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Complete Bio Data

Name Shri Y.W. Gedam

Identity No. 01MH89A005
Service/ Cadre/ Allotment Year Indian Administrative Service / Maharashtra / 2001
Source of Recruitment By Promotion from State Civil Service
Date of Birth 18/01/1956
Gender Male
Place of Domicile N.A.
Mother Tongue N.A.
Languages Known --
Retirement Reason Superannuated

II. Details of Central Deputation

A. 1. Whether Presently on deputation to GOI ? No

2. Date of Start of Central Deputation

3. Expiry Date of tenure of Central Deputation

4. Tenure Type

B. If in Cadre, date of reversion from Central Deputation, if


C. Whether debarred from Central Deputation No

If so, period of debarment

III. Educational Qualifications.

S.No Qualification Subject Division


No Info Found

IV. Posting Details

S.No Designation Ministry Organisation( Experiece ( Major/Minor Period ( From/To )

Level Department Posting Type ) )

1 Deputy Secretary Mumbai City Cadre (AIS) Textiles / Textiles 20/01/2014 - 31/01/2016
Under Secretary

2 Under Suspension Cadre (AIS) / 21/12/2012 - 20/03/2013

Junior Scale N.Applicable/N.Available

V. Mid Career Training Details.

S.No Year Training Name Date From Date To

No Info Found

VI. In-Service Training Details.

S.No Year Training Name Institute City Duration


VII. Domestic Training Details

S.No Year Name Subject Duration

No Info Found

VIII. Foreign Training Details

S.No Year Name Subject Duration Country

No Info Found

Debarment From Foreign Training

1. Whether Debarred from Foreign Training ? No

2. If so , Period of debarment

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VII. Awards / Publications.

S.No Type Area Year Name/Description Awards Given Subject Level

by/Publisher's Name

No Info Found

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D I S C L A I M E R-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This electronic information is updated on the basis of inputs received from the Departments/Ministries concerned.

Anything contained in this document would not lead to any legal claim on part of an individual/orgzanization for any purpose.

NIC-DOPT 04/08/2021 Page No:2

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