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Enhancing Secrecy Rates for Wiretap Channels

Shahid Mehraj Shah

ECE Dept., Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore, India

November 06, 2013


I Introduction
I Information Theoretic security
I The Wiretap Channel
I Fading Wiretap Channel
I Fading MAC with Eve
I Alternative notion of Security
I Dual encoder scheme
I Conclusions

I Security is one of the most important considerations in

transmission of information from one user to another
I Conventional technique is Cryptography
I Transmitter uses key to encrypt source information.
I Eve is assumed to be ignorant of the key.
I Assumes limited computational capacity of Eavesdropper.
I Information theoretic security.
I Does not require key for securing the message.
I Assumes unlimited computational capacity of Eavesdropper.
I Wyner introduced Wiretap channel in his seminal paper in
I Key distribution and storage adds complexity to the network
I Various Cryptographic encryption algorithms are vulnerable to
Man-in-the middle attack
I Open nature of Wireless networks and lack of infrastructure in
decentralized networks makes further makes key
distribution/management difficult.
I Information theoretic security Promises new direction toward
solving security problems.

Encryption with channel coding

Information Theoretic Security
I Security issues include confidentiality, integrity,
authentication, and non-repudiation
I Attacks on the security of communication networks can be
divided into two basic types: passive attacks and active
Information Theoretic Security: Shannon’s Model

I A source message W is encrypted to a ciphertext E by a key K

shared by the transmitter and receiver
I System is perfectly secure if the a posteriori probabilities of W
given E are equal to the a priori probabilities of W for all E,
i.e., PW |E = PW
I Shannon also showed that we need H(K ) ≥ H(W ) for perfect
Wyner’s Wiretap Model

I Security, i.e., the secrecy level of the confidential message W

at the eavesdropper, is measured by the equivocation rate
defined as
I Re = n1 H(W | Z n )
I The reliability is average block probability of error, for a
length n code:
(n) 1 P
I Pe = Pr {W̃ 6= W } = |W| Pr {w̃ 6= w }
w =1
I A rate − equivocationpair (R, Re ) is achievable if ∃ message
sets Wn with | Wn |= 2nR and encoder - decoder pairs (fn , gn )
(n) (n)
such that Pe → 0 , Re ≤ liminfn→∞ Re
I The capacity-equivocation region C is defined to be the closure

I Q → U → X → (Y , Z ).
The Wiretap Channel: Coding Scheme

I Wiretap Coding is basically random binning.

I The codebook is divided into subcode books.
I The message to be sent is selected according to the
subcodebook, from which a message is choosen randomly and
I The codebook is constructed such that, Eve can successfully
decode message but could not decode from which
sub-codebook the message was selected.
I Where as legitimate reciever can decode the sub-codebook
The Wiretap Channel: Coding Scheme

I The Codebook is constructed as

n o
C = xab , a = 1, 2, ...2n(I (X ;Y )−I (X ;Z )) ; b = 1, 2..., 2nI (X ;Z ) (1)
Gaussian Wiretap Channel

I The Gaussian Wiretap Channel was studied by Cheong and

Hellman in 1978
I The Channel model is
I Y = X + N1 , Z = X + N2 , where X is the input, N1 ∼
N (0, σ12 ) and N2 ∼ N (0, σ22 )
I The secrecy capacity for the degraded Gaussian Channel(i.e.
σ1 < σ2 ) is
I Cs = 21 log 1 + σP2 − 12 log 1 + σP2 , where E(X 2 ) ≤ P
1 2
Multiple Access Channel with Eve

I Model 2: Eavesdropper at the receiving end

I We follow this model in our work

I {X1n } independent of {X2n }

Multiple Access Channel with Eve

I Gaussian MAC with eavesdropper studied by Yener and

Tekin(IEEE trans 2008)
I Co-operative jamming improves secrecy sum-rate
I Fading MAC with full CSI of eavesdropper studied by Yener
and Tekin
I In general, Secrecy Capacity region for MAC not known.
Multiple Access Channel with Eve

I Security if measured by the equivocation rate for each user

I R1e = n1 H(W1 |Z n )
I R2e = n1 H(W2 |Z n )
(n) (n)
I R1e + R2e = n1 H(W1 W2 |Z n )
(n) (n)
I Reliability: Pe1 = Pr {W̃1 6= W1 }, Pe1 = Pr {W̃1 6= W1 }
I A rate-equivocation pair (R1 , R2 , R1e , R2e ) is achievable if ∃ a
sequence of message sets W1n and W2n and encoder-decoder
pairs (f1n , f2n , gn ) s.t. Pe → 0 as n → ∞ and equivocation
(n) (n)
rates satisfy R1e ≤ lim inf n→∞ R1e , R2e ≤ lim inf n→∞ R2e ,
MAC with eavesdropper: Secrecy rate region

I The best known rate region for DM - MAC is as follows

R1 ≤ [I (U1 ; Y | U2 ) − I (U1 ; Z )]+ (2)
R2 ≤ [I (U2 ; Y | U1 ) − I (U2 ; Z )]+ (3)
R1 + R2 ≤ [I (U1 , U2 ; Y ) − I (U1 , U2 ; Z )]+ (4)

I where p(x1 , x2 , u1 , u2 , y , z) = p(u1 )p(x1 | u1 )p(u2 )p(x2 |

u2 )p(y , z | x1 , x2 )
I The rate region for Gaussian MAC and fading MAC can be
obtained from this rate region.
Fading MAC: Secrecy rate region

I Rate region for fading MAC is as follows(Yener and Tekin)

(  )
(1 + h1 P1 (h, g ))(1 + g2 P2 (h, g )) +
R1 ≤ Eh,g log ,
1 + g1 P1 (h, g ) + g2 P2 (h, g )
(  )
(1 + g1 P1 (h, g ))(1 + h2 P2 (h, g )) +
R2 ≤ Eh,g log ,
1 + g1 P1 (h, g ) + g2 P2 (h, g )
(  )
1 + h1 P1 (h, g ) + h2 P2 (h, g ) +
R1 + R2 ≤ Eh,g log ,
1 + g1 P1 (h, g ) + g2 P2 (h, g )

I E [Pi (h, g )] ≤ P̄i , i = 1, 2. Gaussian signalling is used.

Fading MAC without CSI of eve

I In passive attack of Eavesdropper, CSI cannot be estimated

I In single user wiretap channel, H.E Elgamal(IEEE trans 2008)
reports secrecy capacity with optimal power control with main
channel CSI only
I Mathew Bloch et. al(IEEE trans 2008) studied outage analysis
of single user slow fading channel with imperfect CSI of eve.
I We study fading MAC which achieve secrecy sum rate without
knowing CSI of eve.
Fading MAC without CSI of eve: Channel Model

I φsx1 ,x2 = 1 + s1 x1 + s2 x2 where s is the channel state (h or g )

and xk is the power used.
Fading MAC without CSI of eve: Optimal power allocation

For a given power control policy {Pk (h)}, k = 1, 2, the following
secrecy sum-rate
(" !#+ )
φhP1 ,P2
Eh,g log (5)
φgP1 ,P2

is achievable, subject to power constraint

Eh,g [Pk (h)] ≤ P¯k , k = 1, 2.
I Optimal policy is not available in closed form. Can be
computed numerically.
Fading MAC without CSI of eve: Optimal power control
with Cooperative Jamming

I {Pk (h)}, k = 1, 2, policy when users transmit and

{Qk (h)},when users jam
I Cooperative Jamming substantially improves secrecy sum-rate.
Without CSI of Eve: ON/OFF power control

I ON/OFF power control is a simple threshold based scheme as

I h1 > τ1 , h2 > τ2 : Both transmit;
I h1 > τ1 , h2 < τ2 : User-1 transmits;
I h1 < τ1 , h2 > τ2 : User-2 transmits;
I h1 < τ1 , h2 < τ2 : No user transmits.

I Optimize the secrecy sum-rate over τ1 , τ2

ON/OFF power control with cooperative Jamming

I Here we employ co-operative jamming over ON/OFF scheme

I h1 > τ1 , h2 > τ2 : Both transmit with power P1a , P2a ;
I h1 > τ1 , h2 < τ2 : User-1 transmits with power P1b , user-2
jams with power Q2 ;
I h1 < τ1 , h2 > τ2 : User-2 transmits with power P2b , user-1
jams with power Q1 ;
I h1 < τ1 , h2 < τ2 : None transmits or jams.
Fading MAC Without CSI of Eve: Simulation results

Secrecy Sum−Rate (bits/channel use)


Opt with full CSI
Opt with only Rx CSI
ON/OFF with only Rx CSI
CJ Opt with full CSI
CJ Opt with only Rx CSI
CJ ON/OFF with only Rx CSI
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
SNR (dB)
New Notion

I Equivocation Based definition:

I (R, Re ) is achievable if ∃ Wn with | Wn |= 2nR and encoder -
decoder pairs (fn , gn ) such that Pe → 0, and the
equivocation rate limn→∞ n H(W |Z n ) ≥ Re
I Code design to satisfy equivocation rate is difficult.([?])
I To confuse Eve random messages are sent, which decreases
the rate.
New Notion

I Natural Definition of secrecy: Probability of error for receiver

→ 0 and that for eavesdropper → 1. ([1])
I Strong converse: R > C , probability of error of decoding → 1.
I Will use strong converse to formulate coding schemes.
I Eve is confused with the messages which are useful for
Intended receiver,and Eve getting no message, i.e. no
common information.
I Each message for Eve confused with same number of
codewords as in Equivocation based approach
New Notion: Achieving Capacity
Gaussian Wiretap Channel

C1 = Capacity of main channel, C2 = Capacity of Eve’s channel,

Pen (B) = Probability of decoding error at Bob,
Pen (E ) = Probability of decoding error at Eve
All rates R < C1 are achievable such that Pen (B) → 0, Pen (E ) → 1
as n → ∞.
New Notion: Coding Scheme

I Region C2 < R < C1 : generate n length iid Gaussian

codewords with X ∼ N (0, P)
I R < C1 ensures Pen (B) → 0
I R > C2 , by strong converse, Pen (E ) → 1.
I To achieve rate R < C2 , select Gaussian PX with power < P
such that I (X ; Y ) > R > I (X ; Z )
Performance (via AEP decoder at Eve)

I N be the number of codewords other than that of message 1

that are jointly typical with Z n
I E[N] = (2nR − 1)2−nI (X ;Z ) .
I Pen (E ) ≈ 2n(R−I (X ;Z ))
I Pen (E ) ≤ 2−n(C1 −C2 ) possible, maximum decay rate for
equivocation based secrecy also.
I Higher R means more confusion for Eve.
ML Decoding at Eve

I ML Decoding at Eve: If x1 (1), ..., xn (1) is transmitted, decode

as message m̂ if
m̂ = argmin (Zk − xk (m̂))2 . (6)

I Eve will confuse with 2n(R−C2 ) codewords . Max confusion as

in AEP decoder.
I AEP and ML decoder best for Eve.
New Notion: Relation with Equivocation

I When C2 < R < C1 , Pen (B) → 0, and Pen (E ) → 1. Fano’s

Inequality gives: For Bob
1 H(Pen (B))
H(W |Y n ) ≤ + Pen (B)R (7)
n n
I Lower bound: For Eve

H(W | Z n ) ≥ φ∗ (π(W | Z n )) (8)

where φ∗ is a piecewise linear, continuous, non-decreasing,

convex function.([2]). π(W | Z n ) is the average probability of
error for the MAP decoder at Eve.
I From Arimoto’s lower bound

π(W | Z n ) ≥ 1 − e −n(E0 (ρ,p)−ρR) , 0 ≥ ρ ≥ −1. (9)

Numerical Example
I For σ12 = 0.1, σ22 = 1.5, and P = 20dB, Pen (B) and Pen (E ) are
plotted for n = 50, 100 and 200.
I For Pen (B) Gallagers random coding bound and for Pen (E )
Arimoto’s lower bound are plotted


Bob N=50
Probability of Error

Eve N=50
Bob N=100
Eve N=100
Bob N=200
Eve N=200

0.2 P=20dB, σ21=0.1,

σ22=1.5, R=2.5

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Fraction of SNR(α)
Fading Channel
I For the fading channel

Yi = hi Xi + N1i , (10)

Zi = gi Xi + N2i , (11)
I The capacity is ([gopala2008]):
Z ∞Z ∞
Cs = [log(1 + qP ∗ (q, r )) −
0 r
log(1 + rP ∗ (q, r ))]f (q)f (r )dqdr (12)

where q(i) = |h(i)|2 and r (i) = |g (i)|2 E [P ∗ (q, r )] = P,

P ∗ (q, r ) = 0.5[ (1/r − 1/q)2 + 4/λ(1/r − 1/q) +
(1/r + 1/q)]+ (13)
Secrecy Capacity for fading Channel

All rates R < C1 are achievable such that Pen (B) → 0 and
Pen (E ) → 1 where
Z ∞Z ∞
C1 = sup [log(1 + qP(q, r ))]f (q)f (r )dqdr . (14)
P(q,r ) 0 r
Channel Model

Figure : The Wiretap channel

Literature Survey

I Yamamoto in 1997 used Wiretap coding and secret key to

enhance secrecy rate in degraded Wiretap channel. [1]
I Kang and Liu (2010) extended Yamamoto’s work to general
broadcast channel [2].
I E. Ardestanizadeh et. al. (2008) used feedback from Bob to
Alice to enhance secrecy rate [3].
I In this work we use previous secret messages as secret key to
enhance the secrecy rate.
Channel Model

I W ∈ W = {1, 2, . . . , 2nRs } is message set, where

Rs = max [I (X ; Y ) − I (X ; Z )] . (15)

I {Wm , m ≥ 1} is an independent sequence of messages to be

I At time i:
I Xi the channel input.
I Yi Channel O/P at Bob.
I Zi Channel O/P at Eve.
Channel Model

I A mini-slot consists of n channel uses

I Each slot, upto λ, consists of 2 mini-slots where
λ, , (16)
I After λ slots each slot has only one mini-slot.
Channel Model

I Wk to be transmitted in slot k consists of one or more

messages Wm .
I Codeword for W k : Xk2n = {Xk1 , . . . , X2kn } or Xkn depending
on the length of the slot.
I Transmitter uses the secret message W k transmitted in slot k
as the key for transmitting the message in slot k + 1.

I Encoder: To transmit W k in slot k, encoder has two parts

fs : W → X n , fd : W × K → X n , (17)

where X ∈ X , and K set of secret keys generated and fs is the

Wiretap encoder
I Deterministic Encoder fd : Encode XOR of message and
binary version of the key optimal usual channel encoder.
I Slot 1:Message encoded using the wiretap code only.
I Slot k: (1 < k ≤ λ), both fs and fd used simultaneously.

I Slot 1: Decoder function at Bob is

φ1 : Y 2n → W. (18)

I Slot k: (k > 1), decoder is

φi : Y n × K → W j (19)
for time slot i, with j = min(i, RCs ).
I Probability of error:
Pe = Pr {W
c 6= W } (20)

where W
c is the decoded message.
Achievable Rate

I Leakage rate is RLn = n1 I (W ; Z 2n ).

I Definition 1 : A Leakage-rate pair (RL , R) is said to be
achievable if there exists a sequence of (2nR , n)-codes such
that Pe → 0 and lim supn→∞ RLn ≤ RL as n → ∞.

Any rate < C is achievable for all slots k ≥ λ.
Coding Scheme

I Slot 1: Alice picks message W1 from W and transmits this

message using (n, 2nRs )-Code.
I Slot 2: using the previous message, W 1 = W1 , as a key (with
key rate Rk = Rs ) Alice transmits message W 2 = (W21 , W22 ),
where W21 = W2 , W22 = W3 are taken from the iid sequence
{Wk , k ≥ 1}.
Coding Scheme Contd.

I n using wiretap code.

First message W21 is encoded to X21
I Second message W22 is first encrypted to produce the cipher
using one-time pad with the previous message as secret key,
f22 = W22 L W1
i.e., K = W1 and the cipher is W
I n using a
We encode this encrypted message to X22
point-to-point optimal channel code
I We continue this till λ − 1 slots. In slot λ − 1, we transmit
message (Wλ−1,1 , Wλ−1,2 , ..., Wλ−1,λ−1 ).
Decoding Scheme

I Total rate:
1 1
(Rs + (λ − 1)Rs ) = (Rs + C ) . (21)
2 2
I n is decoded via
Bob (Decoder): In slot k, (for 1 < k < λ) Yk1
usual wiretap decoding while Yk2 is decoded first by the
channel decoder and then XORed with W ck−1
Error Analysis

I n = message error probability for the wiretap encoder and δn

= message error probability due to the channel encoder for Wk
I Slot k: (1 < k < λ − 1), P(W k 6= W ck ) ≤ Pr (Error in
decoding Wk1 ) + Pr (Error in decoding Wfk2 ) + Pr (Error in
decoding W k−1 ) ≤ kn + (k − 1)δn .
I Error upper bound increases with k
I Restarting (as in slot 1) after some k slots ( > λ) will ensure
that P(W k 6= Wck ) → 0 as n → ∞.
Leakage Rate Analysis

I We show
I (W k ; Z1n , Z22n , ..., Zk2n ) → 0 (22)
as n → ∞
I Slot 1: Wire-tap coding is used, hence n1 I (W 1 ; Z1n ) → 0, as
n → ∞.
I slot 2:
I (W 1 ; Z1n , Z22n ) → 0 (23)
I We use mathematical induction to show that
1 n 2n 2n
n I (W m ; Z1 , Z2 , ..., Zk+1 ) → 0 for all m ≤ k + 1, k ≥ 1
Strong Secrecy

I Same secrecy rate can be achieved even with strong secrecy.

I Use information reconciliation and privacy amplification in the
first slot after transmitting message W 1 using wiretap coding
I In the subsequent blocks we use both the stochastic encoder
and the deterministic encoder
Fading Wiretap Channel

I We consider Slow fading AWGn model

Y = H̃X + N1 (24)

Z = G̃ X + N2 (25)

I N1 and N2 ∼ N (0, σ12 ) and (0, σ12 ).

I H̃ and G̃ are Rayleigh distributed channel gains.
I H = |H̃|2 and G = |G̃ |2 , are exponentially distributed with
mean µ1 and µ2 respectively.
Fading Wiretap Channel

I Hk = fading in slot k of Bob’s channel

I Gk = fading in slot k of Eve’s channel
I Bk = Total key capacity in key buffer
I Pk = Average power to be used in slot k
I P̄ = Long term average power constraint
I n = Number of channel uses in a slot
I rk = rate of transmission of message in slot k and Rk =
secret key rate from buffer.
Fading Wiretap Channel
I Buffer size evolves as follows
Bk+1 = Bk − Rk + rk (26)
I Let
Gk Pk +
1 Hk P k
Rsec = log(1 + ) − log(1 + ) (27)
2 σ12 σ22
I If we use Pk in slot k then the secret rate in slot k, using Bk
the key rate
1 Gk Pk
Rk = min Bk , log(1 + ) . (28)
2 σ22
I the secrecy rate that is achieved is
  
Hk Pk
1 1 + 2
rk =  log    + Rk . (29)
2 1 + k Pk
Fading Wiretap Channel

I Some notation
1 H k Pk
Ckb= log 1 + (30)
2 σ12
e 1 Gk Pk
Ck = log 1 + (31)
2 σ22
I H1 > G1 : First Slot of communication.
I Case 1: H2 < G2 , No wiretap coding. Use previous secret key
from buffer.
I secret key rate that we can get from the buffer is

R2 = min(B2 , C2b ) (32)

I Power Pk will use water-filling with average power P̄

Fading Wiretap channel: Infinite Buffer
I Case 2: H2 > G2 , Use both wiretap coding and secret key
from buffer.
I the total secret rate we will get is
r2 = C2b − C2e + min(B2 , C2e ) (33)
I use power control policy as in [3]
I From the evolution of buffer (26) we have rk ≥ Rk hence
Bk → ∞ a.s. as k → ∞
I Hence when k is large
min(Bk , Ckb ) = Bk (34)
and as well as
min(Bk , Ckb ) = Bk (35)
I the secret key rate that we will get from the buffer will be

1 Hk P k
Rk = Ckb = log(1 + ) (36)
2 σ12
Finite Buffer
I The queue process will evolve as
(F )
Bk+1 = min(B, B (F ) + rk − Rk ) (37)

I for any initial B0 , if P(Hk > Gk ) > 0, then eventually Bk = B

I we can get rate
rk (Pk (h, g )) =

max (Ckb − Cke )+ + min(B, Cke ), min(B, Ckb ) , if σh2 ≥


 1


min(B, C b ) if σh2 <

1 σ22

I long term average power constraint

1 X
lim sup Pk ≤ P̄ (38)
m→∞ m
Finite Buffer: Power Control

I we obtain power policy P(h, g ) that maximizes

E [r (H, G )] , (39)

subject to
E [P(H, G )] ≤ P. (40)
Using Lagrange multipliers we can convert this problem to

F (P) = E [r (H, G )] + γ E [P(H, G )] − P (41)
Finite Buffer

I The resulting equation is,

∂P =

1 1 h g

 2 1+ hP(h,g ) σ12
+ γ, if σh2 ≥ σ22
,C e < B,
 2 1
" σ1

 #

1 1 h 1 g g
− σ22
+γ , if σh2 ≥ σ22
,C e > B,
2 1+
hP(h,g )
gP(h,g )
1 2

1 1 h g
if σh2 < > C b.

 2 1+ hP(h,g
 ) σ12
+γ σ22
2 1
Finite Frame: Numerical result

Infinite Buffer Case

Secrecy Rate

Finite Buffer Case


σ = 0.01
σ 2=0.04
Pavg =24dB
1 Maximum Buffer length=7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Buffer Length

Figure : The Wiretap channel


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References- Contd.

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E. Tekin, A. Yener, “Secrecy sum-rates for the multiple-access
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References- Contd.

Y. Liang, H.V. Poor, S. Shamai, “Information theoretic

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References- Contd.

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References- Contd.

H. Yamamoto, “Rate-distortion Theory For The Shannon

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W. Kang, N. Liu, “Wiretap Channel with Shared Key,” 2010
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P. K. Gopala, L. Lai, H. El Gamal, “On the secrecy capacity of
fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, vol. 54, no. 10,
pp. 4687–4698, October 2008.

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