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Ibo, Ryan A 

3 BSN B 

Nurse Patient Interaction 

Nurse and Patient Therapeutic Rationale  Interpretation 
Conversation  Communication
N: Hello po!! Maam Giving Informing the patient The patient answered
natatandaan niyo po ba information and of facts increases his straight forward  and
kami last week?   Restating or her knowledge expresses her thoughts
  about a topic or lets effectively.
P: Ahh oo natatandaan the patient know what
ko kayo to expect. The nurse is
  functioning as a
N: Sige nga po kung resource person.
natatandaan niyo ako Giving information
ano pong name ko?   also builds trust with
  the client  
P: Oo tanda ko kayo
pero hindi kita The nurse repeats what
natandaan e malabo the client has said in
kasi maliliit yung sulat approximately or
nung nakaraan pero nearly same words the
ngayon kita ko na kayo client has used. The
restatement lets the
N: Ahh ganun po ba client know that he or
tanda niyo kami pero she communicated the
hindi niyo ako tanda, idea effectively. This
ako nga po pala si encourages the client
Ryan Ibo student nurse to continue. Or if the
po para lang po aware client has been
po kayo misunderstood, he, or
she can clarify his or
P: Ayy okay ikaw pala her thoughts
si Ryan  
N: Kumusta naman po Encouraging and using Extra detail really The patient answered
kayo nitong mga broad openings ang helps to qualify and Straight forward and
nakakaraang araw po. open ended questions clarify their responses, responsive to the
  yielding more accurate questions 
P: Uhm masaya happy Restating   information and
naman ako nitong mga actionable insight for
nakakaraang araw you 
N: Mabuti naman po
kung ganun. Wala The nurse repeats what
naman po ba kayo the client has said in
nararamdaman na sakit approximately or
  nearly same words the
P: Wala naman okay client has used. The
lang naman ako mainit restatement lets the
lang talaga ngayon client know that he or
gawa ng panahon she communicated the
  idea effectively. This
N: Opo mainit po encourages the client
talaga ngayon gawa ng to continue. Or if the
panahon client has been
  misunderstood, he, or
she can clarify his or
her thoughts
N: Ngayon po Encouraging and using Extra detail really The patient answered
kumusta po kayo dyan broad openings ang helps to qualify and with trust and
sa synergy. Okay open ended questions clarify their responses, confidence 
naman po ba? yielding more accurate
  information and
P: Oo Mababait Reassuring   actionable insight for
naman ang kasama ko you 
saka yung mga staff
masarap kaya sila mag Attempts to dispel the
luto lalo na yung fried client’s anxiety by
chicken implying that there is
  not sufficient reason
N: Opo nagustuhan for concern completely
niyo po ba yung mga devalue the client’s
ano po foods po na.. feelings. Vague
  reassurance without
P: Yung pinakain accompanying facts
niyo? are meaningless to
N: Opo yung mga
pinakain po namin

P: Oo nagustuhan ko

N: Ohh Mabuti naman


P: Tapos uminom
kami ng gulaman sarap

N: Nagustuhan niyo
po ba yung gulaman?

P: Oo saka
nakakabusog yung
pinakain niyo samin
N: Opo, sa mga
susunod na araw po
ayun po madami pa po
kayo makakain na

P: Pwede ba mag Using broad openings Extra detail really The patient is hopeful
tanong? Sa sabado na ang open ended helps to qualify and and somehow excited
ba yung socialization questions  clarify their responses, for the upcoming
day? yielding more accurate socialization day
Introducing an information and
N: Opo sa sabado po unrelated topic actionable insight for
yung socialization day you 

P: Ngayong sabado? The nurse takes the

initiative for the
N: Opo ngayong interaction away from
darating po na sabado the client. This usually
happens because the
P: Okayy nurse is
uncomfortable, doesn’t
N:  Uhmm know how to respond,
Ssasocialization day or has a topic he or she
po magkakaroon po would rather discuss.
tayo ng program po
P: Entertainment,
yung mag peperform
N: Opo, kung
pagpepeformin po
namin kayo,
magpepeform po ba

P: Oo, sana may lyrics

ng kanta kase di ko
masyado maalala yung
lyics ng kanta

N: Kung pakakantahin
po ba naming kayo,
kakanta po ba kayo

P: Oo namaan

N: Kung maaaring Formulating a plan of It may be helpful for The patient easily
makalabas na po kayo action the client to plan in expresses her thoughts
jan sa synergy ano po advance what he or she during the
kaya yung una niyong might do in future conversation
gagawin kapag similar situationos.
nakalabas na po kayo Making definite plans
jan. increaces the
likelihood that the
P: Ano pupuntahan ko client will cope more
yung mga kasama ko effectively in a similar
sa las Pinas kase situation
meron akong divine
will na group yung
nagdadasal kami
tuwing morning saka
maganda rin kase yung
mga yon kasi
naghahanda sila mga
ng pagkain gusto ko
yung mga hinahanda
nilang pagkain

N: Hmm mabuti
naman po kung ganun

N: Maaari ko po bang Probing and Giving Probing tends to make The patient answered
matanong kung recognition the client feel used or with trust and patiently
kumusta na po ang invaded. Clients have answered the
progress niyo jan sa the right not to talk questions. She also
synergy about issues or giggled, expressing her
concerns if they happiness as we
P: Kung kumusta choose. Pushing and recognized her efforts
ang?.... probing by the nurse for having a good
will not encourage the appetite.
N: Ang progress niyo client to talk.
Greeting the client by
P: Ahhh progress, kasi name, indicating
ano.. oki naman ako.. awareness of change,
ano wala na akong or noting efforts the
bulong. Ang client has made all
tinatanong nga sakin show that the nurse
lagi ni Dr Mark recognizes the client as
Pascual kung kumusta a person, as an
ang tulog ko. Saka indivudal. Such
ngayon nga pala recognition does not
medyo malakas na ako carry the notion of
kumain dami kong value, that is, of being
kanin na kinakain “good” or “bad”.
minsan dalawang cups
minsan 1 and ¼ kasi
dati nawalan ako ng
gana kumain kasi
napupuyat ako

N: Ahhh mabuti po
kung ganun makabawi
po kayo sa kalusugan
niyo po, basta po wag
naman po yung
sobrang dami yung
moderate lang po para
po healthy tayo

P: Oo

N: Pero ngayon po
nakakatulog naman na
po kayo ng ayos
maganda po yung
ganyan para po para po
sa kalusugan.

P: (Giggles)

N: Iwas iwasan nalang

din po yung pag
pupuyat para po hindi
makasama sa inyo para
din po maganda yung
tulog ninyo

P: Oo

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