Understanding The Self Activity 1

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Did you realize if you are not connected to your loved ones? What’s the feeling if you are
not attached to them? Could you work? Could you grow? Understanding one's role in life comes
from knowing your purposes. This knowing of purpose comes instinctually seeking the goal. “He
who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”-Friedrich Nietzsche
The thing that would describe me? Well, Let me consider the function of this thing chosen
first. It produces a connection to passed energy, it's a way to lighten something’s, and vitalize an
object to work. I see myself as an extension. This may sound ridiculous but at this time allow me
to be objectal enable me to express how my vision and imagination work. I may be symbolical
this time.
Let's try to make a situation, how a bulb can produce light if there is no electricity in touch.
How can those energy flow to the bulb to lighten up? There must be a path. Let me describe, my
parents are the main switch or electrical breaker they are the sources of energy in the family. En-
ergy is the hardship, patient, effort, action of my parents and loved ones. And this is why I see
myself as an extension.
Honestly, I cannot be the source, it's my parents. But somehow I have the obligation.
Thankfully, my parents are very hardworking they work just to produce energy (wealth, money,
needs, and wants) for the family. They give us financial and loving support. But how can I be use-
ful? I'm just an extension.
Well, my parents working so hard just to give us what we need in our daily lives. They
want me to produce something, to achieve something. One day my mother ask me, what I want
to be someday. I said, "I want to be successful in my special way". My mother responded, “focus
on your dreams, priorities what is important, I and your papa is here to support".
However, that extension connected to the main switch also gives energy to other people
and gives support and helped for them to lighten up, grow and forget their problem. I open my
heart wholeheartedly for them. But if they already get what they want they will detach from me.
Yes, it’s okay for me as long as I helped and be a blesser to other. Let me emphasize this quota-
tion of mine “If you do it to be appreciated even you are unwilling, better not to do it.”
Furthermore, extension cord is primary function to extend or continue power to the device
that does not reach an outlet. My parents doesn’t achieve what they wish when there young. I will
extend and continue that desire to accomplish. I would not let my hand remove them from their
hand. I would hold it right to working up the connection upon attaining the bulb to shine. Even
other people doesn't want me to shine.
I'm not perfect, sometimes I couldn't fit the energy released, and sometimes I can't suit to
my parent's desire. I sometimes mislead, I sometimes detached and disconnected. Sometimes I ne-
glected and forgot that there is a bulb. Yes, this is hard, there is no easy journey, right? I don't
want to see the build fading. This is why I'm studying hard, I want to achieve it step by step. Yes,
college is one of the stages to be passed off. The longest my chord is the longest the path is. I
want to have a firm connection and relationship with my parents and love ones, we will work
hard to lighten up the bulb and see how beautifully it's shine.

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