Concept of Art Integrated Learning

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Art Integrated Learning -

The Concept - Transcript

What is Art Integrated Learning (AIL)?
Friends,In Art Integrated Learning we have a very flexible approach. It's
dynamic, you can think, even if you have planned something else and in the
classroom, you realize that children have a different mood, weather is also
different and you feel like designing a new activity. You can do it. because
this can accommodate hundreds of activities so you don’t have to bother
about one activity or planning a particular kind of activity only even though
art form. You can go for visual arts or you can go for performing arts. It is
very very dynamic in nature and you can think of as many activities as you
feel like. Let me tell you one special feature of Art Integrated Learning that
this is hands on experience approach, you cannot cover it theoretically.So
when we talk of art integrated learning, as rightly goes in your mind, that
you will be doing one or the other art form, art activity,where you and your
students will go through different kind of experiences and those experiences
will then be connected to the subjects. We will also have different kind of
worksheets, workbooks and activities which will make the learner think,
imagine, explore, observe, reflect and freely express whatever they feel
like expressing.
In the Art Integrated Learning activities we will try to go sequence wise
because if we do it without planning, without putting it in a particular
sequence we may not benefit though children will benefit by any art
experience. They will learn, they will be happy, and the environment will
be very joyful but your planned experience and planned linking with
the subject will be effective only if you go in a sequential manner. In Art
Integrated Learning there is one more special feature because we address
assessment along with learning. Here you will find the portfolio has a very
very important role so whatever children are doing whatever the learner is
doing needs to be maintained in the portfolio, with the date, and if possible
the subject also when we conducted what kind of activities. This will be very
very helpful to you all for the assessment purpose.

Art Integrated Learning

So I’ll take you around on different parts of concept of art integrated learning
and for your easy understanding I am putting it in a way of questions and
answers so the first question comes to my mind is

What is art integrated learning?

The dictionary meaning of Integration is, ‘the act of combining or adding
parts to make a unified whole’. Thus, Art Integration means ‘combining arts
with the teaching-learning of different curricular areas.’
Subjects such as Languages, Social Studies, Sciences and Mathematics
can be easily linked with art experience. Arts can clarify many concept of
these subjects with very very simple and easy manner. Thus, the abstract
concepts within the subjects can be concretised seamlessly using different
art forms. Learning with this approach helps in increasing knowledge,
understanding and application of the subject area on one hand and fosters
a sense of appreciation on the other. This is what is called holistic or
complete learning. Art provides a language for expression. The expression
can be through visual arts or in the form of performing arts. So a child
can either make something or perform through using his or her voice or
the body. Art Integrated Classrooms can provide learning experiences that
engage children their mind, their heart and their body.

What is the difference between Art Education and Art Integrated

You must be thinking about it beauce somewhere we are writing art
education and the other places we are writing art integrated learning.well
In simple words ‘Art Education’ is a curricular area means a subject which is
compulsory from classes I-X. Art Education refers to specialized knowledge
of the grammar, grammar of art, theory and performance techniques of
the art form. It is the experience provided by the teacher wherein students
are taught to express themselves through visual and performing arts. Art
education is a process which encourages sensory explorations. It provides
a platform to work with ideas, materials to create expression, which might
not be expressed through words alone. It encourages the non-verbal
expression to be brought forth, be it in the form of a song, a painting, or a
Art Integrated Learning is a teaching-learning model which is based on
‘learning through the arts’ and ‘with the arts’. It is a process where art
becomes the medium of teaching – learning, a key to understanding the
concept with any subject or curriculum. In Art Integrated Learning, the
learner explores creatively while building connections between different
concepts and art experience. In integration, we work with the arts at the
centre of the curriculum. Here art enables children to explore and use
multiple skills and abilities.

What are Visual and Performing Arts?

There are Visual arts and performing arts.Visual arts is a creative form of
art which is to be appreciated or perceived primarily by viewing, painting,
sculpture, photography, print-making, stage- art, clay-modeling, applied
art and crafts are generally terms of visual arts. Whereas performing arts
are creative and artistic expressions performed in front of audience where
performers used their voice,body or imminent objects to convey artistic
expression.Performing arts include dance, music (vocal and instrumental)
both,theatre, puppetry, mime, storytelling, martial arts, magic performance,
cinema etc.

What is the role of arts in making learning ‘holistic’ joyful’ and

While engaging with arts, learners go through different stages, such
as observing, thinking, imagining, exploring, experimenting, deducing,
creating, recreating and expressing. These stages need actual involvement
of all the three domains: cognitive, psycho- motor and affective. Hence, it is
experiential in nature and leads to the holistic development of every learner.
Here the learner learns encourage to experience a art as process and not
worry product which help them overcome the subject fear and enhances
their joy of doing and learning.Arts also address the diverse learning needs
and provide every learner with alternative means of expression.Where
they can explore and experience a topic more deeply without pressure of
outcomes which result enjoyfully.

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