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Name: ESTORNINOS,ANGELA B. Date submitted: SEPT.

Section: SEC.40 Time: 3:26pm

Topic Questions Source

1) In what particular period in time and places
where we can find such Cave Arts? Explain
the reasons why certain people did it?
2) How did early civilizations live their life, and
what was the relation of such “cave artworks”
to them?
See files:
Prehistoric Art – 3) What are the images or drawings which can be
“Cave Art
“Cave Art 101” found in the cave, and how did they got the
materials for doing such artworks?
4) What are some controversies behind such
cave art? Do you agree with the narrator’s
speculations? Why?
5) What’s the main claim of this video
presentation, and do you agree with it? Why?
Answers here:

Cave arts is generally the numerous paintings and drawings that can be found in cave way back to the ice age
that roughly a 65,000 years and some is less than 40,000 years which is created by the homo sapiens.Most of the
cave arts predominately found in France and Spain that have been discovered so far, where is usually arts takes
place.It also stated that the number of known decorated sites is range up to 400.Based on the study the meaning
of the images still considered unknown but some experts said it symbolizes a certain beliefs and practices.The
symbols repeated across artwaorks that indicated a different meanings among the artists.Thus,it is the earliest
form of graphic communication.
The cave artworks is created for some reasons because these works gives us insights into the evolving minds
of our ancestors and the world in which they lived.Further,the artworks that is draw in the caves teach us some
detailed meanings about the appearance and behavior of animals that have been extinct in our time.It is also a
evidence of a time that there is a humans that able to draw their thoughts through the use of stones and cave.
The images that can be depicted in the cave is a different kinds of large mammals that is once roamed or hunted
of the human during the ice age.Some of the mammals that can be seen are mmoths,horses,lions,aurochs and a
deer alongside with some of a human figures and symbols.Mostly,it is created with red or black pigments that is
made from a rocks,were painted directly into the cave walls and others is engraved into the stones. Engravings
were made with fingers on soft walls or with flint tools on hard surfaces in a number of other caves and shelters.
Some of the controversies that been debated is the meaning and purpose of the cave art because a lot of studies
have been made but didn’t have enough evidences to proved.I agree with the speculations because I already read
a lot of articles and also we studied it before and none of that proved a specific evidence about the purpose of the
artworks,but one thing that can makes a study more believable is through the symbols that been depicted.We also
have a cave arts here in Philippines located in Binangonan,Rizal province that still taking care of because of the
purpose of it in the history of the country.
In these video it claim about the history in cave arts wherein it includes the life in pre-historic through the
artworks that been created inside the cave.I concur with the presentations because they shows some images as a
evidence through the past years,it also includes the references to proved their study about the history of the cave

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