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4274 Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 4274–4281

James Chun-I Lee1 Research Article

Li-Chin Tsai2
Yuan-Yang Kuan3
Wen-Hsien Chien3 Racing pigeon identification using STR and
Kai-Tai Chang4
Cheng-Hsien Wu4 chromo-helicase DNA binding gene markers
Adrian Linacre5
Hsing-Mei Hsieh2 Pigeon racing appeals to many in Taiwan, due in part to the potential large financial gains
based on illegal betting. The races are unregulated with frequent examples of fraud, such as
Department of Forensic Medicine,
College of Medicine, substitution of one bird for a substandard one. There is no test available to reliably verify the
National Taiwan University, bloodline of pigeons and thus help to resolve such disputes. In this study, we describe a
Taipei, Taiwan multiplex PCR amplification system combining 7 STR loci and a chromo-helicase DNA
Department of Forensic Science, binding gene (CHD) marker for the identification of individual pigeons. The cumulative
Central Police University,
Kwei-San, Taoyuan, Taiwan power of discrimination (CPd) of the 7 STR loci was 0.99999234 based upon our population
Forensic Biology Office, study. The cumulative probability of paternity (CPP) when used in paternity testing of 17
Criminal Investigation Bureau, pigeon families ranged from 97.36 to 99.99% and the combined probability of exclusion
Taipei, Taiwan
Forensic Science Section,
(CPE) was 0.9325 for these seven STR markers. The statistical data illustrates the potential
Taipei County Government of this system to be used in pigeon individualization and paternity testing. Furthermore, the
Police Bureau, established STR system could be also used in the other areas, such as ecology, population
Banciao City, Taipei County, genetics, and avian breeding programs.
Centre for Forensic Science,
Department of Pure & Applied Keywords:
Chemistry, Chromo-helicase DNA binding gene marker / DNA identification / Multiplex PCR /
University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow, UK STR DOI 10.1002/elps.200700063

Received January 31, 2007

Revised April 23, 2007
Accepted April 23, 2007

1 Introduction puter-coded leg bands have been adopted to avoid mis-

identification, but a more powerful identification method
Although pigeon racing is an illegal form of gambling in will be required when the bands are suspected of being fab-
Taiwan, it appeals to a large number of the population due to ricated or tampered. DNA has been used in similar circum-
the large financial gains that are possible. Since it is illegal stances for the identification of pedigree animals [1–4].
and unregulated, cheating occurs frequently. This may be the Microsatellite DNA or STR typing is one of the most power-
substitution of a superior racer for a substandard bird. Iden- ful tools in individualization and parentage testing not only
tification of an individual pigeon is necessary to verify win- in humans but animals [5] and even plants [6]. Micro-
ners of races. Blood line and pedigree factors make a partic- satellites have been studied in a number of avian species,
ular pigeon highly valued. The offspring of a valued pigeon including a high level of kinship and mixed paternity in a
will also be prized. Since there is no reliable method to con- population of Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) [7],
firm a genuine bloodline of pigeons, trade disputes occur if a microsatellite variation in Red-Winged Blackbirds (Agelaius
pigeon thought to be of a successful bloodline fails to have a phoeniceus) [8], and mutation rates of microsatellite loci of
successful racing career. If such disputes are to be resolved a barn swallows [9]. Characterization of 35 novel microsatellite
reliable method of pigeon identification is necessary. Com- DNA markers from the duck (Anasplatyrhynchos) genome
and cross-amplification in other birds, such as chickens,
geese, and peacocks, were reported by Huang et al. [10].
Correspondence: Dr. Hsing-Mei Hsieh, Department of Forensic Seven polymorphic STR markers have been isolated from
Science, Central Police University, 56 Shu-Jen Road, Kwei-San, the domestic pigeon (Columba livia, var. domestica) [11]. Of
Taoyuan 33334, Taiwan these seven STR markers, two had a tetranucleotide repeat
E-mail: mei@mail.cpu.edu.tw
motif and the other five were dinucleotide repeats. A total of
Fax: 1886-3-3275907
18 STR markers from C. livia, including the above-men-
Abbreviations: CHD, chromo-helicase DNA binding gene; CPd, tioned seven STR loci, are registered in GenBank, although
cumulative power of discrimination; CPE, combined probability 12 of these are dinucleotide repeat sequences. Dinucleotide
of exclusion; CPP, cumulative probability of paternity repeat sequences are used less preferentially for genetic

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Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 4274–4281 Nucleic Acids 4275

identification due to the large stutter products of PCR lyzed with an ABI 3100 DNA analyzer. The sequenced sam-
amplification and the associated resolution problems. ples were also used as the reference sample for further com-
We report newly isolated STR markers with tri- and tet- parison.
ranucleotide repeat unit for pigeon (C. livia) identification.
These loci are demonstrated to provide a high degree of 2.3 Linkage analysis
confidence in pigeon identification. In addition to the STR
markers of pigeons, the avian sex marker chromo-helicase Linkage disequilibrium of the STR markers adopted in the
DNA binding gene (CHD) [12] was combined into the test. multiplex amplification were analyzed with PowerMarker
The multiplex PCR amplification [13] combining the STR (http://statgen.ncsu.edu/powermarker/) and Genepop v3.4
and CHD markers was designed for rapid identification to softwares (http://wbiomed.curtin.edu.au/genepop/index.html)
resolve identification and paternity disputes arising from [17].
racing pigeons. Identification of individual pigeons will have
implications in legal proceedings relating to antigambling 2.4 Multiplex PCR amplification
legislation. Furthermore, these sets of genetic markers can
be used in the other areas, such as ecology to analyze the Multiplex PCR amplification was performed using multiple
genetic distribution, population genetics, and avian breeding STR markers including the four newly isolated STR markers
programs. in this study, three polymorphic STR markers extracted from
the GenBank database (accession nos. G73190, G73196, and
AF188632) [11], and the bird sex marker CHD [12]. The
2 Materials and methods primer sequences used and their concentrations are shown
in Table 1. CHD-W gene is on chromosome W and is female
2.1 Sample collections and DNA extraction specific, and CHD-Z gene is on chromosome Z and present
in both sexes for most bird species. Amplification was per-
Blood samples from pigeons were collected from the veter- formed in a volume of 10 mL and under the following condi-
inary hospital. Buccal swabs were collected from 96 unrelated tions: 957C for 10 min, 28 cycles of 947C for 1 min, 587C for
pigeons and a further 51 buccal swab samples of 17 pigeon 1 min and 727C for 1 min, and extension for 45 min at 607C
families with known parents and offspring were collected in a 2400 Applied Biosystems thermal cycler. The PCR prod-
from five pigeon farms. DNA from the blood samples was ucts were analyzed using an ABI 3100 DNA analyzer.
extracted by the salt/chloroform method [14, 15]. DNA from
the buccal swab samples was extracted with a commercial kit
2.5 Sensitivity test
(Blood and Tissue Genomic Mini Kit, Viogene, Taiwan).
The DNA isolated from blood was quantified with absorption
2.2 STR isolation and polymorphic study
260 nm by spectrophotometer and serially diluted as 4, 1,
0.25, 0.0625, 0.0156, and 0.0040 ng/mL. DNA (1 mL) of each
STR loci were isolated by the hybrid-capture enrichment
concentration was used to perform the multiplex amplifica-
procedure using a modification of the method reported by
tion in a total volume of 10 mL.
Ciofi and Bruford [6, 16]. About 10 mg of DNA from one of
the blood samples was digested completely with the restric-
tion enzyme MboI (GeneMark, Taipei, Taiwan) and the DNA 2.6 Paternity testing
fragments between 200 bp and 1.2 kb were eluted with 2.5%
agarose gel electrophoresis. Adapters constructed with The buccal swab samples of 17 different pigeon families
SAULA and SAULB oligonucleotides were then ligated to the were used to test the power of the established system for
ends of the eluted fragments. After PCR amplification, the paternity testing.
products were hybridized with 43 probes which included ten
trinucleotide repeats and 33 sequences of tetranucleotide 2.7 Statistical analysis
repeats. The hybridized DNA fragments were then amplified
and cloned into a vector pOSI-T (GeneMark) from which The probability of a match Pm, power of discrimination Pd,
colonies were screened by PCR amplification and sequenc- and cumulative power of discrimination (CPd) were calcu-
ing. Sequencing was performed using the BigDye™ Termi- lated using the following equations [18]:
nator Kit (ABI PRISM™ BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequenc-
ing Ready Reaction Kit). The cycle sequencing products were Pm ¼ ðP k Þ2 (1)
detected using an ABI 3730 DNA analyzer. k¼1
Ninety-six samples were screened by analysis of their
fragment lengths using a fluorescent dye attached to one where Pk is the genotype frequency.
primer of each primer set. LIZ500 (Applied Biosystems) was
used as the internal size standard. The fragment was ana- Pd ¼ 1  Pm (2)

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4276 J. C.-I. Lee et al. Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 4274–4281

Table 1. Primer sequences and concentrations for amplification of each locus

Locus Repeat Primera) Sequence (50 –30 ) Concentration

unit (mM)



a) The primers of PG1-F, PG6-F, and CHD-R were labeled with a FAM dye; the primers of PG2-F and PG7-F were
labeled with a VIC dye; and the primers of PG3-F, PG4-F, and PG5-F were labeled with a NED dye.

CPd ¼ 1 P Pm i (3) 3 Results and discussion

3.1 STR isolation and polymorphic study

For paternity testing, the paternity index (PI), combined
paternity index (CPI), cumulative probability of paternity The allele structures from isolated STR loci were verified by
(CPP), probability of exclusion (PE), and combined prob- DNA sequencing. From 352 colonies, only four novel STR
ability of exclusion (CPE) were calculated as follows: loci with a repeat motif not less than trinucleotides were
obtained. The other colonies contained either dinucleotide
repeat loci or no repeat sequences. These four loci were dif-
PI ¼ X=Y (4) ferent from those reported by Traxler et al. [11] and registered
in GenBank. The repeat units for the four STR loci are
TCCA, TTTG, AAAC, and TTG. To determine the degree of
where X represents the probability that the putative parents
polymorphism at these loci, 96 samples were screened by
are the real biological parents based upon the matching
analyzing the length of each PCR fragment. The locus name,
alleles, and Y represents the probability that random
respective repeat unit, and primer sequences are shown in
pigeons are the biological parents and share the alleles by
Table 1. The allele frequencies and Pd of each locus in pop-
chance. CPI was calculated as the product of each PI.
ulation are listed in Table 2. The results showed that these
four markers (PG4, PG5, PG6, and PG7) were sufficiently
CPP ¼ CPI=ðCPI þ 1Þ (5)
polymorphic for individualization and paternity testing. In
order to amplify these STR markers simultaneously and
PE was obtained from the formula raise the CPd value of this system, the above four markers
and three polymorphic STR markers extracted from Gen-
Bank database (accession nos. G73190, G73196, and
PE ¼ H2 1  ð1  H ÞH2 (6) AF188632) were all included in a multiplex PCR amplifica-
tion system. The allele frequencies and Pd of these three STR
markers (PG1, PG2, and PG3) are also shown in Table 2.
where H represents the heterozygosity [19]. CPE was calcu- By combing the newly isolated STR loci with the three
lated using the equation: described previously, the CPd was increased significantly as
expected. The results of only the four tri- and tetrameric STR
n loci obtained in this study were consistent with the report by
CPE ¼ 1  P ð1  PEi Þ (7)
i¼1 Primmer et al. [20], where it was reported that the frequency

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Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 4274–4281 Nucleic Acids 4277

Table 2. Allele frequencies and Pd of each STR locus of microsatellites in the avian genome was low. Due to the
large stutter products of PCR amplification and the asso-
Allele Locus ciated resolution problems of SSR (simple sequence repeat)
PG1 PG2 PG3 PG4 PG5 PG6 PG7 with dinucleotide repeat sequences, STR markers with
repeat sequences less than trinucleotides were ignored in
3 0.173 this study.
5 0.540 0.122
7 0.065 0.797 0.622
8 0.050 0.038 0.203 0.256 3.2 Linkage analysis
9 0.005
10 0.185 0.020 Linkage disequilibrium of the seven STR markers was ana-
11 0.310 0.082 0.155 lyzed by PowerMarker and Genepop v3.4 softwares. The
12 0.488 0.006 0.090 0.005 results showed that none of the loci were associated with
13 0.339 0.024 0.170 0.356 0.149 any of the other loci using the PowerMarker software, but
14 0.161 0.060 0.505 0.048 the PG2 and PG7 loci exhibited association using Genepop
15 0.012 0.143 0.014 0.452 v3.4. When applying the Bonferroni correction [21] and
16 0.155 0.024
checking the genotypes of PG2 and PG7 for all samples
17 0.149
manually, it was noted that these two loci showed no asso-
18 0.030
Pda) 0.78 0.93 0.86 0.78 0.49 0.72 0.88 ciation. The Pd of PG2 (0.93) was larger than that of PG7
(0.88) (Table 2). Based upon the samples in this study, the
A total of 96 pigeon considered to be unrelated were used to
CPd of the seven STR loci was 0.99999234 and the CPd was
develop an allele database using the seven loci. 0.99993399 when excluding PG7. The loci were shown to be
a) The row of Pd represented the power of discrimination of in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium based upon the same soft-
each locus. ware.

Figure 1. Example of genotypes obtained from the multiplex amplification system. The PCR products were separated on an ABI 3100 and
alleles designated by use of an allelic ladder and panel developed for these loci.

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4278 J. C.-I. Lee et al. Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 4274–4281

3.3 Multiplex PCR amplification the eight loci for this sample using the multiplex system
were consistent with the results predicted from the poly-
A multiplex PCR amplification system was performed using morphic study, in which all the STR markers were amplified
the bird sex marker CHD and the seven STR markers. The in a separate reaction and typed independently.
primers (CHD-R and P8) for pigeon CHD gene amplifica- Initially another STR marker (accession no. AF188631)
tions were based on the sequences of PCR products from P2 was also included in the multiplex system, but it would not
and P8 [12]. The sizes of pigeon CHD-W and CHD-Z genes amplify simultaneously with the other eight loci. It may be
were 270 and 289 bp, respectively. The primer sequences and due to the interferences between multiple primers, or
concentrations are shown in Table 1. Figure 1 is an electro- unsuitable conditions, highlighting the challenge associated
pherogram representing an example using this system. The with a multiplex amplification. More STR markers could be
genotype was confirmed when compared to an allelic ladder incorporated into this system to raise the power of dis-
prepared from all alleles analyzed in this study. Genotypes of crimination after further optimization.

Figure 2. Different concentrations of DNA were used to test the sensitivity of the multiplex system. The template ranged from 4 ng (top
panel) through 1, 0.25, 0.0625, 0.0156, and 0.004 ng.

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Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 4274–4281 Nucleic Acids 4279

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4280 J. C.-I. Lee et al. Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 4274–4281

Figure 3. Example of the multiplex to illustrate the use in paternity testing. At each of the eight loci there is a matching allele shared by the
daughter when compared to the father and mother.

3.4 Sensitivity test 97.36 to 99.99%. The CPE was 0.9325 for these seven STR
markers, and the CPE was 0.8734 when excluding PG7.
DNA from the blood samples using serial dilutions were These data confirmed the paternity of these families and
used to detect the sensitivity of the multiplex system and the provide a high degree of confidence in resolving paternity
results are shown in Fig. 2. All the eight loci were success- disputes of pigeons.
fully and correctly amplified when the DNA template was not
less than 0.0156 ng. The optimal quantity of DNA was about
0.25 ng when considering the peak intensity and resolution.
Locus drop out was noted when the DNA template was 4 Concluding remarks
0.0040 ng or less and as expected the larger loci failed to
amplify compared to the smaller. This study describes a multiplex PCR amplification to iden-
The optimal quantity of DNA for human identification is tify pigeons of C. livia and illustrates its application for for-
usually about 1–5 ng, but only about 0.25 ng of pigeon DNA ensic science purposes. Eight loci, including seven STR
was needed for the system established in this study, indicat- markers and the sex marker CHD, were successfully ampli-
ing the sensitive nature of this PCR test. fied and analyzed simultaneously. The CPd of the seven STR
loci was 0.99999234. When used in paternity testing of 17
3.5 Paternity testing pigeon families, the CPP ranged from 97.36 to 99.99%, and
the CPE was 0.9325 for these seven STR markers. The sta-
DNA from the buccal swab of 51 samples from 17 families tistical data show the potential of this system to be used in
was typed by this multiplex system. Genotypes of one of the pigeon individualization, paternity testing, and in similar
families are shown in Fig. 3. Matching alleles are shown be- disputes in a forensic context. This system could be a model
tween the parents and female offspring. The alleles followed for the study of other species of pigeons or even other avian
the rules of inheritance with the alleles transmitted from one species. Furthermore, the robust system could be also used
generation to the next. The typing results of the other 16 in the other areas, such as ecology, population genetics, and
families also followed these rules. The CPP ranged from avian breeding programs.

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Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 4274–4281 Nucleic Acids 4281

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