Healthy Breakfast Foods

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English Lesson Topic: Healthy Breakfast Food

For Intermediate English Learners

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From cereal with milk to sausages with eggs, people in English-speaking countries eat a huge variety of
breakfast foods. But which is the best for you? Here are three healthy breakfasts to try.

Studies have shown that oats may be good for your heart and blood pressure. Just mix oats with water — or
better, milk — and warm them up to make a healthy breakfast. You can then add anything you like on top.

Try adding fruits — such as a banana, apple or berries — which are better for you than honey or sugar. You
can also add nuts and seeds.

Eggs with whole-grain bread

Eggs are a good source of protein, and research has found that they may be good for your heart, eyes and
brain. They also help you feel full. You can eat them with whole-grain bread to make a healthy breakfast. Try
scrambled eggs on toast or a hard-boiled egg in a pita with vegetables.

Instead of eggs, you could have whole-grain bread with other high-protein foods, such as baked beans,
peanut butter or smoked salmon.

A smoothie
Smoothies are a great breakfast if you don't have much time, or if you're not usually hungry in the morning.
They're also easy to travel with if you want to have breakfast on the way to work.

Any fruits or vegetables can be made into a smoothie. Try mixing mango with spinach, a banana and some
water. Berries, a banana, low-fat yogurt and apple juice also make a great smoothie.

Smoothies are a good way to get fruits and vegetables into your diet, but they can be high in sugar, so most
people should only have one 150 milliliter glass a day.

Variety ( Noun )
the quality or state of having different forms or types.

A huge or large variety means a number of different types of things in the same general category. For example,
the shop offers a huge variety of fruits but a small variety of ice cream.

Other ways to say a huge variety:

- a huge number of..
- a handful
- a large selection of..

Other ways to say a small variety:

- a small number of..
- hardly any..
- a small selection of..

Blood pressure ( Noun )

the force of blood against the walls of blood vessels.

Your blood pressure is considered high (stage 1) if it reads 130/80mmhg. Doctors and Nurses use a device
called a sphygmomanometer otherwise known as the “BP apparatus” to measure your blood pressure. A
high blood pressure is also known as Hypertension.

However, if the reading is below 90/60mmhg, the blood pressure is considered low. A l ow blood pressure is
also known as Hypotension.

Source ( Noun )
a point of origin, something comes from.

Foods that are a good source of calcium are dairy products like cheese, milk, and yogurt.
You can also say:
- An excellent source…
- The best source..

Protein ( Noun )
a substance found in meat, eggs, etc. That is important for health and growth.

Diet ( Noun )
food and drink regularly provided or consumed
There are a lot of different kinds of diets, here I’ll teach you the top 5 most common diets.

The Paleo Diet. - A paleo diet typically includes lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds

The Vegan Diet. - A vegan diet contains only plants (such as vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits) and foods
made from plants. Vegans do not eat foods that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs.

Gluten-free Diet - A gluten-free diet is an eating plan that excludes foods containing gluten. Gluten is a protein
found in wheat, barley, rye.

Low-carb Diet - A low-carb diet is a diet low in carbohydrates, such as those found in sugary foods, pasta and

1) What is another way to say 'high blood pressure?'

a. Hypotension
b. Hypertension
c. Variety

2) The quality or state of having different forms or types?

a. Variety
b. Hypertension
c. Source

3) What is that substance found in meat, eggs, etc that is important for health and growth?

a. Pasta
b. Carbs
c. Protein

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What are the most popular breakfast foods where you live?

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