Teaching and Researching Language Learning Strateg... - (PG 157 - 157)

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Concept 5.1 Positive and negative factors in self-report and other-report
Potential Type of report
Self-report Other-report

Positive • Self-report is one of the very few ways that we can gain • Many kinds of other-report exist, largely via

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access to the learner’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and observation (live observation in the classroom,
strategies. computer tracking, neurological observation).
• Self-report may be needed as a check on the findings of • Other-report can be a check on the findings of
other-report. self-report.
• Social desirability response bias (tendency to report what the • Social desirability response bias is not present in
participant thinks the researcher wants) is not an issue in L2 other-report.
learning strategy studies (a) if it is made clear that there are • Other-report in the classroom and via computer
no right or wrong answers and that what participants say tracking is not generally intrusive.
will not influence evaluations of the individual by others, and • Other-report is not clouded by participant
(b) if, in formal studies, anonymity and confidentiality are memory loss, irrelevant comments, inarticulateness,
established. or inability to generalize across tasks.

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Negative • Interpretations of retrospective self-report might be clouded • Other-report might miss the internal aspects of
by memory loss; automaticity of the behaviour, making it L2 learning that could be reported by the
unconscious; or complexity (Anderson and Vandergrift, learner, so self-report is needed.
1996). • Even if good observations are possible by the
• Interpretations might be marred by a participant’s irrelevant teacher or researcher, the correct interpretation
comments about “epiphenomena,” inarticulateness, or of what the observations mean might be difficult
inability to generalize over a number of recent task or elusive.
performances (see White et al., 2007). • Other-report can be hampered by the
• Interpretations can be hampered by the researcher’s lack of researcher’s lack of understanding or cultural

understanding or cultural assumptions too distant from or assumptions.

too similar to those of the participant.

Oxford, Rebecca L.. Teaching and Researching: Language Learning Strategies, Taylor & Francis Group, 2011. ProQuest Ebook
• If a self-report occurs during an L2 task, this can be
experienced as intrusive (Cohen and Scott, 1996) or
burdensome (Branch, 2000).
• Self-report can have social desirability response bias under
some circumstances.

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