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NJIT BME 698:012 Embedded Systems Final Project Report

Engineering Documentation
Put your project name here

Team Members:
(list your names here)

(Note: everything in blue is a note to you – remove everything in blue before submitting)

This document is probably 5-10 pages long. Submit hard copy 1 per team. Pictures good.

Checklist of Deliverables:

Make sure this document contains the following:

 What this project/product does
 Block diagram of the architecture/major elements
 List of all hardware parts used
 Schematic(s) of all hardware developed
 Software flow chart
 Picture(s) of final product (e.g., circuit board, sensors, inputs, outputs, etc.)
 Some sort of proof that it works. (e.g., screen capture, plots, pictures, etc.)
 Copy of final software listing with proof (screen capture) that it compiles

NJIT BME 698:012 Embedded Systems Final Project Report

1 Project Description
Include a paragraph that describes what the project does. This is like the “Features” part of
a product description that you see on a website – it is your “sales pitch” about why someone
should buy your product. Here is an example of one:

It does not describe HOW the product accomplishes this.

2 High Level Design/Architecture/Block Diagram

The product architecture contains a block diagram similar to what many of you included in
your proposals. It often shows separate physical elements and can be very detailed. It
should also show the major functional elements of the product if one physical element does
more than one thing.

Your architecture section should also contain a discussion of the type of program control you
will use (e.g., round robin with interrupts), a list of the digital and analog port pins you will
use, and a list of any timers and interrupts and what they will be used for.

Block Diagram

3 Detailed Design
This describes item by item HOW the product does what it does. These are the gory details
– what parts you are using (with part numbers), schematics, any other block diagrams,
etc., software flowcharts, etc.

This project report has many of the elements you need in your report:

4 Software Listing
Put software listings here.


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