Take Three Workshop Planning Sheet

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Take Three Planning Sheet

Directions: Follow these steps to organize and complete this planning sheet to prepare for your
Discussion-Based Assessment. When you’re ready, you’ll submit this planning sheet as your
assessment. When learning a language, it’s important to use it in conversation. You will communicate
with your instructor in English and in ASL. You’ll discuss what you’ve learned about Deaf culture and
you’ll use vocabulary and grammatical structures from this module. To prepare for your Discussion-
Based Assessment, you’ll need to review (and maybe even practice) these concepts. Use this
planning sheet to review the topics you should focus on and prepare for your Discussion-Based

Time to prep for your Discussion-Based Assessment. During that discussion, you’ll use a combination
of signs and the ASL alphabet to show that you can do the following:

 demonstrate correct signing and fingerspelling

 discuss months, days, and holidays
 ask questions in basic conversations

During your Discussion-Based Assessment, you will use ASL to:

 Discuss important dates: Provide the month, day of the week, and date of your birthday.
 Discuss holidays: Tell your instructor about a holiday of your choice and give the month and
date it falls on this year.
 Use questions to learn more: Ask your instructor at least two questions related to holidays
or birthdays. (These don’t have to be complicated—you’re just showing that you can use ASL
to ask and answer simple questions.)
 Review the Workshop Rubric: Check out your requirements before you get started. Your
planning sheet will be scored according to this rubric.

Plan It
Use this chart as a script for what you plan to share. Check out the samples for a better idea of what
yours might look like. Have your rubric handy—it’ll show you how you’ll be scored. The “Reminders”
column in the samples has helpful tips to remember when you sign. As you fill out the chart, keep
the following in mind:

 Fill out each column in each row below the samples

 Remember to put the words in the correct ASL order when filling out the “ASL Translation”

 You must also complete the “Notes for signing” section with anything you may need to sign
correctly and the “NMMs” section with notes about Palm Orientation, Facial Expression,
Hand Shape, Movement, etc.

 Samples have been provided for guidance, but you must sign your own original answers
keeping academic integrity in mind

Requirement What I plan to say ASL Translation Reminders

Including Use of
Sample: Your birthday Sample (English): Sample (ASL): Reminder: Keep
Day of the week: Sunday My birthday is Use signs for: MAY 26 hands and face
Sunday, May 26. SUNDAY MY BIRTHDAY visible the whole
Month: May
Date: 26

Your birthday English: ASL: (Write the signs that Notes for signing:
you are going to use in all
Day of the week:
CAPS in the correct ASL
Month: sentence order)

Date: NMMs:

Sample: Holiday of Sample (English): Sample (ASL): Reminder: Think

choice about the five
Presidents’ Day is a Use signs for: FEBRUARY
parameters as you
Holiday: Presidents’ Day holiday. It’s on 17 HOLIDAY PRESIDENTS’
sign. To sign
February 17. DAY
Month: February PRESIDENTS’ DAY,
use the C
Date: 17 handshape, palm
orientation facing
forward, pulling
away from your
temples into an S
Holiday of choice English: ASL: (Write the signs that Notes for signing:
you are going to use in all
(Choose a holiday
CAPS in the correct ASL
discussed in the course.)
sentence order)


Sample: Ask questions Sample (English): Sample (ASL): Reminder: Furrow

eyebrows and tilt
Question #1: Question #1: Question #1:
head for wh-
Topic: anniversary When is your YOUR ANNIVERSARY questions.
anniversary? WHEN?
Question word: when

Question #2:
Question #2:
What holiday is in Question #2:
Topic: holiday
Question word: what
Ask questions English: ASL: (Write the signs that Notes for signing:
you are going to use in all
(Do not use sample
CAPS in the correct ASL
questions above.)
sentence order)
Question #1:

Question word:

Question #2:


Question word:

Present It
Does your game plan feel complete? Of course it does because you organized like a boss and made
sure to hit all the tasks in the rubric. Now it’s time to submit your planning sheet. Remember to keep
a copy because you’ll need it for your Discussion-Based Assessment.

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