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Published by Caribbean Examinations Council
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Copyright ©2020 by Caribbean Examinations Council

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CPEATM Framework…………………………………………………………………………………………………………1

Language Arts…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2



Social Studies………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10

CPEATM Framework
The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) in consultation with policy makers and educators in CXC®
Participating Countries identified the need for a Caribbean Primary Exit Examination (CPEE). A sound
primary education is imperative for further education and training and preparation for life.

All Participating Countries have existing national programmes at the primary level. The Council is
involved in the examination process for three of these countries. However, through consultations at
the regional level, policy makers and educators have recognised that a regional primary exit
examination by CXC® would have several benefits including improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness,
standard-setting, portability of certification and regional and international recognition.

Primary education is concerned with developing fundamental knowledge and skills in literacy and
numeracy as well as ensuring secondary socialisation. It should foster in children an awareness of
themselves as members of a society and should provide them with opportunities to cooperate with
others in their social environment. This education should cater to the holistic development of children
without compromising their individuality. It should promote life-long learning, prepare them for
higher levels of education, and sensitise them to learning as a continuous process. On completion,
learners should acquire the knowledge, skills, competencies, values and attitudes that are desired.

CXC® has responded and through its consultative processes has developed the CPEE. Preparation for
this examination will assist students to complete critical areas of the school curriculum as they
transition to secondary education. The assessment focuses on critical literacies, with a sharper
emphasis on skills and competencies than on content. The range of literacies has been grouped under
the following headings: language, mathematical, civic, scientific and technological and also includes,
aesthetic and personal literacies.

In developing this primary level examination, CXC®, working with its partners, took into consideration
the cultural context and the aspirations of regional governments to meet the targets set for social and
economic development as enshrined in the CARICOM document, “The Ideal Caribbean Person (2000)”.
A sound primary education is seen as the starting point of healthy democracies, sustainable
development, and a necessity for the economic survival of the small states of the region.

The knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and attributes that the programme will assess are fundamental
literacies that cut across all subjects. The literacies targeted for development in the programme are
given below.

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LANGUAGE ARTS can be described as the ability to understand and use language to communicate

Listening and Speaking

Listening and speaking skills include, but are not limited to the skills necessary in formal presentations,
but include a range of skills that are useful for oral communication and the development of
interpersonal skills.

Listening and speaking standards require students to listen to and express ideas clearly, incorporate
information received from various sources, critically assess what has been heard, adapt speech to suit
context and use visual tools and media to support the communicative process.

Target 1: Listening with a high degree of understanding to instructions, descriptions,

explanations and narration in Caribbean Standard English, in a familiar accent
in the vocabulary and sentence structure appropriate to the age of the

1. Listen to identify main ideas, cause and effect and sequential order of
points presented.

2. Discriminate between Creole and Standard English usage according to

place and circumstance.

3. Actively seek to understand other perspectives and cultures through


4. Listen to critically and constructively evaluate other points of view.

5. Listen carefully to ideas and integrate information from oral, visual and
quantitative and media sources.

6. Listen to critically evaluate what you hear though asking and answering

7. Demonstrate/confirm understanding of a piece read aloud or

information presented orally by asking and answering questions about
key details in the piece heard.

Target 2: Speaking by using words exactly and precisely for his/her age to
communicate thoughts and feelings; demonstrating spontaneity in speaking
in a variety of situations.

1. Use knowledge of language and language conventions when speaking

and listening.

2. Choose words and phrases for effect and to convey ideas precisely.

3. Compare and contrast different varieties of English (such as dialects)

used in stories, plays or poems.

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4. Speak confidently in different contexts and situations for a variety of

5. Use appropriate features of Standard English, vocabulary and grammar

in formal contexts.

6. Identify features of language used for a specific purpose, or example,

to persuade, inform or entertain.

7. Discriminate between Creole and Standard English usage according to

place and circumstance.

8. Engage collaboratively in discussion with diverse partners on a range

of issues by building on others ideas and expressing their own ideas

9. Following predetermined, agreed-upon rules for discussion; listening

to others and taking turn to speak.

Reading and Viewing

Target 1: Reading effectively and for different purposes a variety of print and
electronic media.

Responding sensitively to varied and meaningful literature and other forms

of art at the appropriate level.

1. Read and respond to literary and informational pieces.

2. Identify and use ideas and information at the literal level, inferential
level and critical level.

3. Read to collect and interpret data, facts and ideas from multiple

4. Recognize organizational formats to assist in comprehension of


5. Make generalizations, draw conclusions and provide conclusions with

justifications from the text.

6. Read, view and interpret literary texts from a variety of genres.

7. Read to make logical inferences by citing specific textual evidence to

support conclusions drawn.

8. Identify main ideas (themes) from literary pieces and show evidence
of how the writer develops these themes.

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9. Interpret words and phrases used in written pieces.

10. Compare and contrast characters or events in a story by making

reference to specific details in the story.

11. Use various forms of visual media to interpret and gain information.


Target 1: Expressing oneself legibly and accurately in the following forms of writing:
explanations, narratives, descriptions, explanations.

1. Use different forms of writing appropriately.

2. Use basic grammatical sentence structures correctly, spell common

polysyllabic words accurately.

3. Punctuate accurately using full stops, capital letters, question marks,

commas, apostrophes and inverted commas.

4. Use technological support to enhance simple documents.

5. Use strategies to revise work, change ideas and rewrite sentences for

6. Thinking creatively, critically and constructively.

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The ability to understand mathematical concepts and procedures and to approach problems from
different perspectives using a variety of problem-solving strategies.

Target 1: Recognising and using numbers and number concepts.

Number and Understanding and using fractions, percentages, proportions and decimals.
1. Develop an understanding of numbers, the relationship among numbers and
the number systems.

2. Know the value of numerals, associate them with their names-nominal, ordinal
and use real life situations and examples to show expression of these values.

3. Compare and order fractions, decimals and percent.

4. Perform computations accurately and make reasonable estimates.

5. Classify numbers using concepts such as square, prime, composite, odd, even,
factor and multiple.

6. Solve problems using the four basic operations.

Target 2: Applying mathematical concepts, facts and algorithms related to number, money,
Measurement measurement and geometry (space and shape).
and Geometry
1. Use non-standard and standard units competently.

2. Solve problems involving scale factors, ratio and proportion.

3. Develop, understand, and use formulae to find the perimeter and area of
simple polygons.

4. Select and apply appropriate standard units and tools to measure length, area,
mass, capacity, temperature and time.

5. Classify and identify two- and three- dimensional shapes according to their
Target 3: Collecting, recording and analysing data using tables, charts and diagrams.
Statistics and
Probability 1. Collect data on an area of interest.

2. Illustrate data using appropriate tables, graphs and charts.

3. Interpret information given in data and diagrams.

4. Determine the mode, mean and median for a set of data.

5. Use probability to make predictions.

Target 4: Approaching problem solving and inquiry at a level appropriate to the age of the
Problem student.
Applying principles to solve worded problems and everyday problems.

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Target 1: Relate science and technology to the society and the environment.
Science, Technology
and the Environment 1. Use knowledge of science and technology to inform decision
making and to solve everyday problems.

2. Engage in science-related issues and discussions as a reflective


3. Develop an appreciation for the society and the environment

that will foster a better quality of life.

Target 2: Develop skills and strategies required for problem-solving and

Problem-solving and communicating information.
communication Skills
and Strategies 1. Use the senses to observe and classify organisms and objects.

2. Use scientific knowledge to form and test hypothesis and

interpret results.

3. Predict or describe the outcome in advance of an event.

4. Measure by using instruments and appropriate units.

5. Develop and use models.

6. Design procedures to obtain information.

7. Collect and record data using tables, charts and diagrams.

8. Analyse data to form conclusions.

9. Evaluate and communicate information.

Target 3: Understand the basic concepts of science and technology.

Utilising Scientific
Knowledge 1. Use scientific vocabulary to ask questions, define problems and
explain scientific phenomena.

2. Use scientific knowledge to identify concepts such as patterns;

cause and effects; structure and functions; matter and energy;
and stability and change.

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Target 1: Appreciate the role of the family in the development of self, community
Self, Family and and country.
1. Understand self, community and various types of family.

2. Understand the roles and functions of the family and other

community groups.

Target 2: Appreciate diversity as the basis of human existence.

Diversity of Human
Existence 1. Encourage respect for differences of opinion, lifestyle and cultural

2. Develop an appreciation for one’s own cultural heritage and cultivate

tolerance for the cultural heritage of others.

3. Accept responsibility and be accountable for the effects of personal

decisions and actions on self, others and the environment.

Target 3: Understand governance, government structures and the responsibility of

Government and citizens.
1. Comprehend system of governance in the territory/region.

2. Understand sources of power and authority within a state.

3. Understand how governments can be kept responsive to citizens.

4. Understand the creation, maintenance and change of government.

5. Demonstrate a sense of commitment to the development of


6. Exhibit good citizenship practices in local and regional contexts.

7. Develop a sense of national identity and pride.

Target 4: Develop life skills necessary to become productive and reflective

Life skills members of society.

1. Display appropriate attitudes and behaviour in the conduct of inter-

personal relationships.

2. Demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively in groups.

3. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively.

4. Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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Target 5: Understand the major economic activities of the region and their impact
Economy and on the environment.
1. Develop an awareness of the major economic activities within the

2. Understand the impact of the major economic activities of the region

on the environment.

3. Appreciate the need to engage in activities to promote sustainable


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