Fast Food Packaging

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Course: Food Packaging

Student Name: ID number:

Đặng Hoàng Đức 18116009
Nguyễn Lê Anh Phương 18116029
Le Hoang Quan 18116032

Mentor: Dr. Hoàng Văn Chuyển


I. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................4
II. Content...........................................................................................................................................4
1. History of fast food........................................................................................................................4
2. Definition of fast-food....................................................................................................................4
3. Standard of packaging product....................................................................................................4
3.1. Collation.................................................................................................................................4
3.2. Preservation...........................................................................................................................5
3.3. Promotion...............................................................................................................................6
3.4. Convenience...........................................................................................................................6
3.5. Cost.........................................................................................................................................6
3.6. Food safety..............................................................................................................................6
4. Packaging fast food by paper box.................................................................................................6
4.1. Trend of using paper box to contain fast food.....................................................................6
4.2. The Advantages of Printing Food Boxes..............................................................................7
4.3. Structure of paper boxes for food safe and healthy.............................................................8
4.4. Materials used to produce paper..........................................................................................8
4.5. The Manufacturing Process..................................................................................................9
5. Plastic............................................................................................................................................10
5.1. Definition..............................................................................................................................10
5.2. Types of plastics for packaging in fast foods......................................................................11
5.3. Manufacturing process of plastic packaging......................................................................16
6. Multilayer.....................................................................................................................................20
6.1. Definition:.............................................................................................................................20
6.2. Type of multilayer................................................................................................................20
6.2.3. Manufacture of lamination...............................................................................................22
7. Waste management......................................................................................................................23
8. Health risk from fast food packaging............................................................................................25
III. Conclusion....................................................................................................................................26
I. Introduction
In all foods in general and fast food in particular, it is mandatory to use packaging to preserve
food. Disposable food packaging is often found in fast food restaurants, takeout restaurants.
Food-serving things for picnics and gatherings are practically the same. Typical disposable
foodservice products are foam food containers, plates, bowls, cups, utensils, doilies and tray
papers. These items can be produced using various materials including plastics, paper, bioresins,
wood and bamboo.

Packaging technology can be of vital significance to a company because it can be a key to

competitive advantage within the food industry. This might be accomplished by obliging the
necessities and needs of the end client, opening up new conveyance channels, giving a superior
nature of show, empowering lower costs, expanding edges, upgrading item/brand separation, and
further developing the coordinations administration to clients.

II. Content
1. History of fast food
 Ancient Rome was the first place where ready-cooked food was sold. Although there
were people living in the multistory buildings known as "Insulae," there was no kitchen
inside, thus Romans had to buy their food from food vendors. Romans, who eat their
meals with soaked bread, used to enjoy traditional meals cooked with vegetables in
Popina restaurants.
 One of the second-century manuscripts described little markets that stayed open all night
and sold noodles. History books tell us about the vendors who sold cake, waffles, and
cooked meat in the Middle Ages' major settlements. These persons and places were
selling their meals to the impoverished and travelers who were unable to prepare for
themselves. It resulted in the birth and evolution of the basic fast food concept.
2. Definition of fast-food
 Fast food is a sort of mass-produced food that is intended for commercial resale and
prioritizes "speed of service" over other relevant variables in culinary science. Fast food
was developed as a business strategy to meet the growing number of busy commuters,
travelers, and wage employees who did not have the time to sit at a pub or cafe and wait
for their meal. By prioritizing speed of service, guests with stringent time constraints
were not inconvenienced by having to wait for their meal to be cooked on-the-spot.
 There are many types of fast food produced such as: Hot dog, Kebab, Hamburger, Chips,
Pizza, Sandwich, Taco, Chicken nuggets ...
3. Standard of packaging product
3.1. Collation
A fast food package must be designed to collate and contain the food efficiency. There are 3
things need to pay attention to in fast food package which can make a key for taking out or

• The strength of materials that package made of is decide the physical impact and texture of the
package. Make sure know the composition of material properties which make easy decision
when design the fast food box, bag, sauce pack.

• Covering the food by boxing, laminating, packing or folding the product so that quality of food
in fast food industry can extend for longer time. This will improve the quality of customer
service at. The covering can also easily opened and closed for the convenience.

3.2. Preservation

In food industry, including the fast food industry, the purpose of package is to preserve the food
for period time. Even the food can be stored for days in package in suitable condition.

• Moisture: The moisture content of fast food product is diverse which decide by the types and
formula from different restaurant. For example, the potato chip or fried chicken from KFC is
contained by box or bag which made from paper. This will reduce the moisture of product
release to the environment and moisture around make the food become soggy and lost its crunch
texture. Different material which make the package which have differ water transmission with
units of g/m²/day. The transmission rate also can affect by the humidity and temperature which
are changed by the product and environment.

• Oxygen: Most foods are susceptible to exposure to oxygen especially in fast food where the
appearance of easily oxidized component are popular. For example, fats in chicken, sauce,.. can
be oxidised to produce off-flavours and decrease the quality of product in fast food industry. The
technique of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) is used to extend the shelf life of foods for
the sauce, creating a pack environment where the ratio of atmospheric gases has been altered in
order to reduce microbial activity and spoilage. The fast food chain can easy mass produce sauce
in small pack with their own recipes and transfer it to other chain of brand and also can storage it
in a long time. Even more the customer can also buy and use the sauce for personal usage which
will increase new product line for company. For these cases, the packaging material must
provide a barrier such as bio film, PEP, plastic, multilayer to reduce or prevent gas transmission.
Oxygen transmission rates (OTR) are generally used to measure permeability and are expressed
as cc/m²/day/bar. The temperature and RH must be specified which also again affect to material
of package.

• To make a consistency good food and quality of food, the fast food restaurant need to design a
barrier to flavour, odour and chemicals. By doing this, It will importantly prevent the food
absorbing, affecting unwanted odours or substances from the outside environment. It is also
needed to prevent flavour loss during storage.
• The pack is sealed, laminated, or the box is folded in efficiently way to reduce the materials
and increase volume of container. A low-barrier pack will not need hermetic seals. However, a
pack made from high-barrier materials must also have high quality, leak-free seals. This is
particularly important when there is a requirement to prevent microbial contamination or in the
case of MAP. At the most basic level, a pack must keep the food as clean and hygienic as it was
when packed. However, if the food has been sterilised or pasteurised by in-pack heat treatment
or by aseptic processing, it is vital that both the packaging material and the seals prevent micro-
organisms from entering the pack.

3.3. Promotion

The appearance of a pack or box is importantly design to attract the consumer view and also to
show a quality image that is consistent with that of the product it contains. So printing brand to
the outside box or pack plays a main role in showing as well as providing statutory and other
information, but the packaging materials also play a part. For example, fast food chain use paper
box or carton box material is for easy printing the logo brand and showing fully information of
product that company wanting to customer remember and understand. So the material must be
avoided as much as possible affecting to the color of printing. This will give the customer
carefully feeling and quality service that fast food chain giving to.

3.4. Convenience

Ideally, in fast food industry, the better design is the more convenience of package. In some
place, box and pack have right size for the customer hand easy to hold while moving. It also add
more space and use efficiency space of design to give more useful option like space for cup to
put on, hole for finger hand on easily. Another focus is on design elements that help in the
preparation of the food, e.g. steam valves for microwave reheating, susceptors, boil-in-bag
packaging, etc.

3.5. Cost

In big fast food chain, dividing cost in everything you serve to the customer are carefully
calculated. With low cost and efficiency contain like paper box, the company will forcus on the
design package with paper is the main material.

3.6. Food safety

Most important is the packaging material not poisoning the food by properties fast food. Like
high heat, high oil, high moisture, the material still not change its physical and chemical.
Package also make the biological safety which must not contain or growing any harmful bacteria
or virus.

4. Packaging fast food by paper box

4.1. Trend of using paper box to contain fast food
 Many individuals are progressively becoming aware of the environmental and health
risks of using too many foam boxes, and plastic bags. As a result, the use of ecologically
friendly items is rapidly becoming more prevalent. If you start utilizing cloth shopping
bags. Many young people also choose restaurants and cafes that serve food in paper
 In fact, the "green consumerism" movement will begin with relatively tiny adjustments in
the buying process. Use safer items, such as food containers, instead of non-
biodegradable plastic bags.
 Every day, each of us uses it, and it has a significant impact on environmental protection.
Furthermore, several chain retailers have begun ordering paper food boxes to encourage
this trend. This is evidence of a shared goal: "for the land to be green and fresh."
4.2. The Advantages of Printing Food Boxes
4.2.1. Benefits for consumers
 Health safety: As is well known, using too much plastic to preserve food can quickly lead
to the spread of numerous harmful diseases. These boxes, on the other hand, are
particularly environmentally sustainable and health-friendly. Many studies have indicated
that when printing fast food paper boxes, a few more materials are employed to boost
durability. Further more, the box is immune to microorganisms that damage the human
small intestine.
Furthermore, these cartons do not include any dangerous chemical components derived
from petroleum sources. As a result, these poisons will not harm food storage,
particularly hot food. The quality of the food inside is still guaranteed, and your health is
also significantly improved.
 Ease of recycling: The raw materials used to make paper food boxes are primarily
derived from trees. Additionally, they are easily recyclable and can be reused at least ten
times. Furthermore, once it is no longer useful, the paper box decomposes swiftly.
Further more , the advantages of paper boxes are significant when compared to the cost
of purchasing a one-time food container.
4.2.2. Benefits of paper boxes for businesses

Many restaurants, eateries, cafes, and fast food franchises currently order paper meal boxes. This
provides numerous practical benefits to enterprises.

 As a method of promoting images: The advantage of using paper boxes is that basic
information such as brand names, photos, logos, and items may be easily printed on the
packaging. This is a method for more successfully promoting the image and assisting
customers in recognizing the cuisine.
Furthermore, you can create your own textures and colors to distinguish yourself from
other areas. Paper food cartons are aesthetically pleasant and demonstrate the product's
quality. When you print on recycled paper, your paper box will look distinctive and much
more appealing.
 Customer confidence: Because it is made of environmentally acceptable materials and
contains no toxic elements. Additionally, people ordering food at the store will feel more
secure because it will not harm their health. Furthermore, paper boxes for fast food such
as pizza, fried chicken, bread, and so on maintain the deliciousness and proper taste.
 Savings on expenses: On the other hand, the usage of paper packaging assists food
enterprises in reducing expenses. From low-cost materials through the design and
manufacturing of paper packaging, the process is straightforward and quick. As a result,
low-cost paper food containers are a superior option for businesses.
4.3. Structure of paper boxes for food safe and healthy
 The paper boxes principal component is paper pulp treated, coated, laminated, or
impregnated with materials such as waxes, resins, or lacquers to improve functional and
protective properties. Additionally, reusing paper boxes is common and contributes to
food cleanliness and safety.
 Paper boxes for food or hot food are printed with two layers of paper and one layer of PE
on the inside. The goal is to keep the heat in. Furthermore, as a result of being treated
with safe modern technology, the box's hardness is of excellent quality, as is the
material's stability. Additionally, when exposed to water, the box will not rot and is
completely safe for human consumption.
 Paper cups or containers with ice, such as soft drinks or coffee, will be sprayed on the
outside and interior before being bonded together.
 Many box models feature exceptionally convenient handles or are created in a variety of
shapes such as cylinders, rectangular boxes, and so on. Furthermore, paper food boxes
with multiple sections can carry drinks and food, making a lot of people pleased. It's
enjoyable to use.
4.4. Materials used to produce paper
4.4.1. Kraft paper
 This paper line is brown in color and has been food-safety certified. Kraft paper has the
advantage of having strong grease resistance, so it keeps the taste of food. Furthermore,
many stores that sell paper food boxes will allow you to print the brand's distinctive logos
on paper trays and packages. As a result, consumers have easy access to information and
a contact address to place their next order.
 Furthermore, with high aesthetics, the food will be perfectly placed and produce a
beautiful look during dining. The shipping method is also quite quick and convenient,
while ensuring the quality and hotness of the food. Making food boxes from kraft paper is
also not too expensive, therefore it will save money.
4.4.2. Greaseproof paper
 Greaseproof paper is created using a process called as beating, in which the cellulose
fibers are hydrated for a longer period of time than usual, causing the fibers to break up
and become gelatinous. These small fibers are then packed thickly to provide an oil-
resistant surface.
4.4.3. Glassine
 Glassine paper is a form of paper that is hydrated at a greater level than greaseproof
paper, making it exceptionally resistant to grease. Glassine paper is very thick and has a
smooth and high gloss finish.
4.5. The Manufacturing Process
1. Preparation of stocks
 If pulp is purchased in bales, it is dispersed in water in a hydrapulper first. Mechanical
refinement can improve inter-fibre bonding by changing the surface structure of the fiber
by expanding it in water and increasing the surface area.
 To increase the water repellency of the fibres, additives such as alum or synthetic resins
are utilized.
 To boost whiteness and brightness, fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs), also known as
optical brightening agents (OBAs), can be applied at this stage.
2. Sheet forming
 The fibre in water suspension, which contains around 2% fibre and 98% water, forms an
even layer. This is accomplished by depositing a steady rate of fibre suspension onto a
moving plastic mesh known as the wire. Forming is done on some machines using a wire
mesh coated cylinder. The formation process produces a layer of entangled fibers from
which water is removed via drainage, which may be aided by suction. One layer of tissue,
paper, or thin boards can be constructed. Thicker and heavier higher grammage
paperboards require several layers of pulp, either the same type, or different pulps,
depending on the board type, being brought together successively in the wet state.

Figure 1 : Sheet forming process

3. Pressing
 The sheet is sufficiently solidified by the removal of water at the end of the forming
section, or wet end of the machine, to support its own weight for transfer into the press
section (Fig. 8.5). It is placed between absorbent blankets and gently pressed with steel
rolls so that more water is extracted with vacuum aid, reducing the moisture content to
roughly 60–65 percent.
4. Drying
 By passing the sheet across steam heated cylinders, moisture is reduced to less than 10%,
depending on grade. Some machines include a big heated cylinder with a polished steel
surface in their drying section. At the end of the drying process, a starch solution is
sometimes applied to one or both sides of the sheet. This is referred to as surface sizing.
It improves the sheet's strength and finish while also firmly anchoring the fibres in the
sheet. Smoothness and thickness uniformity can be improved by squeezing the sheet
through a series of steel/composition rolls.
5. Coating
 On-machine white pigmented coatings are applied to one or both sides of numerous types
of paper and board. Mineral pigments such as china clay and calcium carbonate, as well
as synthetic binders (adhesives), are disseminated in water in the coatings. Typically,
excess coating is applied, smoothed, and the excess removed.
6. Reel-up
 Finally, the paper or board is reeled up prior to finishing
7. Finishing
 Sheets can be guillotined, pile turned, counted, ream wrapped, palletised, labeled, and
securely packed, typically with moisture-resistant material such as PE coated paper or PE
5. Plastic
5.1. Definition

The raw material for the production of plastics is a source of hydrocarbons extracted from
petroleum during the refining process. Hydrocarbon resources are extremely rich and low in cost,
with huge reserves of kerosene from mines. As a result, the technology of producing plastic
materials, as well as the technology of producing plastic packaging, has evolved into a diverse
and rich variety of types, with packaging achieving high performance in containing and
preserving foods. Plastic packaging is usually odorless and tasteless. There are also types of
packaging that can achieve flexibility and closeness to the food surface when created under a
high vacuum, in case the product needs to be stored in a vacuum. achieve high rigidity, effective
mechanical shock resistance, gas and vapor permeability, and thus maintain high pressure within
the food storage environment. Plastic packaging can be transparent, allowing you to see the
product inside, or opaque, completely blocking light and protecting the food. There are also
types that can withstand sterilization temperatures or extreme cold temperatures. Plastic
packaging of all types can be easily branded to achieve the desired aesthetic level. Furthermore,
the most notable feature is that plastic packaging is lighter than all other packaging materials,
making distribution and transportation much easier.

Plastics are generally utilized for packaging materials and in the development of food processing
plant and equipment because they are flowable and moldable under certain conditions, and easily
create the desired structural shape and they are mostly suitable for companies with affordable
prices in response to market demand . They can be selected according to transparency, color,
heat resistance and barrier.

5.2. Types of plastics for packaging in fast foods

5.2.1. Polypropylene ( PP )

Overview :

Under heat and pressure, PP is formed using Zieger-Natta type catalysts to produce a linear
polymer with methyl (CH2) groups .A harder and denser resin than PE, the resultant polymer is
more transparent in its original form. The use of polypropylene (PP) began in the 1950s. In terms
of density and melting point, PP is the least dense and has the highest melting point of all
thermoplastics with high volume usage. It also has a low cost. In both flexible film and rigid
form, this versatile plastic can be processed in many different ways.

Properties of Polypropylene (PP) :

Among all popular thermoplastics, it has the lowest density and highest melting point. It also has
a low cost.

And it has low density 0.885 (g/cm3)

The melting temperature is as high as 160°C - 178°C, allowing the food inside the PP packaging
to be sterilized by heat or reheated in the microwave.

PP is resistant to most chemicals, both organic and inorganic. It is resistant to water vapor, oil,
and grease. Aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, however, can be dissolved and cause film

Advantages and drawbacks of Polypropylene ( PP) :

Advantages :

 The melting point is high, so it can be used in the microwave

 PP has the lowest surface tension of the major packaging polymers, necessitating
additional processing to make it suitable for printing, coating, and lamination.
 PP film can be metallized and coated with a heat seal to produce an effective gas and
vapor barrier
Drawbacks :

 Because of its low UV resistance, it is unsuitable for use in areas with high altitude or
high penetration of ultraviolet rays.
 Using at high-temperature is restricted because it degrades the polymer chain, which can
lead to oxidation.
 Polypropylene has poor bonding properties, making it a difficult material to paint.

Some types of packaging can be applied from PP :

 Plastic cups :
Disposable plastic cups are widely used. Plastic cups are always preferred over paper
cups due to their convenient features and ability to diversify designs. With the
advancement of society's trends, and fast food restaurants all prioritize the use of plastic
cups because they are inexpensive and do not require as much time and effort to reuse as
glass or porcelain cups.

Figure 2 : Plastic cups made from PP

 Plastic boxes and trays :

Because of the needs of the market, the production of plastic food trays has also continuously
made significant developments, shaping plastic companies pay great attention to the array of
plastic food trays. Especially, food supply and processing businesses, or even small traders, need
to choose for themselves the most professional and quality suppliers, manufacturing companies
or food plastics.

Figure 3 : Plastic box and tray made from PP

5.2.2. Polyetylene terephthalate
Overview :

Polyesters are polymers formed by condensation of ester monomers formed by the reaction of a
carboxylic acid with an alcohol. Depending on the monomers used, there are numerous types of
polyester. PET is formed when terephthalic acid reacts with ethylene glycol and polymerizes.

PET can be blown or cast into film. Foaming, extrusion coating on paperboard and extrusion as
sheet for thermoforming are some of the ways it can be produced.

Properties of Polyetylene terephthalate (PET)

Because of the stiffness of PET fibers, they are highly resistant to deformation and, as a result,

PET, which has a slightly higher molecular weight, is a high strength plastic that can be formed
using all of the common methods used with other thermoplastics.

The melting point is significantly higher than PP, generally 260°C - 265°C, and it does not
shrink below 180°C, making it excellent for high temperature process applications like as steam
sterilization, boiling in packing, microwave reheating, or radiant heat in the oven.

Advantages and drawbacks of Polyetylene terephthalate (PET) :

Advantages :
 High stability , high rigidity, light weigh so it is easy to
 The melting point is high, so it can be used in the microwave
 It has moisture blocking property.
 Low air permeability, especially with CO2, PET suitable for
transparent application

Drawbacks :

 Low moldability because of slow crystallization rate

 Non-biodegradable
 Easily oxidized

Some types of packaging can be applied from PET :

Same as the applications of PP, PET can also make plastic cups, boxes and trays.

Figure 4: Plastic cups made from PET

Figure 5: Plastic box made from PET
5.2.3. Polystyrene expansible (PSE)


In addition to packages made from PP and PET, there are also packages that can be made from
PS. PS foam type is an effervescent PS created by combining hexane into a polymer in an
emulsion condition, extruding, pressing to form a container, then the heated hexane gas will
evaporate to form small holes, making PS porous and not brittle, and may have TiO additions,
generating opaque white hue, photoresist. PS foam is also known as PS expansible (PSE)
because it expands in response to the expansion of hexane gas.

Foam boxes are single-use plastic containers that are not heat resistant. The popularity of foam
boxes in Vietnam is related to more than just their utility. It also stems from the fact that foam
boxes are incredibly inexpensive, around 2-3 times less expensive than other forms of plastic

Figure 6: Foam box

Properties of Polystyrene expansible (PSE) :

Because of the bulky phenyl ring (C6H5) molecular groups , solid polystyrene is transparent. As
a result, polymer chains are prevented from joining and producing crystals. Furthermore, the
phenyl rings (C6H5) limit chain rotation around the carbon-carbon bonds, providing the polymer
considerable stiffness.

Polystyrene-based materials have a low melting point and are a poor barrier to oxygen and water

Polystyrene foam material - polystyrene espansible - PSE can hold more than 95% air and is
widely used for food packaging.

Advantages and drawbacks of Polystyrene expansible (PSE)

Advantages :

 It is cheaper than other plastics.

 In addition, food packaging made from polystyrene is generally better at insulating and
keep food fresh longer.

Drawbacks : Do not use in microwave

5.3. Manufacturing process of plastic packaging

5.3.1. Packaging production process from PP and PET

Plastic injection molding method :

Mechanism of this machine :

 Step 1 ( Clamping ) : The plastic raw material is melted to a

suitable temperature by the plastic injection machine. Raw plastic
materials are virgin plastic particles, recycled plastic is put into the
hopper of the machine. The outlet port of the hopper operates
according to the spiral screw system (located along the cylinder).
Aim to mix well and push ingredients forward. It is then melted by
a heating system arranged around the cylinder.
 Step 2 ( Injection ) : High pressure is created by the plastic
injection machine's screw mechanism to inject the molten plastic
into the closed mold. The plastic injection machine's screw
mechanism will function as a plunger. With considerable force,
push the molten plastic forward. The liquid plastic component will
be contained by the plastic channel system. At this stage, the mold
cavity is closed and ready to shape items - creating plastic injection
 Step 3 ( Cooling ) : Cool the mold so that the melted plastic turns
into a solid state. In this step, the machine making system of the
injection molding machine works to cool the mold. And the molten
plastic part is solidified. When the plastic part solidifies, we can
take the plastic out.
 Step 4 (Ejection ) : Take the product out. This is the final step of
the injection molding process. The injection molding machine's
needle system will slowly pull out half of the mold. Leave a certain
amount of time to take the product out. Then close the mold again
to continue the new process.

Figure 7: Operating
mechanism of plastic injection molding machine

Figure 8 : Plastic injection molding machine

Advantages and disadvantages of this machine :

Advantages :

 Products with many details can be pressed with high precision.

 Product quality is stable.
 Various sizes with different weights.
 The fast pressing cycle can press many products on the mold at
the same time.

Disadvantage : High investment cost

Plastic shaping press method :

Mechanism of this machine :

 Step 1 : The thermoplastic plates are held in place by the

fixture. And heated by an oven using diffuse or radiant heat
until it softens.
 Step 2: Use vacuum, air or mechanical pressure so that the
plastic sheet close to the mold .
 Step 3 : The cooling device will release steam or wind to cool
the plastic sheet.
 Step 4 : Finally, spray air to separate the plastic sheet from the

Figure 9 : Operating mechanism of plastic shaping press machine

Figure 10 : Plastic Shaping Press Machine

Advantages and disadvantages of this machine :

Advantages :

 A homogeneous product.
 Low production cost.
 Batch finished product cycle.

Disadvantage: Scraps after finished products when produced by this method are quite a lot.

5.3.2. Packaging production process from PSE

Mechanism of manufacturing process of PSE :

Expansion stage: As a result of free interaction with water vapor, the polystyrene particles swell
to produce bigger particles that are not linked together.

Stage of treatment: Following expansion, the particles still retain trace quantities of water vapor
condensate and pentane gas. Air gradually diffuses into the voids, displacing water vapors and
other gases when it is cooled.

Molding stage : the particles will be molded to form a plank , block or a certain shape. The mold
is used to form and retain the elements, and then steam is utilized to accelerate the expansion of
the elements. Steam will combine the particles close together, thereby forming a homogeneous
Forming Stage: After a brief cooling period, the molding is seperated from the machine and
further processed, which may then be cut or shaped as needed.

Figure 11: Mechanism of foaming


6. Multilayer
6.1. Definition:

In recent years, the food safety become more aware to people. Customer with busy life tend to
buy fast food and store it for hours. For this view, some fast food chain have applied the
multilayer package to the service. Multilayer can be easy understand as a multilayer composing
diverse material which was be pressing, heating, laminating by innovative technologies. By
using the multiple material, package can be customized to the properties of food. For this case is
fast food product. This was applied to extend the storage time in normal environment which
product quality does not decrease. This includes critical considerations in design, risk of
interaction between the package and the food, mathematical modeling and simulation, potential
for scale‐up, and costs involved. The impact of in‐package processing is also explained
considering cases of nonthermal processing and advanced thermal processing. Importantly,
challenges associated with degradability and recycling multilayer packages and associated
implications on sustainability have been discussed.

6.2. Type of multilayer

6.2.1. Lamination

Laminating is the process through which two or more flexible packaging webs are joined
together using a bonding agent. The substrates making up the webs may consist of films, papers,
or aluminum foils. By combining layer and layer, the result will give a multilayer material to
make a package.

Figure 12: showing layer in multilayer

6.2.2. Multiple paper sack

Figure 13 : The bag made from kraft paper

The bag is made from kraft paper which have 1 layer of plastic inside for preventing moisture purpose.
This bag prefer to use in farming by contain fruit and vegetables.

6.2.3. Manufacture of lamination

Because of the unpopular of multilayer in fast food package, we will not go deep inside the multilayer
packaging. This type of material is use for packing sauce in fast food industry.

Blown Film
Laminate is one of the raw materials used to make tubes. In this process the film and foils are
fused together to form a 5-layer laminate. The film is loaded on one un-winder and the foil on
the other. Extruded polyethylene is passed between the layers to bind the two layers, which are
then fused together. The three-layer laminate thus obtained is then bound with the inner layer
(food grade film) resulting in a 5-layered laminate. Film, nylon and foil laminates are produced
by extrusion lamination. Mono and multilayer PE films, nylon barriers and aluminum foil form
the basic structure of the laminated film.

Figure 14 : Laminating process

The high-barrier properties of laminate tubes are delivered through the incorporation of thin
aluminum foil layer in the multi-layer polyethylene laminate tube body. As an alternative, an all-
plastic, EVOH containing polyethylene structure is added. For additional protection of the
product, either a roundel or barrier liner to create a barrier by including it in the tube shoulder.
This process ensures high stability and provides barrier properties, statutory to pharmaceutical

The jumbo reel laminates are placed in the intermediate store for curing. Once the curing process
is completed, the laminates are taken to the slitting machine. The jumbo reels of laminates are
unwound here to be slit into various sizes based on the size of the tube, to match customer
specifications. Factory makes use of high speed rotary slitters, which minimize damages to the
edges and ensures precise printing process.

Once laminate is slit to a desired size it is ready for printing. Art works provided by customers
are processed using sophisticated technology to enable accuracy with printing of colours and
other details on the laminate. The offline proofs are provided to the customer to sample the
printing done on the laminate. Factory makes use of the ‘Flexo and Letter Press’ technology for
printing. There are 6 to 10 inking stations for different colours. A variety of ‘Nylo Plates’ are
prepared for each colour (as per the design), and mounted in the units. When the printing process
is completed, different colors are merged together to give the desired design.

Injection Molding
The plants provide injector molding process to create customized caps and closures. The process
ensures great efficiency and swiftness. Factory is a breeding ground for operational excellence
and innovation. While making closures, particularly when rapid prototyping - a perfect option to
test new markets, the company works around the needs and specifications of its customers.
Options and solutions are provided to select innovative closures prior to actual production.

Additional capabilities include orientation of closures, snap on closures, tamper evident shrink
sleeve brands and specialty decoration such as a metallic layer over shells. Factory welcomes the
challenges by creating new ideas and concepts for closures and continues to strive to meet them.

The final stage in the complete manufacturing process is the tubing stage, where in the laminate
is sealed to form sleeves, shoulder is fixed and appropriate cap applied to the tube based as
required by the customer. Factory uses both, ‘Compression Molding’ and the ‘Injection Molding’
processes for fixing shoulders on tubes. A variety of machines are utilised while manufacturing
tubes depending on product specifications, volume of production and for developing special
features, which may be required to suite customer needs.

Essel Propack machines have auto packers at the end of the tubing lines aid consistent packing of
tubes and ensure sterile surfaces. All manufacturing facilities of Factory are supported by highly
sophisticated back end utility infrastructure, which helps production to be carried out in a
controlled environment. Having adhered to these stringent methods Factory has achieved great
success in assuring its customers high quality packaging alternatives -- best suited to the
customer specifications as well as the product requirement.

7. Waste management

At the moment, fast food restaurant tend to concern the environment more. This is by the
material that fast food chain have use in last few years. For example, KFC, pizza hut, domino,
McDonald,… have all use the paper, carton as a material container. Some product use plastics
for its price and convenience. Both have their method for recycling and easy to handling in
recycling industry. However the multilayer don’t have enough prefer because its complicated
process to recycle and hard to dispose when release to environment.

Figure 15: Show the recycle of paper material and reuse in different types of paper product
Figure 16: Showing process of recycle plastic

Although plastic is a material that hard to dispose and have a bad affect to environment of living animal.
However, with develop community, people try to release the garbage plastic more and more civilization.
By classifying different type of garbage, people can easily collect and recycle plastic material which
minimize as much as possible reducing waste to environment.

8. Health risk from fast food packaging

Fast food isn't exactly recognized for its health advantages, but a recent research from the United
States shows that even the packaging may be harmful.

This is because the study discovered that one-third of fast food packaging includes PFASs
(polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl compounds), which give it stain-resistant, water-repellant,
and nonstick characteristics. The concern is that in human and animal research, fluorinated
chemicals have been associated to an increased risk of certain cancer, hormone disorders, high
cholesterol, obesity, and immunological suppression.

III. Conclusion
There are many types of packaging that can be used in fast food, but some are difficult to
decompose, which is very harmful to the environment. So choose wisely those that are
environmentally friendly and limit the use of those that are difficult to decompose.

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