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An qEiions ai..rohrcine lrp! h o,ly one oprion n
yilcam h'l m (\ I l,! las ol incomd ans|d.r !n!
.onbina.onor'moErh,nonerD*{ r: 'n,r[ s llb( d.ducrcd

Quesions mu$ b..nss.rcd otr OMk nur hy darken.! rhs Jppropriat bubhle ed a.

r vr\rh-r."...u n'h!.n&. .,..rqo l.uvp

'tr,h. ,- tri\tru.| 1,

Wrne question bmkler truober and,our d nurhs c!r.irl\ i', rhe specilied bcarions ol
rhe oMR Aho lill.ppropriar! bub6l.s

w' . )ou' no r bloll (nfl,. nalrr rh. (. nd',{;iddpur rJ r. lJgtrlru(

rn spprcpn,r( hoics

lkb,r ro b.!una,rahJ
i. rtrJ mnkle in ri hndrl-!.u"erhubo,e\ ror
^ 'r'h!r
qu.(ion hookler nunbe/ollruobcr or ifrhcr. ( lit dis cpan.y in rhe name/ risndu'e of
rhe c.ndidlr. name ofth. eraminalfi lhr OMR ma) rLso bc.onc invaliddue ro
loldins or puting {n} na s on ir or ,) damase ro ir lhe nsequ.n!. ol such
.ndilare \ilL b. $lc

prinl.d mdsLll,.alcularor. pen. docu-
p.n. 1o3 ribl.i trrisrNdrh. an) .o nuni{riotr derire lik. phon6 o!. inide rhe
ei.minslon hal An) !.trdiddc fou $ir[ nLh ems \ llhe frp.d.d 4.inr and h(her
caddi&tre *i I 5e sumnarih.anc. l.d

9 Rousn *o* mur be done o tul blanl pages are livcn in

ih. qu.nion ,.pd for roush !ort.
'0 Hond ot rh( OVn o rhL in. f, r!' bri'( .r'nF're I \dn'nrio-.1,

M"th",o1, ll lllllllI I I lltllllllllllllllll ll ll lll E

Ptti! DuI-2019


(B) I is nordnisihl. b) ll
(D) ftpftsc saprinr. inreser

I0\ /l
2. LerA= 5 U -lhen
\o o r,l
(A) A is nor diasonalieblc

lB) A is dia8onali s.ble

(C) Eigen valuesol^ae nor disr

(D) Eisen lecron aE nol linea,h *")1'r?1

3. Ler (cr) be a soup ad'd.H elmlni s 1l then.\nlsa clcDctrrr: (i
(A) p is only efl€xive Elarioi (B) p isonlj sJnmetric relarion

(C) p is only tnnsitivc relalion (D) pn eq uivalence r.latio n

4. LdSberhc seroaall conlinuous luncrnnrs : r :. I-ct I: S r j bl d.iin.d h\

rrlr= ls(:r(lt Then

(B) l isone{nebur noionro

lC ) l,sont) bul n.ron..n. il)r f isnditherone{ne noronro


5. l.el dr d,. l = 1r l[rn Uc \aLrc 01 1l ]( )(l l(.)

(c) 64

6. Ld(C. r b€ a emup ol orLter rj Ihcn

() G cannor b€ cr_clic

(C) O is onlr_ ahelid

, '1,,., ln, I n" " o*l-*h tospcc,,o m,r.\ muLrrfrrcruon Irrctr

'rnEM oi A=li iJ6 . ( r

(. r i,

t2 12
[ 1] lr lr

8. I-er (l'. +, )b.a lield dd lcr r! l'nl,.n.,Lr'-

(A) M is a nghr ideal in r
(B) M is a left rdealin t
(C) M is neitncr hft ideal no. , risht ideai in I
(D) M is both sided ideal in l'
a s^-(R lol..) hed.r;".d hl

rr,t.l il lhln rh i r\i\ntu.rirJl!n

(: 11
(c) G:)
ll, Co6ider lhe soups Zr? ,r,"p'rcrfijrr / . l,r t 'r,, Jrrulrh.
(Bl :
(c) 6 lD) I

b6is of$. \trb,pr'le $ ul r+2y+z-0.2r+y+lz=oj

(A) (5. r. ) (B) (1. ll

(c) (1.2.0) tD) (2.

13, CDnsid.r rh. eq@lion 6'+

(Al it has.o rcal rooi (B) ir hNcxaclll one toll iool

(c) n hd ar lcasr one ,cal (D) ii hos infinitelr" mm) rea!roots

l'l MDt:I _2019

lr. Lcr!,0.[:L] rdI: r I lt ()ounuotr\ !r r u r I( i ]tll!(rr= Ir'(ii\

,lllI.r.ntrhlr m 0. rlr.o

(A) (= LE=l
(c) q2l.'J=0

15, Letf (rr.ristin r. bl.l,rr'' Ilh) = r)ard lnrv, rec. (a h) I(c) > r) ihcn

(Al theE exi36 tr l€6r one point E €la- h) such rhrr l" l:)< 0

(B) dercexisrsnopoi.tinia. b)arshich l (r) itnesarive

(c) l" G)> 0 forallr ii (a, b)

(Dl I lrr does nor v bhm$h.rein(, hl

.,-.1 F
t6. Ler, ri, dcnore,he,erora r .,r"ru,,rr(&'ilek dr'. cJ 1-.tsdrJncr, ''ltd
on rhe r*l line. Denne / \'
A.rr((r,.rlr.o, r..ii,l, I ti,, _-.1 .r then

(A) A isanemPr) sc1


rr. rlr (, =, 1 ;.:il::l rh*

(a) tn€re exists a luncttun lrsu.h rhal f(\)= I (r)in I l.1l

(B) $eE does nor exin ) runction t \uch rhar I i!) = l(r) in I l' Ii

(c) $qeexhrs rwo differenlunjqlc tuhcrions Ir sd G such $ F1r)=rlrrinI I'0l

a.d o'(r) =i(r) in{0. r1

(D) Rotle s lheorcn is.pplicable to a'. I l.l]

Letfii + R be dilTerentiable

(A) l(J) is a polrnomi,l in r

(C) a (r) = er -l for ali r

rq. r..R .o.rr .B | .. " t,r,, .; r. I..1

(c) (R) = JrR) (D) l(Rr+ J(R) =0

20. leii;. ) i bcacominuou\ ,li)o

_' i
() ,,(D)

21. L.i lbc monoronc futrciir$ in


(c) lim

njr" p(r) d.

honoscn.ous lnncrionsoldegree0,hzlin8 coilinuous li$l

23. la f(r. y)md s(r-t)be
.rder ndiJ den\ai\c\. (' J . ., lnenru'31r"

(c) J=0 ,Dr I .antroi bc detefrined

,(, 4r_-looo,'; -lauo^" 'u'_ ,q, /. ''nu : r''t _ ''

.{ .'.
25. Chdse the corect one : r'l _

:' h'' nu(rn!c;r

,ar An unbouniled se,rEIE.
't " 'ii_{_r(tue
(B) An ubound$;q;c in imav halecon\cr!'m luh{quence

(C) lf mr two sub_squen$ (n J hou'ded sequcnce 'n : con\'r!'h{m'lim rhcn

Lh. is conv.rlcnl

(D) AconverSe equ€'ccnr i ma) ha\eLlsiin'rsubsequcn'esconrcrgirylo

diiTerent limirs-

,6, Itc ndius ol convcrgencc ol rh. ,os{ sdEs t lr r( lrl"rn*/tr

(B) ;
{A) I

(l) ) l
(a) J(,)..(n.r(,) r"[0.11

ror rr'1.r1'1.r1'1 "lol

(o r(r)<i(r).rG))r(r) m o.l

lDr r(r)<r{r).rlr).J{rt I
^', a?\

28. -er'. .\.JnJ em.turor... in,,t11 nrenrt'a., n\

( ) r'oay nor b€cominuou\otr (a. b)

(B) i. ai b.n. b€ pie.ctr1scc(, inuouson rr. h)

(c) i a continlous on (a, b)

(D) f'has infinik dNcominun! on lr. h)

29. The tr$ of rhe region b.unJeJ h\ gccurlc) =.1 & an!!- ) = 0is

(st l,q. *ir

l't NlDl.l 2019

J0. rdi 6! Lnun.l.rl i L (oN,J{1lt.dr't d, l1\r llr.irh'5'r(s

nor elen point*ie conrrlcnr s0b_inleNalol l0. II

B) only poi.lsise convergc in ev.r) \ull'in!enalot L1). II

unilnml] conrerlcnrr.\cn c.Drr.tsubii(.nrl l0

D) dir.rleni fiou-(houl rht Ne^!l

Lc u(, ')=\' )r. {, rl

(A) f(z)hanalirc rnncton

(Bi f(z) n nor a. uallu! tun$.n

l(, aRequa'L n, Llu hL,l\l

Itr) (zr \ Ll,r'Ietenrichl(t\.rJ

32. l,t f

zd+ c- *beRitts!u,Ehl.ninrn
(B) €z+ c. *here c is sunabl. n,nnir
(c) z:ez+.. where c is suiuble consrmr

.z':+ c where c nsuitableconshl

31. b!f(z)= Rc z.Thcn

(A) lis di*onii.uouse\eqshocon
(B) l is diferentiable e*ryshcr€on
(C) iis diffcrenriable at no Point ol a
(D) lis analytic on a
lrr. Consider rhe senes I i ,. rhen ir
(A) is nowhee co nve Beni
(B) is everywhcre converscn( on

(C) converges in D = tz € a.Rc z>

(D) rm\<rscsinL= ,e

35. Given !h C h. bldenor th.erorallrcrtvalued conrinuous llndions on ta,blsda

metric d oo c lablb€dcllhc.l hld(t s) = n'pliir) - s(rl I!<r:bl thcn

(A) ircompl.temedc spee

(B) .ompl.le netic sDare
(C) such ihal all Cauchy s.llctrces do nor halc conrrrenr subsequences
(D) suchrhaiCalchysqEnceshatcat hri onlr hounded sub scquenccs
. .? i
J6. kr x deno,. $ c t,, I , o. ,u ..r .ar*d rc,!-;,,i i.i.,i.
'he ^.- 1o ,1 o
d on X be defin db) d(x.y). r (r) !(r) dl lor all t.I € x l,cr\ : [0. l]

(B) II Cauchl dconlcrscnt \ in

Cauchy bur norconrcrrenl li

37. Leld:ZxZ Ji hdefined hy

ou ' Io rrr= )
"= ln r. trhr.<mFrlrNsirivernrcA suLhlhart0r..di!derr-)l
bul lomdocsn.ldividc(r y)

(A) d deliies a n€riic on ,

(B) d does nor obe] $e rriolle propcnr
(C) d is nd *elt-deindl
(D) Slmrnery aion h nor rm6t.

18. l,er ishr-mg[d lianlte q irh ZAts(, _ 9r)o I_cr p h. rhc mJ_poinr of BC
bc a
^ADc md
Q b. a poinr on aB \trpp..,. rh3r rh. i.nrrb,n,r( . :r is,,,
- \( r., = !. zApe = lJ
Then th.lcdgLh ntAO 5


19. lhe \fne\ d rh. tengh & tdru.Ecr@ u, rh.rdra1. ,

.r\ , J- 0,d ,0rastrrr,..p<(L.rt\ b!

40. Tne eqution ofthe ptme which brches rheco.ef+ 4y: _ j/+ 4r, _ 612 + 1, = {]
.lona dr acne6lor who* diBtion \etor is (1. t. l) n
(A) 4r+3y 72=0 (B) 4l+t\ -77=o
(C) 3r-4r-82=0 (D) lr+.t) 7/=0
PUMI,ET.M I.D.ric'
41, Av&iablc poinr P is nrh tur ilsdisrece lixm the y-axjs is alqayj e{tuEll0 irsdjsrai.(
lrcm lhe planer - z


42, Ihe cqulon oathc cylinder wtrh Eui,lir! -')t*

padl.llo r = y . is

lA) 5l+ l): + lz)+ ao + u,7 rt = r) l)r

r l)l

)i ir.t /r 41,? \4,


a.t. lora !e(ror n =(2( .r)k. a*ald lirnction O.such rhar

(c) tr /+!.slsr.! A. \ L" {nrL

(D) D, )z + r i!. uh<rer i..&! r.trrbr

tl ttl)ET_!019

15. (ien.ri \nlti{rNrl ll)r ll).l)\ r' j.

rA, ) AeL - B{. ;.". }heie a. tr Garhi,Ea -,tr"dr

lB, ] Aer' .Be ;(''.\h.n'\.lld( nh'FcF.oNr'mh

,c. \ -Acr -Be ie''."h..^.ltde,,t mr).."'bb

(D) y = Aezi + Bd + cr'. *h.t A. B lre uhitr$ connd6

me$od s rnat emi ,s< r0

.., .!
(A) 9 a.'.: ilr) l)
r(r rl '1.j

(.ll.7 $rh lnmuh for (he ftst dernltire l'(r)= ul

rr. the values ollhe consrul\ thal lhc

(r - h)+p(r)+YrG +h) !iv* cxacr values ior all pollnoniah olnaxinum de ree rwo

I qr i.o.rh '8, -2h.0.-h

]I o
'., i o.i
- 'rr' 2-h i;
.rt lr =i,, [ -;)-^*-',r,he u ero, conlrrs{(L is

I 1

!h. nDdom variable r tlcs rhc vallt\ 0. I r. r and ns mean N

ii. rrP(r = o) =r5*d

I r,."

5 r5

(c) l

50. Inasimple hamonic mo(ion. rhed'suncu "r. MLle fM tt(J mrd@,m.rt oifi
the cosecutile sconds are r. y. i Il€ inc iriod olaconrplere oscillltion is

l?) l :u]

., 'll*l l
[',';l tl' l

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