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Reception and Diagnostic Center

prepared by: Jhommiline R. Azores


Reception and Diagnostic Center

- Was created through the issuance of Administrative Order no. 8, series of 1953 of the
Department of Justice.
- It was patterned after the reception facilities of the California State Prison

Reception and Diagnostic Center

3. independent institution



-identify treatments

-classify all national prisoners committed by FINAL JUDGEMNT to the National Penitentiary.

-All 7 institutions of BuCor has their own RDC

Reception and Diagnostic Center

4. Headquarters is located in the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) RDC was relocated to Building no.
7, formerly referred to as Metro Jail of Medium Security Compound of Camp Sampaguita,
Muntinlupa City and supervises all RDC’s of other penal institutions.

5. RDC has a total of fifty (50) personnel, consisting of 21 civilian and 29 security officers.

6. Convicted Prisoners remains in the RDC for 60 days of evaluation.

Admission of Prisoners
- Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. 10575

- RDC mandated tasks to receive study and classify ALL MALE national inmates committed to
the Corrections.

Prisoner’s documents for admission:

(i) Mittimus/Commitment Order of the Court,

(ii) Information and Court Decision in the case,

(iii) Certification of Detention,

(iv) Certification of No Pending Case,

(v) Certification of Non-Appeal, and

(vi) Provincial Form 35 / Inmate data sheet


60 days-

(Supervised by the RDC Chief)

5 days of Quarantine:

Interview of prisoner (PDL)

Admission-Orientation Program or the Familiarization of Prison Rules

Remaining 55 days:

Diagnostic Program or Observation conducted by specialist staff.

Psychiatric, psychological, sociological, pilgrims, educational, sociological examination


a. Municipal or City Prisoners - detained or sentenced for violation of a municipal or city

ordinance; his sentence may be deprived of liberty for not more than thirty (30) days

b. Provincial Prisoners - his sentence may be deprived of liberty for not more than one (1) year

c. Insular/National Prisoners - He is committed to the Bureau of Prisons. He has to be further

classified into maximum, medium or minimum prisoner

(according to security risk)

Minimum Security Prisoners:

- Camp Bukang-Liwayway

- Wears Brown

“Open condition”
b. Medium Security


-Camp Sampaguita

- Wears Blue

“Pose less danger to Society”

c. Maximum Security


- Wears Tangerine/Orange

“Highly Dangerous”

Life long imprisonment

Minimum sentence of 20 yrs


Reporter: Azores Jhommiline R Topic: Reception and Diagnostic Center 3BSC6A

1. It is also known as Building no. 7 or formerly known as Metro Jail of ___________ where the
main center of RDC was relocated, to reduce exposure of danger by maximum security inmates.

a. Camp Bagong Diwa

b. Camp Sampaguita
c. Camp Bukang Liway-way
d. Building no. 9

2. The RDC was originally patterned after the reception facilities of the ____________.

a. California State Prison

b. Indiana State Prison
c. Ohio State Prison
d. Alcatraz

3. Prisoners who are classified as highly dangerous and has a sentence of life long imprisonment or
minimum sentence of 20 years.

a. Medium Security Prisoners

b. Minimum Security Prisoners
c. National Prisoners
d. Maximum Security Prisoners

4. RDC was created to through the issuance of __________ series of 1953 of the Department of

a. Administrative Order no. 8

b. Administrative Order no. 9
c. Administrative Order no. 10
d. Administrative Order no. 11

5. Any person detained pending preliminary investigation before the Court of First Instance; a
person who by reason of his sentence may be deprived of liberty for not more than one year or is
subjected to a fine of not more than P500 or is subjected to both penalties.

a. National Prisoners
b. Municipal Prisoners
c. Provincial Prisoners
d. City Prisoners
6. RDC’s Headquarters is located at New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa, they oversees its
independence in carrying its mandated tasks to receive study and classify ALL MALE national
inmates committed to the Corrections by a competent court of authority but where do the
FEMALE inmates undergo their classification?

a. RDC in New Bilibid Prison has a separate department for female inmates
b. After receiving final judgment, it is the duty of the court to classify the inmates based on their
c. The prisoners gets to decide which security compound they belong
d. Female Inmates goes directly to Correctional Institution for Women

7. The 60 days evaluations of inmates inside the RDC are composed of _________.

a. 5 days Quarantine and 55 days observation by specialists

b. 5 days Observation by specialists and 55days of quarantine
c. 10 days observation and 50 days of quarantine
d. 10 days quarantine, 10 days of observation and 40 days of clinical trials

8. The center is now headed by a

a. former school teacher

b. a psychologist
c. Sociologist
d. Psychiatrist

9. _____________ is the process where the newcomer is confined at the quarantine cell where he
undergoes an familiarization of prison life. He is also examined in order to see whether he is in
need of medical attention or suffering from diseases which may necessitate his segregation from
the rest of the prison population.

a. Prisonization
b. Proselytization
c. Admission-Orientation Program
d. Quarantine

10. The following are the main objectives of RDC, which one IS NOT true?

a. The RDC is an independent institution tasked to receive, study, classify all national prisoners
committed by final judgment to the National Penitentiary.
b. All prison institutions have their own Reception and Diagnostic Centre (RDC)
c. The success of all prisons' rehabilitation process depends on how the RDC tackles the
necessary orientation
d. RDC supervises the treatment of prisoners in all the institutions of BuCor

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