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Copyright © 2011. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

Concept 7.3 Questions to ask about the internal validity of an experiment or a quasi-experiment, with possible L2
learning strategy research examples
Main question: To what degree is the study free of extraneous variables that could cloud the interpretation of
results? Subsidiary question: Are any potentially relevant variables not considered that should have been?
Column A Column B Column C
Name of possible Questions to ask about this possible Possible examples in L2 learning strategy

Created from vu on 2021-09-09 03:01:26.

internal validity threat threat experiments or quasi-experiments
(Note: These threats can
also be combined.)
History threat Did any unusual or unexpected events A teacher’s strike occurred in the middle of
occur between the first and second an experimental study on strategy instruction,
measurements that could have affected and that influenced the study’s results.
the results?
Maturation threat Did any normal processes (e.g., growing The control group classes were held at the
older, more fatigued, more overloaded, or end of the day, when the students were tired,
hungrier) occur for participants, unrelated but the treatment group classes were held
to any specific study events but potentially at 10 a.m., when students were feeling fresh
influencing the results? and alert.
Reactivity threat Did the effect of taking the measurement Several students remembered their earlier
instrument (e.g., questionnaire or strategy answers and used the same answer

Oxford, R. L. (2011). Teaching and researching : Language learning strategies. ProQuest Ebook Central <a
interview) the first time affect the scores the second time.
the second time?

Instrumentation threat Was there any difference in how the The first time the strategy questionnaire was
instrument (e.g., questionnaire or used during the study, the directions were not
interview) was calibrated or employed clear enough, but the directions were much
between the first or second times it was clearer the second time. Results are therefore
used? Were there changes in the not comparable between time 1 and time 2.
observers or the rating scales?'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'>

Copyright © 2011. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

Regression to the mean Did the groups chosen for extremely high The highest-proficiency students in the
(a statistical fact) threat scores or extremely low scores tend to strategy experiment tended to move toward
move toward the overall mean when they the proficiency mean when retested.
took the instrument again?
Selection threat Were groups selected in a way that would The better teacher’s classes were chosen

Created from vu on 2021-09-09 03:01:26.

affect the scores? Were the treatment and to be the control group, while the less
control groups different from the outset? effective teacher’s classes were chosen to
be the treatment group.
Attrition (also called research Did members of one of the groups For reasons unrelated to the strategy study,
mortality) threat drop out of the study more often than three control group members dropped out of
members of the other group? the study, while none of the treatment group
participants dropped out.
Researcher bias threat Was the researcher unconsciously The same researcher taught both the
influenced by his or her beliefs or experimental (strategy instruction) and
hypotheses so that he or she unintentionally control groups but was far more enthusiastic
biased the way the groups were treated? when teaching the treatment group.
Design implementation threat Did the treatment group and the control The control group realized that the treatment
group realize they were being treated group was receiving strategy instruction, and
differently? the control group started sharing strategy ideas

Oxford, R. L. (2011). Teaching and researching : Language learning strategies. ProQuest Ebook Central <a
and competing against the treatment group.
Procedural threat Are the statistical procedures misapplied? The researcher used the wrong statistical
procedure for nominal (categorical) data in
one of the analyses.
Threat to comprehensiveness Are any potentially important variables The researcher did not consider gender or
ignored or forgotten that might influence socialization as a factor in the strategy results.

the results?
Source: R. Oxford’s (2008) research methodology course notes, University of Maryland.
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Copyright © 2011. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

Concept 7.4 Questions to ask about the external validity of an experiment or a quasi-experiment, with possible L2
learning strategy research examples
Main question: To what degree are the results of the experiment (or quasi-experiment) generalizable to a
larger population or to different environments, conditions, persons, and times?
Column A Column B Column C

Created from vu on 2021-09-09 03:01:26.

Name of possible external Questions to ask about this possible Possible examples in L2 learning strategy
validity threat (Note: threat experiments or quasi-experiments
These threats can also be
Population validity threat To what extent can the results be The strategy experiment used convenience
(threat to generalizability to generalized to the larger population? sampling only, so results are not generalizable
larger population) (This relates to the question: Was the to the larger population of L2 learners.
sampling done in a principled way or
purely by convenience?)
Ecological generalizability: To what extent can the results be The strategy experiment supported strategy
treatment replicability threat generalized if the treatment is unique to instruction because the school head was very
the initial setting and cannot be supportive and dropped by frequently, but a
reproduced elsewhere? different result might be found for schools
without such a school head.

Oxford, R. L. (2011). Teaching and researching : Language learning strategies. ProQuest Ebook Central <a
Ecological generalizability: To what extent can the results be Results of a single part of the strategy
threat from multiple generalized if the treatment actually instruction treatment, such as colour-coding
treatment interference included several sub-treatments? instruction, might not be generalizable

without the other parts.

Ecological generalizability: To what extent can the results be generalized The excitement of learning new L2 strategies
threat from novelty effect if the treatment was in fact novel (new, might not generalize to other places where
exciting, refreshing) in the original study strategies are already discussed a lot.
but will not be novel in a later study?'','_blank') href='' target='_blank' style='cursor: pointer;'>

Copyright © 2011. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

Ecological generalizability: To what extent can the results be In the experiment, the control group (not
threat from Hawthorne effect generalized if the study participants receiving strategy instruction) changed its
(effect of being observed) changed their behaviour simply because behaviour and paid more attention to learning
of being observed? because of being observed. This would limit
generalization of the results.

Created from vu on 2021-09-09 03:01:26.

Ecological generalizability: To what extent can the results be Results of an L2 learning strategy experiment
threat from interaction generalized if differential treatment might not generalize across different cultural
between treatment and results occurred based on group groups.
group characteristics characteristics?
(called “treatment × group
Time durability/time effect To what extent are the results durable More talented L2 learners often learn
threat across time for the same group? To what strategies very quickly, make them automatic
extent are the results generalizable to the (habits), and no longer use them consciously
future for the same group? 6 weeks later. Other learners might still use
them consciously.
Pretest or posttest sensitization To what extent can the results be Study results might differ if a proficiency
threat generalized if a pretest only or a posttest pretest were not used and if students were not
only is used? sensitized implicitly to a connection between

Oxford, R. L. (2011). Teaching and researching : Language learning strategies. ProQuest Ebook Central <a
strategies and proficiency.
Dependent measure threat To what extent can the results be If the dependent variable in a strategy
repeated if a different measure of the instruction experiment (or other strategy
dependent variable is used? study) is frequency of strategy use, the results
might be different if a different strategy
questionnaire were used.
Source: Typology in Columns A and B is adapted by R. Oxford from Martella, Nelson, and Marchand-Martella (1999). Column C (strategy

applications) is original.
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