting en-
nephrological opinion should be sought (Table 3). zyme (ACE) inhibitors, beta blockers, calcium channel
Blood pressure and proteinuria must be monitored blockers, and diuretics. The presence of hypertension and
before, during and after this medical treatment, even in a proteinuria would favor the use of ACE inhibitors or
palliative setting. Intervention must be both timely and angiotensin receptor blockers, due to their renal protective
aggressive to avoid consequences of acute hypertension. effect with the restoration of nephrin expression. Calcium
No clear consensus for the choice of anti-hypertensive channel blockers may interact with small molecules through
agents has been established. In the presence of hyperten- cytochrome CYP3A4 and could expose patients to a risk of
sion, careful monitoring of blood pressure is recommended. underdosage or overdosage of the antiangiogenic molecules.
Patients during therapy should be advised to purchase a
home blood pressure monitoring system. Blood pressure
should be checked at home at least once daily (in the Conclusion
morning), and patients should be advised to contact the
clinic if they note elevated blood pressure levels. Analysis of the literature reveals that significant renal
Antiangiogenic-related hypertension should be treated with toxicities secondary to targeted molecular therapies exist.
oral antihypertensive therapy. After a titration for effect, if This phenomenon underlines the absence of selectivity of

Table 3 Summary of renal tox-

icities associated with molecular Class Symptoms Nephron damage (biopsy proven)
targeted therapies
VEGF inhibitors Hypertension/Proteinuria Glomerulonephritis
VEGFR inhibitors Hypertension/Proteinuria Glomerulonephritis
Interstitial Nephritis
HIF inhibitors NR
Notch inhibitors ND
HER inhibitors
EGFR inhibitors Proteinuria Acute Tubular Necrosis
IgA nephropathy
HER2 inhibitors NR NR
C-KIT inhibitors Hypertension/Proteinuria TMA
Acute Tubular Necrosis
MET inhibitors Hypertension/Proteinuria ND
HSP90 inhibitors NR
NR: not reported PARP inhibitors NR
ND: no data available IGF1R inhibitors NR
TMA: thrombotic PI3-kinase inhibitors NR
130 Targ Oncol (2009) 4:121–133

these molecules, mainly with regards to agents that are especially with antiangiogenics, renal function must be
classed as antiangiogenics. Unfortunately many of the so- assessed by calculation of creatinine clearance even when
called targeted agents not only affect markers that are serum creatinine is within the normal range [78].
expressed in tumor cells but also those expressed in normal
tissues, specifically in the kidney. In a recent analysis of Acknowledgements We thank the Fondation Martine Midy, Paris,
France for technical assistance in preparation of this manuscript.
kinase inhibitors, Karaman et al. [80] reported a wide
diversity of interactive patterns which could explain the Conflict of interest statement No funds were received in support of
occurrence of renal adverse events. this study, nor were any benefits received from a commercial party
Most of the targets modulated by anti-cancer molecular related directly or indirectly to the subject of this manuscript, except
those directed solely to a research fund, foundation, educational
therapies are expressed on the normal nephron. Based on institution or other non-profit organization with which one or more of
the current published data, we can identify three different the author(s) is/are associated.
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