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Chamut lry Jeit

1 Qualitahue analysu hat btath. btanth oh chamiby
which daalu wth tha
idantihikatian, o elasnondu and
ghouping elamantu aund un a 4amplu
2 Jhe dosenass be maa mealwramonlu te eash
ethaa u knousn au the
þruiuisn a ault t u
hou ar tha sama aiult can ba
paoduurad a
mulipl üma
) t u tha tabeatabidily and kopraduucabiliby a a Ault

3 (a) 26 ml
b) 0.0025 m

4 (0) 3


5 a) 0 000 3498
3:498 x 10
6) 235 4678
2354678 x 10

2Analutical hemiuty starnds aut al a þkasticolly

vealils, suul and inbetant ild in the ollouing
ti) t haa vaiaus biomedical uu ; t þatidady
dalamuina tha. qualiy of madiina we tanduma

or) Analyual chonuty has a ide kanga o u

chuking ha chalubal lowels un ou bladt
enwanmantal monitong

2 Accuhars meauornant u moant

by the daidauurasi
etha maa uwed valuu ts tha &tandard on tu valus
t can ba1 obtainod by taking small ka0.darga
3 Ralatuve &ttor :
Ralaune erxs u dalinad au tha ralus othe abieut
ex o tha maalwomant e tha adual m0aluhamont

Abaalut r o
Absoluta eeto u ha dileaane belusean maasulad valus
and tho actual valun o a quanlily

4ha embuical omula aimly banz toluo o tha dilhazont

alems in a combound uhua he malatular konula
sheu tha aclual numb e atomi o each elmante u
he comound.
tg Let coniidar horane e r thu caue
tmpiical fazmula and malauular fmula

CgHu Melacula lemula
37 tmpuucal kemula

S5 K0, Petaslium dithtorrale

16larulan mau 39x 2 t 52x 2 t 16x7
Mast o K 18u
Mai e Ca, 104
Mail 9 12u
18 x 1O0
MaLs botallum 2 94u

26.53 /.

Mas /. ochremium 10yu x 10o

3 5 37 7

Mas e exygan 2 u x I00


CaC0, Ca0 + CO,

CaCo 100g ;Ca0 56 C0, 44
Calo uyod u 19-3

Weight e te Ca0 S6x193


= 10 8g

8(a) Melarik: Melaity car be dakinod a tho nwnbe

mol o the soluta diusdued þer l e o the

(b) Melali: Melalily can ha dehuned a the numbe

mslas e selute þrajant t pe in 1ka Aeyent
Waa t009 o tHaluior
wagh o sent (aln 24 39
100 t
Mola Lalent 152 15 19

17&8 msl
Molu oeut 248
36 S
0 6 795 ma
Jotal malu
4 118+ 0 6795
4575 msl

Molaaruen (HU) =moles HU

teta malas
0 138

2We krow that 7. mali osuhstance

mals e bubitao y 00
maLs e sslulisn
342 x100
3429+ 400g

34 2 y100
434 2

7 877.

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