Computer Science Important Quesitons

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Chapter No: 1 Operating System

Short Questions Long Questions

Mention three advantages of UNIX Mention the tasks performed by the
operating System? Operating system?
Differentiate between Compare DOS with Windows
multiprogramming and time-sharing Operating system?
operating system?
Differentiate between single user and Describe the five states of process
multiuser operating system? with diagram?
Why Memory management is
required in a computer?
Why protection system is required in
a computer?
What is a thread?
Differentiate between
multiprogramming and
multithreading by giving one example

Chapter No: 2 System Development Life Cycle

Short Questions Long Questions

What is a System? Define software development life cycle
(SDLC). What are its objectives?
What are the objectives of SDLC? Who are stakeholders of SDLC?
Describe their responsibilities?
Give some activities of planning What is feasibility study? Explain its
Phase? different types?
Differentiate between functional and Which personnel are involved in
non-functional requirements? SDLC? Explain their role briefly.
Explain flow chart symbols?
What is the purpose of
Testing/Verification phase of SDLC?
Give main activities of
Implementation phase?
Chapter No3: Object Oriented Programming in C++

Short Questions Long Questions

Define reserved words and give three All questions given at the end of
examples exercise are important.
What is the purpose of using header Lab Activities
file in program?
Why escape sequence is used? Give Write a program that reads length
three examples with explanation. and breadth of a rectangle and prints
its area.
Differentiate between relational and Write a program that reads
logical operators? temperature in Fahrenheit and prints
its equivalent temperature in Celsius
using the formula C=5/9(f-32)
What is meant by order of precedence
of operators?
What are comments in c++ program?
For what purpose comments are
What is meant by operator?
What is meant by expression in C++?
Define Compound Expression

Chapter No4: Control Structure

Short Questions Long Questions

Differentiate between if-else and else- Difference between WHILE loop and
if statements? DO-WHILE Loop? Page no87 book
Differentiate between for and while Difference between IF-ELSE and
loop? SWITCH statements? Page no79
What is the usage of break and Explain purpose of switch statement
continue statements in C programs? with syntax and example?
What is the purpose of exit function? Lab Activities
What is nested loop? Give one Lab Activities No: ii, iii, v, vi, ix, x, xii,
example xiii,
Short questions no vii, ix, x given at
the end of chapter
Chapter No5: Arrays and Strings

Short Questions Long Questions

Define array and give its advantages What is an array? Explain one
in programming? dimensional array in detail with one
Differentiate between one Explain two dimensional array in
dimensional and two dimensional detail with one example?
What is the purpose of sizeof() What are strings? How strings are
function? Give one example defined in C++? Give examples
Define string and explain how it is Lab Activities
stored in computer memory?
Lab Activities No: ii, iii+ All examples
read in the chapter

Chapter No: 6 Functions

Short Questions Long Questions

What is a function? Define default argument? Give the
advantages and disadvantages of
default arguments?
What are the types of function? Explain function components with
Explain them examples?
Explain function components? What is function signature? Explain
its different parts?
Define default argument? Explain the scope of different types of
variables used in functions?
What is meant by the term function What are parameters? Explain their
signature? types with examples
What are parameters? Name Lab Activities
different types of parameters.
What is meant by function prototype? Write a c++ program having two
function names area and perimeter to
find the area and perimeter of a
What is meant by function definition? Write a c++ program to read a
number from the keyboard and then
pass it to a function to determine
whether it is prime or composite.
What is a Local/Automatic variable? Write a c++ program to get an integer
number from keyboard in the main
program and pass it as an argument
to a function where it calculate and
display the table.
What is meant by global variable?
What is static variable?
What is meant by formal parameter?
What is meant by actual parameter?

Chapter No: 8 Class & Objects

Short Questions Long Questions

Define the term object and Class? How objects are created to access
members of the class
What are access specifiers? What are access specifiers? Explain
private and public specifier with
What is data hiding? OR What is Explain inheritance and
Encapsulation? polymorphism with examples.
Explain constructor and destructor
class member functions with
What is meant by member function?
What is meant by inheritance?
What is meant by polymorphism?
What is private access specifier?
What is default/ implicit constructor?
What is User-defined/ Explicit
What is meant by constructor

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