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Mesh Generation in CFD

Abhishek Jain
© Zeus Numerix

Defense | Nuclear Power | Aerospace | Infrastructure | Industry

Solving problems using CFD in 6 steps

Build Computational Create suitable Boundary Conditions &
Domain Mesh Initial conditions
© Zeus Numerix

Solution of discrete
Interpret solution Plot flow Field equations
Importance of mesh

• The grid
• Stores discrete values for the field variables
• Helps in the evaluation of partial derivatives (structured meshes)
• Helps in calculation of numerical flux / interpolations using basis
functions (unstructured meshes)
• It affects
• Correctness of physics
• Accuracy of solution
• Overall efficiency of simulation such as CPU time
• In fact, in terms of wall clock time and human
efforts mesh generation is half simulation done!
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What meshes are required?

Sr. No. Method Type of Meshes

1 Geometric Optics (GO) / GTD CAD surfaces defined as NURBS,
surface quadrilaterals or triangles
2 Physical theory of Diffraction PO/PTD Surface quadrilaterals or triangles
3 Method of Moments Surface quadrilaterals or triangles
4 Finite Element Method Quadrilaterals or triangles in 2D
and Hexahedrons or Tetrahedrons
in 3D
5 Finite Difference Method No meshes are required in the
basic method. Octree meshes in
advanced FDTD
6 Finite Volume method Quadrilaterals or triangles in 2D
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and Hexahedrons or Tetrahedrons

in 3D
Classification of Meshes

Cartesian Unstructured for

FDTD methods MOM & FEM
x = y = cons

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Multi-block structured for

FVDT method
Structured Meshes
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Creating Structured Meshes

Topological requirements in 2D Topological requirements

Four vertices, four edges Eight vertices, twelve edges, six

Opposite sides must have similar
Opposite edges must have the
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intervals / mesh points

same no of mesh points
Multi-block Structured Grid

Patched Grids
Domain is covered with sub-domain each with rectangular topology
Grids in each blocks are created independently
Grids are smoothened inside the block and also across the block

Grid lines have C1 continuity Block boundary

Each block has 4 edges

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Patched Blocks with C1 Continuity

Block No1 and Block No. 2 share, Block

boundary completely, But grid lines do
not have even C0 continuity
Block 1 Block 1

Block No1 and Block No. 2 share, Block

boundary completely, Grid lines have
C0 continuity
Block 1 Block 1

Block No1 and Block No. 2 share, Block

boundary completely, Grid lines have
C1 continuity
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Block 1 Block 1

C1 continuity across block boundaries gives best numerical results

Multi-block Structured Meshes – an example
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Identify the vertices, edges, faces and blocks in this figure

Unstructured Meshes : Delaunay and
advancing front triangulations
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Properties of Delaunay Triangulation

Uniqueness : The Delaunay triangulation is unique, assuming

that no four sites are circular.

The circumcircle criteria : A triangulation for N > 2 site is Delaunay if and only if
the circumcircle of every interior triangle is point-free


Incircle test fails on the left.

C Swapping edges, as on right,
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diagonal can be used to

Interior is produce Delaunay triangle
not empty
Properties of Delaunay Triangulation

Delaunay Triangulation

All triangles obey empty-circle

(sphere) property
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Two triangles are highlighted

Properties of Delaunay Triangulation

Circle shown by dotted lines does

not satisfy empty circle (sphere)

Shaded triangle is not Delaunay

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Properties of Delaunay Triangulation

Nearest neighbour Property

In Delaunay triangulation an edge is obtained by joining the
nearest neighbour
But the nearest neighbour edge is one of the many edges
Nearest neighbour

Non-nearest neighbour
Minimal roughness Property
Suppose a property fi is given at all vertices Vi , where i = 1 to N

Any triangulation will produce piecewise linear interpolation surface for this data
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Delaunay triangulation minimises the integral given by

 [(f/x)2 + (f/y)2 ] dx dy for any f
Incremental Insertion Algorithms
- Common Features (popular)
Points to be
New points are added to existing triangulation one
by one

New points are assumed to lie in the existing

All incremental insertion algorithms start with a
phantom triangle large enough to enclose all the
given points

The edges formed by these points, if given as a part

of input data is initially ignored. These edges will
be built later after all the points are inserted.
Edge ignored
Every insertion of new point requires locating (i) a
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triangle or (ii) circumcircles containing this point.

In mesh adaptation the location is known. In initial

triangulation ‘search is required
Point Insertion Algorithm in Delaunay

Given a Delaunay Triangulation of N nodes and having inserted n nodes How do

I insert the next given n+1 th node? Lawson Algorithm (not
the global edge

Locate triangle
containing X
Subdivide triangle

Recursively check
adjoining triangles to
ensure empty-circle
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Swap diagonal if needed

Point Insertion Algorithm in Delaunay

The boundary points of domain are rarely adequate for unstructured meshes.
How do insert additional nodes in the domain.

• Insert node in the

largest triangle

• Insert node on the

largest edge

• Insert points at
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• Insert points arranged

as a lattice
Delaunay Triangulation in action

Initial Triangulation
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Begin with Bounding Triangles (or Tetrahedra)

Delaunay Triangulation in action
Initial Triangulation
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Insert boundary nodes using Delaunay method (Lawson or Bowyer-

Delaunay Triangulation in action
Initial Triangulation
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Insert boundary nodes using Delaunay method (Lawson or Bowyer-

Delaunay Triangulation in action
Initial Triangulation
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Insert boundary nodes using Delaunay method (Lawson or Bowyer-

Delaunay Triangulation in action
Initial Triangulation
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Insert boundary nodes using Delaunay method (Lawson or Bowyer-

Delaunay Triangulation in action
Initial Triangulation
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Insert boundary nodes using Delaunay method (Lawson or Bowyer-

Delaunay Triangulation in action

Recovering Triangulation

Recover boundary
Delete outside triangles
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Insert internal nodes

Delaunay Triangulation in action

Grid Based Node Insertion

Nodes introduced based on a regular lattice

Lattice could be rectangular, triangular, quadtree, etc…
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Outside nodes ignored

Delaunay Triangulation in action
Grid Based Node Insertion

Nodes introduced based on a regular lattice

Lattice could be rectangular, triangular, quadtree, etc…
Outside nodes ignored
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Delaunay Triangulation in action

Centroid Based Node Insertion

Nodes introduced at triangle centroids

Continues until edge length, l  h
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Delaunay Triangulation in action

Centroid Based Node Insertion

Nodes introduced at triangle centroids

Continues until edge length, l  h
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Delaunay Triangulation in action

Circumcenter (“Guaranteed Quality”) Node Insertion

e.g , a strategy: Nodes introduced at triangle circumcenters

Order of insertion based on minimum angle of any triangle
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Continues until minimum angle > predefined minimum (  30 )

Delaunay Triangulation in action

Circumcenter (“Guaranteed Quality”) Node Insertion

Nodes introduced at triangle circumcenters

Order of insertion based on minimum angle of any triangle
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Continues until minimum angle > predefined minimum (  30 )

Delaunay Triangulation in action

Front Node

“Front” structure maintained throughout

Nodes introduced at ideal location from current front edge
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Delaunay Triangulation in action

Advancing Front Node Insertion

“Front” structure maintained throughout

Nodes introduced at ideal location from current front edge
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Delaunay Triangulation in action

Voronoi-Segment Node Insertion

Nodes introduced at midpoint of segment connecting the

circumcircle centers of two adjacent triangles
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Delaunay Triangulation in action

Voronoi-Segment Node Insertion

Nodes introduced at midpoint of segment connecting the

circumcircle centers of two adjacent triangles
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Delaunay Triangulation in action


Nodes introduced at along existing edges at l = h

Check to ensure nodes on nearby edges are not too close
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Delaunay Triangulation in action


Nodes introduced at along existing edges at l = h

Check to ensure nodes on nearby edges are not too close
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Delaunay Triangulation in action
Boundary Constrained

Boundary Intersection
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Nodes and edges introduced where Delaunay edges

intersect boundary
Delaunay Triangulation in action
Boundary Constrained

Boundary Intersection
Nodes and edges introduced where Delaunay edges
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intersect boundary
Delaunay Triangulation in action
Boundary Constrained

Local Swapping
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Edges swapped between adjacent pairs of triangles until

boundary is maintained
Delaunay Triangulation in action
Boundary Constrained

Local Swapping
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Edges swapped between adjacent pairs of triangles until

boundary is maintained
Delaunay Triangulation in action
Boundary Constrained

Local Swapping
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Edges swapped between adjacent pairs of triangles until

boundary is maintained
Delaunay Triangulation in action
Boundary Constrained

Local Swapping
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Edges swapped between adjacent pairs of triangles until

boundary is maintained
Delaunay Triangulation in action
Boundary Constrained

Local Swapping
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Edges swapped between adjacent pairs of triangles until

boundary is maintained
Advancing front Algorithm

Algorithm (in 2D)

• Boundary is discretised based upon the points per wavelength (ppw)
• Initialize front as a set of line segments defining the boundary completely
• The front is advanced in to the domain producing triangles as it
• Front advances in a variety of ways depending on the angle between
two consecutive edges of the front:
• Three possibilities arise : as discussed in the next slide

front Domain :
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Advancing front Algorithm

• Determine whether element formed with the trial point crosses any
• If yes, select a new trial point and try again.
• Add the new point, edges and triangles to the respective lists. Delete
base edge from the front and add new edge(s) to the front till front is
empty Case C
Case A Case B

New front
Trial point
  

Case Deleting vertices Deleting edges Adding vertices Adding edges Included angle
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Case A 1 2 Nil 1  < 30

Case B 1 2 1 2 30 <  < 120
Case C Nil 1 1 2  > 120
Advancing Front

initial front

Trial point

Step 1:
Create a list of vertices, edges and triangles

Consider boundary as the initial front. Advance the front by creating a triangle
in the domain with an edge (say AB). Locate vertex C (trial point) for the
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If point C is acceptable form a triangle in the domain

Advancing Front (contd.)

Vertex added

C’ D


Step 2: Edge deletedA’ B’

Delete one edge, add one vertex, add two edges and add one triangle from / to
the respective lists
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Choose a new advancing front (A’ B’). Determine if trial point C’ is within radius
r (= /ppw) , if not, accept D.
Advancing Front (contd.)

Triangle Triangle
1 added 2 added

Step 3 :

Delete two edges, add one edge and add one triangle to the respective lists
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Note that “Book-Keeping” of the vertices, edges and triangles is important

Advancing Front (contd.)

Step 4 :

Delete two edges, add one edge and add one triangle to the respective lists
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Advancing Front (contd.)

Step 5 :

Delete one edge, add two edges and add one triangle to the respective lists
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Note that so far only one vertex has been added to the list of vertices
Advancing Front (contd.)

Step 6 :

Delete four edges, delete four vertices and add two triangles

Where multiple choices are available, use best quality (closest shape to
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equilateral) triangle

Reject any triangle that intersects existing front

Advancing Front (contd.)


Step 7:

To recover , reject any inverted triangles AB X AC < 0)

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Advancing Front Algorithm

Method can be used for surfaces and volume though a lot of modification is
Anisotropic grids can be produced
Grid quality is not high
Advancing fronts collide to produce poor grids
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Front Advancing in the process and triangulation completed

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Hybrid Meshes
Hybrid Methods

When two or more meshes / methods are used

Structured mesh + tet meshes

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Image courtesy of Roy P. Koomullil, Engineering Research Center,

Mississippi State University,

Image courtesy of acelab, University of Texas, Austin,
Hybrid Mesh Through Advancing Front

Discretize Boundary
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Hybrid Mesh Through Advancing Front

Corner Concave Corner
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• Mesh generation consists of

• 3D Mesh Generation : Dividing volume where electromagnetic field is
required to be calculated in to tetrahedrons or hexahedrons
• 2D/ Surface Mesh Generation : Diving surfaces which limits the
electromagnetic field or material boundaries into triangles or
• Mesh generation affect the accuracy of solution
• Mesh Generation requires domain experience
• Mesh generation affects the duration and cost of
• Zeus Numerix uses it proprietary software GridZ™ for
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the purpose.
Thank You!
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