17 Year Old Boy Who Thinks He Has A Life Like Fairytale /lives in Fantasy World Thinking - One Day A Man of My Dreams Will Come and Take Me To The Future

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I’m not a writer or have a talent to write but I like to express my feeling { not through the words but

I don’t have much choices_ no I have choices but I like to avoid them u kown like I can put a vedio or do
something like aduiobook }

I don’t kown why I start to write this YA ONE OF MY FRNDS MOTIVITED

that’s the frndship:” they will be there for you ” but ya its me a 17 year old boy who thinks he
has a life like fairytale /lives in fantasy world thinking - one day a man of my dreams will
come and take me to the future. Oh this all is a bullshit its not gonna happen

this is not like a romantic, thriller , drama or comedy , story with more twists and other stuffs. it’s more
like a……. what to tell hmmmmmmm ah - narration or journal . nah it has comedy drama
thriller and other stuff because this is me as I told 17 yr old boy ………………. {I love that phrase }

now lets start: I will give a thing about me. leaving in a family which will not accept the truth
that I’m GAY and thinking I will change the world. And one more thing I’m not good at either
English or Malayalam , I’m just gonna write in( technically typing but hey its our world so we can tell
whatever we need )English with manglish

the characters and the story is totally friction nothing is real (but some of these had happed to me ) if
this has any similarity with the living or dead people [I really like to tell this ]or something u know
that’s because u are watching some shows and films

so lets start
my self I’m yadhav or u can call me what ever u need (the name is just for
understanding purpose )

Running through the mindblowing golden paddy field but it hadn’t taken my heart or soul .my hands
simply patting through the crops . nothing to get o to loose . just to feel the crop . while Im running some
one called my name I turned but I didn’t forget to keep running and it has stopped by falling on the
ground. I open my eyes then I see someone covering the sunlight and giving me a hand . I didn’t hesitate
to hold . I expanded my pupil to see who he was he was so dam handsome, his body was like a
soldier , slightly higher than me . The sound from back had made me took my hand from him and the
owner of the sound was my sister. she comes to me and ask me whether I have any problem. I just tell r
i feel pain on my ankle and was really surprised because she never ask like that . she just kick the area
where I feel pain. I get it -- it was because of the handsome man over there. I turned to see him once

splash sh sh sh [sound of watrer]

wake up u shit head

I opened my eyes by asking ‘what the fuck ‘ and I realize that it was just a dream but u know it was
really good and had turned me on u know what will happen next - go to toilet masturbate {I don’t
need to explain every thing I just did u can imagine } after that I stare at the mirror and thanking god
for making me such ah handsome person . that’s why no one want me to be their boyfriend because u

im too hot to handle

then I brushed my teeth and get out there go downstairs to have break fast . on my way it get hit on
my mind I didn’t took my phone u know what that feels nothings gonna happen but still it
need to be in my hand. I go back to my room-- not completely mine< my cute little brother ,who is really
a bully ,is also in my room . we are sharing > I took my phone and goes back . when I enterd the hall
my sister was watching some Korean dram and brother is laughing at me because what he do to me in
the morning , my mom is making something in kitchen and dad was not there. I go to the kitchen to see
whats to eat and there is something to ask my mom ‘ where’s dad ? ‘ she tells he is talking to the
neighbor about the camping


the melodious music had lowered by the crying of Lumos , he was dripping blood , the carpet had
turned red . Heline and Shawn rushed to him and called for the Gra . Shawn asked what happened .the
ball where is silent. the music had stopped. lumos tells he had returned

who?? every one look around in wonder he continued

“the dust had taken the lacim had gone “ . one in the hall wisperd “ the village” the face of heline
changed , the lines of her forehead arrived with an eye of a frightened littlie girl suddenly heline
touches shawn he looks her eye for a second his mouth open and tells DAVO

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