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Nama : viky Andriyanto

Kelas : XII TKRO 3

No. Absen : 27


Activity 4



Ilham : How is the progress of our annual report, Sania ?

Sania : It is almost done, I think we could print it before this weekend.

Ilham : Good. The principal has asked us to present it before the new OSIS election.

Sania ; That is still next mont. We still have plenty of time then.

Ilham : That is true . It is better if the report finished early, so we can check if something is missing.

Sania ; Right. That remind me . I need your signature for the acknowledgement of the report.

Ilham : OK , how many copies of the report should we make ?

Sania : I think we should make four

Ilham : Four ? Who will get the report ?

Sania : yes, four. One is for the principle, one for the library , and the rests are for archieves


Eka : Can you help me with my project report, Anna ?

Anna : Sure

Eka : I am wondering what I should write on my abstract,

Anna ; That is easy . Just write a short summary of your report.

Eka : But how ? Should I start with the aim ?

Anna : Well, Yeah ! But you should write the title and the writer first, just like on the research

Eka : O.K Do we write a brief summary afterward ?

Anna : Yes . just write a summary mentioning the aims, problem, methodology, findings, and

Eka : Is there any limitation on how much I should write ?

Anna : Yes, It is recommended that you should write it around 200 words

Eka : O.K. What about the keywords ?

Anna : Write the keywords after the summery.

Eka : Right . Thanks , Anna

Anna : Anytime


Mr. Husen : Anita , please prepare the report for our meeting tomorrow

Anita : Yes, Sir . What does It cover, Sir ?

Mr. Husen : I want detailed information about this month ‘s incomes , expenses, and product

Anita : Yes, Sir. Anything else, sir ?

Mr. Husen : I also would like to see the data on our marketing strategies that have been done
so far.

Anita : All right , Sir. I will prepare them right away

Mr. Husen : Good, Is there Anything you would like to add, Anita ?

Anita : Oh yes, Sir. What about the employees sales record.

Mr. Husen ;That is good idea . Do we have the data ?

Anita : I think our sales Assistant Manager, Gilang , has them, I will call him right away.

Mr. Husen : Thank , Anita

Anita : You are welcome


Dialog 1

1. Sania’s report is …………

Answer : Sania's report is an annual report
2. The report must be submitted before………
Answer : reports must be completed before the election of the new student council.
3. Sania needs ilham’s ………
Answer : sania needs ilhams to sign the acknowledgment report
4. The report needs to be printed …
Answer : Report must be printed before this weekend
5. The report will be submitted to……
Answer : The report will be submitted to the school principal

Dialog 2

1. Eka asks Anna to…

Answer : Eka asked Anna to help her with the project report she was going to make
2. Eka does not know ……
Answer : eka doesn't know what she will write in her abstract
3. An abstract is a……
Answer : Abstract is a short summary of a report
4. First , Eka should write……………………… her abstract
Answer : First, Eka must write the title and write it first in the abstract abstrak
5. The last part of an abstract is …………
Answer : The last part of the abstract is a summary stating the objectives, problems,
methodology, findings, and conclusions

Dialog 3

1. Mr. Husen will hold ………

Answer : Mr Husen will have a meeting
2. Mr. husen needs Anita to…...
Answer : Mr. Husen needs Anita to prepare a report
3. Anita suggests that the report include ……
Answer : Anita reports that the report includes detailed information on revenue, expenses,
and product sales this month as well as data on marketing strategies.
4. Gilang is …..................
Answer : Gilang is Assistant manager
5. Gilang has………………
Answer : Gilang has employee sales records

Answer the following questions based on th dialog in activity 4


1. What are the three dialog about ?

Answer: report
2. Who are talking in the three dialogs ?
Answer : dialog 1 : Ilham and Sania
dialog 2 : Eka and Ana
dialog 3 : Mr. Husen and anita
3. Where does each dialog probably happen ?
Answer : dialog 1 : at school
dialog 2 : at home
dialog 3 : in the office

4. What kinds of the report are written in the three dialogs ?

Answer : dialog 1 : annual report
dialog 2 : project report
dialog 3:meeting report
5. What are the difference between each report ?
Answer : dialog 1 : annual report a report on the progress and achievements of the
organization in a year.
dialog 2 : A project report is a report on activities carried out on a construction service
project, which is useful as the responsibility of a contractor in carrying out each of his
dialog 3 : The meeting report is an official report which has a wider language coverage and
contains the results of important meetings or conferences

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