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Escritura Avanzada en Inglés

Essay 4

Texts and materials in the writing class


In teaching English as well as any other language, one of the important aspects to consider
is writing, how to do it correctly and what are the tasks that can help us both in learning and

This chapter discusses various aspects of writing, its teaching, and the materials that can be
used when teaching classes that do not help to reinforce it.

It is important that we emphasize that it is possible that didactic materials are used but it is
also important to know how to use them and to know which ones are best for students, in
this way it will be easier to develop a study plan that student want to follow to increase
their writing skills.

We know that normally we believe that only paper materials can be used, but the good
thing about this chapter is that it helps us discover new methods and materials for a better
way to teach classes.
Some are also mentioned, one could say, steps to design classes, this helps us to have a
notion of what a teacher must do and how we can modify certain things so that a class is
Escritura Avanzada en Inglés


The chapter begins by introducing us a little more about the importance of materials for
teaching correct writing and does not mention which materials can be used.

Loss audiovisual materials are also useful when teaching classes that have to do with
writing, they can be helpful to stimulate and attract the attention of students.

The materials used are those that provide a large part of the necessary information,
obviously teachers must do everything possible so that their students interact well with
them and thus be able to attract their attention and increase their interest in what they want
to teach.

It is also mentioned that the materials have to be authentic, teachers have to try not to
modify them so much since it can be counterproductive since they can confuse them, it is
important that it be with authenticity since at the time of, for example, modify a text to
Helping the student can also modify even the gender, which would confuse the student and
the learning results would not be as expected.

Seeing this in a slightly more general way, we can also rescue the importance of textbooks
on this occasion, they are a fundamental material since it helps a lot to be interested in this.

Many times, teachers use very commercial books to try to instill interest in their students,
sometimes it is the correct decision, but it is also important to know the capacities and ways
of learning of your students since in this way their interest will be immediate, which will
facilitate the teaching process.

A very important point is mentioned in the chapter which is "no textbook can work in all
institutions" which is completely valid because everyone has different needs, and we have
to adapt to situations.
Escritura Avanzada en Inglés


Considering the importance of teaching materials for the teaching of writing can be of great
help to the student and the teacher when giving a class or taking a class.
The materials are very useful and can be very fun if we know how to present them, it may
seem somewhat tedious to prepare a class or a correct teaching model, but the satisfaction
can be very great when you see the results of what you tried to teach and of learning.

It also did not give many ideas about the design of materials, which will be very useful for
what has already been mentioned previously.
All this must be done in a detailed and careful way as it greatly influences a person's


Ken Hyland. (2004). Second Language Writing. United States of America: CAMBRIDGE

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