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Pearl Irene Joy G.


10- Agoho



Learning Task 1. Identify the reactant needed in the following chemical equation, choose your answer
from the box. Do this in your answer sheet.

1. Mg + (OH)2 Mg(OH)2

2. Na + Cl NaCl

3. H2O + SO3 H2SO4

4. Al + (PO4)3 Al(PO4)3

5. S + 02 SO2
Pearl Irene Joy G. Nilo

10- Agoho


WEEK 5Learning Task 2

Identify the types of chemical reaction represented by each equation. Write your answer in your answer

1. Fe0 + Al Al 2O3 + Fe= Single Displacement Reaction

-aluminum plus iron 3 oxide, so we look at this equation here we have a metal aluminum and then we
have another metal here iron that's bonded to the oxygen so we're thinking that this aluminum might
be able to replace the metal and that would make it a single replacement reaction so we think about it
the aluminum would come in and it would push the iron out and then we'd have iron Fe by itself and
then the aluminum would be with the oxygen so just write al o for the aluminum plus the oxygen let's
make that little L like that plus the iron so that would be a single displacement reaction but the charges
aren't right here we need to balance the charges and we would need to balance the equation as well so
let's look at this aluminum that forms three plus ions if you look on the periodic table it's in group
thirteen in oxygen always forms two minus ions so to balance the charge we can use the crisscross
method we could put the two here and the three here so now the three times minus two that's minus
six this three times to here plus six so those charges cancel out so this is the right formula for this
aluminum oxide with single replacement reactions one question we have to ask is will the AL actually
replace the iron is this active enough to replace iron and to figure that out we use the Activity series
here so on the Activity series we can see coming down here's aluminum and then here's iron lower
down because aluminum is higher up it's more reactive and that means it's going to be able to replace
the iron here in this single displacement reaction so this reaction does take place as written . So, this
type of reaction for al plus fe2o3 is a single displacement reaction.
2. NaNO3 NaNO 2 + O2 = Decomposition Reaction

- in this equation we'll take a look at the type of reaction for nano3 breaking down or decomposing into
nano2 plus oxygen so this is sodium nitrate breaks down into sodium nitrite plus oxygen gas when I look
at this reaction I notice I have one thing one substance here and it breaks apart into two other
substances so it breaks apart or it decomposes that means this is a decomposition reaction if we look at
this table of common types of chemical reactions we can see right here decomposition and it follows
this format a B it breaks apart into a plus B so you could think of this as substance a B and this is a plus B.
So this is a decomposition reaction

3. N2 + H2 NH 3= Combination Reaction

- in this equation we'll take a look at the type of reaction for h2 plus m-2 yields nh3 that's hydrogen gas
plus nitrogen gas gives us this ammonia here this is the common name ammonia and it's a very common
chemical so speed to know that this is ammonium you could call it nitrogen tri hydride as well so in this
reaction we have hydrogen and nitrogen coming together they're combining into just one substance so
we have these two substances combining into one substance that is a combination or a synthesis
reaction this combination or synthesis reaction is really important because this ammonia here is used in
fertilizers so a lot of the food that is grown is reliant on ammonia to help really increase the yields so
ammonia pretty important chemical and it's made in something called the Haber process h2 plus n2 that
gives us this nh3.
4. Al + Fe (NO3)2 Al (NO 3)3 +Fe= Single Displacement Reaction

5. SO2 +H2O H 2SO4= Combination Reaction

- in this equation we'll take a look at the type of reaction for so2 plus o2 plus h2o yields h2 so4 so we're
making sulfuric acid here when you look at the reaction you have three separate substances and they're
all combining they're all coming together into one substance so this is a combination reaction if we
looked at a table of common chemical reactions here so these are common types of chemical reactions
we could see here's our combination reaction and it's also called a synthesis reaction so you synthesize a
new compound one new compound here it has the general form of a plus B yields a B however here we
have three different substances so since three substances are combining it's still considered synthesis or
combination because they're combining into one substance so that's the type of reaction for so2 plus o2
6. Mg (OH)2 + HCl MgCl 2 + H2O= Acid Base Reaction/ Double Replacement Reaction

- the first thing that we need to realize is that we have an acid and a base we know that hydrochloric
acid HCl is an acid because it begins with H and usually when compounds begin with H we can expect
them to be acids for the mg oh2 we have a metal bonded to an OHA group this is a hydroxide ion so
when you have a hydroxide ion and a metal that's gonna be a base when they react when they
neutralize because this is a neutralization reaction we get a salt and we get water h2o so that's the
general kind of neutralization reaction that we see acid plus base gives us a salt plus water you might
find it useful to memorize this table here of really common acids and bases so you can see here for the
acids we have our hydrochloric acid right here and then mg oh2 that's not on our list that we can see it
has these OHS here mg o h2 it's actually sometimes considered a strong base some kinds considered a
weak base but that hydroxide tells us it is a base then we have our salt and our water if

we put a table up here of general kind of common types of reactions will see our neutralization reaction
it's right here you have H and then something so HCl for instance and then you have M o H the M stands
for a metal like magnesium and then the hydroxide and you get your salt and your water that's
neutralization it's also a double displacement reaction so you can have a reaction that's categorized as
two different reactions it's a double displacement reaction because the mg and the CL they form a
compound mgcl2 and then the h and the o h they form a compound the water right here h2o so really
the M G and the H are switching places it's a double displacement reaction so those are the types of
reactions here for HCl plus mg oh2 it's neutralization reaction but it's also a double displacement

7. HCl + Al (OH)3 AlCl 3 +H2O= Acid Base Reaction/ Double Replacement Reaction

- in this equation we will the find the type of reaction for hcl plus aloh3 this is hydrochloric acid plus
aluminum hydroxide the first thing we should notice is that hydrochloric acid hcl we have this h in front
this is an acid probably a good one to remember then we have this o-h this is the hydroxide group it's
bonded to a metal so this here is going to be a base we end up with this salt here and water that means
we have a neutralization reaction the acid in the base produces salt and water so that's the first type of
reaction we have here but this is also a double replacement reaction that's because the positive ions the
hydrogen and the aluminum they switch places so we start out with the hydrogen bonded to the
chlorine then we end up the hydrogen and the hydroxide that gives us the h2o here the aluminum it
ends up with the chlorine we get aluminum chloride so this is both a neutralization and a double
replacement reaction.

8. NaOH + KNO3 NaNO 3 +KOH= Double Displacement Reaction

9. CH4 + O2 CO 2 + H2O= Combustion Reaction

- ch4 plus o2 yields co2 plus h2o and figure out what type of reaction we have you have a hydrocarbon
a hydrogen and carbon bonded together and you're adding oxygens so you have those reactants and
then for your products you'll have carbon dioxide and water so you see a hydrocarbon and some oxygen
and you have carbon dioxide and water that's a combustion reaction and the general form of a
combustion reaction looks like this we have our hydrocarbon we have oxygen gas then we end up with
carbon dioxide and water

10. 2H2 + O2 2H 2O= Decomposition Reaction

-the reaction comes under decomposition reaction since the water molecule is breaking into individual
gaseous molecules of hydrogen and oxygen.
Pearl Irene Joy G. Nilo

10- Agoho



Learning Task 3

List down at least 5 evidences that chemical reaction took place. Give 2 examples per evidence

Evidences of Chemical Reaction Examples

Color change  Rusting of metal overtime
 a penny changing from reddish brown to
greenish brown as it becomes tarnished
 Reaction of iron and copper sulphate,
Color changes from blue to light green.
 Rusting, blackening of surfaces of cut
vegetables and fruits are other examples
of change of color in a chemical reaction
 Rusty pipes that were once silver-colored
 For example, it would be expected that a
blue and a yellow liquid would combine
to produce a green liquid. However, if the
same two liquids created a red product,
that would be evidence of
 a chemical reaction. This can happen
between two liquids and also when a
 dissolves into a liquid.
 Ripening of fruits
 Leaves changing color
Change of State (Formation of a precipitate, Gas  Gas Bubbles
Bubbles or formation of gas, etc) - Release of gas bubbles when two
substances mixed is often evidence of
chemical reaction (antacid in water)
 Formation of precipitate
* Many reactions happen in solution
-if solid appears after two solutions
mixed, a reaction has probably happened
Example: Pb(NO3)2+Kl
-A bright yellow solid Pbl2 appears as the
proof that the reaction has happened
-One of the best examples of
precipitation reactions is the chemical
reaction between potassium chloride and
silver nitrate, in which solid silver
chloride is precipitated out. This is the
insoluble salt formed as a product of the
precipitation reaction. The chemical
equation for this precipitation reaction is
provided below.
AgNO3(aqueous) + KCl(aqueous) —–
AgCl(precipitate) + KNO3(aqueous)
-The other example of a precipitation
reaction is the reaction between calcium
chloride and potassium hydroxide,
resulting in the formation of an insoluble
salt Called calcium hydroxide. The
chemical equation for this reaction is
2KOH(aqueous) + CaCl2(aqueous)—-
Ca(OH)2(aqueous) + 2KCl(aqueous)
 For example, when fog changes to water
vapor, it is still water and can change
back to liquid water again.
Change in a closed container  If reaction is going in the gas phase and
new gases are formed, the pressure in
the closed container will change
 when gas bubbles form in magma inside
a volcano and expand too rapidly, leading
to a volcanic eruption.
Odor change  It only takes one experience with a rotten
egg to learn that they smell different that
fresh eggs.
 When eggs and food spoil, they undergo
a chemical change. The change in odor is
a clue to the chemical change
 Ripening of fruits
Temperature change  Reaction between vinegar ang baking
soda is accompanied by drop of
 Reaction between glycerin C3H5 (OH)3 and
potassium permanganate KMnO4
produces extensive heat (burning)
Pearl Irene Joy G. Nilo

10- Agoho



Learning Task 4

Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in your answer sheet.

B 1. A chemist shorthand way of representing chemical reaction.

A. Chemical property B. Equation C. Formula D. Symbol

C 2. When acid and base react with each other, it produced water and _________.

A. carbon dioxide B. fire C. salt D. smoke

C 3. A process in which one or more substances are converted to one or more different substances is
called chemical________?

A. equation B. formula C. reaction D. symbol

C 4. Any substance that is present at the start of chemical reaction.

A. Arrow sign B. Product C. Reactant D. Symbol

D 5. The arrow sign in the chemical equation is read as __________.

A. added to B. B. combined with C. form precipitate D. will produce

D 6. When hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen, they will produce carbon dioxide and __________.

A. Air B. Hydrogen C. Oxygen D. Water

C 7. A type of chemical reaction wherein Single compound is broken down to two or more elements and

A. Acid-Base B. Combination C. Decomposition D. Displacement

B 8. In the equation N2 + H2 → NH3, NH3 is?

A. Equation B. Product C. Reactant D. Subscript

B 9. A type of reaction when two or more reactants unite to form a single product.

A. Acid-Base B. Combination C. Combustion D. Decomposition

B 10. The plus sign symbol found at the left side of chemical equation is read as __________.

A. Burning B. Combined with C. Heat is applied D. Will produce

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