Boyce 01

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Section 1.1, Page 8

2. For y > 3/2 we see that y¢ > 0

and thus y(t) is increasing there.
For y < 3/2 we have y¢ < 0 and thus
y(t) is decreasing there. Hence
y(t) diverges from 3/2 as tƕ.

4. Observing the direction field,

we see that for y>-1/2 we have
y’<0, so the solution is
decreasing here. Likewise,
for y<-1/2 we have y¢>0 and
thus y(t) is increasing here.
Since the slopes get closer to
zero as y gets closer to -1/2,
we conclude that yÆ-1/2 as tÆ•.

7. If all solutions approach 3, then 3 is the equilibrium

dy dy
solution and we want < 0 for y > 3 and > 0 for
dt dt
y < 3. Thus = 3-y.

11. For y = 0 and y = 4 we have y¢ = 0 and thus y = 0 and

y = 4 are equilibrium solutions. For y > 4, y¢ < 0 so if
y(0) > 4 the solution approaches y = 4 from above. If
0 < y(0) < 4, then y¢ > 0 and the solutions “grow” to y = 4
as tÆ•. For y(0) < 0 we see that y¢ < 0 and the solutions
diverge from 0.

13. Since y¢ = y2, y = 0 is the equilibrium solution and y¢ > 0

for all y. Thus if y(0) > 0, solutions will diverge from
0 and if y(0) < 0, solutions will aproach y = 0 as tƕ.

15a. Let q(t) be the number of grams of the substance in the

dq 300q
water at any time. Then = 300(.01) - =
dt 1,000,000
300(10-2- 10-6q).

15b. The equilibrium solution occurs when q¢ = 0, or c = 104gm,

independent of the amount present at t = 0 (all solutions
approach the equilibrium solution).
2 Section 1.2

16. The D.E. expressing the evaporation is = - aS, a > 0.
4 3 Ê 3 ˆ
= pr and S = = 4pÁÁ ˜˜
Now V 4pr , so S V2/3.
3 Ë 4p ¯
Thus = - kV2/3, for k > 0.




Section 1.2 Page 14

1b. dy/dt = -2y+5 can be rewritten as = -2dt. Thus
lnΩ y-5/2 Ω = -2t+c1, or y-5/2 = ce-2t. y(0) = y0 yields
c = y0 - 5/2, so y = 5/2 + (y0-5/2)e-2t.
If y0 > 5/2, the solution starts above the equilibrium
solution and decreases exponentially and approaches 5/2
as tƕ. Conversely, if y < 5/2, the solution starts
below 5/2 and grows exponentially and approaches 5/2 from
below as tƕ. 3

4a. Rewrite Eq.(ii) as = a and thus lnΩ y Ω = at+c1; or
y = ceat.

dy dy1
4b. If y = y1(t) + k, then = . Substituting both
dt dt
these into Eq.(i) we get = a(y1+k) - b. Since
= ay1, this leaves ak - b = 0 and thus k = b/a.
Hence y = y1(t) + b/a is the solution to Eq(i).

6b. From Eq.(11) we have p = 900 + cet/2. If p(0) = p0, then

c = p0 - 900 and thus p = 900 + (p0 - 900)et/2. If
p0 < 900, this decreases, so if we set p = 0 and solve
for T (the time of extinction) we obtain
eT/2 = 900/(900-p0), or T = 2ln[900/(900-p0)].

8a. Use Eq.(26).

8b. Use Eq.(29).

dQ dQ/dt
10a. = -rQ yields = -r, or lnΩ Q Ω = -rt + c1. Thus
dt Q
Q = ce-rt and Q(0) = 100 yields c = 100. Hence Q = 100e-rt.
Setting t = 1, we have 82.04 = 100e-r, which yields
r = .1980/wk or r = .02828/day.

dQ/dt -1
13a. Rewrite the D.E. as = , thus upon integrating and
simplifying we get Q = De-t/CR + CV. Q(0) = 0 Þ D = -CV and
thus Q(t) = CV(1 - e-t/CR).

13b. lim Q(t) = CV since lim e-t/CR = 0.

tƕ tƕ

dQ Q
13c. In this case R + = 0, Q(t1) = CV. The solution of this
dt C
-t /CR
D.E. is Q(t) = Ee-t/CR, so Q(t1) = Ee 1 = CV, or
t1/CR t1/CR -t/CR -(t-t1)/CR
E = CVe . Thus Q(t) = CVe e = CVe .
4 Section 1.3

13a. CV = 20,CR = 2.5 13c. CV = 20, CR = 2.5 t1 = 10

Section 1.3, Page 22

2. The D.E. is second order since there is a second

derivative of y appearing in the equation. The equation
is nonlinear due to the y2 term (as well as due to the y
term multiplying the y” term).

6. This is a third order D.E. since the highest derivative is

y¢¢¢ and it is linear since y and all its derivatives
2 2
appear to the first power only. The terms t and cos t do
not affect the linearity of the D.E.

we have y¢ (t) = -3e

-3t -3t -3t
8. For y (t) = e and y≤ (t) = 9e .
1 1 1
Substitution of these into the D.E. yields
-3t -3t -3t -3t
9e + 2(-3e ) - 3(e ) = (9-6-3)e = 0.

Ú f(s)ds, then u¢(t) = f(t).

14. Recall that if u(t) =
16. Differentiating e twice and substituting into the D.E.
2 rt rt 2 rt rt
yields r e - e = (r -1)e . If y = e is to be a
solution of the D.E. then the last quantity must be zero
2 rt
for all t. Thus r -1 = 0 since e is never zero.

19. Differentiating t twice and substituting into the D.E.
2 r-2 r-1 r 2 r
yields t [r(r-1)t ] + 4t[rt ] + 2t = [r +3r+2]t . If
y = t is to be a solution of the D.E., then the last term
must be zero for all t and thus r + 3r + 2 = 0.
22. The D.E. is second order since there are second partial 5
derivatives of u(x,y) appearing. The D.E. is nonlinear
due to the product of u(x,y) times ux(or uy).

∂u1 2 -a2t ∂2u1 -a2t

26. Since = -a e sinx and = -e sinx we have
∂t ∂x2
2 -a2t 2 -a2t
a [-e sinx] = -a e sinx, which is true for all t and x.


Section 2.1, Page 38

1. m(t) = exp(Ú 3dt) = e3t. Thus e3t(y¢+3y) = e3t(t+e-2t) or

(ye3t) = te3t + et. Integration of both sides yields
1 3t 1 3t
ye3t = te - e + et + c, and division by e3t gives
3 9
the general solution. Note that Ú te3tdt is evaluated by
integration by parts, with u = t and dv = e3tdt.

2. m(t) = e-2t. 3. m(t) = et.

4. m(t) = exp(Ú ) = elnt = t, so (ty)¢ = 3tcos2t, and
integration by parts yields the general solution.

6. The equation must be divided by t so that it is in the

form of Eq.(3): y¢ + (2/t)y = (sint)/t. Thus
m(t) = exp(Ú = t2, and (t2y)¢ = tsint. Integration
then yields t2y = -tcost + sint + c.

m(t) = et . m(t) = exp(Ú ) = (1+t2) 2.
7. 8.

11. m(t) = et so (ety)¢ = 5etsin2t. To integrate the right

side you can integrate by parts (twice), use an integral
table, or use a symbolic computational software program
to find ety = et(sin2t - 2cos2t) + c.

13. m(t) = e-t and y = 2(t-1)e2t + cet. To find the value

for c, set t = 0 in y and equate to 1, the initial value
of y. Thus -2+c = 1 and c = 3, which yields the solution
of the given initial value problem.

15. m(t) = exp(Ú ) = t2 and y = t2/4 - t/3 + 1/2 + c/t2.
Setting t = 1 and y = 1/2 we have c = 1/12.

18. m(t) = t2. Thus (t2y)¢ = tsint and

t2y = -tcost + sint + c. Setting t = p/2 and
y = 1 yields c = p 2/4 - 1.

20. m(t) = tet.

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