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Original Research

A theoretical analysis of how plant growth is limited by

carbon allocation strategies and respiration

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Bethany L. Holland1,*, Nicholas A. M. Monk2, Richard H. Clayton3 and Colin P. Osborne1
Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S3 7RH, UK
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 4DP, UK
Received: 20 November 2018  Editorial decision: 11 April 2019 Accepted: 26 April 2019
Citation: 2019. A theoretical analysis of how plant growth is limited by carbon allocation strategies and respiration. In Silico Plants
2019: diz004; doi: 10.1093/insilicoplants/diz004

Abstract.  Improving crop yield is essential to meet increasing global food demands. Boosting crop yield requires
the coordination of carbon acquisition by leaves and carbon utilization by roots and seeds. Simple modelling ap-
proaches may be used to explain how this coordination is achieved within plant growth. Here, the limits to allocation
strategies and the influence of maintenance costs are explored by analysing the sensitivity of a simple root–shoot
carbon allocation model for vegetative and reproductive growth. The model is formulated based on fundamental
constraints on plant growth and therefore can be applied to all plants. This general but quantitative approach shows
that the relative costs of root and leaf respiration alter the relationship between carbon allocation and final plant
size, enabling a range of allocation strategies to produce a similar total amount of plant material during vegetative
growth. This plasticity is enhanced by increasing assimilation rate within the model. Results show that high leaf al-
location during vegetative growth promotes early reproduction with respect to yield. Having higher respiration in
leaves than roots delays the optimal age to reproduce for plants with high leaf allocation during vegetative growth
and increases the restrictions on flowering time for plants with high root allocation during vegetative growth. It is
shown that, when leaf respiration is higher than root respiration, reallocating carbon towards the roots can increase
the total amount of plant material. This analysis indicates that crop improvement strategies should consider the ef-
fects of maintenance costs on growth, a previously under-appreciated mechanism for yield enhancement.

Keywords:  Carbon allocation; model; plant growth; reproductive growth; respiration; sink; source; vegetative growth

Introduction of all visible light during growing seasons (Long et  al.
2015). Out of all plant processes, photosynthesis is the
Improving crop yield is considered vital for meeting
best understood at the mechanistic level, which facili-
increasing global food demands (Fischer et  al. 2009;
tates the current focus on investigating the efficiency of
Beddington et  al. 2011), and new approaches are
photosynthesis in crop research. However, the benefits
needed to break through existing yield barriers. Modern
gained from such increases in photosynthetic rates are
crops have been selectively bred to have increased pro-
not only limited by nutrients, temperature and water,
portions of biomass in harvestable material in order to
but also the energy requirements for growth of non-
maximize yield (Génard et  al. 2008). Additionally, light
photosynthetic plant parts (e.g. roots and seeds) and
interception has been maximized to allow of 80–90 %
their maintenance.

*Corresponding author’s e-mail address:

© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Holland et al. - Plant growth by carbon allocation and respiration

Crop yields depend on the accumulation of biomass predictions based on the current understanding that can
via growth and its allocation (partitioning of resources) be tested via experimentation. A modelling approach is
to harvestable plant parts. Environmental trade-offs and therefore adopted for the specific research questions in
metabolic costs can impact the allocation of carbon be- this paper.
tween leaves and roots. For example, a lack of water or It remains unclear what internal mechanisms are re-
nutrients within the soil can lead to a plant allocating sponsible for biomass partitioning, since plant growth
more carbon into roots (Bongarten and Teskey 1987; models use a variety of different assumptions for allo-
White et al. 2016). Conversely, if there is a lack of light cation (Ewel and Gholz 1991; Luxmoore 1991; Weinstein
or a loss of leaves, more carbon will be partitioned to- et al. 1991; Dewar et al. 1994). Some more recent models

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wards the leaves (Kozlowski 1949; Barney 1951; Nelson assume allocation based on a functional balance of re-
1964; Murthy 1990). A  plant’s size can impose limita- sources to leaves and roots and is calibrated to maximize
tions on carbon acquisition when considering light lim- plant relative growth rate (Zerihun et al. 2000; Buckley
itation. Growing surplus leaves per unit ground area and Roberts 2006; Feller et al. 2015). Most carbon allo-
(increasing leaf area index [LAI]) leads to self-shading cation or plant growth models investigate the effects of
and reduces potential light absorption by the lower leaf environmental conditions, herbivory, senescence and/or
layers. Additionally, a large plant requires more energy pruning on plant growth (Hogsett et al. 1985; Ford and
for respiration and tissue turnover than a small plant. Keister 1990; Luxmoore 1991; Weinstein et  al. 1991),
For example, in the case of forest stands, a decline in net and ignore the effects of different potential allocation
primary productivity with stand age and size is thought strategies between leaves and roots on growth and how
to arise from high levels of respiration compared with cellular processes such as photosynthesis and respira-
photosynthesis, restrictions on water transport and nu- tion alter this. However, any strategy for increasing pro-
trient limitations on photosynthesis (Hunt et al. 1999). ductivity must balance the allocation of carbon to the
The costs of maintenance respiration may differ be- growth of source and sink tissues. Here, a carbon source
tween leaves and roots. Johnson (1983) suggests, from is defined as a net exporter of carbon to the rest of the
a theoretical analysis, that the cost of respiration in the plant, where carbon is acquired from the environment
roots is higher than that in the leaves, which is a con- (i.e. mature leaves via photosynthesis), while sinks are
sequence of nitrogen and anion uptake and assimila- net importers of carbon from internal sources (Doehlert
tion being very expensive within the roots. Conversely, 1993), and include young leaves, seeds and roots.
Tjoelker et  al. (2005) show empirically that leaf respi- Understanding the developmental stage at which
ration varies between 1 and 2.25 times higher per unit a plant should reproduce can bring insights into op-
mass than root respiration for 39 grassland and sa- timal strategies that a plant should adopt when faced
vannah species. These examples show that the cost of with environmental or biotic hazards and has a limited
maintaining a leaf may not always be equal to that re- amount of time to reproduce before it is killed by an ex-
quired to maintain a root. Amthor et al. (2019) argue that ternal factor. Equally, when considering crop production
respiration should be a focus in optimizing crop produc- in a seasonal climate, development must be completed
tivity. Knowing that there are species where respiration during a growing season of limited duration. Many
in the leaves is more than twice the cost of respiration have investigated the effects of flowering time on yield
in the roots (Tjoelker et al. 2005), it becomes important (Cohen 1971; King and Roughgarden 1982; Guilbaud
to investigate the limitations on carbon allocation with et  al. 2015) and specifically focused on environmental
different ratios of leaf and root maintenance. heterogeneity (Paltridge and Denholm 1974; Ledder
Whole plant processes which affect plant growth are et al. 2004), multiple reproductive phases (Chiariello and
well defined in isolation (e.g. photosynthesis (Farquhar Roughgarden 1984) and photosynthetic rates (Schaffer
et  al. 1980) and respiration (Amthor 1986)), but there et  al. 1982). Yet, the effects on yield when varying al-
is a lack of knowledge about how such processes de- location between leaves and roots during vegetative
fining growth work together to determine the allocation growth were not addressed.
of growth to above- and below-ground biomass. Here, This paper explores the following questions: (i) How
modelling plant growth can be beneficial. Modelling can does varying the allocation of carbon for growth be-
provide a way of assessing how different mechanisms tween leaves and roots alter total plant biomass during
interact, which can be limited by experiments alone due vegetative growth? (ii) How do the processes of respi-
to a lack of fine control over each process. It also helps ration and photosynthesis constrain possible strat-
to refine the potential range of questions that are ad- egies of allocation between leaves and roots? (iii) Does
dressed with experiments, and allows more targeted hy- increasing allocation towards the roots always lead to
pothesis testing. In particular, it formalizes quantitative a decrease in overall plant size? (iv) How does varying

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Holland et al. - Plant growth by carbon allocation and respiration

allocation between leaves and roots during vegetative The physiological perspective defines growth by the
growth and flowering time alter reproductive output acquisition and loss of carbon via photosynthesis and
(which is equivalent to seed yield in the case of crops)? respiration, respectively (Lambers et  al. 1990). This ex-
These are addressed by analysing the sensitivity of a presses carbon gain as the difference between carbon
simple carbon allocation model for vegetative and re- acquired via photosynthesis (source strength) and the
productive growth. All values within this paper are di- loss of carbon through respiration:
mensionless in order to look at the general behaviour of
Net carbon gain = Al − R1 l − R2 r,
the model.
Our model of plant growth dynamics is based on the where Al represents the rate of carbon assimilation (A is

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balance between carbon assimilation rate (photosyn- assimilation rate per unit leaf tissue and l is the amount
thesis) and carbon usage rate (growth and respiration). of leaf tissue) and R1 l and R2 r is the rate of use of
While the absolute values of these processes vary signif- carbon for maintaining plant material (R1 and R2 are leaf
icantly in different plants, we aim to capture the generic and root respiration and r is the amount of root tissue
features of the dynamic balance between them. In order [dimensionless]). This formulation accounts for the fact
to do so, we study our model in dimensionless form. Plant that not all carbon assimilated is used for the growth of
growth depends on many different factors and there- new plant tissue; some is used for the maintenance of
fore plant growth models can become extensive and in- existing tissue and other metabolic processes.
clude many parameters which do not necessarily exert The second perspective is the development of source
strong control over the results. Importantly, the solution and sink tissues. Here, plants are conceptualized as
of the model may not necessarily depend on all of its modular structures, where a module is one of the re-
parameters independently. Non-dimensionalization al- peating units from which a plant is constructed (e.g.
lows a model to be simplified by removing those extra leaves, roots or cells) and growth is assumed to be a
parameters that can be combined, and removing the function of module initiation rates (the rate at which
units. This approach has the advantage of identifying each module is constructed). Growth in this case is de-
the specific combinations of model parameters that fined as the development of individual leaves and roots
control the scaling of model solutions. It results in a (Pritchard et  al. 1999), which can be expressed as the
model that contains a minimal set of effective param- combination of organ initiation rates:
eters, whose solutions depend on the relative magni- (2)
Growth = µ1 Ml + µ2 Mr ,
tudes of different processes. Importantly, the solutions
where µ1 and µ2 are the module initiation rates of leaves
of any dimensional form of the model are obtained from
and roots, and Ml and Mr are the sizes of leaf and root
the non-dimensional solutions by scaling. This approach
modules, respectively. Individually, these perspectives
allows the sensitivity of plant growth to changes in allo-
bring limited insights. The physiological approach is
cation, photosynthesis and respiration to be explored in
resource driven and the developmental perspective is
their broadest sense. The model results are described as
driven by the carbon requirements for the growth of new
changes in ratios or relationships between parameters;
organs. By combining these perspectives, the model
the inclusion of units does not change these relation-
simulates plant growth based on fundamental con-
ships (see Appendix 1 for further detail).
straints (White et al. 2016), allowing the exploration of
how physiological rates, allocation and developmental
rates interact to control growth.
Model description
The model considers only carbon sources and sinks, Assumptions
with no soil or other environmental interactions. Sink Simplifying assumptions mean that the model is best in-
or source strength can be defined as the combination terpreted as a simulation of monocarpic species growing
of source or sink size and activity, which relates to the in warm, fertile conditions, with strong competition for
uptake or export rate of a particular resource. By com- light within a closed leaf canopy. This is closest to the
bining two alternative, but complementary, perspec- situation for annual crops. Although the developmental
tives, the model simultaneously accounts for net carbon pattern of these plants means that the limits simulated
export rate from the leaves (source strength), internal by the model are never reached in nature, these limits
carbon allocation to leaves for growth (growth of source set boundaries that development cannot exceed. Roots
size) and roots or seeds for growth (growth of sink size), are modelled as carbon sinks, which account for all non-
and the development of leaves, roots and seeds (White photosynthetic plant parts. The model does not simulate
et al. 2016). soil nutrient limitations or capture other environmental

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Holland et al. - Plant growth by carbon allocation and respiration

limitations such as temperature or drought. This allows pattern. However, a useful approximation for this is when
the effects of carbon allocation on growth to be directly resource uptake and use become balanced (due to self-
analysed. shading), given that there is no senescence of leaves
or roots in the model. It can be argued that the decline
Photosynthesis The rate of carbon assimilation by pho- in plant relative growth rates is caused by plants be-
tosynthesis is assumed to be the sole mechanism of coming less efficient as they grow due to self-shading
carbon acquisition and is modelled as the average and tissue ageing (Evans 1972; Rees et  al. 2010), while
canopy photosynthetic rate, which is a decreasing func- others suggest it is due to increased allocation of growth
tion of the total leaf area. As LAI increases, the average towards non-photosynthetic plant compartments (roots

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unit rate of photosynthesis (per unit of leaf area) de- and stems) and reductions in soil nutrients (Paine et al.
creases due to self-shading (Pury and Farquhar 1997). 2012; Philipson et  al. 2012). Simulating steady-state
Assimilation rate is chosen to be plant growth is commonly used for plant growth models
θA0 (Thornley 1972; Charles-Edwards 1976; Reynolds and
A(l) = , Thornley 1982; Hirose 1986; Yin and Schapendonk 2004)
and it can be argued that they can be applied to non-
where θ is the shading coefficient, A0 is the unit rate of steady-state conditions (Hirose 1986; Agren and Ingestad
photosynthesis for an unshaded leaf and l is the amount 1987; Hirose et al. 1988: Van Der Werf et al. 1993).
of leaf tissue. When l = θ , the rate of photosynthesis per
unit leaf area is half of its maximum (unshaded) value. Reproductive growth Roots are the only sink organ
Increasing the shading coefficient (θ) reduces the effect modelled during vegetative development, and roots and
of shading on the assimilation rate. leaves both stop growing after a plant transitions from
vegetative to reproductive growth. During reproduc-
Determinate growth Acquired carbon can either be al- tive development, the only sinks are seed growth and
located for growth and its associated cost (growth res- the respiration required to maintain existing roots and
piration) or used for maintenance respiration, where the leaves. This transition to reproductive growth is imposed
cost of maintenance is linearly dependent upon the size at numerous stages of a plant’s life. These assumptions
of the plant (Ryan 1991) (Eq. (9)). The carbon allocated approximately replicate what happens during the devel-
towards growth encompasses the cost of growth respi- opment of annual crops such as wheat and rice (Atwell
ration since this is a dimensionless system. A necessary et al. 1999).
condition for growth is that the assimilation rate must
always be greater than the respiration rate. This provides Senescence There is no turnover or senescence of plant
a natural constraint on appropriate parameter values. tissues in the model, and source strength is maintained
In the model, plants grow until canopy photosynthesis during reproductive development. This is a simplifica-
is exactly counterbalanced by total plant respiration, tion that ignores the decline in source activity that oc-
which sets a final plant size. Once this size is reached, curs in annual crops during seed growth, which is linked
no further growth occurs. Although a maximum size set to the remobilization of nitrogen from leaves to seeds
by source–sink balance has been hypothesized for forest (Masclaux et al. 2001).
trees (Hunt et  al. 1999; Day et  al. 2001), this idea has
been superseded by hypotheses relating to water and Resource allocation The balance of carbon alloca-
nutrient limitation of growth in tall trees and reductions tion between sources and sinks is assumed to be fixed
in photosynthetic efficiency (Gower et  al. 1996; Murty such that the model simulates one allocation strategy
et  al. 1996). However, despite being inappropriate for throughout determinate growth. This ensures easy an-
trees, this approach may be suitable for plants which alytical comparisons between allocation strategies, but
do not grow indefinitely (determinate growth) such ignores ontogenic drift in allocation. Allocation strategy
as monocarpic, herbaceous species, including annual is dependent upon module initiation rates of leaves and
crops, where plants reproduce once before dying and roots, where the root module initiation rate is a fixed
can be assumed to maximize reproductive output (i.e. proportion of leaf initiation rate:
seeds) using available resources. For many crops, the
µ2 = αµ1 ,
harvestable plant parts are the roots; therefore, within
this framework, seeds are used to describe any repro- where α is the allocation coefficient. For example, when
ductive organ that stores carbon. α = 2, twice as much carbon is allocated to roots than
For annual crops, the cessation of vegetative growth is leaves and when α = 1/2, twice as much carbon is allo-
brought about through a pre-determined developmental cated to leaves than roots.

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Model behaviour effect of self-shading on photosynthesis, is a decreasing

function of l. Using the functional form given in Eq. (3),
Vegetative growth the general form of the steady-state curve Äis illustrated
Leaf and root growth can be individually expressed as in Fig. 1. The curve has a peak at l = θ A0 /R1 − 1 ,
î ó2
dl r = (θR1 /R2 ) A0 /R1 − 1 and maximum leaf tissue is
= µ 1 ml , determined by l = θ(A0 − R1 )/R1. Therefore, the qualita-
tive shape of the blue curve is independent of R2, which
determines only the height of the curve. The location
dr of the peak of the curve is determined by A0 /R1; there-

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= µ 2 mr ,
dt fore, optimizing the ratio between the unshaded rate of
where ml and mr are leaf and root module size, respec- photosynthesis and leaf respiration increases final plant
tively. Using Eq. (4), root and leaf growth are related by size within this framework, which is to be expected.
The steady-state curve (black line) begins with a steep
dr dl
= mα , increase, which is the ratio of root tissue to leaf tissue
dt dt
increasing because a much higher quantity of carbon
where m = mr /ml . is required for root respiration to balance out assimila-
Therefore, growth trajectories are given by tion from the leaves. As leaf tissue increases, the level of
dr dr/dt self-shading increases. Once assimilation rate reaches
= = mα its maximum, additional leaves are costly and less root
dl dl/dt
tissue is required for respiration to balance the canopy
As a consequence of assuming a constant allocation
assimilation rate. This explains the decline in the steady-
strategy, the growth trajectories are straight lines with
state curve. For the purposes of behaviour illustration,
gradient mα. Each growth trajectory represents the du-
the following default parameters: A0 = 10, θ = 10 , m = 1,
ration of plant growth from a seedling to the point, in
α = 1, R1 = 2, R2 = 2, with initial conditions of l = 0.01 and
which plant material reaches steady state as a function
r = 0 will be used.
of leaf and root tissue and varies dependent upon initial
The orange line in Fig. 1 is the vegetative growth tra-
seedling size.
jectory, which represents the growth of a plant from
The physiological perspective (Eq. (1)) defines the
seedling to a steady state at which the rates of pho-
growth rate as the difference between the rates of
tosynthesis and respiration are equal. The growth
photosynthesis and respiration. Carbon assimilated
by the plant via photosynthesis is distributed between
maintenance respiration and growth (including growth 20
dl dr Trajectory
A(l)l = R1 l + R2 r + + , 15 Flow
dt dt
Root mass

Substituting from Eq. (7):

dl 10
A(l)l = R1 l + R2 r + [1 + mα] ,
and therefore
dl 1 5
= (A(l)l − R1 l − R2 r)
dt 1 + mα
Using Eq. (7) again gives
dr mα 0 10 20 30 40
= (A(l)l − R1 l − R2 r)
dt 1 + mα Leaf mass
The model is given by Eqs (11) and (12). Steady states of Fig. 1. The range of steady-state solutions (Eq. (13)) (given by
values of l and r for which the ratio of respiration and photosyn-
the model satisfy the equation
thesis are equal) (black line) with a plot of the vector field [(dl/dt,
A(l)l − R1 l dr/dt)] showing the local direction of growth trajectories. An ex-
r= , ample trajectory is also shown (orange line). Using A0 = 10, θ = 10 ,
R1 = R2 = 2, αm = 1 with an initial seedling size of l = 0.01, r = 0.
which corresponds to a continuous curve in the (l, r) Assumes vegetative growth only (no reproduction). All model
phase space. The function A(l), which represents the parameters are dimensionless.

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Holland et al. - Plant growth by carbon allocation and respiration

trajectories are straight lines in the l, r plane with gra-

dient αm. Allocation is a combination of balance be- R1 » 
αmax = A0 /R1 − 1 .
tween allocation and module size. The straight line R2
signifies a constant ratio of root to leaf tissue allocation Fig. 2a shows several growth trajectories for different
as the plant grows. The root to leaf ratio at steady state allocation strategies (α ) when the cost of leaf and root
depends on αm, initial leaf and root tissue, and the black maintenance respiration is equal (R1 = R2). The choice
steady-state curve. Fig. 1 also shows the vector field in of allocation strategy determines the point at which
blue [(dl/dt), (dr/dt)]. This illustrates the fact that only the growth trajectory intersects the steady-state curve.
the portion of the steady-state curve with a negative This determines the ratio of root and leaf material and

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gradient (solid line) corresponds to steady states that total plant size at steady state. These final plant sizes
are stable. Biologically, this represents plants in which can be related to yield as a larger plant produces a
the roots account for the majority of total plant mate- greater yield than a smaller one. For these parameters,
rial with very few leaves. These situations are unrealistic steady-state total plant size is a decreasing function of
given the assumption that roots are only considered as allocation strategy. In other words, strategies which fa-
carbon sinks. The maximum stable allocation strategy is vour leaf growth result in larger steady-state total plant
defined as size than those favouring root growth, when roots are

(a) (b)
14 =3/5 35 =2/5
=4/5 =3/5
12 =1 30 =4/5
Total plant mass

10 =4 25 =1
Root mass

=6 =2
8 =8 20 =4
6 15
4 10

2 5
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 5 10
Leaf mass Time

(c) (d)

1000 40
Final plant mass

Final plant mass


200 10

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 5 10
Photosynthetic efficiency (A 0) Allocation strategy ( )
Fig. 2.  (A) The range of steady-state solutions (blue line) with multiple growth trajectories for different allocation strategies. (B) Growth curves
for multiple allocation strategies when A0 = 10, θ = 10 , m = 1, R1 = 2 and R2 = 2. (C) The relationship between photosynthetic efficiency (A0)
and final plant size when θ = 10 , m = 1, α = 1, and leaf and root respiration is equal (R1 = 2 = R2 = 2). (D) The relationship between allocation
strategy and final plant size when A0 = 10, θ = 10 , m = 1, R1 = 2 and R2 = 2. All simulations were performed with initial conditions of l = 0.01
and r = 0, and all model parameters are dimensionless.

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Holland et al. - Plant growth by carbon allocation and respiration

only considered as sinks. The same effects also apply How do maintenance costs limit carbon
to growth rates (Fig. 2b). The constant allocation ratio allocation?
implies that the intersection between the vegetative
growth line and the steady-state curve (final plant Within the model, growth depends on the allocation of
size) is dependent upon the choice of initial seedling carbon to plant compartments, the assimilation of carbon
size and the steepness of the growth trajectory (alloca- via photosynthesis and loss of carbon via maintenance
tion strategy). Varying the allocation strategy can alter respiration. How these processes interact together can
the point at which the growth trajectory reaches the provide insight into the limitations on growth. In partic-
steady-state curve. ular, how do maintenance costs limit the range of carbon

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The effects of shading are a decreasing function of allocation strategies which alter final plant size?
the shading coefficient θ; thus, steady-state total plant
size is a decreasing function of θ, since both the peak When leaf and root maintenance costs are equal,
of the steady-state curve and maximum leaf tissue de- unshaded assimilation rate reduces limitations to
pend on shading. Increasing A0 has a positive impact on carbon allocation
final plant size as expected (Fig. 2c). As the shading co- In the circumstances when the costs of leaf and root
efficient tends towards infinity, the assimilation rate be- maintenance respiration are equal, increasing alloca-
comes unconstrained and plant material continuously tion towards the leaves increases final plant size. Fig. 2d
increases. Conversely, imposing a very small shading co- shows the effect of varying allocation strategy on final
efficient highly constrains assimilation rate and leads to plant size. With default parameters, final plant size
a very small final plant material. decreases as α increases, until α = 4, then the plant
These behaviours imply that the model represents the does not have enough carbon to grow when allocation
growth of a plant in a reasonable manner reproducing favours the roots. The maximum allocation strategy for
well-known phenomena. stable steady-state solutions is αmax = 1.2361. This im-
plies that carbon allocation is limited by an upper bound
Reproductive growth on root strategies; therefore, only plants which allocate
Formulated in terms of the current model, a plant under- up to 1.2361 times more carbon to root growth than
goes vegetative growth from an initial seedling size leaves are realistic given the parameter set. A sensitivity
using Eqs (11) and (12) with a pre-determined alloca- analysis shows how this upper bound is changed by al-
tion strategy. The plant can then decide to reproduce at ternative model parameterizations (see Appendix 2).
any developmental stage. Once the plant has made the There are two parameters within the model that vary
life history decision to reproduce, no further vegetative the effect of assimilation rate; the unshaded assimila-
growth occurs, total leaf and root mass become fixed at tion rate and the shading coefficient. Increases in the
this point in time and the reproductive sink increases in unshaded assimilation rate cause both the maximum
size until the steady state is reached. Since the growth of final plant size and the upper bound of root allocation to
leaves and roots is set to zero, all carbon made available increase. For example, when increasing unshaded assim-
from the plant minus respiratory costs at its chosen de- ilation to A0 = 20, the limit to root allocation is reached
velopmental stage is invested into seed production. Leaf approximately when αmax = 2.1623. Fig. 3 shows the re-
and root biomass from the chosen developmental stage lationship between allocation strategy and final plant size
are the new initial conditions for the reproductive stage with multiple unshaded assimilation rates. The gradients
of growth. Within this framework, the seeds themselves of these lines are not altered when varying A0. Therefore,
have the same respiratory cost as roots and simply rep- the model behaves reasonably, confirming that, having a
resent an additional sink. The model then becomes higher unshaded assimilation rate ensures that the plant
has more carbon available to allocate towards new mod-
ds ules, enabling a plant to allocate more towards the roots.
= A(l)l − R1 l − R2 r − R2 s,
dt In contrast, increasing the effect of shading on
where s is the amount of seed material, A is assimila- growth has no effect on the limits to carbon allocation.
tion rate, l is leaf tissue, r is root tissue, and R1 and R2 Increasing the shading coefficient (i.e. reducing the ef-
are maintenance respiration for leaves and roots and fect of shading) increases the maximum final plant size
seeds, respectively. Within this framework, there are but the upper bound on root allocation remains the
two decisions that a plant can make which alter poten- same. This is because αmax is independent of θ (Eq. (14)).
tial seed yield: (i) The allocation strategy during vege- The shading coefficient (θ) simply delays the effect of
tative growth; (ii) The developmental stage at which a shading on assimilation rate; therefore, the cost is not
plant reproduces. applied until the total leaf canopy size is high (small α ).

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This means that canopy architecture does not constrain and increasing allocation to the roots decreases final
the allocation of growth to roots within this framework. plant size. Only the negative slope of the steady-state
Further to this, using different initial conditions would curve has stable solutions during vegetative growth
alter the limits to carbon allocation since they alter the (Fig. 1b). The gradient of this curve defines the relation-
rates of photosynthesis and respiration. ship between the allocation strategy and final plant size.
If the gradient of the curve is less than −1, then when
When leaf respiration costs more than root α is large (i.e. allocation favours roots over leaves), the
respiration, increasing carbon allocation to the trajectory intersects the steady-state curve at a higher
roots can increase final plant size point (Fig. 4a). At this point, a larger plant is produced

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When leaf and root respiration are equal, increasing al- compared with the point of intersection for a smaller α .
location towards the leaves increases final plant size This is the opposite effect to when the gradient of the
curve is greater than −1, when intersecting a higher
400 point on the curve produces a smaller plant when com-
A=10 pared with having a smaller α (Fig. 4b).
350 A=20 When the cost of leaf respiration is higher than the
0A=30 cost of root respiration, decreasing leaf allocation re-
300 0
A=50 duces the amount of carbon lost via respiration, en-
Final plant mass

250 A=60 abling a larger plant with a smaller leaf allocation

A=70 strategy. When increasing allocation to a much larger
200 root production strategy, there would be insufficient
carbon assimilated to produce a larger plant. This
means that, in the instance where the gradient of the
100 steady-state curve is less than −1, increasing allocation
to the roots increases final plant size. But are there any
50 realistic scenarios where this would happen? In order for
this effect to occur within the model, the gradient of the
0 steady-state curve (differentiated Eq. (13)) must be less
0 10 20 30 40 50
Allocation strategy ( ) than −1, which is equivalent to
Å ã
Fig. 3.  The relationship between allocation strategy and final plant R1 R1
size with multiple unshaded assimilation rates (A), when mainte- (16) − 1− < −1,
R2 A0
nance respiration is equal in the roots and leaves (R1 = 2, R2 = 2),
m  =  1, θ = 10 , and initial conditions l0  =  0.1 and r0  =  0. When therefore,
α < 1, more carbon is allocated to the leaves and when α > 1, Å ã
R1 R1
more carbon is allocated to the roots. All model parameters are (17)
1− > 1.
R2 A0

(a) (b)
40 40

35 35

30 30

25 25
Root mass

Root mass

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Leaf mass Leaf mass
Fig. 4.  (A) Curve of steady states (blue line) when the gradient is less than −1 with lines of constant plant size (orange lines) when A0 = 10,
θ = 10 , m = 1, R1 = 2 and R2 = 1. (B) Curve of steady states (blue line) when the gradient is greater than −1 with lines of constant plant size
(orange lines) when A0 = 10, θ = 10 , m = 1, R1 = 2 and R2 = 2 (dimensionless).

8 IN SILICO PLANTS © The Author(s) 2019

Holland et al. - Plant growth by carbon allocation and respiration

A necessary condition for growth is that A0 > R1 ; there- values defining carbon uptake (shading coefficient θ
fore, the cost of leaf respiration must be greater than and unshaded assimilation rate per leaf A0) allows this
the cost of root respiration. plasticity of final plant size to occur? Can altering these
The relationship between the allocation strategy and values limit or extend this plasticity within the model?
final plant size changes substantially when making leaf
respiration larger than root respiration. Fig. 5b shows Varying the shading coefficient has no effect on the
multiple trajectories intersecting the steady-state curve range of plasticity within the model The scenario in
with different allocation strategies. Higher allocation which leaf respiration costs twice the amount of root
strategies (large α ) intersect a higher point on the steady- respiration is fairly common across different plant spe-

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state curve and lower allocation strategies (small α ) cies (Hansen and Jensen 1977; Reich et al. 1998; Loveys
intersect a lower point on the curve. Towards the top of et al. 2003; Tjoelker et al. 2005). This implies that there is
the steady-state curve, the gradient is less steep than −1. a large range of parameter values which allow plasticity
Thus, as α increases, the point of intersection moves to occur with minimal change in final plant size. In the
further along the steady-state curve, declining in plant following sensitivity analysis, all parameters are varied
size until the gradient reaches zero. This can be seen in within the model, while leaf and root respiration remain
Fig.  5a. It shows the increase in final plant size as al- constant.
location tends towards favouring the roots. Once the α Increasing the shading coefficient has no effect on
reaches 1.2, the final plant size decreases. Therefore, the region of allocation strategies which do not alter
there is only a small region along the steady-state final plant size. For plasticity to occur, Eq. (16) must be
curve, where increasing allocation strategy increases satisfied. Since this equation is not dependent upon θ, it
the final plant size. This graph implies that allocating cannot have any effect on the range of plasticity. When
more carbon towards the roots when α < 1.2 would im- the shading coefficient is 0.5 (high shading), a plant can
prove yield. It is also important to note the small range have any strategy of α between 0.5 and 1.5 (Fig. 6a).
of final plant size in Fig. 5a—i.e. when varying allocation Within this framework, the range of allocation strategies
between two times more carbon to the leaves and two which produce similar final plant biomass is not altered
times more carbon to the roots, there is only a change by shading as increasing shading only reduces the avail-
of 4% in the final plant size when A0 = 10, θ = 0.1 and ability of carbon for allocation.
m = 1 (Fig. 5a). This implies that steady-state plant size As assimilation increases, there is more available en-
can be plastic with respect to allocation strategy, such ergy to grow; therefore, much more carbon needs to be
that over a range of α , any allocation strategy can be allocated to the roots when growth stops in the model.
implemented and achieve the same final plant size. This This means that the range over which final plant size in-
identifies two key questions: what range of parameter creases and then decreases (parabola-like curve shown

(a) (b)


Final plant mass



0.5 1 1.5 2
Allocation strategy ( )
Fig. 5.  (A) The relationship between allocation strategy and final plant size when the cost of leaf maintenance respiration is twice the cost of
root maintenance respiration. (B) The ratios of leaf and root tissue at steady state with growth trajectories for a range of allocation strategies.
Both produced with A0 = 10, θ = 0.1, m = 1, R1 = 2, R2 = 1 and initial leaf and root tissue of l0 = 0.01 and r0 = 0. αmax = 2.4721; therefore, all so-
lutions are stable within the range of alpha plotted. All model parameters are dimensionless.

IN SILICO PLANTS © The Author(s) 2019 9

Holland et al. - Plant growth by carbon allocation and respiration

(a) (b)

50 800
40 =4.5
Final plant mass

Final plant mass

30 =10

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20 A=10
200 A=50
10 A=70

0 0
0.5 1 1.5 0 2 4 6 8 10
Allocation strategy ( ) Allocation strategy ( )
Fig. 6.  The relationship between allocation strategy and final plant size (A) whilst varying shading coefficient (θ) when leaf and root main-
tenance respiration is equal. Allocation strategy is varied from α = 0.5 to the maximum stable α with A0 = 10, m = 1, R1 = 2 and R2 = 1. (B)
whilst varying unshaded assimilation rate (A) when leaf and root maintenance respiration is equal. Allocation strategy is varied from α = 0.5
to the maximum stable α with θ = 10 , m = 1, R1 = 2 and R2 = 1. Using initial leaf and root tissue of l0 = 0.01 and r0 = 0. All model parameters
are dimensionless.

in Fig. 5a) is much larger. Though this is the case, there end of their lives (Harper and White 1974), and thus it
is a much larger change in final plant size under these might be assumed that they invest all remaining pho-
scenarios. Fig. 6b shows the relationship between final tosynthetic carbon into seed production at this point, so
plant size and a range of allocation strategies which that growth approaches a steady-state situation. If this
produce a stable steady-state when varying A0. When argument is accepted, this is an interesting case to con-
unshaded assimilation rate is A0 = 10, plasticity occurs sider because many crop species are annuals (i.e. mono-
when α is between 0.5 and 2.47 (Fig. 6b), while as assim- carpic), including all cereal and grain legume crops.
ilation increases, this range shifts to root-favoured strat-
egies. When A0 = 70, plasticity occurs when α is between Seed production depends on allocation strategy
4 and 9.83 (Fig. 6b). Therefore, increasing assimilation and developmental stage
rate increases the parameter space which allows plas- Vegetative growth is simulated with a variety of alloca-
ticity of final plant size to occur and promotes a root- tion strategies. This produces multiple growth trajec-
favoured allocation strategy. tories with different gradients. An initial root tissue of 0.1
is used for each trajectory, and initial leaf tissue is deter-
mined by r = αml. This sets the initial seedling size for
How does the timing of reproduction each vegetative growth trajectory. Reproductive growth
influence yield? is then simulated by taking a point along the growth tra-
The steady-state condition when photosynthetic carbon jectory with a distinct amount of leaf and root tissue as
gain is exactly balanced by respiratory carbon loss is the initial conditions to solve Eq (17) (Fig. 7a). The time
a special case that may not be commonly achieved in taken to produce seed can be solved analytically using
nature. One situation when this may occur is in ma- Eq. (17) for a range of allocation strategies and develop-
ture forest stands, as size becomes a limiting factor on mental stages. The amount of seed produced is calcu-
growth. This balance of the rate of photosynthesis and lated and compared.
respiration rate is one mechanism proposed to explain The dependence of seed production on the develop-
why forest biomass does not increase indefinitely, but mental stage of reproduction is shown in Fig. 7b for a
tends to approach a plateau (Hunt et al. 1999; Day et al. range of allocation strategies when leaf and root respira-
2001). The general problem with such a steady state is tion are equal. Each developmental stage represents the
that, once this point is reached, the system is essentially total amount of leaf tissue as a percentage of the total
‘stuck’ unless tissues turn over. One biological situation amount of leaf tissue reached at steady state during
where this is not a problem is at the end of life in a mon- vegetative growth (percentage of total age) or in other
ocarpic plant. Monocarpic species reproduce once at the words, various stages along a plant’s lifespan if it did not

10 IN SILICO PLANTS © The Author(s) 2019

Holland et al. - Plant growth by carbon allocation and respiration

(a) (b)

50 50
Reproductive growth =1/5
Vegetative growth =2/5
40 Steady state 40 =3/5

Seed mass produced

30 30 =2
Sink size


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20 20

10 10

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 50 100
Source size Percentage of total age
Fig. 7.  (A) The range of root to leaf allocation patterns when growth stops (blue line) with a vegetative growth trajectory (orange line) starting
from an initial leaf and root tissue of l = 0.1, r = 0.1 and a reproductive growth trajectory (green line) starting from half of its total possible
vegetative size (l = 20, r = 20), when A0 = 10, m = 1, α = 1, θ = 10 and leaf respiration is equal to root respiration (R1 = 1 = R2 = 1). Sink size
includes the combined tissues of roots and seeds, while source size is the amount of leaf tissue. (B) The relationship between transition to
reproduction at different percentages of total age (percentage of the amount of total plant material at vegetative steady state) and seed
production, comparing multiple allocation strategies with an amount of initial root tissue of 0.1, and when A0 = 10, m = 1, θ = 10 , R1 = 1 and
R2 = 1. The data points (circles) represent the maximum amount of seed tissue produced for each allocation strategy. Developmental stage is
a percentage of the amount of total plant material at vegetative steady state. All model parameters are dimensionless.

reproduce. As the amount of leaf tissue increases during

growth, the amount of energy available to produce seed A(l)l − R1 l − R2 r
∆E = ,
increases and so does the level of self-shading. Once R2
the plant produces a certain amount of leaf tissue, as- where A is assimilation rate, l is the amount of leaf
similation per unit leaf tissue begins to decrease (due to tissue, r is the amount of root tissue, and R1 is mainte-
shading costs) while the cost of maintaining the plant is nance respiration for leaves and R2 is maintenance respi-
still increasing. This leads to a decline in the amount of ration for roots and seeds. Equation (18) states that the
seed tissue. A plant with an allocation strategy favouring potential energy for reproduction available at a given
leaf growth should reproduce at 25–31 % of its total po- time is equivalent to the difference between the energy
tential vegetative age to produce the maximum seed. produced via photosynthesis and the energy required to
A plant with an allocation strategy favouring root growth, maintain the leaves and roots.
should reproduce at 35–49 % of its potential vegetative With the largest potential energy producing the max-
age. A plant favouring leaf growth can reproduce at an imum yield, allocation strategies with the least steep
earlier ontogenic stage as it has already invested more trajectories have the largest potential energy. This im-
energy into leaf growth whereas a plant favouring root plies that allocation strategies favouring leaves will have
growth would need more time to develop enough leaves the largest potential energies for reproduction. Fig. 7b
to create the most seed. High leaf allocation therefore confirms this, where it is clear that allocation strategies
promotes early reproduction. Although the timing of which favour leaves produce the largest amount of seed
reproduction is affected by factors such as day length, tissue. The strategy which allocates the largest amount
temperature and stress, the balance of carbon between of carbon to the leaves produces the most seed and as
leaves and roots during vegetative growth imposes allocation towards the roots increases, yield decreases.
limits that all potential reproductive scenarios sensitive
to these factors must stay within. During vegetative growth, leaf favoured
The optimal strategy for maximizing reproductive allocation strategies promote early reproduction
output is defined by the maximum vertical distance be- The time taken to produce seed can be calculated by in-
tween the vegetative growth trajectory and the steady- tegrating Eq. (17) and rearranging to yield:
state curve. This difference is the potential energy
available to synthesize seed material. This potential en- rss − r0
(19) ,
ergy (∆E ) can be expressed as A(l)l − R1 l − R2 r

IN SILICO PLANTS © The Author(s) 2019 11

Holland et al. - Plant growth by carbon allocation and respiration

where t is the time taken to produce seed, rss is the total Higher leaf maintenance costs delay reproduction
sink size (seed + root tissue) at steady state and r0 is ini- for plants allocating more carbon to the leaves
tial root tissue (amount of root tissue at the end of veg- When increasing the cost of leaf maintenance, there is
etative growth). a reduction in seed production and therefore also in the
The time taken to produce seed decreases with the time taken to produce seed. The maximum sink size (at
developmental stage for plants favouring leaf alloca- the peak of the steady-state curve) is equivalent to
tion strategies during vegetative growth, implying that
θ Ä ä
a plant reproducing later along the vegetative trajec- rmax = A 0 R1 − R1
tory takes less time to reproduce. Fig. 8a shows that

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there is a positive linear relationship between the Therefore, as the cost of respiration tends towards the
amount of seed tissue and the time taken to produce amount of carbon assimilated via photosynthesis, the
seed. The time taken to reproduce decreases as alloca- maximum sink size decreases. Not only does the main-
tion towards the roots increases. This is because less tenance cost affect yield, but it also affects the optimal
carbon has been invested in leaf growth, so there is less age to reproduce in order to maximize yield. When
energy available from photosynthesis to produce seed maintenance costs are equal and A0 = 20, for high leaf
and it is exhausted more rapidly. For plants with a root allocation strategies, it is beneficial to reproduce be-
favoured strategy during vegetative growth, the rela- tween 20 and 23 % of the potential vegetative age if it
tionship between developmental stage and time taken did not reproduce. In contrast, for high root allocation
to produce seed is much weaker (Fig. 8b). This is due strategies, it is beneficial to reproduce within 27–41
to root allocation strategies (α > 1) creating a much % of the potential vegetative age for default param-
steeper vegetative trajectory, reducing the variation eters. However, when maintenance costs are unequal
in potential seed production for the range of develop- (R1 = 2R2 ), for high leaf allocation strategies it is benefi-
mental stages along the trajectory. This suggests that cial to reproduce between 25 and 28 % of the potential
there is a trade-off between the time taken to repro- vegetative age and for high root allocation strategies, it
duce and yield. For a plant in a hazardous environment is beneficial to reproduce within 30–38 % of the poten-
creating a reduced growing season, it may be benefi- tial vegetative age. This change in maintenance costs
cial to reproduce earlier and not obtain the maximum shifts the optimal region for leaf allocation strategies by
possible yield. For plants without constraint on the 5 % towards later reproduction and reduces the optimal
length of the growing season, the optimal age to repro- region for root allocation strategies by 6 %. This implies
duce can be chosen based on the total seed produced that having a higher maintenance cost for leaves than
as shown in Fig. 7b. the roots, whilst allocating more carbon to the leaves,

(a) (b)

50 3.5
3 =2/5
40 =1/5 =3/5
Time to reproduce

=2/5 2.5 =4/5

=3/5 =1
Seed mass

30 =4/5 2 =2
=1 =4
20 =2 1.5 =6
=4 =8
=6 1
10 =8

0 0
0 1 2 3 0 50 100
Time to produce seed Percentage of total age
Fig. 8.  (A) The relationship between the time taken to produce seed during reproductive growth and the amount of seed tissue for multiple
allocation strategies when A0 = 10, m = 1, θ = 10 and R1 = R2 = 1. When α < 1, more carbon is allocated to the leaves and when α > 1, more
carbon is allocated to the roots. Each data point represents a different developmental stage. (B) The relationship between the choice of re-
production at different percentages of total age and the time taken to produce seed for multiple allocation strategies. All model parameters
are dimensionless.

12 IN SILICO PLANTS © The Author(s) 2019

Holland et al. - Plant growth by carbon allocation and respiration

delays the optimal age to reproduce and further limits Instead, it shows that maintaining a large number of
the optimal age to reproduce, when the plant is allo- shaded leaves within a canopy can be detrimental for
cating more carbon towards the roots. This is because production when those leaves carry a high maintenance
having a higher cost of leaf material reduces the amount cost. When leaves become too inefficient and costly to
of energy available to produce seed. A plant must there- maintain, plants senesce their leaves.
fore be more established in order to have the maximum Long-standing theory in vegetation modelling predicts
energy available to reproduce (data not shown). that plants should add leaf layers until the lowest layers
fail to make a positive net contribution to canopy carbon
gain (Woodward et al. 1995). However, modern crops such

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Discussion and conclusions as soybean seem to violate this prediction, producing very
The aims of this paper were to understand the conse- dense leaf canopies, especially when supplied with high
quences of different allocation strategies and costs of atmospheric CO2, and the dense shading of lower leaves
maintenance respiration for plant growth in a general means that they contribute little to canopy carbon as-
but quantitative manner, and to investigate any possible similation (Drewry et al. 2010a, b). Recent modelling and
limitations to carbon allocation. These were addressed experimental manipulation of soybean crop canopies
by using a simple root–shoot carbon allocation model. shows that these plants overinvest in leaves, and that
The effects of varying the source–sink allocation ratio on leaf removal can actually improve yields (Srinivasan et al.
plant growth are not explicitly explored in the work of 2017). Under certain circumstances, crop plants, therefore,
most plant growth models. Typically, these incorporate produce more leaves than is optimal for growth and yield,
an allocation assumption and investigate the effects of and the model shows how this behaviour can arise from
environmental conditions or perturbations on growth the high cost of maintaining leaves and a declining rate
(Hogsett et al. 1985; Ford and Keister, 1990; Luxmoore of photosynthesis with shading. It has been hypothesized
1991; Weinstein et al. 1991). Ignoring the effects of en- that the overproduction of leaves evolves in wild plants
vironmental conditions made it possible to determine from the benefits of shading out competitors in dense,
which underlying processes have the greatest influences competitive plant communities (Anten 2005). This may
on plant growth. In particular, the model suggested that increase the fitness of individual plants but, in the case
maintenance respiration plays a significant role in the of crops, breeders and farmers aim to maximize the yield
effect of allocation strategies on growth. from the whole population of plants within the field, and it
When maintenance costs are equal between leaf and is advantageous to reduce competition among individuals
root tissue, increasing allocation to the leaves increases (Denison 2012; Anten and Vermeulen 2016). Respiration
the growth rate and therefore the final plant size. Many accounts for a large proportion of carbon loss within the
propose that the most efficient means for a plant to plant (Gifford et al. 1984; Amthor 1989, 2000; Cannell and
maximize its growth rate is to allocate just enough re- Thornley 2000), providing a key mechanism which can be
sources to the roots for nutrient assimilation and allo- manipulated to boost crop productivity. Advances in respi-
cate the majority of resources to the leaves (Mooney ration research identify genes responsible for substrates,
1972; Wareing and Patrick 1975; Russell et  al. 1977; enzymes and transporters that are essential for protein
Reynolds and Thornley 1982). In the case when mainte- turnover and transport, which can be targeted to optimize
nance costs are equal, there are limitations on carbon al- respiration (Amthor et al. 2019).
location to the roots and high assimilation rates alleviate In the model, circumstances when leaf maintenance
these limitations. Thus, high rates of photosynthesis en- costs are higher than root maintenance costs also in-
able both large plant size and high root allocation. troduce a certain level of plasticity with respect to final
However, it is not necessarily the case that leaf and plant size, such that a range of allocation strategies can
root maintenance respiration are equal, and published lead to similar final plant size (this occurs when the gra-
data show that leaf respiration can be up to 2.25 times dient of the steady-state curve is less than −1). When
larger than root respiration (Hansen and Jensen 1977; maintenance costs are equal, leaves are much more
Reich et al. 1998; Loveys et al. 2003; Tjoelker et al. 2005). beneficial for growth than roots, but when leaves cost
In the circumstance where leaf respiration is higher more to maintain than roots, the benefits of growing
than root respiration, increasing root allocation can in leaves and roots become more equal. This allows for
theory lead to a larger plant. This effect is especially a range of root:shoot ratios to produce the same final
pronounced when canopy self-shading is high (i.e. the plant size. Work has been done to investigate the ­effect
shading coefficient in the model is low), and contradicts of ­environmental conditions (Ericsson 1995) or compe-
the widely held assumption that carbon should be pref- tition (Waite and Hutchings 1982) on the plasticity of
erentially allocated to the leaves to optimize growth. allocation but not necessarily how maintenance costs

IN SILICO PLANTS © The Author(s) 2019 13

Holland et al. - Plant growth by carbon allocation and respiration

alter the plasticity of allocation. Increasing the shading plant and, therefore, has only one pre-determined allo-
coefficient has no effect on the range of allocation strat- cation strategy throughout. However, allocation is usually
egies where this plasticity occurs. However, increasing allometric, such that it depends on size, and the propor-
assimilation rate increases the range of allocation strat- tion of carbon allocated to leaves or roots varies with time
egies where final plant size does not change. (Weiner 2004). The choice of a simplified assumption of al-
When looking at reproductive growth, the optimal location within the model provides a framework to test dis-
developmental stage for the plant to reproduce is de- tinct strategies of allocation and make predictions on how
fined by the carbon available to produce seeds or other certain behaviours can influence plant growth. Further
reproductive organs such as tubers. Therefore, allo- analysis with this model could consider an allocation

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cation strategies favouring leaf growth will have the strategy that is variable and dependent upon plant size.
largest potential energies for reproduction, implying Having the roots solely as sinks within the model
that high leaf allocation during vegetative growth pro- underpins the finding that minimal allocation to roots
motes early reproduction. This corroborates the work maximizes plant growth. However, resources obtained
of Guilbaud et al. (2015) who suggest that high growth via the roots influence the allocation of carbon to
rates correlate with early flowering, since high leaf allo- sources and sinks and also overall plant growth (Running
cation leads to a higher growth rate. Their work extends and Gower 1991). Environmental conditions control
that of Cohen (1971) by investigating how nitrogen dy- fluctuations in carbon and nitrogen availability, causing
namics alter the decision to flower. Cohen (1971) paved crosstalk between signalling pathways of carbon and
the way for reproductive growth models by investigating nitrogen (White et  al. 2016). This crosstalk determines
the effect of transition to flowering on yield. He deter- allocation to sources and sinks. When there is ample
mined that one transition which allocates all resources nitrogen, cytokinins are produced, which increases sink
from vegetative growth to reproductive growth is the strength (Kuiper 1993; Ghanem et  al. 2011; Thomas
most beneficial for yield, and that flowering time is de- 2013), and this also increases carbon acquisition. When
pendent upon the length of the growth season. Other there is high carbon availability, nitrogen sources are
models build onto this by including loss terms (King up-regulated (Stitt and Krapp 1999) and sink activity
and Roughgarden 1982) or environmental conditions is increased (Klein et  al. 2000; Kaiser et  al. 2002; Reda
and hazard rates (Paltridge and Denholm 1974; Ledder 2015). There is a need for a new type of allocation model
et  al. 2004). Others investigate the effects of multiple which includes the interaction of carbon and nitrogen
reproductive phases (Chiariello and Roughgarden 1984) feedback and feedforward mechanisms defining alloca-
and the effect of photosynthetic rate on reproduction tion to further understand how allocation can be used to
(Schaffer et al. 1982). However, there has been little pre- improve growth.
vious work investigating the effect of varying vegetative Overall, this quantitative modelling approach has re-
allocation strategy on yield. Having higher leaf respira- vealed that the maintenance costs of leaves and roots
tion than roots delays the optimal age to reproduce for alter the limitations on allocation by increasing the
leaf allocation strategies and increases the restrictions plasticity of final plant size in vegetative growth and re-
on flowering time for root allocation strategies. stricting the range of optimal developmental stages for
The model results hinge upon the assumption that reproduction. It has shown that when leaf respiration is
growth stops when carbon sources and sinks are balanced. higher than root respiration, reallocating carbon away
The extent to which this situation arises in natural or crop from leaves and towards the roots can improve plant
systems is unclear, and three factors would tend to act so growth. This analysis indicates that crop improvement
that steady state is not reached. First, new growth is always and management strategies should consider the effects
required to replace tissues as they turnover. Secondly, the of canopy maintenance costs for improving growth.
requirement for roots (in terms of anchorage, nutrient and
water uptake) may be less than the limit imposed by main-
tenance costs. A model incorporating tissue turnover and
Sources of Funding
functional roots would be required to evaluate the mag- The authors thank the Leverhulme Centre for Advanced
nitude and consequences of these effects. Finally, the de- Biological Modelling (X/009780-11-22) for financial support.
velopment of short-lived plants, in particular, ensures that
the limits imposed by carbon balance are not reached.
Nonetheless, these limits set boundaries beyond which de-
Contributions by the Authors
velopment cannot stray. B.L.H., N.A.M.M., R.H.C. and C.P.O. designed the study. B.L.H.
The model simulates carbon allocation by using a developed the model and carried out the theoretical anal-
constant allocation ratio throughout the ontogeny of a ysis. B.L.H., N.A.M.M., R.H.C. and C.P.O. interpreted the results.

14 IN SILICO PLANTS © The Author(s) 2019

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(a) (b)
30 30
Total plant mass

Total plant mass

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 10 20 30 0 5 10
Time Time
Fig. A1.  Total plant mass over time when the model has (A) not been non-dimensionalized using η = 0.25, (B) been
non-dimensionalized without η. Both versions of the model used A0 = 10, θ = 10 , m = 1, R1 = 2 and R2 = 1 with an initial
seedling size of l = 0.01, r = 0.

IN SILICO PLANTS © The Author(s) 2019 17

Holland et al. - Plant growth by carbon allocation and respiration

(a) (b)
10 45 100 800

40 700
8 35 80
Shading coefficient

Assimilation rate
6 60

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4 40 300
2 10 20
5 100

2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. A2.  (A) Sensitivity analysis of final plant material when varying shading coefficient and allocation strategy when
A0 = 10, m = 1, R1 = 2 and R2 = 1. (B) Sensitivity analysis of final plant material when varying assimilation rate and allo-
cation strategy when θ = 10 , m = 1, R1 = 2 and R2 = 1. Using initial leaf and root tissue of l0 = 0.01 and r0 = 0. The black
lines represent contours of constant final plant material. Colour bar represents different final plant materials. All model
parameters are dimensionless.

Appendix 2.
l̃ = ll0 , r̃ = r/l0 , θ̃ = θ/l0 .
The black lines represent parameter space where final
t̃ = t/t0 , Ã0 = t0 ηA0 , R̃1 = t0 ηR1 , R̃2 = t0 ηR2 . plant material remains the same and the colours rep-
resent different final plant materials (yellow is high
The growth equations are then given in non- plant material and blue is virtually no plant mate-
dimensional form as rial). For low shading coefficient values, the black
dl̃ 1 θ̃Ã0 lines of constant final plant material are horizontal
= ( l̃ − R̃1 l̃ − R̃2 r̃); for the majority of allocation strategies (Fig. A2). As
dt̃ 1 + mα θ̃ + l̃
allocation strategy continues to increase after α = 2.7
dr̃ mα θ̃Ã0 , these lines become almost vertical. As the shading
= ( l̃ − R̃1 l̃ − R̃2 r̃); coefficient increases, the region where the black line
dt̃ 1 + mα θ̃ + l̃
is approximately horizontal for a given shading value
This demonstrates that the only role that the param- decreases in size and is much smaller using θ > 7. This
eter η plays in the behaviour of the model is to regulate implies that the shading coefficient reduces the level
the rate of change of plant mass. Neither the relative of plasticity within the model by increasing light pen-
amounts of leaf or root tissue nor the final plant mass etration into the leaf canopy.
depends on the value of η. This is illustrated in Fig. A1.

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