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Safety and Health Management System

Procedure No: OHS-PR-02-01
Leadership, Responsibility and Accountability
ISO 45001 Clause 5 (5.1/5.2/5.3) & 7.1

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1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 3
2 Scope ........................................................................................................................ 3
3 Definition & Acronyms ............................................................................................... 3
4 Implementation Requirements ................................................................................... 4
5 Performance Requirements ..................................................................................... 15
6 Reference Documents ............................................................................................. 16
7 Appendices .............................................................................................................. 16

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1 Purpose

This procedure sets the responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities for relevant roles
within the OHS management system, and are assigned and communicated at all levels
within the organization and maintained as documented information to deliver successful
and sustainable organizational OHS outcomes.

2 Scope

This procedure applies to all Saudi Electricity Company and its subsidiaries employees,
contractors and suppliers and the community who may be affected by its activities or who
undertake activities on behalf of the company.

This procedure is to be read in conjunction with the relevant SEC Corporate OHS policy,
OHS Management Systems Manual, Standards and Procedures.

3 Definition & Acronyms

Due Diligence: To gain an understanding of the hazards/impacts and risks associated with
the operations of the business and ensure that the business has and uses appropriate
resources and processes to eliminate or minimize risks to health and safety.
OHS: Occupational Health and Safety.
OHS Authority: Authority is the right or power assigned to an executive or a manager in
order to achieve certain organizational occupational health and safety goals.
OHS Responsibility: Responsibility is a duty, obligation or liability towards occupational
health and safety for which someone is accountable.
OHS Accountability: Accountability is being liable to be called on to render an account on
safety and be answerable for occupational health and safety issues.
OHS Management System (OHSMS): Those parts of the overall management system
(OHSMS) that facilitates the management of OHS risks associated with the business of
Saudi Electricity Company. Note: The OHS management system includes the
organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures,
processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, conforming with,
reviewing and maintaining the OHS Policy.
OHS Policy: Statement of intent and principles in relation to the overall OHS performance
through the OHS management system, providing a framework for action and for the setting
of its objectives and targets.
PCBU: Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking.
Procedure: A set way or requirement to carry out an activity or process. (Documented or
Role: The roles, responsibilities and authorities of personnel who manage, perform and
verify activities having an effect on OHS of the organizations activities.

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Organization: The company, its subsidiaries, business line entities, sectors, departments,
divisions, operational units, enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination
thereof, whether incorporated or not, that has its own functions and administration. Note:
As SEC has more than one operating unit, a single operating unit shall be defined as an
SEC: Saudi Electricity Company.
Top (Senior) Management: The highest level of management of a particular SEC
Business Line, Sector, Department or Division. Note: Top management has the power to
delegate authority and provide resources within the organization provided ultimate
responsibility for the OHS management system is retained
Note: The words “shall” and “must” in this procedure indicate mandatory requirements.
The word “should” indicates a preferred approach.

4 Implementation Requirements

4.1 Overview
SEC Company promotes a strong culture of commitment to OHS management through:
 Its core values of honesty, integrity, and respect for people,
 Valuing trust and pride in SEC,
 Openness, teamwork, and professionalism.
The leadership in SEC is responsible to promote, discuss, provide, and set proper OHS
examples and behaviors. SEC leaders demonstrate their commitment through various
walk-the-talk activities.
Well-defined and up-to-date organizational charts exist for each department/division/
section within the organization indicating reporting relationships.

Leaders / Leadership
A leader is a person who motivates a group of people towards achieving a common
goal. In SEC, there are leaders at all levels from the CEO, Executive and Vice
Presidents, Directors, to all subordinate Line Managers and Supervisors. Leadership is
the collective function of all leaders.
Effective management leadership is vital to the success of our OHS Management
System and lays the foundation upon which a solid OHS Management System is built.
Leadership must see their role in the OHSMS as a key responsibility and must be held
accountable for the OHS performance of the company as it is a line management and
an individual responsibility.

OHS Culture
OHS culture is the combination of OHS systems, peoples‟ behaviors, and attitudes.

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4.1.2 Requirements
Leaders at all levels in SEC shall provide strong and visible leadership by setting a
personal example to promote a culture in which all employees and company
contractors share a commitment to OHS. Visibility
 Participating in OHS activities (e.g., training, behavior observation,
commendation and coaching schemes, industry and contractor workshops,
forums, and conferences, and audits / assessments).
 Putting OHS issues high on the agenda of the meetings they are chairing.
 Participating in the review of performance against all OHS plans, goals,
objectives, and/or targets.
 Providing immediate and visible response and involvement in the case of an
incident/accident or any other disruption to normal business.
 Seeking internal and external views on OHS, and using and managing this
knowledge in a meaningful manner.
 Recognizing individual and group OHS achievements, using positive
behavior reinforcement techniques, and coaching for correcting behavior as
necessary. Goals, Objectives, and Targets

Jointly developing and discussing with SEC employees and contractors OHS
leading and lagging” improvement goals, objectives, targets, and/or other
indicators / KPIs.
Ensuring staff have a balance of OHS “leading‟ and lagging” goals, objectives,
and/or targets in their performance appraisals. OHS Culture

Creating and sustaining an OHS culture that supports:
 The slogan “Zero Harm” becoming a core value.
 The belief in SEC desire to continually improve OHS performance.
 The motivation to improve individual, team, asset, and company level OHS
 The acceptance of individual accountability and responsibility for OHS
 Participation and involvement at all levels in the development,
implementation, maintenance, and continual improvement of the SEC OHS
Management System.
 Empowerment for all to intervene and stop any substandard and/or

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hazardous work activity on grounds of safety concerns without blame or
redress (refer to Procedure No: OHS-PR-02-01B Refusal to Work on
Grounds of Safety).
 Empowerment for all to intervene, commends, and encourages safe work
behavior and activity. Informed Involvement

 Reviewing the progress both in the development and content of SEC OHS
Management System so as to ensure its ongoing suitability, adequacy,
effectiveness, and continual improvement.
 Allocating appropriate resources and expertise to meet OHS goals,
objectives, and targets (e.g., finance, manpower, time, technology, skills,
and/or training).
 Undertaking relevant training and other OHS leadership competency
development activities themselves.
 Being fully aware of SEC high priority areas for improvements identified in
the OHS Management System, particularly in relation to legal compliance,
risk level, and stakeholder issues.
 Being fully aware of the status of follow up actions.

SEC commitment to OHS shall further be demonstrated and strengthened by:

 Achieving and maintaining external certification of the OHS Management
System to international standards
 Communicating its OHS expectations to employees and contractors via
various channels and best-practice activities.
 Developing annually OHS Plan(s) and by including OHS issues in strategic
planning and business risk assessments.

4.2 Saudi Electricity Company OHS Policy

The Saudi Electricity Company has established, defined, authorized and endorsed by
Executive Management (Top Management) an OHS Policy. In addition, Executive
Management has ensured that within the defined scope of the SEC OHSMS, it:

 Is appropriate to the nature and scale of the defined risks.

 Includes a commitment to prevention of injury, ill health, secure working
environment, legal compliance, international and other requirements and continual
improvement of OHSMS and performance.
 Provides the framework for setting and reviewing the OHS plans and objectives.
 It includes a commitment to communicate, consult and involve employees in the
development and improvement of the OHS Management System.

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 Is documented, implemented and maintained.
 Is communicated to all persons working under the control of SEC with the intent
those persons are made aware of their individual OHS obligations, responsibilities
and accountabilities.
 It includes the commitment to provide training and development opportunities to
employees ensuring awareness and competence to manage OHS risk.
 Is made available to stakeholders and reviewed periodically to ensure that it
remains relevant and appropriate to the organization.
(Refer to Appendix 1- OHS Policy Statement)

4.2.1 Senior management leadership and commitment shall be demonstrated by:

 Positive reinforcement of the Saudi Electricity Company OHS Policy.

 Integrating OHS into the organizational business processes.
 Identifying roles, responsibilities and accountabilities at all levels of the
organization for OHSMS implementation.
 Management participation in the review of OHS information and statistics (i.e.
Management meetings, Department OHS Committee Meetings, Toolbox Talks,
completion of behavioral observations, inspections and audits).
 Provision of adequate resources (i.e. people, equipment, budgets) for the
effective management of OHS in business lines and their entities.
 Taking an active role and providing systems and processes for identifying,
reporting, managing all hazards and impacts (aspects).
 Training, coaching and mentoring for employees, supervisors and managers.
 A structured approach to OHS with fair and consistent application of the
system at all times.
 Fostering open and clear communication and consultation with employees and
between all parties and encouraging staff contribution to, and ownership of,
OSH issues within the workplace.
 Continual Improvement of OHS management system to enhance OHS
 Leading continual improvement of OHS management system in the
organization through annual management review to enhance OHS
(Refer to Appendix 2 - OHS Management Commitment)

4.2.2 Saudi Electricity Company Life Saving Rules

To reinforce the behavioral expectations of all employees, a number of key Life

Saving rules are in place to ensure that all SEC personnel and contractors are
aware of the minimum set of behaviors required in the implementation of the OHS
Policy (refer to Procedure No: OHS-PR-02-01A SEC Life Saving Rules and
Appendix 3 - Life Saving Rules).

These are mandatory and non-negotiable rules and any non-compliance or violation
thereof by a SEC employee or Contractor may result in a controlled ‘Job/Task Stop’
by SEC Industrial Security Department (ISD) representative or Project Owner and
disciplinary action been taken against the offender(s). Disciplinary action against

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SEC offender(s) shall be as per the SEC Human Resources disciplinary policy (refer
to SEC Work Regulation Bylaw Manual Chapter Eighteen Violations & Penalties
pg.35 and Violations & Penalties Table pg.40-45) using the SEC Life Saving
Violation Form OHS-STD-02-01A-F01. Violation by a contractor to the SEC
mandatory and non-negotiable rules shall be dealt with in accordance with the SEC
agreed contractor disciplinary policy using OHS-PR-02-22-F05 OHS Non-
conformance Issue Form.

Business lines shall implement appropriate disciplinary action in the event of

knowing violations to SEC OHS MS policies, rules, regulations, procedures or

Discipline should be designed with the intent to address root causes. The program
shall include the following elements:
a. Employee disciplinary action for knowing violations.
b. Supervisor disciplinary action when supervisors are aware of and allow violations
within their area of responsibility.
c. Supervisor disciplinary action when supervisors, through the proper performance
of their duties, should have been aware of violations.
Where a general disciplinary program is already established, these OHS
requirements shall be incorporated in the existing program

4.2.3 OHS Employee Commitment (Pledge)

The OHS Statement outlines the key behaviors that each and every Saudi
Electricity Company and its subsidiaries employee and contractors must adhere to
at all times. This may be personal or team based (refer to Appendix 4 - OHS
Employee Commitment).

It reflects the OHS Commitments and the key components established and
endorsed by the CEO and Executive Group of Saudi Electricity Company.

The Safety Statement is presented and shall be signed by all employees and
contractors as well any new employee or contractor prior to the commencement of
work with Saudi Electricity Company.

4.2.4 OHS Management Plans (Corporate and Business Line Level)

Planning is essential for the implementation of SEC Company OHS policies.

Adequate control of risks can be achieved only through coordinated action by all
management and members of the organization. An effective planning system for
OHS requires an Occupational Health and Safety management shall include
systems that:
 controls risks and as a minimum complies with Occupational Health and Safety
laws and regulations;
 reacts to changing circumstances and demands; and
 promotes and sustains a positive OHS culture and supports continual

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 improvement in OHS performance.

SEC’s Corporate and its subsidiaries business line OHS Plans are annual and shall
be prepared within the Annual Corporate Planning Cycle. These Plans are designed
to meet SEC Business Objectives, Company Policies, and its continual
improvement objectives.

The Corporate OHS Plan establishes Company-wide performance indicators and

annual targets. It also includes a list of action items to be completed. This Action
Plan sets completion target dates and defines action parties.

4.3 OHS Roles and Responsibilities

4.3.1 Overview
The phrase "safety is a shared responsibility" is true, but incomplete. We are
collectively responsible for safety. But, we are individually asked to account for our
actions. So, if a truer statement were to be written, it would read as follows: Safety
is a shared responsibility with each individual being accountable for their
All employees, individually and collectively, are responsible for OHS performance
at SEC and the implementation of the 5 Star OHS MS.
To develop an effective OHS MS and make it work, line accountability and
responsibility, informed involvement, and the active participation of all levels of
management leadership, is required. This accountability, responsibility, informed
involvement, and active participation are exercised in SEC through:
 The organization structure that defines OHS accountabilities and responsibilities
for each employee.
 The resources (human, time, physical, and financial, for OHS development,
implementation, and continual improvement) provided.
 Communicating OHS MS requirements and standards to all employees,
suppliers, contractors, and sub-contractors, and other relevant stakeholders.
 Planning and scheduling the development, documentation, implementation,
ongoing maintenance, and continual improvement of the OHSMS.
 Ensuring that SEC employees, suppliers, contractors, and sub-contractors are
competent, and that training is provided as needed to fill any competency gaps
employees, suppliers, contractors, sub-contractors, and/or other relevant
stakeholders may have for OHS success.

4.3.2 Those assigned specific OHS responsibilities shall be at a level in the organization
where they have adequate authority, resources and operational knowledge to
successfully carry out their responsibilities.
4.3.3 Individual responsibilities, authorities and accountabilities relating to OHS
management shall be as defined in individual Job Descriptions, and individual’s
Personal Performance Contract (PPC), Letters of Appointment supplemented by the
specific requirements defined in the various OHS Procedures and Specifications,
which are available in SEC ISD Electronic Document Management System (EDMS).

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Note: Your job description and the Saudi laws and regulations outline your
responsibilities. Accountability is how well you will answer for the way you handled
your responsibilities. You are responsible to ensure your read and understand their
specific requirements that relate to your responsibilities.

4.4 Individual Responsibilities and Accountabilities

4.4.1 Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

 The CEO has the ultimate accountability for the OHS function in SEC. He along
with the other members of his Executive shall be accountable for the OHS
policy, strategy, planning, objectives, providing the necessary resources, and
management review and continuous improvement of the OHS 5 Star MS.
 The CEO has the overall responsibility to ensure that an accountability process
exists at SEC so that all managers and other employees who have OHS
responsibilities are held accountable for their performance.
 The CEO may delegate (assign) certain OHS authorities, responsibilities and
accountability to his executive group, which is documented.

4.4.2 Executives, Vice-Presidents and Directors

 All Executives, Vice-Presidents and directors shall be primarily responsible for
reviewing and endorsing the OHS policy, strategy, objectives, planning, and
resource allocation, monitoring OHS 5 Star Management System performance,
and conducting OHS management reviews.
 In addition, Functional Directors as the line leaders of their assets / disciplines
shall be accountable for the implementation of the OHS Management System in
their areas of control and ensuring that a Risk Register of significant risks is
established and updated as new risk are identified.
 Ensuring that a Risk Register of significant risks is established and updated as
new risk is identified.
 Ensuring their business lines and sectors have available for use, and uses, the
appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimize risks to health,
safety, environment and security.
 Including OHS on the agenda of business line senior management meetings at
regular intervals.
 Developing a strategic OHS plan to meet objectives and targets aligned to the
OHS policy.
 Reviewing occupational health and safety objectives regularly.
 Ensuring there is an effective consultation process for occupational health, and
safety issues.
 Supporting the establishment and functioning of health and safety committees.
Vice-Presidents and Executive Directors have authority to make decisions and act on
any matter of OHS management for their business line or sector.

4.4.3 OHS Management Representative (ISD Executive Director).

The Executive Director ISD as the Management Representative has overall

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accountability for coordinating the development, maintenance, and improvement of
SEC OHSMS. He shall be responsible for developing OHS 5 Star Management
System, Standards, Procedures, as well as OHS goals, objectives, and targets on an
annual basis, and providing OHS Management System Audit Result to the
management. In addition, he shall be responsible for the following:
 Providing specialist OHS advice to other business lines and sectors.
 Analyzing corporate OHS data.
 Screening and dissemination of technical innovations in OHS.
 Stimulating creativity with respect to managing OHS.
 Spreading lateral learning about OHS across Asset Teams.
 Developing and planning of OHS with SEC Executive, OHS Team Leaders, and
OHS Advisers.
 Promoting technical standards on OHS.
 Managing OHS knowledge within SEC.
 Participating, or facilitating in the investigation of serious incidents.
 Monitoring the OHS performance of business line and sectors.

4.4.4 Regional ISD Managers and OHS Advisors

ISD OHS Managers, Team Leaders and OHS Advisors are primarily responsible for
Audit / Inspection at the asset/project level and providing the necessary Safety
technical advice and guidance to the Business Line / Project / Contractor Managers
as and when needed.

4.4.5 Line Managers / Leaders (Operations, Engineering, and Projects)

Line Managers / Project Managers shall be accountable for implementing SEC OHS
Policy and the OHS Management System within their assets or projects. They shall
have the overall accountability for implementing the OHS 5 Star Management
System requirements in their assets / projects / contracts as well as monitoring OHS
performance, and compliance assurance.
Provision of a unit specific OHS management structure and organization, including:
 Appointment of appropriate safety personnel, e.g. Safety Coordinator/ Officer,
Emergency Wardens, First Aiders, OHS (Safety) Representative (10%) and of
workforce (Construction 1:50 ratio of workforce).
 Establishing and chairing the department / site OHS committee or delegating the
role to a management member with an appropriate level of authority.
 Refer to OHS-PR-02-01-F00 Appointments Letter Index for specific Letters of
Delegated and Assigned Duties.

4.4.6 Team Leaders, Line Supervisors, and Contract Holders

Team Leaders, Line Supervisors, and Contract Holders shall be primarily responsible

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for ensuring that activities are carried out in accordance with SEC OHS Policy and
other requirements of the SEC OHS Management System.

4.4.7 Employees, Suppliers, Contractors, and Sub-Contractors

All SEC employees, suppliers, contractors, and sub-contractors shall be responsible
and accountable for following the instructions of their line leader / supervisor, in
accordance with SEC’s OHS Policy and other requirements of the SEC OHS 5 Star
Management System.

4.4.8 OHS Coordinator

The main role of an OHS Coordinator is to act as a focal point for all OHS matters
arising in their department or division unit and duties include but not limited to:
 Maintain an OHS management system in accordance with accepted standard(s).
 Report to management on the performance of the OHS management system as
a means to facilitate continual improvement in the OHS management system.
 Custodian of the local SEC OHS and Document Management System.
 Co-ordinate the monitoring and measurement of OHS performance in
accordance with accepted indicators.
 Assisting with risk management and assessment of hazards and risks in the
 Assisting in the investigating and reporting all incidents, injuries, hazards and
near misses.
 Liaising with divisional and department managers of the units or area regarding
documentation of OHS matters.
 Consulting with local OHS representatives on OHS issues.
 Reviewing and analyzing injury and incident reports and data.
 Conduct and/or participate in OHS unit and internal 2nd party audits as required.
 Monitoring and analyzing the department OHS legislative compliance in regard
to risk, emergency and hazardous waste management.
 Assisting with the promotion of OHS awareness.
 Identify, establish and maintain appropriate links with interested and affected

4.4.9 Specific OHS Organisational Roles

The specific OHS roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities of SEC business line
management committees, OHS committees and meetings and other assigned
responsibilities shall be as detailed in their respective Terms of Reference (ToR)
and/or Letters of Assignments as per the list in 4.4.11 below.

4.4.10 Appointments - Delegated and Assigned Duties of OHS Responsibility

Delegated and assigned duties of responsibility are necessary in the organization to
ensure that all employees have specific assigned duties within the OHS
Management System implementation structure.

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These responsibilities and authorities are delegated through a formal letter of
delegation/assignment, assignees made aware of their duties and acknowledge and
accept the assignment. Refer to OHS-PR-02-01-F00 Appointments Letter Index for
specific Letters of Delegated and Assigned Duties.
It is the responsibility of the Business Line Management to ensure that all completed
appointments are signed and placed on file in the facility or site-based OHSMS
Document Control system for inspection by auditors or local authorities. (Refer to
OHS-PR-02-07 Document Control)

OHS Appointment Process

 CEO will appoint in writing, Executive Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents and
Executive Directors.
 Executive Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents and Executive Directors will appoint
in writing Departmental, Divisional, Project Managers and OHS Committee
 Departmental and/or Divisional Managers appoint in writing Supervisor and
other specific employee assignment roles as listed below but not limited to:
a. OHS Committee Chairman.
b. OHS Representative.
c. OHS Co-ordinators.
d. Risk Assessor.
e. Incident Investigator.
f. Arc Flash Specialist / Representative.
g. Certified First Aider.
h. Fire Fighter.
i. Occupational Health Medical Practitioner.
j. Occupational Health Nursing Practitioner.
k. Emergency Coordinator.
l. Hazardous Chemical/Substance Coordinator.
m. Stacking Supervisor.
n. Ladder Inspector.
o. Lifting Equipment Inspector.
p. Scaffolding Inspector.
q. Excavation Inspector
r. Portable electrical equipment inspector.
s. Fire Coordinator.
t. Evacuation / Floor warden.

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u. Fall Protection Supervisor.
Management shall ensure that employees that are assigned responsibilities and
duties have the necessary authority, knowledge, skills and competencies to carry out
the requirements of the OHSMS standard and procedures for this appointment.
The Senior Contract Manager and/or Contract Manager will ensure that every
manager and supervisor, working on any SEC construction project, up to and
including Foremen, has received, agreed to and signed an OHS Responsible
Supervisor appointment form before work commences on the project.

4.5. Non-OHS Departments in Business Line Entities

It is not just the OHS departments and operational units within SEC organization that
have OHS responsibilities. OHS culture, standards and procedures need to be
embedded in all business lines and sectors business activities. They must also
implement the requirements within the OHS Management System, its Standards and
Procedures that are applicable to managing OHS Risks in the areas of responsibility.

Other departments within the organization such as those below have a responsibility
to assist in the implement of the OHS policies, standards and procedures.
Responsibilities can be as follows but not limited to:

a. Human Resources:
 Include OHS roles and responsibilities and OHS performance criteria in job
 Facilitate, organize and manage the OHS training needs analysis and
training, internal and external;
 Participate in the development of OHS objectives, strategy and
implementation plans.
 Proved in case of any employee breaches the process for i.e. penalties/
appraisals) that would apply.
 develop and implement occupational health management system.

b. Risk Management (ERP Services):

 Provide a methodology to identify report, analyse and quantify the financial
impact of accidental OHS loss to the organization.
 To develop and update a complete system for recording, monitoring, and
communicating the organization’s Risk Management program components
and costs to the executive and others as necessary.
 Develop and maintain the organization Risk Register which includes OHS
risk components.

c. Finance:
 Insure that OHS has financial budgets that are aligned with the
requirements of the OHS Policy, Strategic Plan, Objectives and Targets.

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d. Procurement / Contracts:
 Include OHS requirements in tender and procurement procedures and
 Ensure OHS performance is included when evaluating and monitoring
service providers / contractors overall performance.

e. Administrative Functions:
 Identify risks and hazards arising from office activities.
 Prepare and implement identified control measures.
 Provide appropriate OHS training to relevant personnel.

f. Facilities:
 Ensure safe, secure and environmentally compliant designs and
construction of buildings and facilities.
 Maintain buildings and facilities in a healthy, safe and environmentally
compliant manner.
 Prepare building maintenance plans detailing activities, protocols and
 Prepare for and participate in the management of emergencies.
 Provide expert information and advice in building and facilities OHS issues.

g. Legal Affairs:
 Review fatal investigation reports for legal liability.
 Review and sign-off on violation disciplinary actions.

h. Compliance Department:
 Monitor compliance to regulatory requirements.
 Develop, modify, and implement compliance framework.
 Administer compliance activities
 Monitor compliance with the Code of Conduct.
 Maintain compliance reporting systems.
 Evaluate, review, and document reports of non-compliant activity.
 Coordinate regulatory compliance audits/ inspection.
 Serve as coordinator for external investigations and inquiries related to
non- compliances.
 Promote compliance awareness.
 Perform management review with respect to compliance with internal

i. Corporate Communications and PR:

 Facilitate and assist in the development of OHS communication process,
propaganda material and other media to enhance OHS performance.

5 Performance Requirements

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OHS-STD-02-01 Leadership, Commitment and Responsibility

6 Reference Documents
6.1 OHS-MAN-02-01-2017 Integrated OHS Management System Manual.

6.2 OHS-STD-DOC-02-01 26 Performance Standards.

6.3 OHS-PR-02-07 Document Control.

6.4 OHS-PR-02-22 Procurement and Contractor Management.

6.5 OHS-STD-02-01A Life Saving Rules.

6.6 OHS-PR-02-01B Refusal to Work on Grounds of Safety.

6.7 OHS-PR-02-22-F05 OHS Non-conformance Issue Form.

6.8 OHS-PR-02-01-F00 Appointments Letter Index.

6.9 SEC Work Regulation Bylaw Manual Chapter Eighteen-Violations & Penalties.

7 Appendices

7.1 Saudi Electricity Company OHS Policy.

7.2 OHS Management Commitment.
7.3 Saudi Electricity Company Life Saving Rules.
7.4 OHS Employee Commitment (Pledge).

Appendix 7.1 Saudi Electricity Company OHS Policy

OHS Policy Statement

Occupational Health and Safety

Nothing at Saudi Electricity Company and its subsidiaries are more important than the

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health, safety and wellbeing. We as executive management believe that identifying and
reducing the potential risks will prevent all forms of accidental loss.

We are determined to achieve our vision of reducing the probability of losses, illnesses and
injuries to employees, contractors, visitors and public in the environment in which we

We are dedicated,

Our OHS Policy is simply stated:

• We hold our managers and supervisors accountable to provide effective leadership of OHS in our operations,
whilst recognizing that a safe behavior is the responsibility of all employees.
• We identify and evaluate potential OHS risks and establish appropriate controls to minimize those risks while
continuously reviewing the assessment and controls.
• We provide training and development opportunities to our employees to ensure awareness and competence
to manage the potential OHS risks and related responsibilities.
• We communicate, consult and involve our employees in decision-making process to continuously improve
our OHS Management System.
• We comply with appropriate applicable legal and other any related requirements.
• We provide healthy and safe workplaces and community integrations.
• We establish measurable plans and objectives to improve OSH performance with integration our
management system at all levels, to reducing potential risks and enhancing our services.
• We document, monitor, audit, review and continuously improve our OHS performance.
• We protect our employees and physical assets, ensuring business continuity.

CEO - Saudi Electricity Company

Appendix 7.2 OHS Management Commitment

OHS Management Commitment

Occupational Health and Safety

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Management commitment will be demonstrated by:
• Positive reinforcement of the Saudi Electricity Company OHS Policy and Life Saving Rules.
• Integrating OHS into the organizational business processes.
• Management participation in the review of OHS information and statistics (i.e. management
meetings, department OHS committee meetings, toolbox talks, completion of behavioral
observations, inspections and audits).
• Provision of adequate resources (i.e. people, equipment, budgets) for the effective
management of OHS in business lines and their entities.
• Providing systems and processes for identifying, reporting, managing all OHS hazards and
• Training, coaching and mentoring for employees, supervisors, managers and contractors.
• A structured approach to OHS with fair and consistent application of the system at all times.
• Fostering open and clear communication and consultation with employees and all
stakeholders associated with Saudi Electricity Company in relation to OHS.
• Continual Improvement of OHS management system to enhance OHS performance.
• Leading continual improvement of OHS management system in the organization through bi-
annual and annual management review to enhance OHS performance.

Business Line / Sector / Department: ………………………………………………………….

Designation: ……………………………………………
Signature: ……………………………………………….
Date: …………………………………

Appendix 7.3 Saudi Electricity Company Life Saving Rules

OHS Life Saving Rules

Occupational Health and Safety

Rule 1: Safe Work Procedure

No person may carry out a task unless they are trained, licensed and authorized to do it, assessed the risks

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involved, have the right tools and equipment in good condition and wear the correct PPE for the task and
understand if a permit to work is required.

Rule 2: Commencement of Work

No person may commence any work without site supervision, onsite risk assessment (RA) and/or job safe work
procedure (JSP) and risk based toolbox talk. Stop the job immediately if hazards are not under control.

Rule 3: Permit to Work

No person is allowed to work without a valid Permit to Work (PTW), if required for the task.

Rule 4: Energy and Machinery Isolation

No person may work on any electrical network unless trained and authorized to do so and that all energy sources
have been safely earthed, isolated, energy released, LOTO applied, tested before touch and using the specified life
protecting equipment.

Rule 5: Hook up at Heights

Where there is a potential for a fall, especially above 1.8 m , a risk assessment must be conducted and suitable fall
arrest harness and control measures must be implemented with 100% hook up at all times.

Rule 6: Buckle Up (Seat Belts)

No person may drive any company light vehicle or mobile equipment unless the driver and passengers are wearing
seat belts.

Rule 7: Driving

No person may use a mobile phone while driving and must obey all traffic rules and not exceed speed limits.

Rule 8: Confined Space Entry

No person may enter or work in a confined space without a valid authorization, confined space permit to work
(PTW) and rescue attendant in place.

Appendix 7.4 OHS Employee Commitment (Pledge)

OHS My Team Safety Commitment

Occupational Health and Safety

As Saudi Electricity Company Employees or Contractors, we are aware of the Company Values, OHS
policy, Life Saving Rules and its commitments and intent to achieve a workplace free from injury and
harm and unsafe behaviors that are unacceptable within the company.

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As these behaviors have a potential to cause serious injuries, a single breach of these rules can result in
disciplinary action been taken against me.
To ensure that our team works safely and without harm, we commit to the following behaviors:
Not to take or expect shortcuts or risks to be taken;
 Ensure that we use the proper tools, PPE, equipment and undertake the necessary training to
ensure safe behavior and production;
 Do not except unsafe workplace conditions, stop the job and do not commence until safe;
 Lead by example, follow all Life Saving and OHS rules and set high standards of safety;
 Promote OHS awareness by taking to and helping our team members and others stay safe;
 Maintain high housekeeping standards as we understand that this is fundamental to staying safe;
 Determine why unsafe behaviors and conditions occur and correct the root causes;
 Ensure that we understand and apply the safe work practices for the task and plan our tasks so
that we recognize the hazards and risks to ourselves and others;
 Obey all reasonable OHS instructions given our supervisor

I declare that the above Team and/or Personal Safety Commitment is representative of the safe behaviors
that I will demonstrate and expect from all my work Team


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