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MODULE 1-6 Feedback - The communication process reaches

its final point when the message has been

language -is purely human and non-instinctive method
successfully transmitted, received, and understood
of cimmunication ideas.
Encoding - It is the process of turning thoughts into
communication. The encoder uses a ‘medium’ to
complex language- is one of the defining factors that send the message — a phone call, email, text
makes us human. message, face-toface meeting, or other
communication tool.

language aquisition - process of builkding the ability to Decoding - It is the process of turning
understand a language communication into thoughts. For example, you
may realize you’re hungry and encode the following
message to send to your roommate: “I’m hungry
first language also known as mother toungue
LINEAR MODEL - Also called the transmission
The term communication comes from the Latin model, a linear model is based on the assumption
word “communicare” – which means to share that communication is transmitted in a
something in common, to unite, to join, or to have straightforward manner- from a sender to a
things in common. receiver.

Speech Communication - is a process of ARISTOTLE’S COMMUNICATION MODEL - This

transmitting information, thought or feeling from one communication model represents communication
person to another through spoken words. as an orator to a large audience.

Nonverbal Communication - is receiving and

transmitting information, thought or feeling without
the use of words.
Communication comes in many forms:
-verbal (sounds, language, and tone of voice) LASWELL’S COMMUNICATION MODEL - This
-aural (listening and hearing) -non-verbal (facial communication model was developed by
expressions, body language, and posture) communication theorist Harold D. Lasswell in 1948.
This model was summed up and can be
-written (journals, emails, blogs, and text understood by answering the five questions: Who,
messages) -visual (signs, symbols, and pictures) Says what, In which channel, To whom, With what
communication process - refers to the exchange
of information (a message) between two or more SHANNON AND WEAVER’S MODEL - Claude
people. Shannon and Warren Weaver broadly defined
communication as “all of the procedures by which
The communication process begins with the
one mind may affect another.” Their communication
sender, who is also called the communicator or
model consisted of an information source: the
source’s message, a transmitter, and a signal; and
Receiver - The person to whom a message is a receiver: the receiver’s message, and a
directed is called the receiver or the interpreter. destination.

Message - The message or content is the INTERACTIVE MODEL - This model is in contrast
information that the sender wants to relay to the with the linear one, which considers communication
receiver. flowing only in one direction, from a sender to a
receiver (Gronbeck, 1999). In this model,
Medium - Also called the channel, the medium is communication is a two-way process, which
the means by which a message is transmitted. involves an exchange or an interaction between the
sender and the receiver.
Effective communication - is a connection Formal Structure- It allows the communication to
between people that allows for the exchange of take place via designated channels of message
thoughts, feelings, and ideas, and leads to mutual flow between positions in the organization
downward communication - is the type that flows
Communication is transactional - It is a two-way from upper to lower position.
process which involves an exchange of thoughts
Examples: president to manager or supervisor a
and ideas. Every message consists of content and
manager to an ordinary staff
upward communication – is the type that flows
Communication is inevitable - It is impossible to
from lower to upper position
not communicate. All actions—both intentional and
unintentional—communicate certain messages. Examples: subordinates to superior students to
Communication is goal-oriented - When you
communicate, you have goals in mind. You do not horizontal communication- is lateral in approach
just say something or write a message on a piece as it takes place among people belonging to the
of paper for no reason at all. same level but coming from different departments.
Intrapersonal Communication- It is the crosswise communication- is diagonal in nature
knowledge of and communication with oneself as employees from different units or departments
(introspection-mental/symbolic processing of working at various levels communicate to each
information without the benefit of getting the opinion other.
of others).
Informal Structure- It comes from unofficial
Focus – ways in which we process stimuli, our channels of message flow.
ability to make sense out of our experiences, to
remember, to retrieve information from memory, Communication is complex - You may perceive
and to create messages. communication as simply sending a text message,
talking over the phone, or using hand gestures.
Interpersonal Communication- It is the interaction
(speaking and listening/switching of roles) between Communication can be learned Despite the
two people or relatively small group. It determines complexity of communication, it is a skill which can
our relationships with others and who we are. be learned.

2 kinds of Interpersonal Communication: Communication is relational - In any

communication setting, aside from sharing
Dyadic – communication between two individuals meaning, the process how meaning is created also
echoes two vital aspects of relationships of the
Small group – interaction of three or more
communicators: immediacy and control
persons which permits the dialogical participation of
each person. Immediacy - is the degree of liking or
attractiveness in a relationship and control, on the
Extended Communication- It involves the use of
other hand, is the degree which one participant
electronic media. The description of extended
shows dominance or power.
communication may be expanded as to include
television, audio, or phone conferencing; video- Communication - is guided by culture Culture
conferencing. maybe defined as system of knowledge shared by
relatively large group of people.
Organizational Communication- A system of
communication should be put in place. A set of HONESTY - In communicating your thoughts, ideas
rules or standards for communication protocol and feelings, you have to be truthful.
should be made clear so that interaction patterns
are established. OPENNESS TO OTHER VIEWS - Openness and
respect are the key pillars of ethical
communication. In communication, openness and
respect means being able to listen and open to as well as the repair moves that follow the
diverse ideas and opinions displayed understanding
JUST AND FAIR - To be just and fair is to be Module 04: Communication Through Verbal
impartial and objective. and Non-Verbal Messages
Culture - as a term is widely used in academic as Language Register- the level and style of
well as in daily speech and discourse, referring to spoken and written discourse depending on the
different concepts and understandings.
context you are in
Communication context- It pertains to the
Varieties of English or World Englishes (WE)
personal, physical, social, psychological, and
cultural circumstances, among others in which stands for the localized varieties of English as
communication occurs. they are used or spoken in certain areas.

Personal Context- It involves the background of “Three Concentric Circles of Asian Englishes”
both the sender and the receiver of the message.
By: Braj Kachru
Social context- It refers to the kind of relationship
that exists between the sender and the receiver
Psychological context- It includes the emotional 1. Inner Circle with ENL (English as a
feelings of the participants in the communication native language)
Cultural context- It includes sets of beliefs, value
• UK
systems, guiding principles, and assumptions
based on one’s race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual • Australia
orientation, gender identity, and religion within
which communication happens. 2. Outer Circle with ESL (English as a
second language)
High context - implies that a lot of unspoken
information is implicitly transferred during • Bangladesh
• Singapore
Low context - implies that a lot of information is
exchanged explicitly through the message itself and • Malaysia
rarely is anything implicit or hidden.
• Philippine
Cultural texts - are those objects, actions, and
behaviors that reveal cultural meaning.
Ambiguity- lack of explicitness on the part of the 3. Expanding Circle with EFL (English as a
speaker in the form of problematic reference and foreign language)
ambiguous semantics in which an utterance is open
• China
to different interpretations.
• Taiwan
Performance-related misunderstanding- slips of
the tongue and mishearing which may be due to • Egypt
utterances spoken quickly and unclearly
Language-related misunderstanding-
ungrammaticality of language d. Gaps in world 5 Language Register or Styles
knowledge- gaps in context rather than language
Local context- turns and the turns within the
sequences produced by the participants 1. Static Register- rarely or never changes
themselves, and the orientation of the participants (prayer, national anthem)
2. Formal Register- used in formal setting • Innovation
(sermons, speeches)
- have the opportunity to express their ideas
3. Consultative Register- standard form of openly
communication. A professional discourse
- more likely to present their ideas without fear
(strangers meet, doctor and patient)
of ridicule or retaliation.
4. Casual Register- informal language
• Growth in Communication
used by peers and friends, a group language
- can be seen internally and externally
5. Intimate Register- this communication is
private; reserved for close fam or intimate - Each growth project is based on solid
people communication
. and the fact that all internal or external
stakeholders are on the same page
Module 5: Globalization and Technology
• Effective Communication
- can better manage their teams.
Globalization- means the speedup of
movements and exchanges (of human beings, - t is much simpler to delegate activities,
goods, and services, capital, technologies or manage conflicts, motivate and build
cultural practices) all over the planet relationships
• Team Building
Module 6: Communication for Various -requires communication and mutual
Purposes cooperation.
- This will increase morale and employee
Explanation Essay is a written piece of work
that addresses ‘why ‘questions. It explains a • Giving a Voice to All-
particular topic to its readers
- dependent on their having a voice and being
listened to
Online journals are called blogs (weblog) - enable everyone to communicate freely with
their colleagues, peers and superiors at any
Module 7
Importance of Good Communication at the
Technical Writing
Technical writing is a form of written
- Communication in the workplace is very
communication used mainly as
important for companies to work efficiently and
correspondence and in the
production of written outputs valuable to an
The importance of strong communication runs
Features of Technical Writing
deep within the workplace. Five important
reasons 1. Accurate – deals with facts that are
completely true.
2. Clear - able to easily understand the main Memos, Reports, and other Written Documents
message in the Workplace A Memorandum (memo) is a
3. Formal – readers judge the value or
credibility of your output based on how you message which serves as a reminder for a
conform to the particular matter.
conventions governing this kind of writing. Types of Memo
4. Graphical – Graphs like tables, charts, 1. Instruction Memo – contains directives that
figures, diagrams, etc. organization members need to follow.
5. Objective – avoid including inner thought, 2. Request Memo – contains request for the
sentiments, or feelings in order to adopt an provision of facilities and services
3. Announcement Memo – notice of important
attitude towards what is written. event in the organization
6. Practical – practical in the way that they 4. Transmittal Memo – notice officially
function according to their purpose. announcing the release of a report
7. Procedural – provide sets of instructions and 5. Authorization – granting permission to the
sequenced information undertaking of an operation in the organization
8. Specialized – Language used is specialized Incident Report An incident report, also called
and easily understood by a specific set of accident report, records the occurrence of an
readers unusual
9. Diverse – exposure to multicultural clients, event in the workplace.
and co-workers. Cross-cultural or multilingual
Minutes of the Meeting
A meeting is a gathering of people to discuss,
10. Straightforward – presenting facts and plan, make decisions, and resolve issues
information honestly and directly.
11. Authoritative – piece of writing with the
ability to command or to enforce something on
anyone. 1. name and address of the organization
12. Presentable – without any grammatical or 2. type of meeting
typographical errors.
3. call to order
Business Letters Business letters are essential
in the workplace, especially in the external 4. Attendance
operations of Body
an organization. 1. reading, correction, and approval of minutes
Standard Formats of Business Letters of the previous meeting

*Full-Block 2. business arising from the previous meeting

*Modified Block 3. new business

*Semi-Block Conclusion
1. announcement
2. other matters 5. Making an outline
3. time of adjournment - An outline is the general framework of your
4. name and signature of the minute's taker
6. Writing the first draft
5. name and signature of the presiding officer
- Writing the Introduction
Module 8
- Background of the Study
Academic Writing
-Research Problem/ Aims of the study
They are so called academic texts because
their contents are formal. -Scope and Limitation
What is a Research? -Definition of Terms
-It is a systematic study -Writing the Results and Discussion
- It is a process of formulating research 7. Referencing
questions, testing hypotheses, gathering
Writing references APA format
relevant information,
Module 9
and analyzing this information to come up with
a conclusion. The Oral Presentation Some students and
professionals do not like the idea of speaking
- involves experiments, survey, interviews, and
in public,
data analysis for quantitative research etc.
whether in front of small or large groups.
What are the steps in writing a research
paper? • The more you practice, the more confident
you become.
1. Choosing a research topic
Academic Presentations
- it has to be properly identified and carefully
thought of. A speaker in an academic event can convey
his or her ideas in several ways by using
- would also be of interest to others.
different channels
2. Narrowing down the topic
of communication.
- must specify what exactly about technology
Oral Presentation
you will research on since it is a very broad
area This is the most common way to present a
scholarly work. In this mode of presentation,
3. Surveying or gathering resources
the speaker
- Primary Sources
engages in face-to-face interaction with his or
-. Secondary Sources her audience.
4. Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing Video Presentation
-necessary when incorporating your own ideas In case it is not feasible for the speaker to be
with ideas from the sources you have physically present in the conference, he or she
gathered. may
- to avoid plagiarism
present his or her paper via video conferencing
or provide a slide presentation with a voice
narration or a video recording which can be
played during the conference.

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