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Resource sheet

Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse

NUMBER 4 2008

This Resource sheet is based on information contained in AFRC Issues No. 4,

available at

Family relationships and mental illness: Impacts and service responses

Elly Robinson, Bryan Rodgers & Peter Butterworth
The significance of mental health problems in Australia Living with someone who has a mental health
cannot be overstated. Prevalence estimates from the 1997
National Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey indicate that problem
around one in five adults had experienced a mental health Research indicates that mental illness in married couples
disorder, including depression, anxiety and substance use co-occurs at a greater level than expected by chance.
disorders, within the previous 12-month period (Andrews, Explanations for this co-occurrence (or spousal concordance)
Henderson & Hall, 2001). Information on the burden of include that:
mental disorders serves to emphasise the seriousness of the ■■ People marry partners who are similar to themselves,
issue; around 680,000 work days per month are lost due to and this could include existing, or a propensity for, mental
sickness absence for mental health reasons (Lim, Sanderson health problems.
& Andrews, 2000). Depression plays a significant role in these ■■ Spouses have similar life experiences and environments after
figures, and is expected to become the second leading cause marriage and these contribute to mental health status.
of disease burden and the major cause of disability worldwide ■■ Mental health problems in one spouse impact on the
by 2020 (Murray & Lopez, 1997). Mental illnesses such as mental health of his or her partner.
depression are also a major risk factor for suicide.
The intrinsic connection between mental health and marital
The presence of mental illness can have a significant impact relationships is complex, and additional aspects of a spouse’s
on family relationships and dynamics, and as such the burden behaviour, such as violence, sexual or psychological abuse, or
of mental illness is particularly relevant for family relationship more common forms of negative marital interactions, such as
services for a number of reasons. These include: hostility or threats, may have strong effects on mental health.
■■ Mental disorders impact not only on individuals but also The experiences of children living with a parent who has a
on those around them—including immediate family mental illness has attracted greater attention in recent years,
and other relatives—and can be both a cause and a with Australian estimates of between 21–24% of children living
consequence of family or relationship difficulties. in such households (Maybery, Reupert, Patrick, Goodyear &
■■ Although most common mental disorders are amenable to Crase, 2005). Outcomes may include a detrimental impact
on their direct care or socioemotional wellbeing, an increased
treatment, the majority go undiagnosed and untreated.
risk of developing mental health problems, and a range of
■■ Many disorders are chronic or recurrent and often call for feelings, emotions and reactions such as confusion and fear.
long-term management, not just acute care. Children may grieve for the relationship they once had with
■■ Much of the care provided for people with mental the parent who has a mental illness.
disorders (even very serious disorders) is informal care
provided by family members. Caring for someone with a mental health problem
■■ Many of the “vulnerable” family groups that represent the Interest in the experiences of carers has increased since
clientele of family relationship services have a greater risk deinstitutionalisation, when the role of families in caring became
of mental health problems than the population average. more prevalent. Estimates suggest that more than one in ten
adults are carers (ABS, 2004). Whilst not all these carers
Clients of a family relationship service may present with look after a person with a mental illness, there is consistent
issues linked to mental health problems in many ways. One evidence that informal caregiving is associated with poorer
example is a changed or changing relationship arising from mental health. This may be related to the burden of caring,
a family member’s mental illness, which may involve issues often defined by the degree of impairment or severity of the
related to living with, or caring for, that person. disability and associated symptoms. Caring, however, is not
always a negative experience, with many carers indicating attached to help seeking. In the absence of information
that their role had brought them closer to the recipient and gleaned from formal assessment tools, indicators of mental
that the role can be rewarding or gratifying. health problems may include an inability to fulfil daily roles
Caring can have an impact on social networks, in particular (e.g., parenting, work), a feeling of being overwhelmed, a
at the onset of caring. This is an important consideration, fear of “losing it” (particularly with children), and/or specific
as social support for carers can serve as a protective factor suicidal thoughts. If there is no immediate suicide threat and
against stress associated with the role. Stigma associated referral is appropriate, general practitioners or Community
with mental illness may erode the morale of carers and Health Centres are typically first ports of call in the absence
result in a withdrawal of support. This may be especially true of specialised mental health services.
for CALD1 families, as beliefs about the causes of mental
illness amongst some CALD communities can impact on
Dealing with a client’s mental health problems within the service
the acceptance of families dealing with these issues. For Practitioners can help alleviate mental health problems for
example, beliefs such as mental illness being the result of clients in three key ways:
bad deeds, criminal behaviour or bad karma, or that mental ■■ Provision of information on: recognising mental health
illness is contagious. problems; local sources of treatment and support; self-help
approaches that promote wellbeing or alleviate distress.
Responding to mental health problems in a family
■■ Encouragement and support to deal with mental health
relationship service problems.
Despite the challenges, there is an undoubtable public health ■■ Teaching or reinforcing problem solving skills that may
opportunity within the family relationship sector for mental help to deal directly with, or minimise the stress related
illness prevention and early intervention. The capacity of a to personal problems.
service to deal with clients’ mental health problems is likely
to vary according to resources, knowledge and skills, but Particular needs for carers may include: support for dealing
three approaches seem appropriate: with challenging issues; education, particularly at the onset
■■ Mental health problems of a less serious nature may be of an illness; understanding and empathy; and respite. The
amenable to being dealt with in the context of family or challenge is to provide families with an opportunity to care
relationship counselling or therapy, depending on the while minimising the associated social and economic costs.
skills and knowledge of the professional involved.
■■ Serious mental illness, substance use or dual diagnosis
issues may require referral to specialist care before family Australian Bureau of Statistics (2004). Disability, ageing and
or relationship issues can be addressed. carers, Australia: Summary of findings, 2003. (Cat. No.
4430.0). Canberra: Author.
■■ A collaborative approach between specialist family
relationship services and mental health treatment Andrews, G., Henderson, S., & Hall, W. (2001). Prevalence,
services, with a close interface between sectors at a comorbidity, disability and service utilisation: Overview of
the Australian National Mental Health Survey. British Journal
local level.
of Psychiatry, 178, 145–153.
Assessment of mental health problems Lim, D., Sanderson, K., & Andrews, G. (2000). Lost productivity
Assessment and referral procedures are the cornerstones among full-time workers with mental disorders. Journal of
to any of the above approaches. Unfortunately, no simple Mental Health Policy and Economics, 3, 139–146.
assessment exists that would indicate the most appropriate Maybery, D., Reupert, A., Patrick, K., Goodyear, M., & Crase,
approach for any one individual. Complicating this issue L. (2005). VicHealth Research Report on children at risk
is that potential clients with mental health problems may in families affected by parental mental illness. Melbourne:
choose family relationship services as they are not directly Victorian Health Promotion Foundation.
associated with mental illness, thus reducing the stigma Murray, C. J. L., & Lopez, A. D. (1997). Alternative projections
of mortality and disability by cause 1990–2020: Global
1 Culturally and linguistically diverse Burden of Disease Study. The Lancet, 349, 1498–1504.

The authors
Elly Robinson is Manager of the Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse.
Bryan Rodgers is Professor of Family Health & Wellbeing at the Australian
Demographic & Social Research Institute of the Australian National University and
holder of an NHMRC Principal Research Fellowship. Peter Butterworth is a Fellow at
the Centre for Mental Health Research of the Australian National University and holder
of an NHMRC Public Health (Australia) Fellowship.
The Australian Family Relationships Clearinghouse (AFRC) is an
information and advisory unit funded by the Australian Government © Commonwealth of Australia 2008
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Views expressed in Clearinghouse publications are those of individual authors and
Indigenous Affairs. The Clearinghouse aims to enhance family may not necessarily reflect Government, Institute or Clearinghouse policy.
relationships across the lifespan by offering a resource and a AFRC Manager: Elly Robinson
point of contact for providers of family relationship and support Australian Institute of Family Studies
Level 20, 485 La Trobe Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
services, policy makers and members of the research and broader
Phone: (03) 9214 7888 Fax: (03) 9214 7839
communities. The Clearinghouse collects, synthesises and Email:
disseminates information on family relationships and facilitates Internet:
networking and information exchange. Edited and typeset by Lauren Di Salvia
ISSN 1835-1166 (Online)

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