Keywords or Phrases: Cluster, Patition Function, Equation of State, Virial Coefficient

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At low densities all gases behave as a perfect gas called as an ideal gas with non intermolecular

interaction. In real situation intermolecular interaction is taken into account where the particles
interact with all other particles, this becomes a situation where one particle feels the presence of
other particle. This type of interaction is complicated but if the density is low one can simplify
the interaction. We can take the interaction as pairwise interaction or a two body interaction i.e.
ith particle interacting with jth particle. Once we include the interactions the canonical and grand
canonical partion function of the system cannot be obtained exactly.

In the view of this an approximation method known as Ursell-Mayer cluster expansion is

developed to determine the grand canonical partition function. This approximation bridges the
gap between theory and experiment. The interaction is treated as small pertubation of perfect gas.
The cluster expansion formalism involves summing up all the contributions of the expansion of
the pertubation function fij. Using this formalism and considering the interactions to occur in the
form of clusters we can calculate the equation of state and the viral cofficients. In this work I am
going to determine the equation of state and virial coefficients for one dimensional arrangement
of hard spheres where the potential is infinite when the two spheres are very close and zero when
they are far away. Each particle interacts only with its neighbouring particles. This one
dimensional system for a short range interaction gives the exact solution. Further in this work I
am going to calculate the partition function when one or two particles are fixed in the one
dimensional arrangement of the hard spheres.

Keywords or phrases: Cluster, patition function, equation of state, virial coefficient.

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