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Communicative English

A Workbook
Revised edition

Answer Key

KN Shoba
Lourdes Joavani Rayen

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Answer Key


Exercise 1
1. anthropologist – development of the human race

2. astronomer – celestial phenomena

3. geologist – the earth

4. biologist – all forms of living matter

5. entomologist – insect forms

6. botanist – plant life

7. philologist – language

8. semanticist – meanings and psychological effects of words

9. zoologist – animal life

10. sociologist – community and family life in societies

Exercise 2

an  archy centi  meter in  valuable pre  cedent penta  gon

agri  culture sub  way dis  covery con  ference dyna  mic

demo  cracy  re  duction tri  angle non  sense inter  national

mal  nutrition biblio  graphy milli  liter octa  gon quadr  angle

mega  phone bi  cycle co  operative extra  terrestrial un  delete

anti  body multi  culturalism tele  vision super  sonic exo  skeleton

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4 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 3

Prefix Prefix meaning Root Root meaning Word New word ­meaning
trans- across -graphy writing or description transatlantic across atlantic

tele- distant -bat to fight telephone a device used for

transmitting voices over
a distance

per- through indication a sign that shows percolate filter slowly through a
something porous surface

com- with -colate to strain combat fighting between armed


contra- against -phone voice, sound contraindication a situation in which

a drug or a medical
procedure should not
be used as it may be

bio- life sphere a round solid figure biography a description of

someone’s life

hemi- half intelligence the ability to gain and hemisphere half of a sphere
apply knowledge and

hyper- over advantage benefit hyperactive extremely active

counter- against, in atlantic of or adjoining the counterintelligence secret action taken by a

return atlantic country to prevent another
country from discovering
its military, industrial or
political secrets

extra- in addition to active engaging in physically extracurricular activities done in addition

energetic pursuits to studies at school or

auto- self curricular related to the automobile a motorised vehicle

curriculum powered by an engine

dis- negative prefix mobile able to move disadvantage unfavourable

circumstance or condition

bi- two cycle circle, wheel bicycle a vehicle consisting of

two wheels and propelled
by pedals

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  Answer Key 5

Exercise 4
Across: 1. build 4. straight 6. people 7. sun 8. rule

Down: 1.  believe 2. circle 3. throw 5. power 7. self

Exercise 5

Root Prefix Suffix Words

cover micro- -ful recover, covering, covered, coverable

stand under- -tion understand, standing, understanding, understandable

act dis- -ancy underact, react, action, reaction, acting, reacting, actable, acted

scope re- -ing microscope, microscopic

develop -able developing, developed, redevelop, underdeveloped

arrange -ed arranged, arranging, disarrange, rearrange, rearranged

appear -ic appearing, appeared, disappear

assign assigned, assignable, assigning, reassign

account accounted, accountable, accounting, accountancy

taste tasteful, distasteful, tasting, tasted, distaste

place displace, placed, placing

Exercise 6
  1. contradict, dictation, dictator

  2. centipede, centennial, century

  3. eject, inject, dejected

  4. apathy, empathy, sympathy

  5. conversation, adversity, reversion

  6. video, vivid, improvident

  7. benevolent, beneficiary, benefactor

  8. territory, terrestrial, terrace

  9. malnourished, malevolent, malabsorption

10. reduce, introduce, produce

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6 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 7
1. gene  ology, gene  tic, gene  ration, genre, gene  sis

2. path  etic, path  ology, psycho  path , path, path  gens

3. tele graph , epi  graph , graft, calli  graph  y, mono  graph

4. bio  me, bilateral, bio  graphy, a  bio  tic, bio  chemistry

5. mono  cycle, mono  chrome, mono  cle, monetary, mono  graph

Exercise 8
1. I still remember that day, 24th April 2018. I was reading The Chronicles of Narnia and my brother was trying
to synchronise his dance moves with the rhythm of the song. My mother took out a floppy disk to copy some
pictures from our computer – so anachronistic! And all of a sudden my father’s stomach ache got worse. We
all knew it was chronic. We could do nothing because, chronologically speaking, it recurred once in every

Root word: chronos Meaning: time

2. My uncle is a philanthropist whose philosophy of life revolves around helping those in need. Though not
a bibliophile in his schooldays, he reads a lot now. He recently spoke about philately to students and the
importance of writing letters. He is also a popular philologist.

Root word: phil Meaning: love

3. Manufacturing unadulterated products is central to food industry. Several industries are manipulated by
profit-minded managers. Their interests manifest in their methods and they manoeuvre their workers with
their crooked strategies.

Root word: man Meaning: hand


Exercise 1

Word Prefix Root word Suffix

circumnavigate circum- navigate

misjudge mis- judge

archbishop arch- bishop

monopoly mono- poly

friendship friend -ship

booklet book -let

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  Answer Key 7

Word Prefix Root word Suffix

strengthen strength -en

punishment punish -ment

extraordinary extra- ordinary

Exercise 2
pre- + mature premature

im- + mature immature

re- + fund refund

non- + sense nonsense

un- + natural unnatural

in- + sensitive insensitive

extra- + ordinary extraordinary

pen- + ultimate penultimate

fore- + word foreword

Exercise 3
teach + -er teacher

gift + -ed gifted

cruel + -ty cruelty

punish + -able punishable

hard + -ship hardship

act + -ing acting

nation + -al national

despot + -ism despotism

crystal + -ise crystallise

fear + -less fearless

Exercise 4
1. postscript 2. ultraviolet 3. dissected 4. heterogeneous  5. prologue

6. ungraceful 7. trimester 8. nonfiction 9. monotony 10. transmitted

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8 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 5
1. -ism 2. -ness 3. -ling 4. -ful  5. -ise

6. -ward 7. -hedon 8. -ships 9. -hood 10. -less

Exercise 6
1. post- 2. extra- 3. -able 4. -ish 5. omni-

6. auto- 7. in- 8. in- 9. -ian

Exercise 7

autonomy prepone undo intrastate inefficiency misunderstand understate

Exercise 8

kingdom womanhood kindness heartless minimise zestful tolerable

Exercise 9

misunderstand untie invisible unfortunate incapable dishonour

untimely immobile irregular irreversible illegible imperfect

Exercise 10
1. -ism 2. -ed 3. -ward 4. ing  5. -ise

6. -ling 7. -ly 8. -ing 9. -ing 10. -hood

Exercise 11
accidental regional brutal personal universal

colourful delightful historical customary complementary

athletic photographic magical logical scientific

rhythmic selfish girlish homely costly

funny dirty spotty rainy sunny

poisonous dangerous courteous nightmarish visionary

genetic rebellious monotonous monochromatic

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  Answer Key 9


Exercise 1

Last month we had been on a holiday to Goa. The weather there was so pleasant (nice) that we had a very
memorable (nice) time throughout our stay. The beaches were so beautiful (good), the food was tasty (nice)
and all our road trips were enjoyable (nice) too. It’s an attractive (nice) tourist place and the people there are
really friendly (good). The only thing that spoilt our happy (nice) stay was the news on the last day of our stay
that our dog which we left with our neighbour went missing. It was such unpleasant (bad) news, that the entire
family felt extremely worried (bad) and our mood turned upset (bad) too. The good (nice) holiday turned into
a sad (bad) one, but surprisingly before we reached home our dog did too. Wasn’t that relieving (good) news?

Exercise 2
 1. crazy  2. suggest  3. forbidden  4. hates  5. furious

 6. hide  7. annoy  8. understand  9. sad 10. loathe

11. contented 12. inspect 13. compliment 14. car 15. strange

Exercise 3
1. D 2. S 3. S 4. O 5. O 6. S 7. O 8. S 9. O 10. O

Exercise 4
 2. bizzare  3. confine  4. dainty  5. enormous  6. fortunate

 7. gratitude  8. hazard  9. impulsive 10. jealous 11. knowledgeable

12. lethal 13. mitigate 14. necessary 15. obsolete 16. poisonous

17. quite 18. reliable 19. significant 20. transient 21. ultimate

22. vain 23. withstand 24. yield 25. zenith

Exercise 5
Walk, holidays, habit, begin, huge, filled,

deeply, upset, death, accident, unlucky, please, deepest, truly, restart

Eerie, certain, tap, expecting, guest, startled, began, odd

Friend’s, ancient, wonderful, huge, invaluable, unbelievable, lives, fortunate, always, self-reliant

Understanding, joyful, difficult, need, ideas, puzzling, help, often, simplifies, finish

Exercise 6
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. c

6. b 7. c 8. a  9. b 10. b

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10 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 7
a. x b. iii c. v d. vi e. ii

f. ix g. iv h. vii i. i j. viii


Exercise 1
intimate – distant instantly – slowly

ordinary – extraordinary terrible – pleasant

obvious – obscure spacious – cramped

dull – exciting asset – liability

frank – secretive scream – whisper

Exercise 2
1. at peace 2. starved 3. attractive 4. anxiety  5. noisy

6. barren 7. reckless 8. talent 9. most 10. rigid

Exercise 3
1. b 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. d 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. d

Exercise 4
1. praised 2. incompatible 3. ordinary 4. crucial  5. intermittent

6. clear 7. bought 8. small 9. innocent 10. inaccessible

Exercise 5
1. wobbly 2. insignificant 3. beautiful 4. fresh  5. talkative

6. cleverness 7. adequacy 8. hopeful 9. coherent 10. comprehensible

Exercise 6
1. extravagant 2. stale 3. polite 4. take up  5. frank

6. rare 7. incompetent 8. immortal 9. antisocial 10. liberate

Exercise 7
brilliant – dim, gloomy, stupid

readily – hesitantly, unwillingly

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  Answer Key 11

survive – succumb, to give up, perish, yield

strong – powerless, submissive, mild

honest – corrupt, disloyal

straightforward – difficult, complex

gentle – violent, fierce

giant – tiny, miniature

affected – natural, down-to-earth

automatic – voluntary

Exercise 8
1. flabby, loose, flaccid, slack

2. faded, dull, muted, lacklustre

3. active, lively, energetic, vigorous

4. receding, withdrawing, retreating

5. common, normal, ordinary, usual

6. excluded, barred, expelled

7. sloppy, careless, incautious, imprudent

8. blissful, ecstatic, cheerful, delighted

9. warm, humid, hot, balmy

10. kind, caring, sympathetic, benevolent

Exercise 9
1. allowed 2. weak 3. die 4. birth  5. remember

6. break 7. sell 8. disagreement 9. losses 10. innocent

Exercise 10
1. c 2. c 3. b 4. c  5. b

6. a 7. a 8. a 9. d 10. c


Exercise 1
1. embarrassed 2. examined 3. practical 4. confusing  5. creative

6. unnecessary 7. difficulties 8. worn out 9. kind 10. male-dominated

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12 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 2
1. bored 2. pleasant 3. active 4. problematic  5. facilitate

6. real 7. detailed 8. unprofitable 9. plain 10. interesting

Exercise 3
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. c 9. c 10. c

Exercise 4
1. never-give-up-attitude

2. mass killing

3. flood

4. rain and snowfall

5. those who are social and friendly

6. addicted to one’s job

7. hard-working

8. pen-name

9. lifespan

10. hobby

Exercise 5
1. extrovert 2. sleet 3. deluge 4. vocation 5. workaholic

6. pseudonym 7. longevity 8. perseverance 9. industrious 10. genocide

Exercise 6
1. cancel – antonym and contrast

2. minor – punctuation

3. uninterested – antonym and contrast

4. hopeful – synonym

5. untrue – synonym

6. genuine – antonym and contrast

7. live both in water and land – example

8. rarely – antonym and contrast

9. starts – synonym

10. sea – example

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  Answer Key 13

Exercise 7
1. c 2. a 3. b 4. b  5. a

6. c 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. b

11. b 12. a 13. a 14. a 15. c

16. d 17. b 18. a 19. b 20. a


Exercise 1
arm chair beeline check-up

superimpose skateboard fund-raiser

outnumber heart attack hail storm

Exercise 2
1. print 2. natural 3. numbered 4. estate

5. sister 6. thing 7. counter

Exercise 3
1. thunderstorm 2. jawbone, dashboard 3. chopsticks

4. sandcastles 5. backpack 6. earthquake

7. lifeboats 8. bedroom 9. cellphone

Exercise 4
1. fire – firefighter, fireproof, firearm

2. life – lifetime, lifejacket, life partner

3. up – uphill, upside, uptown

4. wide – wide–mouthed, widespread

5. box – chatterbox

6. hair – hairstyle, hairdo, haircut

7. book – bookshelf, bookworm, booklet

8. match – match–fixing, matchbox

9. home – homeward, homebound

10. head – headmistress, headmaster

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14 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 5
1. zebra crossing 2. pickpocket 3. mother tongue 4. deathbed
/pedestrian crossing

5. contact lenses 6. heart attack 7. soundproof 8. evergreen

Exercise 6
1. compounding 2. acronym 3. clipping 4. blending 5. clipping

Exercise 7

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

beauty beautify beautiful beautifully

creation create creative creatively

significance signify significant significantly

action, activity act active actively

annoyance annoy annoying annoyingly

consideration consider considerable considerably

reliability rely reliable reliably

strength strengthen strong strongly

distraction distracted distracting distractingly

success succeed successful successfully

Exercise 8
1. absence 2. childhood 3. discovery 4. happiness  5. agreement

6. arrival 7. dutiful 8. criticism 9. imagination 10. irritation

Exercise 9
bedroom water tank motorcycle printer cartridge

greenhouse passerby washing machine driving license

drawback public speaking software dry-cleaning

bystander haircut

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  Answer Key 15

Exercise 10
 1. sister-in-law 2. editor-in-chief 3. eighty-three

 4. merry-go-round 5. one-third 6. over-the-counter

 7. well-being 8. computer-generated 9. one-half

10. mass-produced


Exercise 1

Single-word substitute Phrase

accomplice partner in crime

bureaucracy a government run by civil servants

consortium an association of several companies

edible fit to be eaten

extempore a speech made without any preparation

fallacy a false idea or belief

gratis free of cost

homonym two words with same spelling or pronunciation but with different meanings

illegible handwriting that cannot be read

judicious wise, sound in judgement

Exercise 2
1. indelible 2. mercenary 3. gazette 4. ornithology

5. posthumous 6. multinational 7. panacea 8. paradox

Exercise 3

Phrases One word substitute

science of origin of the universe cosmology

one who has lost his parents orphan

the act of passing off another author’s work as one’s own plagiarism

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16 Communicative English: A Workbook

Phrases One word substitute

a person who specialises in children’s diseases pediatrician

the science dealing with the production of metals metallurgy

one who looks at the brighter side of things optimist

a word with the same meaning as the other synonym

the one who does not believe in the existence of god atheist

word for word verbatim

the one who hates women misogynist

Exercise 4

Single-word substitute Phrase

omnipotent one who is all powerful

pauper one who is very poor

bilingual one who is fluent in two languages

epicure one who finds pleasure in fine food and drink

feminist one who supports the cause of women

reticent one who is reserved and quiet

fatalist one who accepts all events as inevitable

hypocrite one who pretends to be sincere or upholds high values

indefatigable one who persists tirelessly

anarchist one who believes in the absence of government and absolute freedom

Exercise 5
1. stoic 2. epidemic 3. charlatan 4. entomologist  5. spinster

6. gourmet 7. incredible 8. ambidextrous 9. temporal 10. introspection

Exercise 6
1. hedonist 2. chauffeur 3. biennial 4. epitaph  5. feminist

6. invigilator 7. linguist 8. maiden speech 9. pseudonym 10. versatile

Exercise 7
1. c 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. d

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  Answer Key 17

Exercise 8
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b

6. a 7. b 8. b 9. a 10. a

Exercise 9
1. Our neighbours are incorrigible as despite being told multiple times, they park their two-wheeler in our
parking slot.

2. Ram is a pessimist as he only looks at the negative side of things.

3. As he read the epitaph while standing at the cemetery, he had an eerie sensation.

4. Bill Gates is a well-known philanthropist.

5. The interior decoration of the house reflects his strong aesthetic sense.

6. I happened to read the biography of Princess Diana and found it quite inspiring.

Exercise 10
1. forgery 2. vendetta 3. brittle 4. honorary

5. posthumous 6. glutton 7. stoic 8. maiden speech


Exercise 1

Adjective Adverb

attractive attractively

enormous enormously

bold boldly

diffident diffidently

unhappy unhappily

energetic energetically

meek meekly

sweet sweetly

clear clearly

precise precisely

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18 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 2
1. He behaved sensibly.

2. The driver drove the car recklessly.

3. The walk was rather tedious.

4. The speaker arrived a few minutes late.

5. I am really surprised at why he never told me the truth.

6. I haven’t heard such rumors before.

7. He was far too preoccupied with work.

8. I always stop to have a burger.

9. Therefore, he sold his bungalow.

10. Bacteria and germs are present everywhere.

Exercise 3
1. politely 2. wrong 3. easily 4. interesting  5. intelligently

6. marvelously 7. before 8. awfully 9. frequently 10. smugly

Exercise 4
1. He had a stroke and died yesterday. (adverb of time)

2. The crowd rushed down as soon as they felt the tremors of the earthquake. (adverb of place)

3. He still typed well despite the injury on his arm. (adverb of manner)

4. She moves slowly as she tends to lose her balance while walking. (adverb of manner)

5. The dessert is quite delicious. (adverb of degree)

6. I nearly had a heart attack after listening to his sad tales. (adverb of degree)

7. The couple were almost in their late forties when they had their first son. (adverb of frequency)

8. I have never been admonished by the warden. (adverb of frequency)

9. Usually, I wake up late on holidays. (adverb of frequency)

10. She played the piano skillfully. (adverb of manner)

Exercise 5
1. hastily 2. heartily 3. fluently 4. extremely  5. stealthily

6. nervously 7. randomly 8. suddenly 9. minutely 10. Finally

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  Answer Key 19

Exercise 6
1. frequently 2. rarely 3. sensibly 4. slowly  5. cautiously

6. dangerously 7. regularly 8. quickly 9. seldom 10. occasionally

Exercise 7
1. quickly 2. excitedly 3. carelessly 4. finally  5. slowly

6. easily 7. suddenly 8. loudly 9. well 10. carefully

Exercise 8
1. The students always arrive at 10 a.m.

2. Ron sometimes cleans his car on Sunday mornings.

3. My children usually play basketball on Saturday evenings.

4. The doctor never goes to his clinic on Sunday.

5. During vacation time, the lab assistant often sterilises the equipment in the lab.

6. The maid always dusts the house at 8 o’clock in the morning.

7. My father usually reads the newspaper at 6.30 a.m.

8. We usually do yoga at 6 a.m. in the morning.

9. He never watches television during examination time.

10. The manager always comes to his office at 9 a.m.


Exercise 1
Achievement: He has many academic achievements.

Admirable: Her works of art are admirable.

Burial: The book talks about the burial of the dead in the ancient civilisation.

Collection: He has a great collection of stamps.

Growth: The child’s growth has become stunted due to lack of nutrition.

Instruction: The students received many instructions from the invigilator.

Performance: His performance in sports was unrivalled.

Ownership: Issues related to ownership of the company were discussed.

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20 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 2
1. b 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. d 6. b 7. a 8. b 9. a 10. c

Exercise 3

Verb Noun
enlarge enlargement

achieve achievement

believe belief

break breach

speak speech

live life

apply application

collect collection

derive derivation

animate animation

Exercise 4

Noun Adjective/Adverb/Verb
proof prove (verb)

strife strive (verb)

heat hot (adjective)

pride proud (adjective)

amusement amuse (verb)

confusion confuse (verb)

addition additional (adjective)

courage courageous (adjective), courageously (adverb)

impression impressive (adjective), impressively (adverb)

indication indicate (verb)

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  Answer Key 21

Exercise 5
frequently wisely angrily faithfully

boldly completely hopefully injuriously

Exercise 6
advise lose grieve darken

practise sing sit shorten

Exercise 7
teacher invention entertainment learning

information discovery reference failure

Exercise 8
admirable black dusty harmful

approachable crazy dangerous athletic

Exercise 9
1. affordable 2. instructions 3. dangerous 4. education  5. nationality

6. warning 7. difficulty 8. adolescence 9. destruction 10. personality


Exercise 1
1. c 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. a 9. a 10. a

Exercise 2
1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. c

Exercise 3
to tire out – We were really tired out after the long road trip.

by oneself – The entire village was empty and we were left by ourselves.

out of order – The sewing machine was out of order for two weeks.

to be carried away (by/with) – I got carried away and overate at the party.

to burn out – The scooter’s clutch had burned out.

clear-cut – The invigilator gave the examinees clear-cut instructions before they began writing the exam.

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22 Communicative English: A Workbook

to break down – His car broke down in the middle of the way.

once in a blue moon – She goes to meet her brother only once in a blue moon.

to take for granted – Sarah always took Vijaya for granted, and, therefore lost a very good friend.

out of date – This design is out of date.

Exercise 4
Reema: Sanjay, were you all by yourself in the laboratory today?

Sanjay: Yes. My supervisor has given me clear-cut instructions on how to conduct the experiment, but,
unfortunately, some equipment is out of order or out of date. So, it’s rather difficult to get accurate results.

Reema: I understand. But, sometimes, one might even break down due to the pressure.

Sanjay: Exactly. I feel tired out as I’ve been working for hours and I feel my work is taken for granted and no one
really appreciates it.

Reema: But you are so diligent. You get carried away by your interest in the experiment and you never give up.

Sanjay: That’s right. But once in a blue moon even I take a break.

Exercise 5
Out of date – obsolete

To be carried away – to get emotional

to take for granted – to assume

once in a blue moon – a rare occasion

by oneself – independent

to burn out – exhausted

to tire out – worn out

to break down – to stop functioning

out of order – not in working condition

clear cut – state clearly

Exercise 6
1. C 2. C 3. C 4. I 5. C 6. C 7. I 8. C 9. I 10. C

Exercise 7
1. see the back of him 2. stole his thunder 3. in the rat race

4. have an upper hand 5. racing against time 6. takes my breath away

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  Answer Key 23

Exercise 8
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. c 8. c 9. b 10. a

Exercise 9
1. vi 2. i 3. vii 4. x 5. iv 6. iii 7. v 8. ii 9. viii 10. ix


Exercise 1
1. cut down on 3. took up 5. works out 7.   started off, give up   9. stuck to

2. get over 4. gave it up 6. stay away from 8.   get rid of 10. put on

Exercise 2
drop off – to take someone to a place and leave them there

pick up – to fetch someone from a place and take them somewhere else

take off – when a plane leaves and begins to fly

check in – to register at a hotel

check out – to leave and pay for your stay at a hotel

set out – to start a journey

look around – to explore what is near in your area

look forward – wait eagerly for something to happen

get in – to enter a place

hurry up – to rush and not waste time

get away – to leave to go somewhere for a break

speed up – to increase speed

see off – to go to the place someone is leaving from to say goodbye

Exercise 3
put down – to hurt someone by demeaning them, to insult

look up to – to respect and admire someone

fall for – to get attracted to someone

make up – to become friends with someone after a fight or argument

put up with – to endure; to accept an objectionable situation

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24 Communicative English: A Workbook

get along – to maintain a good relationship with others

look after – take care of someone

take after someone – to resemble somebody in the family

live up to – attain an anticipated standard

stand up to someone – refuse to accept unfair treatment or behaviour

look back on something – remember something that happened in the past

bring someone up – take care of a child

Exercise 4
When I got an admission to pursue Aeronautics at the National University of Singapore, it was a dream come
true. My family came to see me off at the airport the day I left. My father was worried and asked me to hurry
up so that I wouldn’t miss my flight. I felt both excited and anxious, but I was looking forward to the academic
experiences there. After I got on the plane, I realised how painful getting away from the family was. The flight
took off at the scheduled time and I was quite thrilled when my plane was speeding up on the runway. My father’s
friend was waiting to pick me up, and, after a little conversation, he wished me good luck.

Exercise 5
1. b 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. a 8. a 9. a 10. b

Exercise 6
break – down, in, out, up

call – up, back, on, off

Exercise 7
come – across, off, down, over, up with

get – along, around, away, back, up

look – after, down upon, for, forward, into, upto

put – down, off, out, up with, on

run – into, over, through, away, out

take – after, back, off, away, to

give – out, back, in, away, up, up

turn – down, down, up, up, on, off

Exercise 8
a. I think I am getting along with my new job in a satisfactory way.

b. You will have to look for more opportunities in your field in order to progress.

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  Answer Key 25

c. My car broke down when we were only a few kilometres away from home.

d. Except for Maya, the other two sisters take after their father.

Exercise 9
 1. a  2. a  3. a  4. a  5. a  6. a  7. a  8. b  9. b 10. a

11. b 12. b 13. a 14. a 15. b 16. a 17. a 18. a 19. b 20. a


Exercise 1
1. The train arrived right on time.

2. Plastic takes a great deal of time to decompose.

3. Students must make time to pursue their hobbies.

4. I wrote my answers hurriedly in the exam as I was running out of time.

5. Take your time when you are choosing a university abroad for higher studies.

Exercise 2
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c

Exercise 3
1. do 2. get  3. make  4. do  5. make

6. miss  7. get  8. make

Exercise 4
 1. highly difficult 2. deeply concerned  3. strongly infatuated

  4. utterly foolish  5. absolutely irrelevant  6. nicely dressed 

  7. extremely difficult  8. severely damaged  9. distinctly heard 

10. widely read


Exercise 1
1. tricks of the trade 2. at the drop of a hat 3. leaps and bounds

4. moment of truth 5. fits the bill

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26 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 2
1. ask me 2. to think of it 3. Speaking

4. reminds me 5. I was saying

Exercise 3
1. been there, done that 2. passed away 3. never mind

4. It’s on the tip of my tongue 5. rings a bell 6. lame excuses

7. no wonder 8. put up with

Exercise 4
1. It was, sort of, challenging for him when he moved into the city.

2. Never interfere into others’ business, especially mine, mind you.

3. As I was saying earlier, they left quite early today.

4. I’ve done whatever I can. Let’s see what comes out of it.

5. By the way, don’t forget to throw the garbage out.

6. I see what you mean, but I’ve decided not to go.

7. I forgot the name while I remember how he looked.

8. I look forward to seeing you in Chennai.

9. Let me give this to you, before I forget.

Exercise 5
1. Ravi is as cool as a cucumber even with his exams falling next week.

2. It is up to you to decide whether you want to go or stay here.

3. I can’t believe what you say. What in the world do you mean?

4. I hope he puts in a good word about you with the professor.

5. Let me check if your order has been shipped. Could you hold for a moment, please?

6. As soon as John joined the company, he was shown the sections he was in charge of.

7. The teacher warned the student who entered late, ‘Keep in mind the rules and regulations!’

8. It rings a bell. I have definitely seen this man earlier.

9. A: Have you tried bungee jumping in Mexico?

B: Been there, done that!

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  Answer Key 27

Exercise 6
  1. break the news 2. too much pressure 3. make peace

  4. broke new ground 5. put a stop to it 6. break the ice

  7. sense of humour 8. put on a brave face 9. A classic example

10. fishing for compliments



Exercise 1
1. Who 2. Who 3. What 4. Why 5. How

6. When 7. Which 8. Where 9. Where 10. How

Exercise 2
Why did they buy this house?

Whose book is this?

What is the price of that shirt?

Who can be blamed for this?

Where do you usually keep your keys?

How do you go to college?

Exercise 3
1. Who determines a country’s future?

2. Which is the most popular sport worldwide?

3. Where is the exit door?

4. Who borrowed your textbook?

5. What is Bhutan known for?

6. Why should one read newspapers and magazines?

7. Why can’t we trek on this hill?

8. Which is your favorite book?

9. Why can’t you accompany me?

10. How is the way to the riverbank?

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28 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 4
Appropriate Wh- questions can be asked depending on the personality chosen. Some sample questions are:

When did you decide that you want to become an actor?

Who is your favourite actor?

Who inspired you the most in life?

Why did you choose to become an actor?

Who do you love the most in your family?

What do you do when you are not working?

Which is your favourite cuisine?

What do you like wearing?

Which is your favourite colour?

Where did you go during your last vacation?

Exercise 5
What is the invitation for?

Whose birthday is it? / Who has invited us?

How old is Dan?

Where is the party? / What is the venue?

When is the party?

Exercise 6
1. How was the exam?

2. When will the results be out?

3. What is the name of this singer?

4. Who is your favourite singer?

5. Where did you keep your bag?

6. What is the colour of the box?

7. Who will distribute the prizes?

8. Who is receiving the first prize?

9. How old is the dam?

10. Who constructed it?

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  Answer Key 29

11. How much did this laptop cost you?

12. Who manufactured it?

13. What is photosynthesis?

14. Who is called the father of trigonometry?

15. What is trigonometry?

16. When is Engineers Day celebrated?

17. Why don’t you like coffee? / Why do you not like coffee?

18. What would you like to have?

19. How many times has Rafael Nadal won the French Open?

20. What is philately?


Exercise 1
1. Does she teach English?

2. Do they like playing volleyball?

3. Are they behaving strangely?

4. Did we open the locker?

5. Was he murdered in this village?

6. Should they complete their project?

7. Does he go for swimming every morning?

8. Does she squander all her money on buying accessories?

9. Are you coming with us?

10. Does she wake up late?

Exercise 2
1. Has Reema brought the music player?

2. Are they going to watch a movie?

3. Has Theodore opened the cupboard?

4. Have the exams been postponed?

5. Has the cyclone uprooted many trees?

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30 Communicative English: A Workbook

6. Are they buying an i-pad?

7. Am I growing old?

8. Has she become rich?

9. Are her comments of great importance?

10. Has he declined the honorary doctorate?

Exercise 3
1. Devi did buy a tablet.

Did Devi buy a tablet?

2. Ravi does exercise everyday.

Does Ravi exercise everyday?

3. The symposium did last several days.

Did the symposium last several days?

4. They do like each other.

Do they like each other?

5. She did try really hard.

Did she try really hard?

6. Ali did drive to school.

Did Ali drive to school?

7. Sam did win the match.

Did Sam win the match?

8. She did get really furious.

Did she get really furious?

9. She still does write to him.

Does she still write to him?

10. He did pay for all his teammates.

Did he pay for all his teammates?

Exercise 4
2. Reema: Is my notebook kept in your room?

Ravi: Yes, it is.

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  Answer Key 31

3. Reema: Are you going for the film in the evening?

Ravi: No, I’m not.

4. Reema: Will this medicine treat the infection?

Ravi: Yes, it will.

5. Reema: Are you working out a math problem?

Ravi: Yes, I am.

6. Reema: Have you been working in the office since morning?

Ravi: Yes, I have been.

7. Reema: Do they play soccer?

Ravi: Yes, they do.

8. Reema: Are they offering home loans?

Ravi: Yes, they are.

Exercise 5
1. A: Are you going to a restaurant?

B: Yes, I am going to the nearby restaurant.

2. A: Are you free on Sunday?

B: Yes, I am.

3. A: Will you give me an autograph?

B: Yes, I will. / Sure, I will.

4. A: Are you travelling somewhere this weekend?

B: No, I’m not.

5. A: Do you know how to work on a computer?

B: Yes, I do.

Exercise 6
2. Are they playing chess?

3. Is there rice in the bowl?

4. Are there two elephants in the picture?

5. Is he a motorcyclist?

6. Is he an electrician?

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32 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 7
1. Does Mrs Gupta reside on Fifth Avenue?

2. Are both the boys swift and agile?

3. Are you shocked?

4. Do you know how to play Scrabble?

5. Are beagles dangerous?

6. Are we late?

7. Is lunch ready?

8. Does your friend work at Infosys?

9. Is Mr Roshan a professor?

10. Is Koodangulam in India?

Exercise 8
1. Doesn’t he love his new bike?

2. Don’t they love playing football?

3. Can’t she swim across the river?

4. Didn’t they go to attend the workshop?

5. Didn’t she decide to quit smoking?

6. Aren’t they cute?

7. Shouldn’t they revise their pay scales?

8. Wasn’t he present for the valedictory function?

9. Doesn’t he squander his money on racing?

10. Isn’t he is intelligent?


Exercise 1
1. pain, leg

2. Jeddi, thesaurus

3. list, instructions

4. philanthropist, kindness

5. raise, salary, January

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  Answer Key 33

6. family, year

7. cyclone, trees

8. exhibition, March

9. Prime Minister, rupee notes

10. schools, China, week, levels, pollution

Exercise 2

Proper Noun Common Noun

Spiderman movie

The Taj hotel

Jupiter planet

June month

India ocean

Indica car

Delhi university

Michael Jackson singer

Macbeth play

The Hindu newspaper

Chennai city

Exercise 3
1. Uncountable nouns – sugar, salt

2. Uncountable noun – advice

3. Countable nouns – carpenter, tables, chairs

4. Uncountable noun – platinum, metal

5. Uncountable noun – information

6. Uncountable noun – business; Countable noun – stocks

7. Countable noun – sage; Uncountable noun – wisdom

8. Uncountable noun – weather

9. Countable noun – patient, pills; Uncountable noun – pain

10. Uncountable noun – agony

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34 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 4
1. I 2. him 3. mine 4. their  5. me

6. herself 7. himself 8. who 9. who 10. they

Exercise 5
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A

Exercise 6
1. You can ride with Jennifer and me.

2. I wept when I heard the tragic news.

3. Dr Roshan performed a complicated surgery.

4. The telephone rang several times.

5. Many houses and buildings sank in the flood waters.

6. His sister knit a beautiful, pink sweater.

7. A bee stung me on my nose while I was in the garden.

8. Rishabh has already attempted the exam twice online.

9. His teacher guided him in choosing the right course.

10. He practised for hours together on his piano.

Exercise 7
It’s Christmas today. My mother made au gratin and brown bread along with steamed rice and roasted chicken. I
stood next to her and saw her prepare them. This is how she cooked them. She first chopped fresh, orange carrots
into thin, long slices. After this, she peeled the onions and chopped them into fine pieces. She then added white
sauce and mixed herbs. Next, she washed the big, fat chicken under warm water and spread a thick, juicy mixture
over it. Finally, she placed the chicken on a large, grey tray and placed it on the grill plate inside the hot oven.

Exercise 8
1. three 2. male 3. enormous 4. heavy  5. stringent

6. blind 7. humid 8. flu 9. long 10. timid

Exercise 9
1. The manager eagerly opened his promotion order.

2. His leg was slightly weak.

3. He efficiently works on his own.

4. The play will begin soon.

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  Answer Key 35

5. Ted practiced basketball frequently.

6. Reno preferred to dress differently from his twin brother.

7. The scenery was breathtakingly beautiful.

8. Frank cleared his throat rather nervously.

9. Theo was really tired.

10. The presidential candidate delivered his speech emphatically.

Exercise 10
1. The debaters spoke loudly and enthusiastically.

2. The burglar ran out of the den quickly.

3. The CM surveyed the devastation caused by the floods from the helicopter clearly.

4. Reno often attends the violinist’s performances.

5. This road goes straight until it meets the foot over bridge.

6. I often watch that soap opera as it’s very interesting.

7. The painter beautifully painted his masterpiece.

8. Jaya reads the newspaper everyday.

9. The snake crawled slowly towards the pond.

10. The teacher warned the student strictly.

Exercise 11

1. He goes to church on Sunday and sits among the parishioners.

2. I tried to ask him the reason for his fears.

3. I stood beside my adversary.

4. I do online shopping for every household item.

5. I looked beneath my bed.

6. I saw a big snake while I was walking along the road.

7. I’m raising money for an organisation that does research on cancer.

8. I had never dreamt of winning the lottery.

9. People usually gain more calories during Christmas.

10. The dog ran across the road.

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36 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 12
1. There is a table and two chairs in the room

2. The table is covered with a white cloth.

3. There is a flower vase and a few mugs kept on the table.

4. The refrigerator is kept beside the kitchen slab.

5. There is an oven beneath the kitchen slab.

6. The shelves are above the kitchen slab.

Exercise 13
1. as 2. and 3. or 4. but 5. as

6. or 7. and 8. but 9. but 10. yet

Exercise 14
1. She was getting ready for work but it started raining.

2. The guitarist played and the choir sang.

3. We decided to go to the beach as it was a bright and sunny day.

4. You will not succeed unless you work hard.

5. I must believe it because the news report says so.

6. He is suffering much pain yet he does not complain.

7. Her mobile was stolen, so she lodged an FIR.

8. He remained at home as he was ill.

9. We decided to set out since it was late.

10. Theo writes for pleasure but Reno writes for profit.

Exercise 15

1. Hi! I’m glad that you could make it to my wedding.

2. Wow! You look awesome in that outfit.

3. Gosh! I hurt my foot.

4. Aha! I found the clue.

5. Oh! I’m not sure about that.

6. Oops! I forgot to tell you how to go.

7. Hurray! We won the gold medal.

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  Answer Key 37

8. Whew! I forgot my purse.

9. You’ve passed the I.A.S. Great!

10. Ouch! I cut my finger.

Exercise 16
1. preposition 2. interjection 3. conjunction 4. adjective

5. noun 6. adverb 7. conjunction 8. verb

Exercise 17
1. c 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. a 10. c

Exercise 18
Noun: lock, beauty, eraser, flight, chair

Preposition: down, around, between, over

Verb: walked, do, ask

Pronoun: them, him, he, himself, she

Adverb: intelligently, really, fairly, quickly, well

Conjunction: yet, and, because, but

Interjection: ouch!, oh!, bravo!, hurray!, hey!

Adjective: older, honest, fat, oldest, kind


Exercise 1
1. an 2. an 3. a 4. an  5. The

6. a 7. a, a 8. An, a, the 9. a 10. a

Exercise 2
I have a pet at home. It is an orange-coloured fish. I call her Fantagirl. She is intelligent and beautiful. She swims
to the surface of water in the aquarium as soon as I sprinkle fish food. And she swims in a stylish fashion that is
quite appealing. The bubbles from her gills also make watching her more interesting. She is a favorite companion
of mine.

Exercise 3
1. the 2. no article 3. the 4. a  5. the

6. the 7. the 8. a 9. a 10. a, a, an

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38 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 4
1. the 2. the 3. no article, the 4. the   5. no article

6. no article 7. the 8. the 9. The 10. the

Exercise 5
1. an, the, the, a, the

2. the, the, an, the, the, the

3. a, a, the, the, the, the, the, a

4. a, the, an

5. the, a, the, an, an

6. a, a, an

7. a, a, no article, the, the

8. no article, the, a, no article

9. the, an, the

10. the, a, a

Exercise 6
The picture shows a family sitting at the dining table and enjoying their meal. The family consists of a father and
a mother and their two children. Both the children are girls. The children are sitting next to their parents. The
elder sister is sitting next to her mother and the younger one is sitting next to her father. The family is having food
on banana leaves. The father is looking towards the children while the mother is looking towards the camera.

Exercise 7
1. a 2. a 3. a 4. an, a   5. no article

6. the 7. the 8. no article 9. the 10. no article

Exercise 8
1. a, the 2. an, the 3. the, the 4. The 5. The, an, a, a

6. the 7. The 8. A, the, the 9. an 10. the

Exercise 9
a: union, European, supermarket

an: X-ray, orphan, MS graduate, unusual, Irishman

the: Pacific Ocean, Andes, Persian Gulf, United States of America

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  Answer Key 39


Exercise 1
in, in, on, at, in, at, at, in, into, at, on, in, in

Exercise 2
1. With the help of online shopping, people can buy things from other countries.

2. This research will emphasise on the importance of skill development in India.

3. They were also asked whether they prefer Tamil to English books.

4. Let us discuss the advantages of learning a foreign language.

5. The project guide told Rahul that his research should be of use to the common man.

6. The former site supervisor refused to comment on this issue.

7. The nurses had more than five years of experience in taking care of cancer patients.

8. The next course will start in June 2018.

9. The students felt that the new pupil leader never listened to their opinions.

10. The teacher told me that I won’t be able to catch up if I frequently absented myself.

Exercise 3
Dear Mr Gupta,

I am interested in applying for the position of Senior Manager in your esteemed company.

I have seven years of experience in managing teams in manufacturing companies, and am currently employed as
an executive manager at J&R, a company of 150 employees. I am looking for a new position that will challenge
my managerial skills. I have attached a copy of my resume in which you will see that I have the required skills and
experience. I graduated from Pune University in 2009 and I have taken courses in tourism and travels. I have also
done an internship from a firm specialising in air travel. I have a very wide range of responsibilities, including
administering the housekeeping staff. I am confident that my qualifications and experience will be beneficial to
your organisation.

Thank you again for agreeing to look at my resume. I will be available for an interview any time. I am looking
forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Sanjay Anand.

Exercise 4
1. during 2. on 3. to 4. on  5. to

6. at 7. to 8. since 9. from 10. for

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40 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 5
1. This is the layout of a flat that is for sale.

2. The entrance to the flat leads into a living area.

3. An open kitchen has been provided next to the living area.

4. The kitchen leads to a pantry and a utility room.

5. There are two large bedrooms in the flat.

6. There is also a meditation room in the flat.

7. A storage room has been provided adjacent to the meditation room.

8. There is a common toilet opening into the living area.

9. A bathroom is provided in the corridor leading up to the bedrooms.

10. The flat will be ready for occupation in a month’s time.

Exercise 6
 1. of   2. to, in   3. from, for  4. of  5. in

 6. to  7. in   8. of, to  9. over 10. in, into

11. of 12. by 13. with

Exercise 7
  1. with, of, by, of   2. at, in, in, of   3. by, of

  4. with, of, with, of, of   5. of, along, without   6. to, of, with, in, of

  7. from, for   8. after, to, in, of   9. by, of, to

10. of, in 11. in, at, than 12. in, under, of


Exercise 1
1. useful

2. it takes time

3. it opens a world of opportunities

4. one is young

5. I have decided to learn it

6. we may lose out

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  Answer Key 41

7. the world is so globalised

8. if you work in your home country

9. you have the time and energy

10. it is a dead language

Exercise 2
1. We planned to go to the seashore in the evening but we couldn’t go due to the storm.

2. I asked my father to buy me a new dress and new shoes.

3. She’s my friend and the man next to her is her brother.

4. We ran into the house but our clothes were already soaked in the rain.

5. Can we eat a sandwich or can we just have coffee?

6. Amit started to cry at the end of the movie because the dog has a tragic death.

7. They hired a taxi to reach the railway station yet they were late.

8. The boy picked the green ball as the white one was already taken.

9. In those days we loved playing outside but now kids prefer to stay inside the house.

10. Milo lives on Oak Street and his brother lives nearby.

11. The parents couldn’t afford to pay the fee but they decided to enrol their daughter anyway.

12. Birds enjoy spring but they find it difficult to survive winter.

Exercise 3
1. Once 2. Even though 3. If 4. where  5. Once

6. Even though 7. Even if 8. until 9. When 10. in order

Exercise 4
1. Both-and 2. either-or 3. neither-nor 4. not only-but also 5. either-or

Exercise 5
Last week, once I returned from college, I was quite surprised to find that the nearby park which was in a pathetic
condition was getting a facelift. I was really excited because I was hoping the park gets cleaned up. Of course,
there was a selfish reason and the reason was - the park had a playground in which we had played like forever
since I was ten. I wanted to do my bit too so I went out as soon as possible. Though it was sunny and hot, I saw
my friends Sam, Gautam and Irfan. The grumpy Mr. Shah was there because his friends had asked him to. Unless
everyone contributes this task was going to be impossible. I wanted to stay longer and remove trash but my exams
were coming up and I had to leave. Both Sam and Irfan would take up the responsibility of leading the others in
restoring the playground to its previous shape as it was our secret mission.

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42 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 6
1. a. She wanted to participate in the cycle race but she fell ill.

a. She pleaded before the principal but she could not get the permission to write the exam.

2. a. You will not be able to succeed unless you work hard.

b. You will not be able to recover unless you eat well.

3. a. Neither Seema nor I will be able to go to the party.

b. I was sick throughout the week so I could neither go to office nor work at home.

4. a. I stopped where the road ended.

b. We went to the city where I was born.

5. a. The manager explained how the company earned its profits.

b. I couldn’t understand how the device worked.

6. a. Seema went to Bangalore and Ramesh went to Delhi.

b. We were sick and unwilling to work.

7. a. The new chief minister gave not only subsidies but also tax waivers.

b. He was not only hard-working but also intelligent.

8. a. The child ate hurriedly for he was very hungry.

b. We rode the bicycle fast for we were getting late.

9. a. The exam had already started when I reached the venue.

b. The petrol prices were very high when the new government came to power.

10. a. She will go either to the airport or to the railway station.

b. Ravi will buy either a house or a car.

Exercise 7
1. c 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. a

Exercise 8
1. before I decide

2. although it is stormy

3. because they refused to take her out

4. but he did not win

5. and artistic

6. before we reopen

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  Answer Key 43

7. as it will keep us healthy

8. unless they are worthy of comparison

9. although their time table is very tight

10. if they are determined to

Exercise 9
1. The sale of the magazine was higher this year because the articles in the magazine were very interesting.

2. Since the house had excellent air-conditioning, it was very comfortable and cool inside.

3. The apples were sweet but the oranges were all sour.

4. Although she had an umbrella with her, she got completely drenched in the rain.

5. The boys were watering the plants and the girls were feeding the birds.

6. The laptop was corrupt beyond repair, yet Rohan repaired it.

7. Many speakers referred to the recent events in the city but they did not speak about them in detail.

Exercise 10
1. Seven hours of sleep is indispensable to any human being but many compromise on their sleep.

2. It is well known that smoking leads to cancer, yet some people smoke.

3. The library needed more books as the demand for books among students is increasing.

4. The water from the dam was released and the farmers were gladdened by the news.

5. She can take the morning flight if she wants to or she can take the evening flight.

6. Since technology has made rapid developments, it is possible to work from home.

7. Even if you have a good command over English, it is important to learn a foreign language.

8. Although it is past summer, the climate is still hot.

9. Not only was he the topper of his school but also the first-rank holder in the whole district.

10. He will complete the project on time if his demands are met.


Exercise 1
1. He earned his way to college working as a part-time home tutor.

2. Ms Rama likes to teach reading to young children.

3. Her favourite hobby is chatting.

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44 Communicative English: A Workbook

4. They go trekking and camping every month.

5. Sam has a liking for birds.

6. Playing football is our group’s favourite weekend activity.

7. Do you like reading?

8. Does he enjoy writing?

9. Dhoni’s first job was checking tickets on trains.

10. Swimming  is a great exercise to keep us fit.

Exercise 2
2, 6, 8, 9

Exercise 3

Riding bicycles can be so much fun but obeying traffic rules is also important. Cycling on main roads is
not a joke. You must always try obeying the traffic rules. These days police officers are strict about enforcing
law and order, and are frequently found punishing the violators.

Many countries have separate lanes for cyclists. These lanes ensure the cyclists’ safety. Separate lanes keep people
from trespassing into one another’s path. Keeping one’s bicycle in good condition is also a part of bicycle
safety. One must make sure that the brakes work. Having a light on the bicycle is also a good idea.

Exercise 4
1. Winning 2. Standing 3. Reading 4. Choosing 5. Smoking

6. Washing 7. Cleaning 8. Watching

Exercise 5
1. Visiting the Jog Falls was a wonderful experience.

2. Drinking milk every morning is healthy.

3. Learning to design clothes was difficult.

4. Sending emails is faster than sending a letter.

5. Playing cards on rainy days keeps us entertained for a long time.

6. Selling houses is a quick money-making business.

7. Going to parties often helps them make new friends.

8. Driving a car can help Karan save time.

9. Deciding to learn German was the best decision Tina made.

10. Forgetting the bad experiences of the past will make you optimistic.

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  Answer Key 45

Exercise 6
1. Mr Nirmal likes meditating, cooking and jogging.

2. Jai is thinking of shifting his house to Adyar.

3. Believing the bitter truth is better than trusting sweet lies.

4. She is hopeful of winning the first prize.

5. Giridhar loves driving but hates swimming.

Exercise 7
Across Down

2. reading 1. knocking

5. making 3. eating

7. doing 4. knitting

8. stitching 6. plucking

Exercise 8
1. I stayed at home waiting for my mother to come and take me to the theatre.

2. Staying in a sea-facing apartment can be very refreshing.

3. My friends love going for long walks along the seashore.

4. She spent the whole Sunday reading the novel, The God of Small Things.

Exercise 9
1. Working 2. doing 3. Swimming 4. smoking  5. dancing

6. stealing 7. going 8. accepting 9. travelling 10. investing


Exercise 1

Adjectives Chennai Delhi

is warm / warmer than / warmest Chennai is not as warm as Delhi. Delhi is the warmest city.
Delhi is warmer than Chennai

is cold / colder than / coldest Chennai is not as cold as Delhi. Delhi is colder than Chennai.
Delhi is the coldest city.

crowded / more crowded than / Chennai is as crowded as Delhi. Delhi is more crowded than Chennai.
most crowded
Chennai is the most crowded city. Delhi is the most crowded city.

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46 Communicative English: A Workbook

Adjectives Chennai Delhi

safe / safer than / safest Chennai is as safe as Delhi. Delhi is safer than Chennai.
Chennai is not as safe as Delhi. Delhi is the safest city.

busy / busier than / busiest Chennai is as busy as Delhi. Delhi is the busiest city.
Chennai is busier than Delhi.

Exercise 2
1. more 2. beautiful 3. harder 4. happiest 5. better

Exercise 3
1. louder 2. faster 3. more challenging

4. strictest 5. lengthiest

Exercise 4
1. most intelligent, intelligent, highest

2. more fluently, fluent, most fluent

3. beautiful, most polluted, most expensive

4. hottest, hot, hotter

5. narrowest, most difficult, farther

6. better, worst, bad

7. prettier, more versatile

8. most interesting, most talented

9. most valuable, valuable

10. good, the best

Exercise 5
Amitabh Bachchan and Shahrukh Khan are my favourite celebrities. Amitabh Bachchan is older than Shahrukh
Khan, and made his debut much earlier than him. Therefore, Bachchan has more Bollywood experience than
Khan, and has done more movies than him. However, Shahrukh Khan is as popular and as talented as Amitabh
Bachchan. Khan has a shorter height as compared to Bachchan, but both have an influential persona. They are
both extremely confident and humble people.

Exercise 6
1. Facebook is the most popular of all social networking sites.

2. I know him more than you do.

3. Amitav Ghosh is one of the greatest Indian writers.

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  Answer Key 47

4. Soya chunks are healthier than oats.

5. He is happier than his friend.

Exercise 7
1. No other member of the family is as old as Peter.

2. Frank is the most intelligent boy in the class.

3. No planet is bigger than Jupiter.

4. Google is the most useful search engine.

5. A diamond is the most attractive precious stone.

6. No other democracy is as large as India.

7. No other wonder of the world is greater than the Taj Mahal.

8. Arun is the most industrious boy.

9. No other animal is as small as the Etruscan Shrew.

10. Noam Chomsky is the greatest linguist in the world.

Exercise 8
1. better 2. most legible 3. ferocious 4. more reliable,   5. worse, worst
most reliable

6. lesser, least 7. many/some 8. farther 9. sweetest 10. more energetic

Exercise 9
  1. the noisiest   2. the worst   3. the widest

  4. the best   5. the laziest   6. the curliest

  7. the most difficult   8. the most famous   9. the most modern

10. the most 11. the darkest 12. the most nervous

13. the tiniest 14. the most 15. the most

16. the best 17. the happiest 18. the most

19. the most 20. the most


Exercise 1
1. I 2. him, I 3. his 4. him  5. mine

6. our 7. I 8. he 9. her 10. her

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48 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 2
1. It took him three hours to drive to the station.

2. We like interacting with him but he doesn’t like to talk to us.

3. We view them on T.V. every week.

4. They ate sandwiches along with us at the picnic.

5. It was all her mistake.

6. Will you be able to help him?

7. She does not like them.

8. Someone told him, they had moved to Bangalore.

9. He likes us as much as they/we do.

10. I am his/her brother.

Exercise 3
1. who 2. whom 3. whose 4. which  5. who

6. that 7. whose 8. that/who 9. which 10. whom

Exercise 4
1. These 2. Those 3. Those 4. This  5. That

6. Those 7. These 8. those 9. this/that 10. those

Exercise 5
1. Who 2. What 3. Whom 4. What  5. Which

6. what 7. Whose 8. whom 9. which 10. what

Exercise 6
1. One must not harm others.

2. Many of them were thieves and murderers.

3. I’m certain that somebody has seen him steal the pen.

4. Did you ask anyone if they had attended the conference?

5. None of his works have been reviewed by the panel.

6. Very few people may find such documentaries interesting.

7. All the members of the committee signed the agreement.

8. Nobody was there to save him from the fire.

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  Answer Key 49

9. Everyone in my class had attempted the question.

10. Some people feel that he was murdered mysteriously.

Exercise 7
1. himself 2. myself 3. myself 4. herself  5. yourself

6. himself 7. itself 8. themselves 9. ourselves 10. yourself

Exercise 8
1. I myself overheard her defaming me.

3. The class itself was empty.

4. He himself did not recognise his image.

6. She herself hated him.

7. We ourselves witnessed the phenomenon.

9. We were invited by the President himself.

10. You yourself must clean up this mess.

Exercise 9
1. Rashmi and Vikas are collecting money for charity. They will give it to the trust this month.

2. Electricity and drinking water are the largest expenses incurred by the company. Therefore, they need to be
used judiciously.

3. Dr Roshan is a dentist. He lives close to my house.

4. Roy usually spends his time cooking.

5. It is good if everyone get their license.

6. The boy whose parents are standing in the corridor is the one I am looking for.

7. Ram and Rohan themselves took the initiative to do something for the welfare of animals.

8. Despite his father’s advice, he decided to start a business by himself.

9. A chairperson always has his hands full.

10. Swapan’s and my friends are coming home on Sunday.

Exercise 10
1. When Tashi visited her grandmother she found her house white-washed.

2. The zebra in the thick forest is hidden from its predators by its stripes.

3. Anne’s hair clips are in her wardrobe in the room next to her sibling’s bedroom.

4. The lawyer and his assistant questioned their witness before presenting them to the judge.

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50 Communicative English: A Workbook

5. The book on general knowledge that you gave me yesterday is very comprehensive.

6. The car lost its tire when it crashed into a bridge.

7. My sister and her best friend decided to play a prank on my brother.

8. Puppies love biscuits, so they run and grab them as soon as they are dropped on their plates.

9. You must not let your brother getaway with all your pocket money.

10. I know you don’t like the same movies I like.


Exercise 1
1. shaking 2. burst 3. drew 4. decided  5. hid

6. spread 7. swore 8. won 9. cutting 10. stuck

Exercise 2
finds, wears, scares, frightened, enjoys, gets, caught, puts, has emerged, upload, search, wear, disguise, fake, hear,
trapped, clear, highlight

Exercise 3
was killed, rammed, was, said, occurred, was returning, entered, hit, rushed, succumbed

Exercise 4
will happen, will be, will provide, will be, will assist, will compete, will try, will provide

Exercise 5
1. takes, are, rolled, were, gave, existed

2. was, was, took, know

3. will, conquer, may, will

4. started, discovered, will look

5. is, is, means, is covered, found

6. based, draws, connects, deals

7. predicted, was, became, invented

8. coined, derived, stayed, discovered, were

9. refer, move, are

10. deals, possess, has, create

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  Answer Key 51

Exercise 6
1. made, originated, wished

2. is, is created

3. were used, were

4. began, refers

5. has been, was given

6. are found, shed, replace

7. planted, grown, is, is

8. was built, is

9. has revolutionised, is expected, will bring

10. are looking, are trying

11. is, accommodates, has faced, will be

12. should understand, depends

13. is, practices, is

14. worked

15. has, plans, works

16. had been constructing, inaugurated

17. completed, are planning

18. were, will win, was shocked, happened

19. lead, is, secure

20. have complained, should be taken

Exercise 7
1. As it was getting late, we decided to take a cab.

2. The Chief Guest will be honoured with a memento tomorrow.

3. The boy finished the exam a couple of minutes back.

4. I have been writing this book for four years.

5. The principal will take over next week.

6. The television series, Stranger Things, is liked by all children.

7. The bus broke down leaving all the passengers stranded.

8. The monsoons failed last year, leading to severe famine.

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52 Communicative English: A Workbook

9. In 1897, an old bungalow was constructed in this area.

10. The two teams have exhibited excellent sportsmanship in the present match.


Exercise 1
1. Mr Sharma should drive to Pune.

2. He may borrow some money from him.

3. I will leave for Trichy on the sixth of December.

4. The animals may be hungry.

5. Jitu ought to repair the car.

6. I can understand him.

7. Aaron ought to work on Saturday.

8. Santosh must place an order for the cake.

9. She can fill out the application.

10. Our neighbours could come back the next week from the vacation.

Exercise 2
1. can 2. should not 3. Could you 4. ought  5. May

6. Will you 7. shall 8. Should 9. might 10. should

Exercise 3
1. would, would, could, should, might

2. would, should, could, might, would

3. would, should, would, would

Exercise 4
1. Could I get a cup of tea?

2. Could you please close the window?

3. Could you pass me the salt?

4. May I carry it for you?

5. Could you bring me my black bag?

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  Answer Key 53

Exercise 5
Anant may not go for an adventure holiday because he may have to wake up at 4.30 every morning. He may have
to take a cold shower in freezing water and may also have to jog for three kilometers. Moreover, he may also have
to keep a map handy because of poor signal. In addition, he may be attacked by wild animals.

Exercise 6
 1. should  2. May   3. ought to, would  4. may  5. should

 6. will  7. might  8. must  9. may 10. could

11. must 12. may 13. can 14. should 15. must

Exercise 7
 1. should  2. would  3. may   4. can, can’t  5. will

 6. must  7. might  8. shall  9. must 10. may

11. can 12. will 13. will 14. can 15. must


Exercise 1
1. Could you tell me what the time is?

2. Do you know why Jane was late?

3. I would like to know what is that object in your hand.

4. Do you know what your weight was last year?

5. Can you tell me where your sister is?

6. Do you know why Sarah is limping?

7. Can you tell me who you will give this ring to?

8. Could you tell me who will bring this mail tomorrow?

9. Do you know what his name is?

10. Could you direct me to the booking counter?

Exercise 2
1. When does the talk get over?

2. When does the train arrive?

3. Where does she live?

4. Where do we have to deposit the money?

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54 Communicative English: A Workbook

5. How did you make that bruschette?

6. Do you know the way out?

7. How do you paint?

8. When did the director arrive?

9. Why did he leave India?

10. Why does she looks so sad?

Exercise 3
1. Can you tell me if she made it on time?

2. I was wondering if she gave you the book.

3. Do you know whether she laughed at his joke?

4. Can you tell me if this is the right way to withdraw money?

5. Do you know whether she is Chinese?

6. I was wondering if it is raining.

7. Do you know if she gives him medicines at night?

8. Would you know whether they give funds?

9. Can you tell me if she stole the money?

10. Do you know if it was snowing yesterday?


Exercise 1
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. False 7. True 8. True 9. False 10. True

Exercise 3
1. h 2. i 3. g 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. e 8. f 9. d

Exercise 4
1. It is quite clear from the conversation that the wife was actively engaged in the conversation with her spouse.
She responds to her husband, asks questions such as the meaning of conscious sedation and gives back
channel responses such as ‘hmmm..’. Her appropriate responses to her husband show her understanding of
what the husband says. She even rephrases what her husband tells her about conscious sedation and asks him
if she has understood it right. The husband tells her that she has understood it right. She has an engaging

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  Answer Key 55

conversation with her husband wherein she is able to paraphrase, repeat, reflect on the points said by him
and compliment him in the end.

2. She asks her husband a question in order to seek information on a topic related to science. This also indicates
that she is actively engaged in the conversation and wants to understand her husband thoroughly.

3. No, there are no emotional barriers involved in this conversation.

4. She appreciates his idea by saying that it is quite commendable.

5. The wife articulates her opinion on conscious sedation when she says that it is a breakthrough in the field
of medicine as it involves painless treatment and does not take as long as a surgery. This shows that she has
clearly understood her husband’s ideas and she therefore, gives some of her opinions.


Exercise 1
1. The sound of the alarm, the squealing of the brakes, etc.

2. The morning news report and his wife’s complaints

3. The phone call from his manager and the presentation of the sales representative

4. Yes, the product presentation of the salesman

5. Yes, because when he listens, he pays attention to what the listener says, interprets the message and evaluates it.

Exercise 2
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. T 10. F

Exercise 3
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F

Exercise 4
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F

Exercise 5
1. 11th April 2. Mr. Aniruddha Singh 3.

4. GB 8-9-5-6 5. 3:20

Exercise 6
1. c 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. a

Exercise 7
1. Cheetah 2. Rs 3.69 lakhs 3. Mehta & Mehta motors

4. 32.5 km/kg 5. Businessmen

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56 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 8
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F



Exercise 1
1. Nice to meet you too. 4. Allow me to introduce myself.

2. My name is… 5. I’m…

3. I don’t think we’ve been introduced. 6. Pleased to meet you too.

Exercise 2
1. What is your name? 6. How many languages do you speak?

2. Where do you live? 7. Do you play any sports?

3. Where are you from? 8. What do you like to do?

4. Have you got brothers or sisters? 9. What do you do when you are free?

5. Have you got any pets?

Exercise 3
The introductions given by Minal and Gautam are the most impressive as they provide a complete introduction
by talking about their education, the cities to which they belong, their parents and their profession, what they
like doing in their free time and their ambition. However, the introduction given by Jai is incomplete. Jai does
talk about the city to which he belongs and his education, but does not mention his family in the introduction.
Besides, he talks about his ambition in a vague manner and does not give a proper description of his hobby. So,
we may say that Minal’s and Gautam’s introductions give us a clearer picture of who they are as compared with
Jai’s introduction.


Exercise 1
Patient to doctor (Context: Hospital)

Client to banker (Context: Bank)

Flat buyer to seller (Context: a buying-selling scenario)

Student to another person passing by (Context: College/University)

Customer to the person in a customer care centre (Context: Customer care)

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  Answer Key 57

Exercise 2
1. Reno 2. Reno’s 3. Theo

Exercise 3
Context: University/college

A: Student

B: Office assistant

Exercise 4
Context: Job interview

A: Interviewer

B: Interviewee

Exercise 5
Context: Hospital

A: Doctor

B: Patient

Exercise 6
Context: College

A: Teacher

B: Student

Exercise 7
Context: Foreign country

A: Tourist

B: Pedestrian


Exercise 1
1. Leena: I live in Star Residency, Shastripuram.

Sam: That’s too bad.

2. Reno: I love action movies and thrillers.

Reno: That’s great!

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58 Communicative English: A Workbook

3. Roshan: I was on a trip to France.

Ram: Awesome!

4. Rita: Nope. I just have one two-thousand rupee note.

Shweta: Oh no!

5. Reno: I’m so sorry to hear that.

Reno: Then, may be, you should inform the police.

6. Sam: I seriously did meet him.

Leena: Oh! Really...

7. Reno: Is that your area of specialisation?

Reno: That’s interesting!

8. Venkat: That’s amazing. How much did it cost you?

Roshan: Around Rs.10 lakhs.

9. Agnelo: Oh no!

Frank: Yes, they are.

Agnelo: That’s too bad. Many people will lose their jobs now.

10. Frank: Yes, of course.

Frank: Yes, I am quite prepared to face the exams.


Exercise 1
1. Prospero and Miranda on the island

2. A violent shipwreck

3. The prince and Miranda meeting

4. Ariel saving Alonzo

5. Ferdinand and Miranda get married

6. The final scene – All unite

Exercise 2A
1. Parents

2. c

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  Answer Key 59

3. The hostel provides breakfast, lunch, evening snack and dinner to the students. The students are prohibited
to enter the kitchen area. They must pay the mess fees along with the hostel fees before the last date gets over.
The students are not allowed to take the food items such as tea and coffee into the hostel room without taking
permission from the warden.

4. No

5. False

6. False

7. Yes

8. No

9. No, the document does not discuss this.

10. Yes, the warden’s phone number is given.

Exercise 2B
1. 08251-23456789 2. b 3. False 4. No  5. 2017-18

6. No 7. False 8. Warden 9. False 10. True

Exercise 3
1-e, 2-g, 3-a, 4-h, 5-i

Exercise 4
1. 2.5, 35 2. 1.10, 24 3. 2.5, 35 4. 1.7, 17   5. 3.3, 81

6. 1.3, 9 7. 4.0, 88 8. 3.3, 81 9. 1.9, 21 10. 2.3, 32


Exercise 1
a-ii, b-iv, c-i, d-v, e-iii


Passage 1
1. a 2. False 3. c 4. a 5. b

6. d 7. c 8. inquisitive 9. nature

10. Learning by Observing Nature

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60 Communicative English: A Workbook

Passage 2
1. a 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. b

6. b 7. a 8. c 9. a

10. Creating Bio-degradable Plastic

Passage 3
1. a 2. False 3. False 4. c 5. c

6. d 7. a 8. a 9. c

10. Survival during Starvation

Passage 4
1. a 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b

6. a 7. True 8. True 9. d

10. A Dream called Time Travel

Passage 5
1. c 2. b 3. True 4. a 5. True

6. b 7. a 8. True 9. b

10. Leading a Flight



Exercise 1
A – 2, B – 3, C – 1

Exercise 2
1. Actually 2. because 3. I mean 4. Okay 5. Well

Exercise 3
1. in spite of 2. alternatively 3. in fact 4. consequently 5. besides

Exercise 4
1. furthermore – adding something 2. thus – pointing out the result 3. therefore – pointing out the result

4. finally – providing structure 5. for instance – giving examples 6. even though – contrasting

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  Answer Key 61

Exercise 5
1. First 2. Second 3. For example 4. Similarly 5. Therefore

6. moreover 7. However 8. For instance 9. However


Exercise 1
1. Vishnav: Hi Frank! Today, while driving to work I suddenly started coughing badly.

Frank: Is it so? Do you have a cold or any irritation in your throat?

Vishnav: It was a dry cough and the doctor said it was an allergic cough due to the pollutants in the

Frank: Oh my God! This is incredible. The pollutants in the atmosphere are causing such health hazards and
we are not taking any immediate action to prevent it.

Vishnav: Yes, I also feel that we need to take environmental pollution seriously. There are so many unwanted
particles in the air that we breathe in. Besides the water we drink is contaminated, the fruits and vegetables
that grow from the soil are also polluted by plastic and industrial waste.

Frank: Well, one cannot make a sweeping statement that the common man or the government is not taking
any steps about it; as there are many organisations working to spread awareness. In addition, the government
is also quite active in reducing pollution as you can remember in the recent case of Sterlite Industries in

Vishnav: Yes, I agree. Many innocent protesters lost their lives and the factory was finally shut down as the
poisonous waste was so hazardous that it could cause cancer.

Frank: I believe, the government also had to seal the factory indefinitely. This shows that the government is
also implementing penalties against those who violate and pollute the environment.

2. Ram: Daman did you enjoy watching the movie?

Daman: Yes, Ram. I did like watching ‘Irumbuthirai’, the ‘Iron Curtain’, as you would call it in English.

Ram: What exactly would you appreciate about it? Is it the plot, the theme, the music, the cast, the hero or
the villain’s role?

Daman: I liked the role of the villain, powerful because of his intellect and, of course, the pseudonym, ‘white
devil’, given by the director shows his creativity. What did you find interesting about the film?

Ram: I loved the role of the hero. In any case, I am a great fan of the actor. I really admire the way the
character remains cool and balanced, yet extremely strong. What do you think of the heroine?

Daman: Samantha is beautiful and does a good job as a psychologist.

Ram: Yes, overall it was a movie worth watching.

Daman: Definitely, a wonderful change from all the boring mushy movies.

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62 Communicative English: A Workbook

3. CEO: Mr Satish, it is very unfortunate that I have received some complaints about you.

Satish: But, Sir, I have been performing my duties diligently, as far as I know.

CEO: Is it so? Your team leader says that you do not cooperate with your other team members and that you
have not contributed much.

Satish: Sir, but I have submitted my report.

CEO: Yes, you have. I did read it and it is extremely shoddily done and has been submitted well past the dead
line. What is the reason for such gross negligence of your duties Mr Satish? Don’t you know that you are
working for a big organisation and that you are accountable for every act of yours?

Satish: I am well aware Sir, but due to certain unavoidable circumstances at the domestic front I was unable
to perform my duties to the best of my ability.

CEO: Okay. This is the last warning. I hope you will pull up your socks and compensate for this negligence
of duties on your part.

4. Rita: I’m eagerly looking forward to my vacation Varun.

Varun: Do you have plans for the vacation like travelling or trekking?

Rita: No way. I’m more of a home bird. I intend to do glass painting and embroidery.

Varun: Those are interesting hobbies. As for me, I’m more of an outdoor person. I like playing basketball and
swimming. By the way, what kind of pictures do you paint and what is glass painting?

Rita: I love painting landscapes and floral patterns. Glass painting is a technique of painting on pieces of glass
and is also called stained glass painting or reverse glass painting. You may have seen the sun filter through
stained glass paintings in ancient buildings like churches or cathedrals. Now Varun, tell me something about
your hobby.

Varun: I go for basketball coaching every day and we compete as teams. I’ve also fixed a basketball ring in
the front yard of our house, so that I can practice a few shoots and dunks at home. It is a wonderful activity
that also keeps me fit physically. And what about your embroidery, come on, tell me something about it.

Rita: I do the satin stitch on cushion covers and I am working on a long stitch pattern of a picture of a
ravishing Rajasthani belle.

Varun: Wow! That’s awesome. I would really love to see that work of art.

5. Student Rep: Good Morning, Sir! We would like to organise a fest on behalf of the aerospace engineering
department at our college.

Dean: Well that’s a good idea. What exactly would you be doing in such a fest? Do you have any plans?

Student Rep: Sir, we are working on the construction of a drone which is an unmanned aerial vehicle that
operates by means of a remote.

Dean: That’s interesting! So, what does the drone do?

Student Rep: Actually, all our club members are working together on this drone so that it can be used to
extract blood from a victim and bring it to the lab for diagnosis and all this would be controlled by a remote.
This involves a lot of expenditure which we are unable to bear as students. Therefore, we are requesting some
financial assistance from the administration.

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  Answer Key 63

Dean: I find that you and your club members are involved in the invention of an innovative project that
will bring laurels to our institute if it becomes successful. The HOD of Aerospace Engineering has also had
various discussions with me about it. He has even told me that he has requested Ajith, an actor well-known
for his penchant for unmanned vehicles and drones, to provide expert advice based on his experience.

Student Rep: Yes, Sir. We welcome any expert advice that will facilitate our success in global technical

Dean: I understand how much this matters to the institute and to the students who are devoted to this
project. Therefore, you can give me a requisition letter along with a rough estimate of the budget that is
required for this activity.

Student Rep: Yes, Sir. Thank you so much for your benevolence and support. I shall immediately draft a
letter and a budget estimate and get it forwarded by the Head.

6. Doctor: So, Mr Roshan, may I know how you feel today?

Roshan: I feel slightly unwell doctor. I feel a mild pain on the left side of my stomach. I am also suffering
from indigestion and gastric problem.

Doctor: Do you feel nauseous at times? And, do you feel uneasy after eating oily food like samosas and chips?

Roshan: Yes Doctor, sometimes I also throw up after eating oily food. I usually take Gelusil syrup or any
antacid to counter gastric problems.

Doctor: This could be due to some imbalance in gastric or bile juices. You must get a scan of your gall bladder
so that I can proceed with the treatment.

Roshan: Ok, doctor. Is it something serious?

Doctor: No, I hope not. It might be a few stones in the gall bladder and the first line of treatment would be
to dissolve those stones through medication.

Roshan: Ok, doctor. I shall get a scan done and bring it next week.

Exercise 2
1. Student: Good morning, Sir. I would like to borrow a book on Artificial Intelligence.

Librarian: Yes, sure. Do you have any particular author in mind as there are many text books and reference
books on Artificial Intelligence.

Student: No, Sir. We have not yet been given a reading list by our professor. But, I do have the course outline.
I’d like to start by reading a book that gives me a general idea about the topic.

Librarian: Well, in that case we have a manual catalogue in which books are arranged according to the
subjects in alphabetical order.

Student: Is that in the general section, Sir?

Librarian: No, those books are in the reference section.

Student: And what about journals and articles related to AI, Sir?

Librarian: For that we have a lot of online resources which you can browse through at any of these counters.

Student: Thank you, Sir.

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64 Communicative English: A Workbook

2. Class Representative: Sir, I wanted permission from you for an industrial visit.

Principal: Yes, of course. Where have you all planned to go?

Class Representative: Sir, we would like to visit the BMW manufacturing plant in Chennai.

Principal: Is there any particular reason for wanting to visit this plant?

Class Representative: Sir, we belong to the Automobile Engineering branch and we are highly enthusiastic
about visiting a car factory to study at close quarters the manufacturing, production, research and design
aspects of the automobile industry.

Principal: Are you sure this is the opportune moment for you all to go on an industrial visit when your
assessments are round the corner?

Class Representative: Sir, actually we planned to go on a one-day visit in order to avoid wasting time before

Principal: Well, that’s not a bad idea. It will also give you practical experience and application-based
knowledge which will complement all the theory you have learnt in class.

3. Anne: Hello! Hello! It’s Anne speaking.

Jane: Hello,  Anne. I am Jane. Nice to hear from you.

Anne: I just called to tell you that I am organising a pot luck dinner on Thursday at my residence for all our
friends and I would like to invite you over.

Jane: That’s amazing! I’ve been looking forward to such getogethers but due to job constraints and other
family commitments I have never been able to do so.

Anne: I am also inviting Sita, Maha, Sujatha, Deep and Jina.

Jane: That’s so nice. So, that makes six of us. Great! Do you want me to prepare a curry or soup or rice or

Anne: I’ll be getting some main dishes ready which will be a surprise of course!

Jane: Then, I will also do my best to bring out my culinary skills and surprise all of you!


Exercise 1
1. explorers, navigable, discovered, Irish, marine shipping, ice navigation

2. genomes, brightly, priority, consequential, pharming, factories

3. organic, nutritious, consumption, pesticides, fertilizers, conventional

4. variations, yielded, questions, carbonated, illustrated, nature

5. decision, console, concept, envisions, fundamental, creative

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  Answer Key 65


Exercise 2
Kolkata, 7 February 2017: A homeowner has been hospitalised with serious injuries after being shot in the leg
during an attempted robbery at his home.

The victim, Dinabandhu Karmakar (46), was sleeping in his bedroom in the early hours of 6 February. After
realising the presence of the miscreants in his house, he locked the door. He was, however, shot in the leg by
the robbers, who fired through the locked doors, the local agencies reported. Karmakar showed courage, and,
even after being shot in the leg, he ran outside and made an emergency call to the police who arrived within
10 minutes. However, the robbers escaped through the window taking with them only a few valuables kept in
the room they were locked in. Luckily, everything else in the house remained untouched. It is suspected that
someone known to the family helped the robbers break in as none of them got captured on the CCTV cameras
installed outside the house. The identity of the robbers remains unknown, but the police force is trying its level
best to track them down.

Exercise 3
a. The Inventor Prodigy
Rifath Sharook was born in Pallapatti in Tamil Nadu. From a very young age he displayed signs that he was an
extraordinary child. He could speak at the age of one and read at the age of two. He outdid all his classmates
and was promoted twice in school and passed class 10 at the age of 9. His parents were wonderstruck at his
quick intellectual development. Everyone envied him. He was interested in science and participated in a lot
of science competitions. He recently demonstrated his acumen at a competition and became the first child
prodigy of his town. At the Young Scientist India competition, organised by Space Kidz India in 2015, he
surprised the world by designing a two-and-a-half pound helium weather balloon. This balloon was launched
from Kelambakkam. Sharook is interested in space technology and wants to pursue a career in that. He again
participated in a competition organised jointly by NASA and iDoodle Learning. Sharook, who was already
famous because of his achievements, was invited to the United States of America to participate and display
his unparalleled abilities. At this competition, Rifath Sharook, with his skill and intelligence, again surprised
all. He designed the world’s smallest satellite that can be manufactured by 3-D printing. This invention is of
great use to the world. This satellite can demonstrate the performance of 3-D printed carbon fibre. This cube
satellite, which is the smallest in the world, will be launched by NASA from Wallops Island, Virginia.

b. A Christmas Gift for the Beloved

Della has only $1.84 to buy a Christmas gift for her husband, Jim. She is perplexed and does not know what
to do as that is too small an amount to purchase anything worthwhile. She instantly gets an idea. Della has
long, beautiful hair. She decides to sacrifice her hair. She gets her hair cut at Mme Sofronie, a salon, and sells
it for $21.87. She now has enough money to buy a perfect gift for Jim. Jim has a gold watch, which Della
really likes. The gold watch is the only treasurable thing that Jim has. With the amount she has earned from
selling her hair, she thinks of buying a platinum chain for the watch. She goes to a renowned jewellery shop
in the town and without thinking twice buys a beautiful gold chain. She is happy and contended as even after
having a dearth of money she was able to arrange for a gift for her husband. Jim, too is equally eager to buy
a gift for Della. The gold watch is the only thing he has. He sells it off and buys combs for Della’s long hair
which he adores. He reaches home early in the evening, but is baffled to see Della’s short hair. Jim then gives
his Christmas present to Della. Della is overjoyed, but bursts into tears. A set of combs is something that
Della had fancied for ages, but now when she has short hair, the gift is of no use to her. Jim pacifies her out of
her sobs. Della then gives her present to Jim only to realise that he had sold off his watch to get her the combs.
Though their gifts are useless, they are the magi, wiser than the three wise men who gave gifts to Jesus, as they
showed their true love for each other.

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66 Communicative English: A Workbook

Exercise 4
a. I was born in Gandhinagar. I lived in my native place for seventeen years. Later, I went to Ahmedabad in the
year 1997.

b. First you must, boil water in a sauce pan. Then you can add some tea leaves to the boiling water and simmer it
for 2-3 minutes. Next, be careful to measure and add a sufficient quantity of sugar and milk to the boiling tea.
Now, wait till the tea turns brown and gives a pleasant aroma. After that, filter the contents in a tea cup. Finally,
serve the tea.


Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Exercise 8

Exercise 9

Exercise 10

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  Answer Key 67


Exercise 1
a-v, b-iii, c-iv, d-ii, e-x, f-vii, g-vi, h-ix, i-i, j-viii

Exercise 2
1. Change in Venue – Friday’s Meeting

2. KJ University Project Presentation

3. Urgent requirement – New Brochures

4. Biggest Price Drop – Grab now sales

5. Application for the post of Junior Engineer – reg.

Exercise 3

Subject: Industrial Visit Guidelines

Hi Sanjay,

I am Rajesh Gupta from New University. I hope you remember me as your junior in college. I am the student
secretary of our college now and would like discuss with you the possibility of a students’ group visit to the
factory premises of your company, Lever & Barsen.

A group of about 30 final year students would like to visit the factory of Lever & Barsen. Request you to please let
us know the procedure we need to follow to secure permission for the same. Also, please let us know what dates
would be convenient for the visit. Could you also share any departmental guidelines for such visits and any other
relevant information?

These details will really help the college plan a trip for the students. We hope to be able to learn a lot from this
valuable field trip and I look forward to your cooperation.

Warm regards,

Rajesh Gupta

Exercise 4


Subject: Auto Land Inauguration – Invitation

Attachment: Invitation.jpg

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

We are delighted to announce that India’s biggest car detailing centre is now in your city – Secunderabad!
You are cordially invited to the grand opening of our centre on 15th May, 2018 from 10 am onwards. The
venue of the inauguration is our centre ‘Auto Land’, No.7 Rashtrapati Road, Secunderabad.

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68 Communicative English: A Workbook

Please find the invitation card attached. We look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards,

A Sethi

Marketing Manager



Subject: Application for the position of Marketing and Sales Executive

Attachment: Swaminathan_CV.doc

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

In response to your advertisement seeking Marketing and Sales Executives, I would like to apply for the said

I am currently employed as Sales Executive with Genesis Manufacturing. I have 4 years of experience in the sale
of architectural building products. I speak the local language, Marathi, in addition to both English and Hindi.

Please find my detailed CV attached to this email. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks and regards,

Swaminathan M


From: Anita Sen

Subject: Queries regarding logo design competition

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I’ve enrolled for the logo design competition to be held by your organisation and I have a few queries
regarding the same.

Firstly, please let me know the size and the file format in which the logo needs to be sent.

Secondly, is there any colour palette that I need to follow while creating the logo?

Finally, is the winner of the competition entitled to a cash prize or a certificate?

Looking forward to your response to the above.


Anita Sen

Exercise 5


Subject: Request for a training programme

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  Answer Key 69

Dear Sir,

I wanted to bring to your notice that many of the new joinees are not aware of the safety measures that need
to be adopted when working with fertilizers. If fact, some of our senior staff also ignore safety considerations.

In my role as the safety engineer, I would request you to organise a one day training programme for all the
employees of the company on the subject of safety. This will act as a refresher for our senior staff and as an
introduction to safety measures for the new joinees.

Looking forward to your consideration of the matter.

Kind regards,




Subject: Snapshots of my holiday

Attachment: beach1.jpg, beach2.jpg, beach3.jpg

Hi Sharon,

How are you doing? I hope your visit to your grandmother’s went off well.

I had a very refreshing and relaxing five days in Goa. The beaches are pristine and the churches, peaceful. My
family indulged in a lot of adventure sports at the beach but you know I’m not interested in that. I just went
around taking pictures of the sea. I’ve attached three of my best shots to this email. Let me know what you
think about them.

Also, you must plan that vacation to Goa that you have been putting off. I highly recommend the beaches as
a photographer’s paradise.





Subject: Seeking health advice

Attachment: Diet_and_exercise.doc

Dear Riaz,

I need your help in chalking out a health plan for myself. Of late I’ve been travelling a lot for work and eating
junk food. As a result I’ve put on weight. Could you please help me with advice on healthy food that I can eat
even when I spend long hours in the office or travel? I would also appreciate if you can tell me some simple
exercises that I can do. I’ve attached my current meal plan and exercise schedule with this mail.

Give me a call if you need more details. Thank you!



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70 Communicative English: A Workbook


Subject: My experience at the sports event last week
Dear Amma,
How are you? I hope you saw Dr. Kumar last week and are looking after yourself. I am fine, but I
miss you.
Do you remember I told you about going to a sports event for visually challenged children? Well,
it was held last week and I must say that it was one of the most moving experiences of my life. You
had to be there, Amma, to see how talented these children are despite their physical handicap. Their
determination to learn new things and to succeed is awe inspiring. I wish all of us were blessed with
such zest for life.
Will write more later. You take care.

Subject: Ideas for Environmental Conservation Contest
Attachment: Ideas_Rupa.pdf
Dear Mr. Harris,
I wish to submit my entry for the Environmental Conservation Contest. My name is Rupa Bakshi
and my application ID is 234/2018. I have attached a file called Ideas_Rupa.pdf with this email.
It has the details of all my ideas divided into sections – rationale, implementation and resources
I would request you to consider my submission for the contest. Please do let me know how I can find
out whether my ideas have been selected or not.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks and regards,
Rupa Bakshi


Exercise 1
1. b 2. c 3. a

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  Answer Key 71

Exercise 2
a. Demonetisation is the process of removing the status of legal tender of currency notes. This act can be enforced
in any nation in order to wipe out corruption and black money. Another reason for a nation to demonetise is
to combat inflation and to reduce the dependence of the majority of the population on cash transactions so
as to ensure digital transactions. The Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi, demonetised Rs.500 and
Rs.1000 currency notes last year. This daring initiative was welcomed by the common man as many felt almost
certain that this would reduce crime and corruption due to the flow of black money in the market. However,
demonetisation and its effect on the common man can be seen as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it
helped combat black money and hoarding, but, on the other hand it caused a lot of inconvenience as people
did not anticipate this move. Therefore, they were short of money even for the basic expenses. Weddings
had to be cancelled and the queues and crowds at ATMs and banks were growing longer and larger. This
process had many unimaginably adverse effects as it led even to deaths due to the paranoia that the common
man suffered. However, now, life has become normal as new currencies are back in the ATMs, although in a
staggering manner.

b. Natural calamities like earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, floods, landslides and cyclones can be extremely
destructive and can have devastating effects on ordinary life. They render people homeless. Many become
helpless victims at the mercy of the ravages of nature. These calamities can cause damages of a large scale. For
example, incessant rainfall prevents people from going to work or performing their daily activities. As rains
continue to pour heavily, it results in floods. People below the poverty line are the most affected as their roofs
start leaking. As a result of this, dirty water along with a lot of insects and slimy creatures crawl into their
households and the drinking water becomes contaminated. Such calamities can affect the ordinary life of
all the inhabitants as, sometimes, there is no supply of electricity, scarcity of provisions besides the damages
caused to property and life. Sometimes, even if humans survive these calamities, they starve to death as they
cannot survive their fallout.

c. Engineering has been an evergreen career option due to many reasons. One of the most popular reasons is
that this field of study is largely useful because of its practical applications. With the evolution of technology
this field has diversified into versatile branches of engineering like agricultural engineering, aerospace
engineering, bio-medical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, automobile engineering,
marine engineering, et cetera to name a few. These diverse branches and fields of specialisation provide
unique opportunities for individuals interested in any of these branches to pursue their interests and to
find suitable jobs. It is no wonder that engineering has become a most sought after career option as the
number of years required to complete the program is also not more than four years. Moreover, it provides
rather enticing prospects as the employment opportunities even after a Bachelor’s degree are plenty as well
as lucrative.

Exercise 3
a. Online shopping as a form of e-commerce has become very popular in recent times. It is an undeniable
fact there is a sudden boom of online shopping and that it has become a fad. It has made the lifestyle of
millions of users across the globe rather comfortable and convenient. Shopping has become a pleasure as one
can procure almost anything under the sun at the click of a mouse. There are numerous apps and websites
like Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, AliExpress et cetera that have conquered geographical boundaries and
won millions and millions of consumers. This kind of shopping has become a popular form of e-commerce
as it also facilitates trade across nations. The transactions take place easily despite the differences in time
and currency as they are open to access always. Moreover, they provide countless options and choices for a
particular product, which an ordinary retailer or merchant may not be able to match up to.

b. Android phones have numerous uses. They are generally used for the basic purpose of communication. They
are used to convey information across long or short distances either in the form of text messages or orally as

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72 Communicative English: A Workbook

in a telephone. They can also be used for listening to music, for capturing pictures and for setting up alarms.
However, apart from all these features, which even ordinary cell phones are provided with, they are used to
download apps for various purposes like bank apps for financial transactions, apps for booking cabs, apps for
social networking, apps for various fun games and activities, apps for scanning and organising information
like a personal diary and so on. No wonder, they have become extremely popular and people have grown
increasingly dependent on them.

c. English plays an important role in improving one’s career prospects. It is generally observed that with the
increase in globalisation and commercialisation, English has occupied a powerful status as a language that
promotes employment opportunities for all. It has become the lingua franca among the various states of
India and also ensures chances for pursuit of higher education. It is a commendable fact that proficiency
in the English language guarantees different job opportunities in specialised areas in both developed and
economically powerful nations. Having communicative skills in English proves to be a big advantage in
managerial and administrative positions as well. Therefore, more than just being a tool for employability it
has opened new doors and avenues for professional growth as well.

d. The Internet is a vast ocean of information. Almost all questions are answered on the Internet and it is
common knowledge that search engines like Google and MSN give answers and solutions to many surfers.
However, it has also been observed by many that through the Internet, all information is freely accessible to
all users whether they are children or adults or perverts or delinquents. Such a plethora of information that
the Internet provides can be harmful to a nation if important information falls into the hands of miscreants.
The information that is meant to be used for national security, growth and development can be misused by
criminals. The Internet has also led to a rise in cybercrime and online predators. There is a phenomenon called
cyberbullying which is also often reported by the media. Sometimes, naively personal information is shared
on online forums or social networking websites which can fall into the hands of the criminals. Therefore, it
can be said that Internet is a powerful source of information, but only if handled judiciously and efficiently.

e. A cultural fest in a college leaves behind lasting memories. College cultural fests are events that are much
anticipated and are surrounded by a lot of enthusiasm and excitement. They leave behind memories that are
not lost even after one bids adieu to college. Usually, cultural fests provide ample opportunities for unwinding
from the stressful academic environment and deadlines of assignments. They create an ambience of vibrancy,
healthy competition and expose the hidden talents of the students. They serve as a unifying platform for
students coming from different cultural, linguistic and geographic backgrounds. These fests are wonderful
and ecstatic moments in the life of every student as, here, one gets the opportunity to dress fashionably, to
involve oneself in various cultural and literary activities and to mingle and interact with students from other

Exercise 4
a. The flora and fauna of the world contribute in a major way to maintaining the ecological balance. However, it
has been observed by many environmentalists that there is a gradual and alarming rate of extinction of wild
life in recent times. One of the major causes of extinction is the enormous growth of the human population
at the expense of wildlife. Man has slaughtered trees and animals both for utilitarian and opportunitistic
purposes. Another reason for extinction is the natural process of evolution in which the fittest animals
survive and the not-so-adaptable species diminish. A third cause of extinction is habitat alteration as animals
are unable to adapt to habitats that have been tampered by humans. Therefore, it is imperative to protect the
ecological balance for all the species that inhabit the earth so as provide a conducive environment for their
survival and multiplication.

b. It is an accepted fact that every newspaper comes with cartoons. Moreover, political cartoons are a favourite
among journalists as they reflect turbulent political situations with a tinge of humour, sarcasm and grit.
A political cartoon in a newspaper is a pictorial representation or drawing along with a commentary that

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  Answer Key 73

reflects the opinion of the artist. The objective of the cartoonist is to draw the attention of the public to various
issues of public concern like demonetisation or the debacle of a political party etc. The most important aspect
of cartoons is that they reflect the concerns of the public but in a lighter vein.

c. Food items like pizzas, burgers, pastries, fries, et cetera, are usually called junk food as they have no
nutritional value. Consumption of such food items on a regular basis has several side effects like obesity,
cardiac problems, hypertension and so on. Despite all these negative effects on the body, most people love
consuming such food items as they are easily available at food joints and takeaways. Junk food has also
become quite popular as it can be cooked quickly. However, many nutritionists and dieticians have been
warning people to reduce the intake of junk food as it is harmful. They are high in saturated fats and contain
excess amounts of salt and sugar which makes them quite palatable and satiating. Therefore, it is necessary
to avoid the frequent consumption of junk food.

d. Teachers are always given deep respect and honoured all over the world as the job of a teacher requires selfless
dedication. The teacher plays the role of a parent, a mentor, a disciplinarian, a guardian and a supervisor.
He/She is a source of knowledge and with his/her immense experience and wisdom, mentors students not
only to become successful in their careers but also to become better human beings. Teachers enlighten and
mould their students’ personalities. A teacher grooms a student to grow intellectually, financially, morally
and spiritually through his/her abilities and sincere efforts. Therefore, it is a universally accepted fact that
teachers do not work for monetary benefits but for the satisfaction that the job offers as he/she is entrusted
with a responsible and important role of nurturing and moulding good human beings.

e. TV serials and soaps are a respite for many who stay bored for long hours at home. People who stay indoors
for many hours watch TV serials as they keep them entertained during their leisure time. These serials
are generally melodramatic and the actors and actresses wear heavy, gaudy attires and make-up. The plots
are catchy and the story is fabricated in such a manner that it keeps the audience glued to their seats in
anticipation of the ending. This is a favourite ploy which the director employs to which most spectators
fall prey. The viewers get addicted to the nail-biting scenes and extraordinary stage set-ups and villainous
characters. However, such addiction to soaps can lead to neglect of domestic responsibilities and create a
psychological condition where one believes in a virtual world created by the serials.

Exercise 5
a. Dreams are images that one sees involuntarily when one is asleep. They are manifested as emotions, sounds,
moving or immovable images and maybe colourful or colourless. They can be related to the traumatic or
ecstatic moments of one’s life. This state of viewing a succession of images of known or unknown faces
or objects is a common experience in almost everyone’s life. Dreams can sometimes turn out to be gory,
horrible nightmares leaving traces of pain and agony even though one is asleep. There are dreams that can be
interesting as they can be interpreted and analysed for their hidden, deep and dark meanings.

b. India is an attractive destination for tourists as it is a land of diverse cultural heritage. The stupendous beauty
of one of the wonders of the world, ‘The Taj Mahal’, is an incredible attraction. The spectacular and colourful
festivals, the handwoven silk sarees, the resplendent and exquisitely sculpted monuments are sights that no
tourist would ever like to miss. The backwaters of Kerala, the snow-capped Himalayas complemented by the
hospitable and amicable nature of Indians would allure any traveller to a country that finds pride in its belief
in unity in diversity.

c. Pollution is the contamination of the environment due to chemical wastes or poisonous substances that
are introduced in the environment through various means. Pollution can be classified into various types
based on the medium of the environment that is polluted. So, we have air pollution, water pollution and
soil pollution. Air pollution is the contamination of air with various unwanted and harmful gases that are
emitted from factories and vehicles. Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies with harmful

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74 Communicative English: A Workbook

compounds and pollutants discharged from industries. Soil pollution is caused by the introduction of toxic
chemicals into the soil.

d. Examinations have become nightmares for students in recent times due to the increasing pressure to perform
exceptionally well. Parents have become extremely demanding and their expectations are so high that many
students succumb to the pressure. There have been cases reported of disappointed students committing
suicide or becoming depressed and disappointed as they are unable to satisfy the unrealistic demands made
on them. Apart from these reasons, some people feel that examination periods are particularly stressful as
they bring to surface students’ weaknesses. Another opinion is that they assess and evaluate only rote memory
and not analytical skills. Moreover, the stringent rules and the manner in which students are examined prior
to exams can also be an intimidating and sensitive issue. Therefore, it is observed that stress during exams
can be due to parental expectations and high demands from society and employers and also because of
inappropriate assessment methods and screening patterns.

e. Medicine and engineering are demanding as career options as one has to pass through rigorous examinations
of high standards in order to join either of these streams. However, they differ in many ways as medicine
involves a five-year period of thorough theoretical and practical studies followed by a post-graduate program
in any particular area. It involves sustained effort and dedication. It can be a highly demanding and stressful
profession as it involves keeping oneself updated with technological innovations, treatments and evolving
diseases. A person who decides to dedicate his life in service to the health and well-being of others needs to
work twenty hours a day and still maintain his sense of balance. As compared with medicine, engineering
involves a shorter period of study. However, it is also expected of an engineer, irrespective of the branch that
he specialises in, to be tech savvy and to keep abreast of all changes in science and technology. Engineers also
work many hours a day and migrate to countries abroad or work in night shifts as per the demand of their
job. At times, recession or changes and fluctuations in the industry can have drastic effects on professionals
who belong to certain sectors such as IT. Therefore, both engineers and doctors are a great necessity to
humanity at large, and, despite the fact that both can be lucrative career options, it is important to realise that
both lead a life of dedication and service.


Exercise 1
Even though, the same, both, too, as well as, have in common, Similarly, in the same way

Exercise 2
Both, However, different from, as compared to, Similarly, whereas, different, Unlike, Although

Exercise 3
The newly built supermarket in the locality is so different from the local market we regularly visit. However, there
are some similarities too. Both sell goods that we want and make our lives a lot easier. The difference between
supermarkets and traditional markets is the ambience and the atmosphere. In a local market, we are surrounded
by people who speak loudly – the vendors insisting that we buy the goods and the buyers bargaining till they get
the best price. On the contrary, a supermarket is a well lit place, air-conditioned and quiet. People turn around
when somebody speaks loudly or drops something. This can be embarrassing at times. The local vendors are
people whom we usually meet and most of us buy from the same vendor and are loyal to the particular seller.
We boldly argue over prices, pick a quarrel, have a good laugh and ultimately the deal is done with a lot of
coaxing and persuading. On the contrary, we quietly glide through the aisles of the supermarket checking out

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  Answer Key 75

an array of products, neatly packaged and shelved. We look at the products, check prices, change brands and pay
without a word. Though it can be extremely convenient for people who are content with their own choices, it can
completely puzzle others who cannot choose a brand and need help.

Exercise 4
1. With the advent of modern technology, several changes have been made to our everyday lives. Everyone has
a different reading habit. Today, the argument over reading is whether books read on screens are in anyway
better than the printed copy. There are several aspects to this comparison. Books in print are glare free and
can be read in any circumstances. Contrarily, e-books need a reader to have either a laptop, a mobile phone,
a tablet or an exclusive e-book reader. Similarly, books actually have a feel to them and the possession of
it brings pride to the owner. On the other hand, e-books are only files stored on the computer. Though
e-books are handy and can be taken anywhere irrespective of the quantity, printed books cannot. They also
take a lot of space. Many consider an e-book as a great alternative as they save paper. The truth is, the e-book
reader requires electric power and most of the e-readers are difficult to recycle. This, therefore causes more
environmental hazards than a paper book. Moreover, when the device is corrupt, reading gets interrupted.
A book, on the other hand, is forever. Printed books do not pose the danger of radiation exposure and other
problems associated with the heat emitted from such electronic devices.

2. Traveling is a wonderful experience and helps one widen their understanding of the world and life. Trains
and flights are both modern modes of transportation and have helped humans move from one place to
another. The modern train and flight are completely different from the earlier ones. Trains are suitable for
long journeys when one has ample time at one’s disposal. On the other hand, flights help us literally fly from
one country to another. The comfort of traveling in flights is comparatively higher than train travel. However,
trains cost us less as compared to flights. Trains also provide us an opportunity to socialise, make new friends
and learn many things. One interesting thing about train travel is the experience of getting immersed in the
local culture. For example, we can buy local food and other items at various stations and check out local
specialties. On the other hand, flights do not help one in experiencing the flavour of travel. Trains can be very
interesting for children and young people. They can enjoy the whole course of the journey on a train. As we
grow up, we are attracted to flights and wish to travel more by air.

3. A library is a place where books, CDs and magazines on various subjects are found. In a world before the
advent of the Internet, libraries had an importance of their own. Books were great resources and a visit to the
library helped in acquiring new ideas and perspectives. Today, however, the Internet has replaced libraries
and everyone feels it more convenient to find data over a click of the mouse. Going to a library can give rise
to a desire to read more. One can discover new information in books. However, the Internet kills the joy of
discovery. It discourages extensive reading. On the Internet, one only reads the relevant details and leaves out
other things which might add to his knowledge. While a visit to the library can be time consuming, browsing
the Internet at the comfort of one’s home can be very easy. The Internet is a storehouse of information but it
can be very distracting and misleading. One can easily digress and shift one’s focus from what one wants and
can end up wasting time. At a library, one can also meet friends who can become good reading partners and
with whom one can even exchange their thoughts and ideas.

4. Each one of us knows well that school life is the most memorable phase of our life. However, as we grow
and enter college we understand that college life is equally enjoyable and can be memorable too. During
one’s school life, one literally has no clue about one’s future and is completely carefree. During our school
life we want to become doctors, engineers, scientists or teachers one day and firefighters, musicians, singers
and fashion designers the next day. As compared to this, college life is full of responsibilities as we become
much more realistic in our thoughts and plans. Though school life is full of rules and discipline, college life
allows more freedom. However, one should always remember that with freedom comes responsibility. We
are responsible for our own actions and should be prepared to face the consequences. Friends become more
important than anybody else and therefore we need to be cautious. We are mostly guided by our parents and

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76 Communicative English: A Workbook

teachers during our school life but they expect us to be mature and self-reliant when we move to college life.
Moreover, the societal pressure of scoring good marks in order to find a well-paid job is also a key aspect of
college life.

5. Computers were the most revolutionary products of the previous century. They were looked upon as modern
scientific marvels incomparable to any of man’s previous inventions. Everyone felt it was a life-transforming
device. Smartphones replaced computers as they were much more advanced and handy. Though computers can
also be used to make calls via Skype and other modes, smart phone is the ideal companion of the twenty-first
century human. While computers are used in both academic and professional spheres, a smartphone combines
the personal and professional. Most of us check our mails, browse the Internet and use the smartphone for various
applications that facilitate many things on the phone only. However, storage and processing are key features of a
computer and computers are better equipped to perform these actions as compared to smartphones. Similarly,
computers can be upgraded as required while smartphones have preloaded software. Despite this, smartphones
are convenient, handy and portable and are cheaper as compared to computers. They will in the near future be
able to perform functions that even a computer will not be able to. We can say that, both have their own uses and
it is common to see people using both for different functions. Certain tasks are more effective when performed
only on a computer and not on a phone.

Exercise 5
Note: These answers are only indicative. Your perception of the images may vary from what is stated here.

a. Lectures vs Practical Training in Education

Humans learn in a number of ways and no two humans learn in the same manner. Most of us have learned all
our lives through several methods like lectures, demonstrations, laboratory experiments, etc. Each method
is suited to different kinds of learners. Some learners learn through visual or auditory means whereas others
learn through kinaesthetic means. Depending on the learning style, we prefer one method over the other. A
lecture is considered to be the most conventional and traditional method of teaching. It helps in providing
more information to the learners at a large scale and is suitable for classes with high numbers of students.
Unlike lectures, practical demonstrations can prove to be expensive and require adequate infrastructure.
They are suitable for classrooms with lesser numbers. While lectures require extensive note-taking and
sustained attention, practical learning is much more interesting and helps in understanding the concepts
better. Students are passive in lectures. However, during practical sessions they participate actively. Auditory
learners who love to listen in order to learn make the most of lectures while visual and kinaesthetic learners
benefit from practical learning.

b. Single child vs having Siblings

Growing up is a remarkable experience and there are several aspects that make the entire process memorable.
Similarly, growing up as a single child or with siblings can have major effects on us that contribute to our
overall development. These effects can be physical, psychological or emotional. A single child gets the total
attention of the parents and expects the same from everyone around. In contrast with this, a child growing
up with siblings learns many valuable traits and acquires abilities that help the child grow into a likeable
personality. In the recent times, nuclear families are on the rise and many parents prefer a single child keeping
in mind the financial aspects of bringing up a child well. While a single child grows up with its demands
being fulfilled, a child with siblings is made to understand which demand is reasonable and can be fulfilled.
Research has also shown that the parents of a single child experience greater anxiety and expectations while
their counterparts believe in exposing their children to challenges and making them learn from each other’s
mistakes. Similarly, a child with siblings learns to share, compromise, help, support and compete in a healthy
manner. As against this, a single child spends most of its time alone and finds it difficult to adapt to and
accept new situations.

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  Answer Key 77

c. Traditional vs Modern Occupations

Agriculture is considered to be the father of all occupations and is the backbone of any economy. Every
country has to focus on agriculture as it provides the most indispensable resources for survival. However,
in the recent decades, our country has witnessed a mass migration where many young men and women are
moving from villages to cities seeking better job opportunities and prospects. Despite the fact that agriculture
is essential for every country, it is not highly profitable to the agriculturalists themselves. An employment in
a software company which involves less toil is seemingly more attractive and socially acceptable. Working in
a company is restricted to eight hours more or less, but farming is a day-and-night profession. The farmer
thinks of his crops day and night. The harvest depends on several factors namely, the monsoon rains, pests,
natural disasters and many other. As a contrast to this, working in a company at a desk involves lesser risk in
terms of the output. However, the emotional satisfaction a farmer yields along with the produce is high and
cannot be compared with any other job.


Exercise 1
2, 6, 14, 5, 10, 4, 1, 3, 15, 8, 11, 12, 9, 13, 7

Exercise 2
It’s wonderful to hear from you.

I wanted to tell you about ...

Lots of love and luck

Hello Mano

Dear Jamie

I look forward to hearing from you

Can’t wait for your reply

Would you mind coming early?

Do you need a hand to unpack?

Take care

Exercise 3

45, APM Colony

Johnson Road,

23 June 2017

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78 Communicative English: A Workbook

Dear Gita

I was so glad to see your letter. Bengal is definitely a state one must visit. I’m planning to come there for my
holidays. It’s interesting how the state has retained most of its historical and cultural characteristics in spite
of rapid developments including globalisation.

I feel so proud to write to you about my state Tamil Nadu. There are several features Bengal and Tamil Nadu
apparently share, but each state in India is unique in many aspects. Tamil Nadu is both ancient and modern.
It has a history that dates back to several thousands of years and Tamil is a classical language. Coming to
the historical sites of Tamil Nadu, the list is quite long. There are so many temples, forts, rivers, hill stations
which echo history at various levels. I’m going to tell you a few of my favourite places that I want you to see.
They are Tanjore, the kingdom of the Chola empire, The Brihadeeshwar Temple and the huge Nandhi (bull).
These places are most famous tourist attractions.

Madurai houses the Meenakshi Temple which has a long history. The forts in Trichy, Arcot, Vellore,
Thirumaiyam are also worth seeing. Panchalankuruchi, the site of Kattabomman’s rule, which is prominent
for its role in the struggle against the British for freedom, is a place I particularly love.

I hope you find some time during your holidays so that we can both plan a trip to all these places. Convey
my regards to your parents.

Your loving friend



45, APM Colony

Johnson Road,

23 June 2017

Dear Madan

I hope all is well with you. I was delighted to see your letter and also quite surprised because you never write.
It is such good news that you won the state-level essay writing competition and a cash prize. I’m glad that you
have decided to buy a smartphone with it.

As far as smartphones are concerned, I love the brand PhoneX. It is an Indian brand designed by students
of the famous DV University. This phone has won the phone-of-the-year award at the international meet.
I think we must support brands from India to encourage more innovation. Moreover, the phone is smart
in every aspect whether it is the durable outer frame, the most recent software, the battery life, quality of
the camera and the signal issues. I have been using it for the past one year and I’m really satisfied with it. It
also comes with a one-year warranty against physical damage. The latest model PhoneX 17 would be a great
choice. You can visit a nearby store and find out more about it.

Convey my regards to your parents. Let me know once you buy it.

Your loving friend


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  Answer Key 79


45, APM Colony

Adyar Road,

23 June 2017

Dear Sam

I was so glad to receive your letter. I hope everything is fine with you. Your letter describing the new library
in your neighborhood excited me. It is indeed great that you have also become a member.

As far as books are concerned, each one is your ticket to a new world. They not only change your mood
but alter your life depending on the way you perceive them. Here are some of my favorite books. Malala
Yousufzai has become a household name today. Her book I am Malala describes her experiences and her
journey from Swat to Birmingham. It is a poignant, well-written tale of a young girl and has many lessons
for youngsters like us. Another interesting book is Sachin Tendulkar’s Playing it My Way which shows that
there is no shortcut to success other than hard work and perseverance. I also suggest that you read APJ Abdul
Kalam’s Wings of Fire. The missile man’s journey starting from a humble background to the highest honour
in the country is a truely inspiring story.

There are several more titles that I would love to suggest, but I strongly hope that you get hold of these
books first and read them. Please share with me what you liked the most in these books. You will truly feel
transformed and motivated.

Convey my regards to your parents.

Your loving friend



45, BM Colony
Adyar Road,

23 June 2017

Dear Amina

I was so glad to receive your letter. I hope everything is fine with you. You sure had a great time during your
holidays. Your visit to the Araku Valley must have been a memorable one. I’ve never been to a cave or a valley.

Speaking of my holiday experiences, I did not go anywhere because my grandmother underwent a surgery
and we wanted to stay with her. However, I enrolled in an arts and craft class nearby. I learnt acrylic painting
on canvas. This was a great experience because I never knew I was so creative in my drawing. I quickly learnt
abstract designs and drawing portraits. The session on mural making was also very exciting. I thought those
were exclusively done by professionals with lot of expertise, but our teacher made us do it in no time.

I’ve enclosed a few pictures of my work. I hope you like them. Please let me know what you think.

Convey my regards to your parents.

Your loving friend


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80 Communicative English: A Workbook


45, BM Colony
Adyar Road,

23 June 2017

Dear Amar

I was so glad to receive your letter. I hope everything is fine at your end. I just returned from the championship
at Madurai and the first thing I did was to read your letter. The champions of other cities were all present at
the championship. There was this guy from Erode who held the state record. I was destined to win. I shone
on my day. I had trained for hours and hours. And the most important thing was my fitness. They had held
several fitness and doping tests before the final race. Fortunately, I passed all the tests. In order to be fit and
energetic at the same moment, my diet was very important. Every morning I had to have 4-5 boiled eggs and
some sprout salad. That fueled me until my lunch break. I had occasional drinks breaks which kept my body
hydrated and helped me retain my stamina till the very end.

Even more than eating the right food, I needed to avoid junk food. I even had to exercise regularly. Every
morning, I had yoga sessions with my physical trainer. He always motivated me. Yoga and the motivational
words of my trainer helped me win. Here is a tip for you – even if you don’t eat the right food, avoid all kinds
of junk food throughout the course of your diet. Most important of all – stay positive!

Convey my regards to your parents.

Your loving friend



89, BM Colony
Adyar Road,

23 June 2017

Dear Tanu

I was so glad to receive your letter. I hope everything is fine with you. However, I was a little disappointed to
learn that you may not come for the Science Conference.

I understand that your exams are due next month and you need to prepare. It is a packed semester and
several things are happening at the same time. But this Science Conference, which usually takes place
abroad, is being conducted for the first time in Chennai. It is definitely an opportunity of a lifetime. Can you
imagine listening to the Nobel laureate Venkataraman Ramakrishnan live and even getting an opportunity to
speak with him? It can be both enlightening and life-transforming. Several innovative ideas are going to be
discussed. Experts will present papers which will be useful for our future. Our long-time dream of presenting
a paper will come true. I know that I will be accompanied by my own friends and teachers. It is just that I
don’t want you to miss the opportunity. Please reconsider your decision.

I’ll wait eagerly for your reply. Convey my regards to your parents.

Your loving friend


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  Answer Key 81

Exercise 4
7 Rainbow apartments
Karol Bagh
New Delhi - 21

14 September 2018

Dear Jeevan,

I write to apologise for my behaviour over the last weekend. I realised I had hurt your feelings when Saif told
me you were unusually quiet throughout the evening.

I hope you will believe me when I say that I caused pain to you unconsciously and I will never hurt your
sentiments wilfully. I humbly apologise and hope that you will forgive me.

Your loving friend


35 Sunflower Villa
MG Marg
Ahmedabad – 63

12 April 2018

Dear Meenal,

Many congratulations to you! We are all extremely happy that you have managed to achieve what you set out
to do. Admission to the country’s top law college is no mean feat. Everyone at home is delighted and granny is
going round the neighbourhood telling everyone how proud you have made her. We always knew you would
excel and we pray that you reach greater heights of success.

Your loving brother


56 Komal Nivas
Banjara Hills
Hyderabad – 43

12 December 2017

Dear Farah,

I received your gift yesterday. It was so thoughtful of you to remember my birthday and send me such a lovely
gift. I shall cherish the present for many years to come. Thanks again.

Your loving friend,


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82 Communicative English: A Workbook

26B Jyoti Society

Tilak Road
Bhubneshwar – 21

25 February 2018

Dear Raju,

I write to you to wish you luck for your upcoming board exams. I hope you are making the best use of these
last few days to prepare for the exam. We are confident that you will come out with flying colours. All the
best, little brother!

Your loving sister


336 Sunrise Apartments

Deodar Lane,
Shillong -22

15 November 2017

Dear Uncle Sam,

How are you? I know you are going through a very difficult time without aunty. May God rest her soul.
Mummy and daddy will be with you for the funeral. However, I shall not be able to be by your side then.
Please do look after yourself. I wish you strength during this difficult time.

Your loving niece



Exercise 1
1. Discursive 2. Descriptive 3. Expository 4. Argumentative  5. Descriptive

6. Expository 7. Discursive 8. Argumentative 9. Expository 10. Discursive

Exercise 2
1. India’s struggle for freedom from the British rule is said to have begun from the Sepoy Mutiny, considered
to be the first war of Indian Independence that happened in several parts of the country. The Sepoy Mutiny
began as a simple opposition by soldiers who refused to use cartridges for their rifles as they were loaded
with animal fat. It gained momentum gradually and several leaders gathered to display their dissatisfaction
with the British presence in India. However, it was put out and the British only became much stronger than

The history of India’s freedom struggle is generally identified with the entry of Mahatma Gandhi around
1920 into the Indian political scenario. Though the Indian National Congress was a key representative of
Indian views to the British, their approach was moderate and their requests were completely unheeded by

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  Answer Key 83

the British. Many members of the Congress adopted extremist methods to oppose the British and this was a
reason for the rift that occurred among the members of the Congress.

The Non-cooperation Movement of the 1920-22 and the Civil Disobedience movement that followed were
all crushed by the British in no time. The Gandhian values of truth, ahimsa and non-violence became the
hallmark characteristics of the Indian struggle against the British and even today, they remain important
Indian values. The British policy of divide and rule made it impossible for the various regions to unite as a
single force and fight against them. The Quit India Movement of 1942 was a turning point that offered much
hope. The ‘do or die’ slogan of the Indians fortified their struggle and several leaders emerged from among
common citizens. However, the Muslim League, under the leadership of Jinnah, demanded a separate state
for the Muslims and this made matters worse. After much struggle, bloodshed and sacrifice India became
independent on 15 August 1947 as two different nations – India and Pakistan.

2. A smartphone is considered to be the most revolutionary of all inventions of the century. It has become
omnipresent today and has multifunctional aspects for every user. It has transformed the world of
communication in unprecedented ways. It is a device that has replaced several gadgets that were previously
considered vital to human life. Smartphones are also indispensable to the extent that we cannot imagine a life
without them and their absence for a few hours can affect our day-to-day activities.

The first smart phone was released in the year 1993 by IBM, but it was very different from the smart phones
we have today. One could only do e-mails, voice calls, paging, and see a calendar in that model. However,
the reason for calling it a smart phone is that it had a special feature called a touch screen for the first time.
The touch screen in fact is a huge innovation. It was adapted from the air control traffic devices of the British
Airways. ATMs and other information kiosks also used touch screen technology. However, incorporating it
in a mobile phone was truly revolutionary.

The modern smart phone was introduced by Apple in 2007. Apple had already established its reputation in
the field of computers and laptops and they created a brand that became a must-have technology in the world
of smart phones. The availability of an Internet connection became a key feature that differentiated ordinary
mobile phones from smart phones. One could surf the Internet, share media files including photos, videos
and documents, use social media, call, text and even video-chat using a single device.

Another life-changing moment in the history of smartphones was the introduction of mobile applications.
The apps made the phones much smarter than before and human lives much easier. There are several
multinational companies that have made inroads into the manufacturing and marketing of smartphones
which have helped them evolve in both their hardware and software.

3. Social media is the newest of human inventions that helps individuals or groups to interact among themselves,
share and exchange ideas using the Internet. Several virtual communities have been formed online by people
with common interests. Though this was started as an informal and entertaining form of communication, it
has today evolved into a broad, dense network that is systematic and well organised. Young people who use
the Internet more than others are better connected and share every aspect of their lives. The social networks
are very interactive and they provide ample choices to articulate one’s feelings, thoughts and opinions about
various issues.

Social media is no more personal, it has become a public vehicle that carries news, views and perspectives.
One of the first social media sites was Orkut, a virtual space to communicate with friends and stay in touch.
Following this, several other social media networks mushroomed. Most of these were even economically
profitable. One example of this phenomenon is Facebook founded by Mark Zuckerberg, who is one of the
richest people in the world. Twitter is another virtual platform which is used extensively by commoners and
world leaders alike. In fact, it has become a vital aspect of everyone’s lives.

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84 Communicative English: A Workbook

Social networks have also drastically changed the way in which communication takes place among people.
It has transformed how the present generation interacts with their parents, friends and colleagues. Social
networking is considered to be one of the key advances in technology. Technology like science is again a
good servant and a bad master. The overpowering lure of social media has affected people’s social lives and
has reduced face-to-face interactions among them. Though social networks are invaluable tools for every
professional, they can be dangerous as they expose them to unknown individuals who can pose dangers to
them. Cyber bullying and cyber stalking are other problems that come with social media.

4. Archeologists have uncovered the fact that India has been the abode of dense forests since about 250 million
years ago. History also bears evidence that almost all the rulers of India focused on protecting the forests
and planting more trees for medicinal and ornamental functions. India’s forest cover is about 23% of its total
land area and is managed by the respective states according to the National Forest Policy, which claims that
at least one-third of the country’s total area must be covered by forests. We have reserved forests, protected
forests and unclassed forests.

India is also the home of several types of forests, namely, evergreen, tropical, temperate and deciduous.
The Himalayan region is home to evergreen and coniferous forests. The great plains contain tropical and
temperate forests. It is needless to say that forests are resources that need to be conserved. However, they are
prone to destruction due to many natural and man-made activities. They have to be carefully managed and
deforestation must be controlled in order to save them.

Forests are great sources of timber, wood and fuel which are required in all human activities. They provide food
and shelter to innumerable animals and human beings who live in them. They also provide key ingredients
to industries like timber, paper, rubber, etc. Natural drugs are important products that are produced from
forests. The trees prevent soil erosion and aid agriculture.

In developing countries like India, forests play an important role in determining their economic value.
Tamil Nadu, Andamans, Maharashtra, Assam, Kerala, Bihar, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh are states with high
density of forests that provide timber. Forests also act as a regulating agent with reference to the climate.
Deforestation is considered to be one of the major challenges that forest conservation strategies are facing
today. Planting more trees is essential for maintaining balance in our ecology and protecting the soil.

5. A recent survey has shown that the Eiffel Tower is the most visited tourist spot. It is followed in popularity
by the Great Pyramids and then Disneyland in the USA. There are several other tourist spots depending on
the interest of the tourists. Europe is considered to be the most desired tourist destination all over the world.
People love visiting their favorite historical landmarks, parks, museums, amusement parks and wildlife

The Machu Pichu at Peru, the Angkor Vat temple at Cambodia and the Taj Mahal are also very popular
tourist destinations. People visit historical places the most when they begin to travel on their own. They love
to explore the ancient stories that the places resonate with. The Seven Wonders of the World are great to
begin with. Tourists who love adventure and sports have a separate list of places to visit. They go to mountain
peaks, do white-water rafting and other adventurous things.

Religious tourist spots also have their own significance and popularity. The trip to Mecca, Jerusalem, or
Amarnath are all planned well ahead and top the list of popular tourist spots. Singapore and Malaysia
are modern marvels that tourists love to visit. They cater to a wide variety of demands for entertainment
including shopping, exotic cuisine and underwater-marine-life touring that attract the older and the younger
generations alike. Beaches are an all-time favorite and people from cold countries love to visit warm regions
and experience good weather. The beaches of Madagascar, India and Sri Lanka are great attractions.

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  Answer Key 85

Exercise 3
1. Childhood is a period in life when everyone around us considers us special and treats us with utmost care
and love. Even though I do not remember my childhood days very vividly, when I look at some photographs,
there are moments which bring back my favorite memories to me. There is a picture of me sitting in a merry-
go-round in a local fair that was conducted as part of the Pongal festivities. I am all smiles and look like
I’m on the top of the world. However, every time I see the picture, I’m reminded of what happened on that
particular day after that picture was taken.

As my mother constantly teases me about the way I behaved on that particular day, it has become one of
my best memories too. I am told that I was around two years when this incident took place. My aunt, with
whom I loved spending time, took me to a fair. I was instantly drawn to the small merry-go-round which
had toy cars attached to it as seats. As I wanted to take a ride, my aunt let me sit on it and was standing next
to me. However, once my turn was over, I refused to get down as I enjoyed it very much. After, enjoying a
couple more rides, my aunt wanted me to get down so that we could go home as it was getting late. However,
I refused and started crying, calling out for my mother who was at home. When my aunt came close to
lift me up I created such a hue and cry that a policeman observing us came and asked my aunt about my
whereabouts. Since I refused to go with her, he misunderstood that I was lost in the fair and an unknown
young woman was trying to take me away. My aunt tried to persuade the policemen and a crowd gathered
around to tell him that I was her nephew and that I was with her. I started crying even more and reiterated
‘Mummy’ all the time.

When the situation went out of control, my aunt used the policeman’s phone to call my dad and both my
parents immediately rushed to the spot. On seeing my parents, I told them at once that aunt was not letting
me enjoy my ride. I did not call her ‘aunt’ all that while when the policeman was asking. The crowd laughed
out loud and my mother put me down from the merry-go-round and took me home immediately. My aunt
was angry with me for some time and said she would never take me out after that. But she forgot her words
very soon. Even today, when I look at that picture on the merry-go-round I’m reminded of that day and laugh
at myself for my behaviour.

2. For a long time, I always feared riding a bicycle. I tried many times but in vain. When I was eleven years
old, my neighbourhood friends who were my age were all happily riding their cycles and I wouldn’t dare go
near them for fear of being teased. Whenever I climbed onto one of the cycles, I would imagine that I would
lose balance and this would cause me to fall off. This would cause great laughter among my friends and this
caused much embarrassment. I would quietly walk to my piano classes which were a kilometer away from
my house.

Things became worse when my uncle gifted me a bicycle for my twelfth birthday. It was a surprise gift, but it
shocked me and I accepted it with a lot of smiles. I would keep it under the stairs and cover it, so that none
of my friends could see it. Even at school, whenever, my friends discussed their bicycle adventures, I would
quietly slip out of the place. My mother, who had closely watched my behaviour, asked me what was wrong
and I told her about my fear of riding a bicycle. She laughed and said that she had also felt the same way when
she was my age. She insisted that I try it and it was completely normal to fall off a couple of times.

Then one Sunday morning, she woke me up and I was so upset to see my cycle right in front of my house
waiting for me. I told her that I would try it some other day but she was very adamant and pulled me out of
bed. I protested but in vain and the next moment, I was pedalling hard with my mother’s hands on the hand
bar and the seat. I was falling off all the time on one side but she never gave up and held me straight. For two
hours she came along with me, holding me and giving me tips on how to sit straight, look ahead and pedal
hard. Once I tried, my friends and my neighbors appreciated my efforts and they encouraged me. I learnt
how to ride a cycle in a week’s time and my mother told me ‘nothing is difficult if you try without giving
up.’ What was a challenge earlier became a pleasure and I loved riding my cycle quite often. This particular
incident has given me the courage to believe that we can achieve anything if we really want to.

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86 Communicative English: A Workbook

3. There are several journeys that I have undertaken but some have been very special. I remember this particular
journey in which I travelled from Chennai to Hyderabad with my parents to receive an award. I had won
the National First Rank in a Math Olympiad when I was 15 years old and my parents agreed to take me to
Hyderabad where the function was being held. I felt like a hero and my parents were so proud to accompany
me. Once we boarded the train I started reading a book which my mother had got for me. It was my favorite
Asterisk comics. As I was reading it, I began to feel sleepy and asked my mother if I could sleep for some time.
She refused and told me that I should eat something before I slept and gave me bread and vegetable khurma
that she had prepared for the trip.

After I ate it, I told her that I would love to sleep and I went to the upper berth at once. There I met another
boy who was next to me on the opposite upper berth. His name was Darshan and as I started speaking with
him, I learnt that he was also going to the same award function as he was the National First Ranker in the
Science Olympiad. Soon, we became very close friends and started talking about our schools, friends and
several other things. It was really interesting to talk to him and when my mother asked me why I was not
sleeping, I said I had made a new friend. The journey in the train had become quite interesting.

We were also talking about the various video games we liked to play, our favourite sportspersons, our
favourite teachers at school and our ambitions in life. The conversation was very interesting and I enjoyed
every bit of it. However, we slept after some time and when I woke up, he was not in his seat. We met again in
the award ceremony and took pictures together. As I was taking an earlier train on my way back to Chennai,
I had to leave.

4. Friends are an important part of our lives as they play a vital role in keeping us happy. Friends also keep us
good company. I would love to share a story about a friend who always spent time with me since the time I
was born – Ruff, a golden Labrador. Ruff would always run behind me wherever I went. Ruff was not just a
dog but also an important member of the family and he knew every one of us very well. Ruff would always
accompany me to the walks I took to the nearby store to buy grocery and he would always play with me with
a ball. I loved spending time with Ruff because though we did not have anything to talk about, we shared a
lot. Ruff would look at me grumpily when my mother called me to come inside the house after long hours of
play. If I did not heed to her words, he would literally drag me into the house. I also love taking Ruff out to
the park because that is when he would run along with me on the jogging track and we would have great fun
overtaking each other.

My friends also loved playing with Ruff. We used to play cricket and he would always be the wicketkeeper.
However, after a few years, Ruff fell very ill. He was infected with some kind of a virus which the doctors
couldn’t detect and ultimately he had a slow and painful death because of that. I was extremely upset for the
first three months after his passing away. I still miss him. My father bought me a new pet dog after that but I
knew that my new dog could never replace Ruff and he is a friend whom I miss badly even today.

5. It is said that it is human to err. All of us make some mistakes at some point in our lives. Life teaches us a few
lessons the harder way. My father bought me a new smartphone for my eighteenth birthday because I had
topped the semester exams. I was extremely happy, since it was the same model I had longed for. I was very
happy and proud to own it. I loved sharing images and videos with my friends very often. I once received a
message about a student cheating in the exam and forwarded it to many of my friends.

The following day, we had a discussion and a good laugh about the video in the class and called the student
in the video a smart fellow who could cheat his teacher and score good marks in spite of cheating. The next
week, we had a class test, in which one of my close friends used the same trick to cheat in the exam, but,
unfortunately, he was caught by the invigilator and was suspended from writing the exam. I knew well that
it was not my fault at all. I had only forwarded a video that I had received. I never encouraged such practices
in an exam.

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Later, I felt bad about my friend who could not take the next exam. Even though it was not my fault, I
was somehow indirectly responsible for his condition that day. If only I hadn’t shared that video, he would
have written his exams along with us. I learnt my mistake that day and realised that the little actions that
we carelessly do can have a big impact on somebody else. From that day on I decided not to forward any
unnecessary images or videos that are likely to distract or cause unwanted problems to others.

Exercise 4
1. The issue of equality between men and women is an age-old debate and different perspectives have tilted
the scale to extreme ends over time. There are general assumptions about women such as the assumption
that female managers display less self-confidence and have less emotional stability. Moreover, they are also
perceived as being less analytical and consistent and having poorer leadership skills as compared with male
managers. All these images have contributed to a negative picture of women in professional spheres.

The reasons that are generally given for these images are that women put their family first when it comes
to professional demands. They care more for their family, children and pay less attention to their job and
professional growth. Women’s income is considered to be additional and they are not taken seriously. When
it comes to feedback, women take it emotionally and personally. Their lack of aggression is also seen as a
negative trait which is unsuitable for business or challenging professions.

On the contrary, it is these things that make women capable. These qualities are in fact their strengths. Women
are capable of operating their businesses in a different way from men. Their effectiveness depends on the kind
of businesses and organisations they work for. There are some key leadership strengths that women exhibit.
Women are very good at empowering other staff. They encourage openness and are more approachable.
Women are also excellent in responding to help and support. They are extremely skilled in working with
people belonging to different cultures. They are good at identifying problems and any dissatisfaction among
the group members.

In managerial roles, communication and interpersonal skills are indispensable. Cultural openness and soft
skills are seen more in women which qualify them to be better managers. They establish connections and
network relationships fast. They are also quick to appreciate and also delegate well. They recognise and
reward subordinate employees. Women are natural multi-taskers and quickly adapt to different situations. It
is because of these capacities that one can argue that women make better managers.

2. Students today have several things to juggle with besides their studies. They are expected to excel in every field.
All these expectations increase the levels of stress in their lives. Parents and teachers give more importance
to academic performance and the grades they score. However, this scenario is changing today as students
participate more in other extra-curricular activities. In their attempt to promote a holistic development
among children, schools are giving equal importance to sports.

Sports develop students from inside as it teaches them to be strong and confident. Important skills like
teamwork, leadership, time management and motivation can be taught through sports. By taking ownership of
their own bodies, students learn the value of discipline and good health. Active involvement in sports provides
an opportunity to unwind and relax. In fact, sports or any other physical activity helps them to keep their
body, mind and soul in sync. Life skills such as acceptance of failure, perseverance, tolerance and patience also
contribute to the development of a balanced individual. Such skills can be effectively taught through sports.

All these qualities coupled with a good academic background can help any individual lead a meaningful and
successful life. Sports provide the opportunity to develop a greater network that can be very useful in every
aspect of life. In the modern age of the smartphone, playing has turned into an indoor activity where children
team up in online games. With lack of adequate playgrounds and safety, parents are also concerned with
children playing outside. Incorporating sports and more physical activities in the curriculum along with
academics can be a welcome gesture.

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3. We live in a world in which the importance of learning a foreign language cannot be overemphasised.
Learning a foreign language is learning a new culture, because when we learn a foreign language we not only
learn about the language but also the history and social values of a new group of people cohabitating this
world. Our planet has shrunk to a global village and the Internet has exposed us to so many people around
that learning a foreign language can be very useful not only for personal reasons but also for professional
reasons. It is also useful for gaining admissions to courses in foreign countries.

Moreover, when we study a new language, we not only study the words or the grammar of that language,
but also enhance our intellect. For example, learning a new language can develop our critical thinking and
problem solving skills, i.e., when we learn a new language we try to understand its structure and by being
multilingual, our brain begins to adapt to the structures of different languages. Learning foreign languages
can also enhance our creativity and higher-order thinking skills. Other reasons to learn an additional
language are that it can help us progress in our studies and our career. These days, knowing a second, third
or even fourth language can be a great advantage when it comes to a job opportunity.

Imagine a situation when you are in a foreign land. You can feel extremely helpless if you do not know the
language that people in that country speak. In such a situation, if you know the language, you can enjoy and
go around places easily. Knowing a foreign language can also help us understand and enjoy the literature and
art of a country. Language also helps us expand our relationships in the world.

4. Can money buy happiness? This is a question that we have asked and thought about a million times. At the
surface level, it looks as though money and happiness are deeply connected. It is actually difficult to say
whether money can or cannot buy happiness in the first place. This is because happiness is a concept that is
very abstract and money is a very tangible idea. It also depends on what level of happiness one is thinking
about. Money can buy all the basic necessities that can lead to happiness. It can fulfil all our fundamental
needs like food, clothing and shelter. So, one can say that money can definitely buy happiness. It can also
help us manage medical emergencies or buy a house. Therefore, it is actually important for our well-being by
helping us meet our basic needs.

The problem is that when our basic desires are met, our desires keep growing. We need more and more
money to satisfy those desires and buy more happiness. So, money may not be able to buy everything that
we want. This can make us unhappy. However, money can give us good education which can in turn create a
good future filled with happiness. So, money can and cannot buy happiness depending on what we actually
want. We have also heard stories of rich people with a great amount of wealth but with lack of peace of mind.

It depends totally on how we define happiness. Everyone has a different perspective about happiness shaped
by their experiences. Some people agree that money can buy happiness because they think money will give
them more power and an ability to buy whatever they want, but there are a lot of people who completely
disagree with this idea. Purchasing all kinds of materials can give only temporary happiness. Real happiness
comes from within.

5. Traditional crafts reflect the history and culture of a particular country as if they are the cultural artefacts.
India is very famous for its handicrafts and they are world-renowned, whether they are the Pashmina shawls
from Kashmir or Kanchipuram silk from down south. Every traditional handicraft has a history of its
own with mythological backgrounds. They have been patronised by kings and other powerful people who
supported the art and the artisans. However, due to the introduction of machines, everything that was made
with a lot of care, diligence and passion over a long period of time is being replaced by machine-made goods
that can be produced in bulk. Many traditional handicraft artists have lost their jobs as a result of this. A
skill that was passed on from one generation to another sometimes even with utmost secrecy, has lost its
importance because these goods can easily be manufactured by machines. We are highly nostalgic about
traditional crafts but on the pragmatic side there are different benefits. For example, an artisan can take a
fortnight to make one single piece but the machine can make it within an hour or two. Our handlooms are

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world famous and their worth has been epitomised by the Father of the Nation, who spun the wheel which
symbolically denoted the importance of handicrafts.

With the help of technology many craftsmen are turning to online platforms in order to save their craft, by
informing the customers about the goods they make. Customers who know the value of the products help
them expand their traditional crafts business not only to the national level but also to the global level. In this
way, many youngsters today are turning to the Internet in order to make their living online.

Exercise 5
1. I am at present living with my father who has built his own house after saving enough money from his earnings.
I will follow his footsteps. The house that I build will be an eco-house. In fact, I have been researching that for
quite some time now. It will be a unique, innovative house. It will be a small house with open space around
it for gardening and outdoor activities. As I like walking barefoot on grass rather than on cemented floors, I
will see that I have it that way. I have understood that a larger house can have more negative environmental
impact than a smaller one. So, I want to build a small house only.

There are many things that I want my house to have. One of them is an energy star label which is there on most
buildings these days. As people are becoming more and more environmentally conscious, the market also
caters to their needs. I learnt from my father’s friend, who is both an architect and a construction consultant,
that by reducing the use of products that are less environmentally friendly, one can create an eco-house. In
a tropical country like ours, the need to keep the house cool and airy is very important and this reduces the
consumption of electricity. By planning an east-facing house, the mornings can be bright and the evenings
cool. Planning out windows in the most appropriate places can also considerably reduce the usage of lights
and fans.

Using recycled and natural products is also a good idea. Many young startup companies are working in this
area. A recent trade fair to which I went displayed many such environmentally conscious alternatives used
to decorate the house. Besides this, I want solar panels to be installed for generating power. Though they
are expensive at the beginning, they work out well in the long run. Similarly, rainwater harvesting system
will be a major point of focus in the house which will be well maintained for water supply. LED and CFL
bulbs will be used where necessary. In all, it will be a model house for anybody who wishes to contribute to
environmental conservation.

2. As human beings, each one of us has the basic need to share our thoughts and feelings when required.
Though we spend most of our time with our parents and our siblings at a young age, the moment we are
mature enough to be on our own, we are free to choose our friends, who become our lifelong partners in our
experiences. I met Kumar during my college admissions. That day, when I lost my pen and had to fill in a
form, Kumar understood my dilemma and offered one even without me asking him. He looked very simple
and had come with his father from a distant village to study in a city college.

Though we were enrolled in different courses, we had the chance to meet again at the orientation and got to
know more about each other. Hailing from a farmer’s family, his approach towards life was simple but deep.
He constantly spoke about books and his village – the need to contribute and develop the place of his origin.
His needs were minimal and he never compared himself with others. He was a complete contrast to what I
was and he was satisfied with whatever little he had. He did not have a mobile phone but it never seemed to
bother him.

One of his traits which I envied the most was his attitude towards learning. He learnt new concepts in his
own style. He read several books on the same subject and his approach to exams was also very different. He
never bothered about marks and read extensively. He would never ask for any notes from me. Despite being
such a hard worker, he spent a lot of time chatting with me. I consider him my best friend and wish to learn
several things from him. I also hope that our friendship grows with time.

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3. It is said that our worst fears manifest as nightmares and our subconscious visualises them when we are fast
asleep. I would like to share a recent nightmare that I had. I am extremely glad that it was only a nightmare
and did not happen in real life. My father had bought me a mobile phone after much persuasion and I knew
well I had to keep it safe. From the day I got hold of it, I have kept it very safely. I check for messages and
missed calls on it quite often.

In my dream, I am with my friends and we have planned to go to a water theme park. The next moment we
are all there and ready to go for white-water rafting. We take several pictures and have a great time enjoying
ourselves. My friends ask me to leave my mobile phone at the counter, but I wrap it well in a small plastic
bag and put it inside my pocket. We climb onto our rafts arguing who would sit where and we are laughing,
cracking jokes and teasing each other all the time. After we are all sitting in the raft, we sail through the
artificial water waves going up and down. One of my friends slips and falls. With great difficulty, we pull him
in and laugh more. As none of us know swimming, we all hold hands till the ride is over.

The moment we reach the end of it, we are glad that we made it and take pictures again. When we go to a food
court to have our lunch, I try to pull my wallet out and find it gone. I had taken it from my friend who had
got it from the counter after the ride, but I am shocked to see that it is not there. I panic and look around, but
I suddenly realise that my mobile phone which I had put in the other pocket is missing too. I am so shocked
and don’t know where I lost it. Perhaps it slipped into the water. One of my friends guessed that my wallet
must have been pickpocketed by someone. My head starts spinning and I have no clue what to do next. I start
running fast towards the raft area, determined to get my phone back. I tell my friends that I will get into the
water and take it out no matter what happens. I jump into the water, knowing well I cannot swim but start
moving my hands and legs trying to swim.

It was at this moment that my younger brother gave me a hard kick, as I had hit him trying to swim on the
bed. He yelled at me and left the room. I was so relieved to wake up and reached out for my phone. I could
also see my wallet on the table. I had a message notification from my close friend about a plan to go to WW
Aqua theme park. I knew for sure that I didn’t want to relive my nightmare and dismissed the idea.

4. I love reading superhero comic books and from my childhood days I have read and watched movies about
Superman, Batman, Spiderman and others. I have wondered many a times about what would happen if I
had any of those superpowers. During the Chennai floods of 2015, when all the residents of Chennai were
struggling to save themselves and their properties, I imagined how nice it would have been if there was a
superhero who could save our lives from distress.

I wish there was a mobile app that could be used for calling superheroes. Let us imagine how this superhero
would be and how the app would function. In order to contact a superhero, one has to get in touch by placing
a request and stating the nature of the issue. Once a request is placed, the superhero would appear and help
people who require it the most. The superhero can fly, swim and climb heights. Especially during times of
natural disasters, the superhero becomes active and helps people by providing them food, drinking water
and other essential supplies.

However, the most unique power that this superhero has is generating instant electricity and providing
instant Wi-fi. Whenever there is a power failure or interruption of Internet services, the superhero would
appear and help those who need it the most. So, I’ve decided to call my super-hero the Wi-Fi Powerman.

5. Though I’m not an avid reader of books, one book that caught my attention and since then has become my
favourite is Playing it My Way, the autobiography of Sachin Tendulkar. The book was released in 2014 and
became a rage among the fans of the great cricketer. The book helps us take a peek into his early life, his
struggles and his experiences, both good and bad, as a master cricketer.

The experiences Tendulkar had in international matches and during his travel reveal that beyond all the fame
and winning, there is so much to learn from this person’s life. Some of the incidents that struck me the most

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are the ones that I have discussed here. When he was accused of tampering with the ball in a match in 2001 in
South Africa by umpire Mike Denness, he was extremely upset as the charges were false. He made it a point
to clarify his position to the Board members and came clean out of it.

During his early days, Sachin would travel to his practice venues in public buses. Mumbai’s population and
its public transport system made things difficult, but this did not dissuade him a bit. He was intensely focused
on his goal and was ready to face any number of challenges. Another interesting point about the book is that
it shows us his family, his relationship with his brother and later his own wife and children. One of the most
interesting aspects of the book is how his coach would never appreciate him even when he performed well
but this never discouraged him. It only made him push harder to outperform himself. There are so many
lessons to be learned from the book. Tendulkar in his book has called his entire cricketing career the first
innings of his life. It is interesting to know that he is looking forward to an entirely different approach to life
even though his peak days as a player are over. For these reasons this will always be my favorite book.

Exercise 6
1. With every major advancement in science, it is needless to say that more and more animals are being used
in medical research and pharmaceutical industries. Animal experimentation is a controversial issue as there
are different and conflicting arguments that have emerged from the common public and expert groups alike.
Sometimes, many experiments on animals are totally irrelevant to human health and do not contribute at all
to meaningful medical advances. Moreover, there are several misconceptions about animal experiments as
projected by the media.

Another argument that favours experiments on animals is that if they are not used, human beings would have
to be used, which is worse and unimaginable. There have been so many reports about how human beings
were either voluntarily or involuntarily coerced into being subjects for experiments. There have been many
movies and novels on this as well. Drugs that are safe and effective on human beings can be life threatening
to animals. The reverse of this is also true. Ethical committees that oversee research practices ensure that
clearances are sought and that experiments comply with permissible standards. Ethics dictate that all lives
are equal and any single organism’s life is not more valuable than another’s.

Organisations that represent animal rights and safety have always voiced their concern over issues of
completely healthy animals being taken for experiments. People also argue that many drugs do not cause
any pain in animals, and are, therefore, completely safe for them. According to a statistical study between
2010 and 2014, nearly a million animals – rats, monkeys, birds and other mammals were subjected to painful
experiments and were not provided with pain relief. The perspective of the researchers is also valid. They
say that if animals cannot be used then they don’t have alternative options. However, with developments in
technology, human cell simulators are being designed to act like living organisms in scientific experiments.
This is a good sign for the future.

2. ‘Exam’ is one of the most dreaded words in the life of a student. Exams are actually conducted to test the mental
ability and knowledge of the student. Exams are dreaded because they create a fear of failure in a student’s
mind. Students associate exams with humiliation and embarrassment. Though most students enjoy going to
school, studying new ideas and making new friends, exams make the whole school experience difficult. Some
of us have questioned the idea of a student evaluation on the basis of a three-hour examination. There have
been times when some of us have fallen ill or got an altogether difficult question paper. Sometimes, our years
of hard work suddenly becomes meaningless and even our own parents find it difficult to accept the fact that
we underperformed. Whether they like it or not, exams are a necessary evil that every student has to face.

The overall performance and behaviour of a student must be given more importance than just an exam.
Examiners who assess the student should know the student well and be aware of his talents in other spheres.
Sometimes, students get less marks as every teacher’s method of assessment varies. Though there are several

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disadvantages of exams, no other alternative means is available for evaluating students’ knowledge. Exams
are actually a test of the students’ memory and their endurance to write the answers in an organised manner.

However, if the system of examinations is abolished then no student would actually bother to study. There
would be no way to identify and appreciate good talent. Though several project-based assessments are
conducted, when it comes to a selection at a state or national level, it is exams that are the most effective
means of assessment.

3. We all know that our standard of living depends on the availability of energy in our country. Energy cannot
last forever on a planet that is highly populated. That is why mankind is on a constant search for alternative
sources of fuel. Alternative energy is generally understood as the various types of energy that can replace
the conventional forms of energy that are non-renewable. Energy sources like sunlight, wind, water and
geothermal heat are possible resources of alternative energy. Fossil fuels like coal and oil have been used
by humans beyond a replenishing level and, consequently, human beings have been forced to look for
alternatives in order to make their everyday existence possible. Unlike conventional energy sources which
are found in concentrated forms in particular geographical regions, alternative energy sources are available
at a higher level. Wind and solar power are abundantly found everywhere and can be generated through the
setting up of power plants.

Alternative energy sources not only fulfill our demand for energy, but also help in maintaining a balance in
our ecosystem. When fossil fuels are burnt, they release huge amounts of carbon-dioxide and other toxic gases
into the environment. On the other hand, solar, biomass and wind power are considered to be zero residue
sources. They help in generating electricity which is indispensable for major manufacturing and other kinds
of industries. Moreover, these energy sources center on our natural elements and they are efficient, renewable
and healthy for our environment. The mining of fossil fuels leads to land pollution through dust, drainage
and emissions. However, solar and wind power need not cause any pollution. Alternative energy is becoming
a fast-growing enterprise as many people are investing into it. It is also creating employment opportunities
for many.

4. Social networking

Social networking has grown to humongous proportions in today’s world. It has become popular especially
among the younger generations born after the revolution of the Internet. It refers to the practice of
communicating with friends, acquaintances and complete strangers on virtual platforms like Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram. It has become so ubiquitous that it is normal to be online for the major part of the
day. People constantly update on what they are doing and where they are going. These social networking
websites are especially designed to create logs or records of one’s activities and are also major information
sharing vehicles.

The habit of social networking has reduced the difference between private and public, fact and opinion and
even real and virtual. Youngsters these days are more comfortable chatting for hours to unknown faces than
talking to their own parents or siblings. This has also caused a change in habits and behaviour altogether.
Time management is a crucial aspect because most of these users spend time online with little or no focus on
the time that they spend outdoors. The new craze of posting selfies on social networking sites has engulfed
so many that it has given rise to psychological disorders that need serious attention.

Though social networking helps one to widen their contacts and explore more, its negative effects outdo the
positive. Youngsters have completely different personalities online and sometimes even multiple personalities.
In the long run, these are the concerns that can disturb one’s behaviour and cause psychiatric health issues.
With the growing technology, crimes like hacking, stalking and cyberbullying are also on the rise. Therefore,
one has to be careful while communicating on social networking sites.

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5. Journalism and ethics

Journalism is generally understood to be a profession involved in collecting and reporting news. It is actually
much more than that. Ethics can be defined as behaviour that is accountable and accurate and is characterised
by integrity. Journalists need to know what can be reported in anticipation of the effects that it can trigger.
Journalism is a profession that is constantly filled with challenges related to ethics. It is vital that journalists
report only the facts. After adequate research and analysis, journalists should report factual and credible
news. It is also their duty to verify the news before it is released to the public.

In today’s world of information overload, journalists have the added responsibility of choosing the right type
of information that needs attention. Most of the times, it is unnecessary noise that one sees and hears on the
television. Sometimes, journalists have the capability to divert our attention to what is unnecessary and they
sideline vital information under the direction of others, in order to make profits. They ought in fact to be
apolitical and unapologetic in the way that the news is reported.

Instead of catering to what the public prefer to hear, they should report the truth. Journalism and ethics can
and should coexist for the greater good of all. Journalists are mouthpieces of various other systems that help
in the operation of a country. It is in fact a profession that helps the common man understand larger systems
and make sense of them. With the newfound power of social media, not only journalists, but also everyone
else can voice their thoughts and feelings. However, there is also the danger of false information and biased
opinions seeping into the process of information dissemination when such practices are left unchecked.

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