My Own Social Dilemna

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BK4: #MyOwnSocialDilemma

Entering the world of media has a lot of obstacles to encounter and it can result to an improvement of
self-worth or it can also affect our mental health. Social media is a kind of industry where we can improve
our goal, it is a kind of platform where we can develop our target a large scale of meaningful changes.
Where we do not know is gives as a gradual change of how we are, how we move and convert our energy
while we scroll on our feed.

Being born in a generation z where social media already exist and everyday as it grows, the world we
have now are being downloaded in the cyberworld. The point is the connection I want, we all want are
being presented on how we type our thoughts with alterations. I usually do not post on my feed why? Be
anxious in what my followers or other people will think, the prejudices. Its between the mental in the
usage of social media. Threating this kind of society around us we do not know what really is. Competing
attention of each users, competing on how many like can I get, how many viewers will hold on my stories.
It is called toxicity in the world where a lot of people are seeking for likes and gratitude. It is unhealthy for
a lot of users like me who are sensitive when reading on judgements. No matter how optimistic you are
a lot of people are like vampires they just want to suck your energy. I really struggled in posting in my
feed whether it is a tweet on twitter, story on Instagram or my day in Facebook it takes a lot of time for
me to decide if its right for me to share. The grand scale of users who loves to criticize every inch of you,
I know we should not be affected on what other will say but sometimes you tend to act like one of them
that is why we also judge ourselves.

Another thing is about the actual connection with people you barely do not know, you just know them
with filtered faces, fabricated conversation, this how the social community works. We do not know
whether its real or not. Showing off everything we have, new parcels, achievements is kind of a trend. I
know some of us tends to act jealous which is toxic and bad for our own health the amount of bitterness
we can get that also cause us to criticize them we are also the blood sucker in this medium.

The documentary speaks for itself and we need to take this seriously why? There is a lot of strand of
complications of what this medium could give us, whether its depression or the amount of happiness it
can give us while we scroll. The tech industry can also pass our private space; therefore, manipulation
occurs inside this thing. Users tend to share a lot of information about themselves. Knowing my
boundaries on what I want people to know about me and the things I do not want to share about me is
the mindset we should all have. Having a lot of social media accounts gave us the credibility on what we
compose about our lives. We must know the barrier of this platform between our mental health the real
connection, real notifications to encounter after we sign off.

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