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Front page

1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................1

2 Strategic Position of Amazon...................................................................................................1

3 Strategic Capability of Amazon...............................................................................................2

4 Interconnection of Strategic Position and Strategic Capability of Amazon.............................3

5 Customer Obsession of Amazon..............................................................................................3

6 Customer Obsession over Competitive Advantage..................................................................4

7 Strategic Position and Strategic Choice...................................................................................5

8 Reference..................................................................................................................................7

1 Introduction
In terms of the business activities of an organisation is concerned, it is vital for the authorities as
well as the decision makers to focus towards various internal as well as external decisions that
could be highly impacting the organisational revenue generation in the competitive business
environment. There are multiple occurrences the authorities focus towards various strategic
decisions which is highly impacting towards the organisational position as well as the capability
that is highly deviating from the competitors to have a brand enhancement in a large scale. In
terms of organisation which has a globalised business activities along with large scale business
operations, it is vital for them to focus towards the strategic position as well as the strategic
capability which is aligned towards a single objective which is highly focused towards customer
obsession. As far as the business activities which is conducted by large scale enterprises in the
global business environment is concerned, even though they have the tendency to focus towards
the customer oriented business activities, it is important for them to make sure they have a better
strategic position as well as the strategic choices which is highly oriented towards the value
creation in their nature the business activities (Ansoff and Kipley, 2018).

2 Strategic Position of Amazon

As far as the business activities conducted by the Amazon is concerned, they always focus
towards various analysis throughout their brand oriented strategic aspects which is highly
impacting their business activities in a global scale. By considering the strategic position of the
Amazon is concerned, they presently focused towards the low pricing strategy along with
availability, accessibility as well as quality delivery at all the relevant markets they have the
tendency to dominate. There are multiple occurrences the strategic position of the Amazon
competed with various competitors all around the world throughout online as well as offline
aspects (Ives, Cossick and Adams, 2019). By considering the business activities as well as the
branding aspects are concerned, the strategic position of the Amazon has been achieved in a way
where the brand has obtained large amount of brand awareness against the product variances
which is delivered to the target market.

There are multiple occurrences the organisation had to compete with the largest competitors
such as eBay as well as Walmart in a strategic level in order to uplifted strategic position
throughout providing large amount of variances of product deliveries to uplift the market share.

In terms of the global business activities the position is one of a major impact for a large scale
business entities such as Amazon where the low pricing strategy has been encountered by the
Walmart as well as eBay in various occurrences and in selected markets well the Amazon has to
focus towards new strategic positions in rapid manner. On the other hand, the organisation also
focused towards the availability of the production service deliveries throughout the regions well
the strategic position of the brand awareness has been uplifting the organisation in a significant
level to achieve the considerable market share (Cusumano, 2017).

3 Strategic Capability of Amazon

In terms of the business activities conducted by the Amazon is concerned, it is vital for the
authorities as well as the decision makers to focus towards the strategic capability in the
competitive business environment which leads the organisation to achieve largest revenue as
well as brand enhancement in a significant level. The authorities have the tendency to identify
and understand the strategy capabilities throughout better analysis of the internal as well as
external aspects along with the online as well as offline business entities. In the view of the
strategy capabilities of the Amazon market locations are concerned, it is highly deviated from the
community deliveries in terms of the technology infrastructure. The organisation has the large
amount of technology infrastructure throughout its diversified business portfolio and conduct the
business activities throughout a better revenue sharing model within the business entities. By
considering the technology infrastructure the online as well as offline mediums have the
tendency to focus towards the cutting edge of technology in terms of transactions, product and
service deliveries, providing better customer experience as well as meeting the customer
requirements in a customizable manner (Sadq, Sabir and Saeed, 2018). On the other hand, the
strategy capabilities of the Amazon also focus towards the digital contents in terms of advertising
as well as promotional aspects which is highly impacting the modern as well as various target
groups they tend to focus on.

In terms of the digital contents of the Amazon is concerned, they focus towards all around the
digital mediums to promote their products and services which could be accessed by any target
groups and they have the tendency to reach the brand at any time throughout the technological
infrastructure which is provided to them. On the other hand, the authorities of the Amazon also
focus towards various charging capabilities by understanding the relevant market situation as

well as the requirements and provide a better and efficient logistics and distribution activities
which could be highly focused towards the customer centric aspects (Reillier, 2017).

4 Interconnection of Strategic Position and Strategic Capability of Amazon

As far as the business activities conducted by any business entity in the global business
environment, it is important for the authorities as well as the decision makers to focus towards
the understanding and identification of the studied the position as well as the strategic capability
in a large scale. It is important for the decision makers to focus towards the organisational
capability as well as the strategic position in the company the business environment and work
towards a collaborative mechanism throughout the interconnection among them in order to
provide value delivery to the customers to achieve the organisational objective.

There are multiple scenarios the Amazon has the tendency to focus towards the strategic
capabilities as well as the strategic position as a single unit and provide the holistic product and
service deliveries to the customers to achieve the organisational objective in the competitive
business environment (Khan, 2016). By considering the strategic position of the Amazon is
concerned, it is highly focused towards the brand awareness as well as lower prices aspects
where the strategic capability of the technology infrastructure will have the tendency to leave the
organisation to provide a value creation to the customers throughout the holistic impact. For
instance, the Amazon has a tendency to imply the large scale technology infrastructure as well as
the capability and promote the product and services throughout the digital as well as offline
media to uplift the strategic position of the brand awareness as well as the lower price in a
significant level. This strategy has impacted the Amazon in a large scale all around the globes to
achieve the expected revenue as well as the branding aspects in a notifiable manner (Wadhwa,
Vashisht and Phutela, 2020).

5 Customer Obsession of Amazon

In terms of the business activities conducted by any organisation is concerned, it is vital for the
authorities as well as decision makers to focus towards the customer centric approach as well as
customer obsession. In the view of the customer objection is concerned, it has a tendency to
focus towards creating a better customer experience throughout the customer perspective as well
as meeting their expectations throughout customized deliveries. As far as the customer position
of an organisation is concerned, the authorities as well as addition makers have the tendency to

identify the business aspects as well as the nature of the business entity and provide the customer
opposition accordingly in order to meet the organisational objective as well as uplifting the brand
image in the competitive business environment. The customer obsession has the tendency to
focus towards various business entities in terms of providing a differentiated product and service
deliveries among the competition.

As far as the product and service delivery is conducted by the Amazon is concerned they have
the tendency to focus towards the customer obsession in terms of providing a high tech oriented
business processes which is highly meeting the customer requirements in an effective manner.
The organisation has implied the mobile application as well as online their portals which is
highly the requiring the modern trade business customers and meeting the requirements to be
fulfilled in an effective manner. The customers have the opportunity throughout the mobile
application as well as the web portals and they have the tendency to get the customized product
and service deliveries according to their requirements throughout the lower pricing options. This
provides a better innovative aspect of the Amazon along with rapid deliveries as weather
customer requirement based on their experience and need (Liu and Hong, 2016.

6 Customer Obsession over Competitive Advantage

In terms of the business activities conducted by any organisation is concerned, it is important for
the authorities as well as the decision makers to focus towards various competitive advantage
factors which is highly deviating the business entities from the rivals in order to have a better
market share as well as brand image enhancement. There are multiple occurrences the
organisations have the tendency to identify and understand their strength as well as the
opportunities of the business entities and focus towards providing better value delivery to their
customers to achieve the organisation objective in large scale. In terms of their business activities
conducted by the Amazon is concerned, they have the tendency to focus towards multiple global
business aspects which is highly letting them to deal with large amount of competitors at all the
local market as well as online entities in a significant level (Benevides, 2018).

By considering the business activities as well as the practises committed by the Amazon is
concerned, it is vital for them to focus towards the customer opposition over the company to
advantage as well as rivalry. By considering the organisational customer obsession focused
towards providing a low price as well as brand awareness to all the target segments it is

important for the Amazon to focus towards the upliftment of their customer experience rather
than focusing on the competition in the dynamic business environment. As the organisation
already has achieved highest business structure among the competition as well as meeting the
demand of the customers all around the globe by understanding the customer requirements it is
important for the authorities to have the tendency to provide a better customer experience
throughout creating a better customer perspective as a major concern rather than focusing on the
competitor deliveries. Most of the business entities had the focus towards achieving the
competitive position along with largest market share the Amazon goes in an inverted manner
where they have the tendency to meet the customer requirements throughout the customer
obsession and achieve the large market share without highly focusing towards the competitive
delivery’s or company do advantage focus at all the online as well as offline business entities
(Singireddy and Daim, 2018).

7 Strategic Position and Strategic Choice

As far as the business activities conducted by any organisation is concerned it is important for
the authorities to focus towards the strategic position in the competitive business environment in
order to achieve the organisational targets in an effective manner. In terms of the starting
position of an organisation is concerned, the organisation has to have their purpose which has the
tendency to achieve the highest revenue in the company to business environment. The culture
which has a tendency to achieve that organisational aspects by providing a better customer
delivery. Moreover, the capability of the organisation also focused towards achieving the
strategic position in terms of the expertise of the employees as well as the capability of them to
achieve the organisational task in the company business environment (Aversa, Haefliger and
Reza, 2017).

On the other hand, most of the organisations also have the tendency to focus towards a strategic
choice based on the operate business as well as global level which is in line with the strategic
position in a significant level. By considering Amazon and its business activities are concerned,
it has a tendency to focus towards an international level rather than focusing on a corporate or
business level target achievements throughout the alignment of the strategic position. By seeing
the strategic choice as an international business entity, the purpose of the organisation to achieve
the largest market shareholder on the globes of online as well as offline business activities. In

addition, the organisation had the culture of rapidly serving the customer requirements by
providing better delivery’s on time as promised. Moreover, the collaboration between the
strategic choice and the strategic position also focused toward the capability of the organisation
in terms of the technology aspects as well as digital content alignment which meet the customer
requirements throughout a better strategic position and collaborative strategic choice (Schmidt
and Jettinghoff, 2016).

8 Reference
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strategic management. Springer.

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Schmidt, G.B. and Jettinghoff, W.M., 2016. Using Amazon Mechanical Turk and other
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Singireddy, S.R.R. and Daim, T.U., 2018. Technology roadmap: Drone delivery–amazon prime
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Wadhwa, B., Vashisht, A. and Phutela, N., 2020. Business model of amazon India-A case
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